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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I'm embarrassed to say I wouldn't have thought of that
  2. No doubt a collar mounted gps tracker, easily lost though.
  3. Been waiting for this to kick off for a few months but they are dragging their heels, be interesting to see the prices.
  4. Sheffield Online is a cesspit of racism, makes this place positively angelic.
  5. No doubt some Corbynistas with their vile activism.
  6. Lets hope they do, maybe it will put him off ever doing it again, he could have killed that woman.
  7. You cannot forget the nature of the incident or the effect on the woman involved but the outcome for that animal is funny, I bet he wondered what the hell was happening.
  8. I personally think her card is well and truly marked, lets hope not.
  9. No doubt you are one of those people who also think the police dont need to know when crime is being committed, let someone else get involved.
  10. There are some disadvantages with EVF's but technology will soon overcome them, the obvious benefit is the huge amount of info that can be displayed in them, things like focus peaking, they make things like exposure and depth of field setting easy because what you see on the screen is what you'll get in the photo, less guesswork, as the tech improves the problems associated with EVF's will vanish.
  11. EVF's will soon outclass all optical viewfinders, all cameras will have them.
  12. Very nice camera, love the retro look.
  13. ^^ What doom bringer says, his facebook page is very good.
  14. Hi chocki, its called Springwood, the link to their website takes you to the owners who have a few care homes across the city, I have no idea what the other homes they own are like, this is the link. Their is also a new care home on the junction of Herries Road and Teynham Road which I have heard good reports of from a couple of friends. Good luck in finding one that suits chocki ---------- Post added 17-11-2015 at 21:47 ---------- Good point, I have visited a few in the past that were truly awful.
  15. My Auntie is in the one on Herries Road, not the new one where the Five Arches pub used to be but the old one further down, they are very good with her there.
  16. Super Hub works ok for me, the one they gave me before was a nightmare to use, ended up using it in modem only mode with another for the wifi, looking forward to getting Vivid at the end of the month, will I need a new Super Hub ?
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