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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. Good points Steve, also there are some terrible photographers around so you have to get a good one and mostly that skill and experience comes at a price.
  2. You must be really bruised having to resort to that comment
  3. If you have wired headphones then you have basically added an antenna to your laptop with the headphone cable, you could try wrapping the cable round a ferrite ring to see if it helps, you can get them from Bardwells and Maplins.
  4. Do some homework TJ13, many photographers think they have a license to print money so its easy to end up paying through the nose, try nipping over and joining Sheffield Photo Club and ask on there, maybe someone can help you.
  5. You must have an elevated opinion of yourself to look down on others like that, ever have the guts to call one of them chav, no I didnt thinks so. Those so called chavs have some of the best loved and looked after dogs you can imagine.
  6. Really, I thought they were horrific, I hated how people would come out with that tiresome old line of "When I was driving down the motorway and saw them I knew I was back at home", Booorrrrrriiinnnng.
  7. The man is a relic, nothing more than a ridiculous activist that will destroy the Labour party, I hope my 3 Tory pounds help make it happen. ---------- Post added 29-08-2015 at 12:19 ---------- I bet that scared him
  8. 10 to 1 you talk out of your backside. mickey finn.
  9. I knew who he was and what he did but I am not a believer but its still very sad and a horrible way to go, RIP.
  10. I heard it when I went to bed and again when I woke for the toilet but I still slept ok, even if it kept me awake who gives toss, its not like its every weekend.
  11. I've been in this situation many a time but never keyed a car or let the pushchair touch it.
  12. I thought the next time I'd hear her name mentioned would be bad news, poor lass has had some very serious health problems, cancer of the retina, bladder and now the lungs
  13. Not to worry, the 6 weeks holidays will soon be up and you will be back at school
  14. I agree, its a shooting incident regardless of the animal involved, is that ok for the sensitive crew
  15. Its a good job you did, you were looking rather silly. ---------- Post added 16-08-2015 at 20:05 ---------- Exactly this and all the other crap that comes with having trees on the front.
  16. The headline says "Thanasi Kokkinakis almost fights Ryan Harrison after winning Cincinnati Masters qualifying match", I think the reporter has led a sheltered life if they think that was nearly a fight.
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