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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I can understand why that language is being used though, the lad had lost it, it must have been terrifying for the people on the receiving end, in fact terrifying for other onlookers.
  2. Somebody would get hurt I imagine, thank god nobody did.
  3. Snowflake alert, god help us if we ever have to fight in a war.
  4. I think the police should have a tv show specifically where the officer can win a grand for the funniest video of a scooter scummer getting his comeuppance, I love the ones where the rider does that rodeo thing where they roll around on their arse before bouncing up the bonnet, the ones where the scooter scummer looks at the police car in utter disbelief is also worth a grand.
  5. It's where the horrid smack rats sell all their crapola.
  6. I agree, they should all be capable of taking part in all the tasks.
  7. Another mate lives on Piper and he loves i, he and his family have never had any trouble in the 10 or so years they have lived there, its like most estate, the amount they vary from street to street can be startling.
  8. Ant is apparently writing jokes for the pair and advising Willoughby. How do you know she isn't being natural, she is not in the jungle, she is on walkways with film crews working in relative luxury and is obviously comfortable in short dress and boots, she looks pretty good.
  9. What a crap thread, first someone wants you to punch another person in the face, then another wants you to walk up to someone and insult them to their face, obviously both these spineless people would never do that themselves in real life, then the attack on spelling, grammar and dyslexia start, only on SF.
  10. Longley has deteriorated very badly over the last 10 years or so, one of my mates lives just round the corner from Everingham on Crowder, he has lived there for about 30 years with his family, the area has got so bad he wants out as soon as possible.
  11. Give Harrison Cameras a ring and they will be able to point you in the direction of any compatible plates, if its too much hassle getting hold of one you can pick some decent ones for not a lot of money on Gumtree, if you dont want to pay a lot there is a Vanguard PT-168 for sale at Swallownest for £15, good luck, hope you sort one out.
  12. Venom, Hardy is a bit rubbish and the story isn't too smart either, Riz Ahmed is also wasted in this movie 6/10. Cardboard Gangsters, quite liked this film about a group of young lads trying to rise through the ranks of drug dealing in Dublins rough Darndale estate 8/10
  13. I think you are correct Ghozer, it has to be something along those lines.
  14. But the background is untouched, all that is blurred is the single person in the shot, the subject matter, it is very weird.
  15. I have seen this too, blurring out the only person in the pic, very odd.
  16. Just had a listen, I agree it is pretty cool.
  17. Very much this, there will no doubt be some cretinous hug a hoodie legal expert waiting in the wings to make some money out of this.
  18. Some of the funniest clips I have ever seen on the news is the total shock they display when friendly plod ploughs into them, it is the very least they deserve.
  19. He is a big lad with a big mouth, Usyk would pick him apart though, way to classy for Miller.
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