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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I have seen Coypu before and they are pretty big, they have been seen on the river Trent.
  2. Agreed, I encounter far more tailgaters here in Sheffield than anywhere else, very odd.
  3. I still find it hard to believe anyone actually thinks otherwise.
  4. Surely this will be happening behind the scenes. ---------- Post added 03-02-2015 at 19:13 ---------- No you did not charmer, and also my self hating apologist bit was not aimed at you, I always read what you post and would not put you in that category.
  5. They are actually considering bringing back impaling, how depraved is that.
  6. You know exactly what Penistone999 meant, he suggested wiping out the murderers, he didn't suggest starting a chain reaction that would never end, like the one that many self hating apologists float as a stopper when someone dares to suggest violating a sadistic subhuman murderers "human" rights.
  7. Old school camera tastes you have Spacebadger. That 35RD looks sweet, so good its gone full circle and now the new cameras are trying to copy its looks.
  8. Street photography is still very possible over here but you have to be a bit more careful and adopt a more low profile attitude, every time you point a camera towards people over here you put them in suspicion mode. I think smaller bodied cameras with small lenses probably work better due to their less intrusive dimensions.
  9. Some countries simply have a different mindset to this one, in Hong Kong (DigitalRev), Thailand, India and Japan for example they dont bat an eyelid at being in the frame, its mostly a different story in European countries.
  10. I agree, it is vile. ---------- Post added 29-01-2015 at 00:04 ---------- What a rubbish comment.
  11. Me too, funny thing is I used the info on someone at work today who was using the old way of thinking
  12. Then when you have found one go to Jessops and buy it as they are better on price.
  13. Give Channel 5 a ring, sounds like prime time TV.
  14. Just what the area needs, an over priced crap hole.
  15. Only if you were a bit thick. ---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 19:35 ---------- Strangely, I don't for one second think you work. ---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 19:37 ---------- Can we hire one of those £75 an hour interpreters to tell us what that actually means. ---------- Post added 26-01-2015 at 19:38 ---------- Many, I think not.
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