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Posts posted by scottf

  1. Many do but not everyone who smokes dies from lung cancer. Champix can cause suicide for some people - are we going to risk death now, or later?


    In my opinion any drug that causes suicidal tenancies should be took off the market and we have only to look at what happened (and is still happening) with Seroxat to know that big Pharma are more interested in making lots of money than in our health and wellbeing.


    i know what your saying but if i carry on smoking for the next 40 years i would estimate that my chances of getting cancer from smoking would be far higher than my chances of becoming suicidal for the comparatively short time i will be using champix- so ill take my chances.


    If you want to take every drug with bad side-effects off the market there will hardly be anything left- even the humble paracetamol can do horrible things to you if it doesn't agree with you.


    I sympathise totally with what your going through mate but drugs do have side-effects and bloody nasty ones as you know very well- but just because it effects a very small percentage of people i don't think you should take it away totally and give millions of people a reduced chance to stop smoking.

  2. so when im driving at 70 you want me to be in the left hand lane and pull out into the middle lane for every single car i need to overtake??


    Yes- thats the law!


    id rather just stick to the middle lane thanks and not be in anyones way.


    Don't you see- by staying in that lane your in everyones way- as there is now only 1 legal way to pass you, if you were in the left hand lane then someone could pass you in the middle lane and someone else (if they wanted to) could pass THEM in the fast lane.


    Doesn't matter what speed they are doing- thats not your concern- its the fact that you could be stacking traffic up behind you and causing a hazard to other road users while everyone ques to get past you!!

  3. Its simple- if your not overtaking you should be in the left hand lane- no matter what speed your vehicle is legally allowed to do!


    If you ever pull into the other 2 lanes it should be to overtake ONLY- and then you move over to the far left lane again when its safe to do so.



    Anyone doing different to that are totally irresponsible and are risking both their own and other road users lifes by there stupidity!!!


    Its not hard!

  4. I just happen find I'm rather more able to 'escape' when bad writing doesn't keep on breaking my suspension of disbelief by having established characters acting utterly moronically and totally out of character, as happened repeatedly in this episode.


    Agreed, i said to my o/h that there is no way they would have stopped for 'a chat' like they did - they would have killed him.

  5. I think the last 2 shows have been quite weak stories and no matter what the new dr did he would have stuggled to make these poorly witten episode seem better than it is. I would have hoped they could have done better with the daleks but im guessing they will be in this series again later so im going to hold of judgement for the minute.


    I think the real test will be this saturdays, its one that i have been looking forward to since the last series as i thought that they were the scaryest characters we have seen in a while so they need a nice strong story.


    Im loving matt as the doctor - its jsut the stories that are putting me off the new series at the minute- its very strange!!!!

  6. I think Sharp will do well with a team that plays football - hence doncaster i cant see him doing well for utd as they play a long ball game


    I would disagree with you saying that we play a long ball game now, yes we do have big strikers but with the addition of harper and with wardy out wide we have actually started to play much more balls into the strikers feet from midfield and working it from there.


    Even so- i don't think it would work- wardy is a much better player than sharp-quicker, can take players on and gets important goals.

  7. Bringing sharp back isn;t the answer to ANY of the questions at united, we can see that with ward and camera we already have 2 strikers who can do the 'poachers role' and much better than sharp did it.


    Let him keep scoring and then flog him ASAP and buy a central defender with the money we get from him and killa's sales.

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