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Everything posted by scottf

  1. Nick - i was reading about this in the times the othe night and they are not going to be anywhere near the size of the ones in leeds or nottingham, they are going to be exacly what they are called- 'high street stores' they will be selling a limited range with (i presume) an ordering service for the other ranges available, Also they are going to be launching there internet shopping site soon (which will save loads of time queing for car parks) but at the moment they are only going to lauch it around london and then expand across the UK.
  2. Im sure that people would go to more than one shop if they came to sheffield.
  3. Agree to a point but anything that gets more people into sheffield city centre has to be a good thing surely!!!
  4. No they definatly won't be closing!!! Not before they finish my orders anyway!
  5. The best fish and chips (voted for by the people in the star or some other widely read paper) is XL fisheries in wickersley, rotherham!
  6. me and the g/f are moving into one of the penthouse flats at the end of the month- can't wait :D We have a spare car parking space available for rent too if anyone is interested!!!!
  7. A mate of mine works there and he loves it too- makes ship loads of money!!
  8. I presume because it isn't making enough money, im not sure hen its closing though, you would be better off ringing them and finding out yourself, the number is 01142 431133, Your best bet is to get a tram into town- it only takes about 10 minutes and drops you off on weststreet :D
  9. That won't be turned into a casino- if they built one there its going to be a HUGE one further u the road!!! I heard kingdom is about to shut and move to the roxy disco tho!!!
  10. Caramac BEFORE they changed the taste or twix kingsize (the larger ones taste better!!)
  11. my nan worked there - margeret reilly (nee wright)
  12. yeah- me too!! Pikelets are deffo the thinner but larger one's!!!
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