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Everything posted by scottf

  1. sorry- there wrong- this is from the department of transports website- look at page 10 and 11- the parkway is a dual carraigeway. http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/speedmanagement/speedknowyourlimits.pdf
  2. No- as from 1977 is been 70 on dual carriageways where the national speed limit sign is displayed. Info on here- http://www.safermotoring.co.uk/UnderstandingSpeedLimits.html
  3. If there is a central reservation like the one on the parkway- its 70.
  4. Only until the bridge at handsworth as your heading out of town- and then its 70. but this is a thread about penistone road?
  5. The castle in castleton has a room with a jacuzzi in.
  6. Eaten in both and i would say that vitorrias JUST shade it on the food- vitos is a little too cramped for me.
  7. so whats going to become your local now then?
  8. The nearest accessable car park that won't be full is the one behind broomhill shops- its a good 10 minute walk though.
  9. can't wait for a decent alternative to the tavern to open in broomhill
  10. Im sure they can go to south sea if they want cheap drinks, i think that broomhill needs another 'real' pub, the tavern is the only one that i like going in at the minute.
  11. sounds good mate, don;t chuck out ALL of the seating though ;) I will look forward to popping down for a pint when your all sorted!
  12. might pop into the notty tonight actually for a quick one- the gym can wait till tomorrow ill post my review on monday.
  13. The only one i regually visit is the tavern, its got good beer, nice staff and a good jukebox, the lack of a beer garden is annoying but at least the bences outside get the sun all day. The york is ok if you want a cheap drink but the outside is a total eyesore- the windows need opening up again to let some light into the pub, which is a shame as it could be such a nice pub. The nottingham- will thats just been re-furbed so ill hold my judgement till i have been in that. Fox and Duck- Stopped going in there when we were rudely told that we had to take our pizzas outside as it was after 7pm at night even though they had served us drinks at 6.50pm with the boxes in our hands South sea- still think this pub needs a refurb-its like the york for me. The place- its a chain pub with crap food- not much else to say really.
  14. If you have been using it as a free car park then you should swallow the fine and shut up about it in my opinion- your using there car park when its for customers only. If your legitimately shopping there and you have a ticket then thats when you should complaign? I can't see what people are moaning about?
  15. Well now you have a ready-made excuse to go out and tone up again
  16. I don't know anyone thats had it done but i remember reading that you can't remove green ink. I know you have just got rid of one- but have you though of getting another one thats more to your current tastes that incorporates the green?
  17. What are you going to do to get young people back into politics who are compleatly dissalusioned with all partys and cannot distinguish between the main 2 parties, who are only voting for the lib dems because they think they will legalise weed?
  18. were currently learning italian at tapton school, £180 a year and its brilliant!! :D
  19. and the wednesday and united fans will STILL be argueing over who was better even though they merged 5 years earlier to become sheffield wednesday united and play in a red and blue kit with a manager called neil laws.
  20. See i went off forum recomendations and tried Vito's in walkley but both my family and my g/f's family didn't think it was that nice at all? It wasn't bad, don't get me wrong. I just couldn't see what people raved about!
  21. it just looks too dark and uninviting from the outside.
  22. As you come out there will be a line of coppers- just to make it 'extra' special. good riddance.
  23. freestylers is always a good cut! there on eccy road, although i just went to loaf in broomhill and they were also very good!
  24. oh dear, oh dear oh dear!!! U really sure u wanna do that -especially at 19?
  25. On the other hand- will IKEA want to come to sheffield after the problems they had with the council regarding there last application!
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