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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I know a few lads who work for them and even they admit to that
  2. I'm drinking it right now, got it from Asda Parson Cross.
  3. Its not just the products I find mostly rubbish,the entire shopping experience also matches it.
  4. Keep vigilant around the Barrie Crescent area please, a family member was burgled in the early hours by a tall scummer wearing a full grey jogging suit, he actually got into the house and threatened an old sick man who has just got out of hospital, needless to say he is devastated and very scared. If anyone has any info I would like to hear from you.
  5. You just cannot accept that the choux is on the other foot.
  6. He would have lost anyway, the fight match up was as absurd as the Khan vs Alvarez fight.
  7. I agree, I have a nice Berghaus waterproof with removable fleece and its very good.
  8. Wow, your post was insulting, pretentious and elitist all at the same time, merry xmas.
  9. I bet they need the armed response unit to catch it and shoehorn it into the washing machine.
  10. Maybe when you ask them you could do it in a more polite way than you dealt with ash.
  11. Every time I drive past the place me and the other half have a bit of a chuckle at all the cameras, I think some of the cameras are actually watching other cameras.
  12. Doctor Manhattan I think a lot of people were expecting him to take on the dealers and wipe them out, more of a feel good thing, didnt turn out like that though.
  13. There are more cameras around the Blue Ball than at Area 51, its incredible.
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