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Posts posted by scottf

  1. I like the presenters on RS, they are very knowledgeable and you just know they know ALOT more about whats going on but aren't allowed to say.


    They have to balance being sympathetic to the caller with bare faced facts, remember the people who are calling have just come from the match so are still fill of adrenaline(and beer!!).


    Also- alot of the callers are just idiots!

  2. Cycling around the city, it's hard not to notice that resurfacing has started in Dore, Totley, Crookes, Walkley and Crosspool. What's the betting they run out of money before they get to the poor areas?


    What a stupid post, you should look at the amey website and actually look what areas they have done/are doing before you make daft sweeping statements like that.

  3. I switched from a 2 seater, 3.5litre 350bhp sports car to a 5 seater honda civic last year and my insurance company (presumably because i had just taken out the policy with them) told me that it would cost £75 MORE to insure the civic because "there is more of them on the roads so they are more desirable, so that makes it more likely that it will be stolen"


    I certainly know which car i would choose and it wouldn't be the Honda Civic that's for sure.

  4. Which should make life on the Managed Motorway sections around here VERY interesting in a couple of years time. Fancy breaking down on the M1 and not being able to make it to one of the refuge areas? On a dark rainy night? With sleepy HGV drivers trundling along at 55mph on what was the hardshoulder but will then be a live lane 24/7? Where your broken down car is stood?


    Someone is going to get killed, I'm very sorry to say.


    You need not worry- the managed motorway sections are going going to be used at peak times- ie- rush hours, or when there is heavy traffic.


    Virtually all other times (including dark rainy nights), it will be a normal hard shoulder.


    They have had them along the M42 for many years now and it works a treat.

  5. Have you tried using an app?


    I try to do around the same milage as you and like you I'm trying to speed up a little and i find by using an app on my phone which tells me how fast i'm going per minute or KM it can help you pace yourself better.


    Give me a shout if you need any more info :)

  6. Parmesan is one of those foods that has Protected Designation of Origin, and therefore in order to be called parmesan it has to be made to a specified standard. The standard requires that it is made with calf rennet, which is obtained from the stomachs of calves. Basically I find it shocking that restaurants such as this one label their food as vegetarian when it clearly isn't


    More info here;




    Thanks for the info and your right however I do have to side with the majority of veggies in the comments section saying that If that's all you have to worry about then you have an easy life.


    Your simply just not going to educate everyone about some very small ingredient of a piece of cheese when cheese is widely known to be veggie friendly (even if this assumption is incorrect)

  7. What is it with this chain that they consistently label their food incorrectly? I know the forum is the last place a whingy vegetarian should expect sympathy, but all the venues in this chain label food with parmesan in it as "vegetarian".


    It can't be vegetarian if it has parmesan in it. Parmesan, by defenition, contains bits of dead calves. If it doesn't it's not allowed to be called parmesan.


    The food standards agency guidelines become civilly enforceable in three years - these misleading restaurants really do need to get it sorted before then.

    Bits of dead calves?? I may need enlightening but as far as I know the only ingredient of it is unpasturised milk?

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