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Posts posted by scottf

  1. The only one i regually visit is the tavern, its got good beer, nice staff and a good jukebox, the lack of a beer garden is annoying but at least the bences outside get the sun all day.


    The york is ok if you want a cheap drink but the outside is a total eyesore- the windows need opening up again to let some light into the pub, which is a shame as it could be such a nice pub.


    The nottingham- will thats just been re-furbed so ill hold my judgement till i have been in



    Fox and Duck- Stopped going in there when we were rudely told that we had to take our pizzas outside as it was after 7pm at night even though they had served us drinks at 6.50pm with the boxes in our hands


    South sea- still think this pub needs a refurb-its like the york for me.


    The place- its a chain pub with crap food- not much else to say really.

  2. I'd second the vote for Vito's. Not tried Maranello's, but given that Maranello is Vito's sister, I imagine the food would be of a similar standard.



    See i went off forum recomendations and tried Vito's in walkley but both my family and my g/f's family didn't think it was that nice at all? It wasn't bad, don't get me wrong. I just couldn't see what people raved about!

  3. Originally posted by pete_jim

    You are very much in the minority I'm afraid. Most visitors to IKEA and the like go no further than the store. A few shops might benefit but as a catalyst for regeneration I don't think so.


    My main point was that the things sold by IKEA are not exactly top end in terms of design and quality. There are plenty of other places selling similar types of merchandise. I'm not saying that they don't have a place in the market but I don't think that they would attract anything 'better' to an area.


    How can you say most visitors to ikea go no further to the store- of course they do at the minute because all they have is out of town huge outlets- possibly when it is better represented on the high street that will change!


    I think i would attract better things to be honest, IKEA (like it or not) is a shopping sensation in england (just look at the money they make) so to get one in sheffield would benefit sheffield no end and might even help persuade some of the 'bigger' brands that sheffield is ready for shops with a more 'exclusive' name.


    It certainly beats the **** that we have in town at the minute!

  4. Nick - i was reading about this in the times the othe night and they are not going to be anywhere near the size of the ones in leeds or nottingham, they are going to be exacly what they are called- 'high street stores' they will be selling a limited range with (i presume) an ordering service for the other ranges available,


    Also they are going to be launching there internet shopping site soon (which will save loads of time queing for car parks) but at the moment they are only going to lauch it around london and then expand across the UK.

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