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Posts posted by scottf

  1. The protests and bans in Europe and elsewhere have been regarding UberPop.

    UberPop is the carsharing model which facilitates anyone (unlicensed) to use their car to charge for behaving like a taxi.

    This is, quite simply, illegal in this country.


    In the UK, Uber is registering with Local Authorities and using licensed drivers, only.

    In the UK, they operate as any other licensed taxi company.


    Please don't let good, simple facts get in the way of peoples unreasonable, uneducated and made up arguments- you know UBER is the devil don't you!

  2. My only question is to people who run with headphones on. I simply cannot grasp the concept. Listen to nature's soundtrack - much more pleasant!


    It depends where you run i guess, but even when im out in the middle of no-where i find that the music i run to (trance music) can really lift me up when its getting tough, make me smile and therefore keep me running when i think i would have stopped otherwise!

  3. Heard a very strong rumour from someone in the know ,that Jordan Rhodes will be signing for us,even though the source is very reliable I won't believe it unless it happens .


    Its all complete BS in my opinion- just because Rhodes's father works at Wednesday and you (appear) to have some money they have done the lazy journalism thing and said he's coming to Hillsborough.


    I can't see the new bloke spending 10m+ on him when you also need to strengthen many other parts of the squad- It would be a real statement of intent if he did but i can't see it happening personally.

  4. Why not bother? As I've said previously, I've used them loads. Cheaper, more reliable and not had a single problem with them on any trip.


    As for City/Mercury having someone to talk to...... how many times have I had a curt "it's nearly there" as it still takes 20-30 minutes to arrive? Too many. At least with Uber you can see where it is instead of being lied to.


    Agreed, my '30 minute' wait with City a couple of weeks ago turned into a 2 hour wait- I fail to see why people should book with these expensive and outdated firms if they lie to you repeatedly.

  5. It depends what you mean. North Sheffield has loads of supermarkets, too many I`d have thought, too many for the supermarkets themselves that is.

    But we`re thinking of moving up to Crosspool (better schools.....) and are surprised at how few supermarkets there are up there. Of the ones we could find there was just one, a expensive Spar minimarket.


    2 minutes down the road in Broomhill you are spoilt for choice with no fewer than 4 though?

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