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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. It is, also sad is how people are more interested in bleating on about the location down to the nearest millionth of a millimetre.
  2. No it isnt. ---------- Post added 23-08-2016 at 02:10 ---------- You mean one of the local drug dealers. ---------- Post added 23-08-2016 at 02:11 ---------- Wind yer neck in, he has a point.
  3. Maybe if he used banned drugs like Lewis did then he might just nail it.
  4. Nothing wrong with Darnall during the day, not a bad place at all really.
  5. You give nothing away in your post, what makes you think they stole it.
  6. There's already one clothing shop in Meadowhall why would you want another
  7. I am still gobsmacked that anyone these days is offended by anyones sexuality, surely there are bigger things to wirry about.
  8. Have you considered hugging him, just knock on the door and hug him for about 10 minutes, maybe you could take some marijuana round with you just to break the ice.
  9. Yeah you dont really need a knife to knock ten bells out if some poor woman.
  10. You mean like firearm training or combat knife skills.
  11. The pimps are the lowest of the low, the only method they use to control these girls is one of violence.
  12. Agreed, I would burn a little easier in the knowledge that most of their major cities were going to be totalled.
  13. Yeah they are in terrible condition, most of the blokes I see picking them up are not in much better nick either from what I have seen of them, usually very old men. ---------- Post added 29-07-2016 at 18:38 ---------- I went through last week late on after I finished work and the police car in front of me drove straight past them, guess they dont bother anyone down there out of the way. A mate of mine lives near the old Timber Top pub and he regularly sees one walking up and down without a care in the world looking for business right outside the empty pub and the sports ground.
  14. I thought it was a real word, despite the fact my spell checker highlighted it
  15. I regularly see lads down there carrying gunslips, the place is snided with rats so I have no doubt thats what they are after.
  16. I read somewhere that systems are in place that allow you to pay for positive reviews, I would imaging this was an easy thing to set up.
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