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Posts posted by scottf

  1. just been reading champix reviews, and its put me about abit, im starting to feel sick quite alot, how old is this drug? do we know all there is to know about it, im thinking of coming off it, and trying alternative treatment. what do you reckon?


    Try taking your tablets just before you eat a big meal andy- i found that controls the nausia well.


    I would stay on them as long as possible, even if its making you feel sick its much better in the long run and it is a proven way to help you quit.

  2. This is "The Hum". It has been around for 40 years and it is getting steadily worse. There are millions of people around the world affected by it these days. Look up: Bristol Hum, Taos Hum, Kokomo Hum, Largs Hum, Yahoo Hum Forum, Google Hum Sufferers, Mast-Victims Microwave Hearing, Windsor/Essex Hum on Facebook. It has nothing to do with mobile comms by the way, that is just a smokescreen. We are being subjected to this abomination by massive corporations and the cause is being kept secret. Welcome to the nightmare. This is one conspiracy that is not just for the paranoid.


    Best reply on SF ever!!!!!!

  3. From past and current experience, solicitors are all sat in their ivory towers and just drag thing out as much as possible blaming the 'system'.

    I have a suggestion, try doing things on-line, it may speed things up and your clients may not all thing your useless, timewasting, overcharging twits(sp).


    You obviously don't know many solicitors then do you, every solicitor I know is bloody hardworking!

  4. I agree with swampster- i know the doctors assistant is there to help him but i don;t think the entire series should be them getting into trouble and the doctor helping them out.


    I just think he isn't being given a chance to make the doctor role his own because he is too busy acting off rory and amy- david tennant used to dominate scenes but matt doesn't atm.

  5. It does not clash with the X Factor; one starts immediately after the other finishes.



    If you have any big fans of All Star Family Fortunes, you will have a problem.


    Oh good, the wife likes vernon. . . But not that much.

  6. Well call me daft but i didn't see that coming at all!!! :) :)


    I loved the past 2 episodes but i don't think i can wait until september to see more :(



    I hope the second half will be better because i haven't enjoyed the majority of this series so far, the stories just don't seem so . . . . vivid as the last couple of series.

  7. 23 weeks stopped this sunday but i must admit over the past few weeks i have had a couple of sneaky cravings for a fag- i guess its a combination of old habits and the weather- this time last year i would have sat outside and had a pint and a fag.


    Keep strong everyone- once you have done the first few weeks your body doesn't NEED them anymore- everything else is just a battle in your brain!

  8. 3 weeks and 4 days down :banana: ive had a fair few iffy days but i got through them me and the hubbs went to thorpe park yesterday which was a challange in itself as we smoked in the car before and that journey was tough but we had sweets to occupy us also when we were at the theme park there were tons of smokers but believe it or not we walked miles that day and never got out of breath once it was a great day and an even better one because we werent smoking :thumbsup:


    well done chuck- thats top news!! I found the ability to breathe again to be one of the first things to come back- just wait till you can smell things properly again- going into a restaurant is amazing!!



  9. Hello fellow chamquitters,


    Yes I'm still here and still smoke free but SERIOUSLY getting annoyed at the fact that I can go all sodding week, at work, and not even thnk about smoking too much, BUTTTTTTTTTTTT as soon as the weekend arrives it's like a switch in my mind flicks on and all I can bloody think about is SMOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (really need to scream here lol) If anybody has an opinion or idea of what I can do then any adivice would be most appreciated.


    Oh dearly me chuck, is there something particular that you do at the weekends that you don't do during the week that could be triggering these thoughts?


    Do you drink more or put yourself in situations where you are around lots of smokers or is it just a phycological thing do you think?


    When i quit i tried to change my weekend routine to avoid situations like that, i started running again which i reallyed enojy and i TRIED to drink less (although that maybe didn't go so well! ;) )

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