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Everything posted by scottf

  1. Has anyone ever used these before for their kitchen renovation? Good/Bad expierences wanted. Thanks.
  2. Rotherham cheated, got caught and were punished- nothing wrong with that at all. Might make that fat arrogant manager of theirs pipe down now (unlikely though)
  3. Good, should shut that fat, idiotic manager of theirs up for a while.
  4. Its not strange that they are busy- thats a great thing. Its strange that they didn't even want to bother to come round to quote on quite a large project? If they do that enough times they won't stay busy for long.
  5. Tried to get them to come round to quote for a complete Kitchen renovation we are looking for but was told they were busy till August so there wasn't much point in them coming round to price it up- found it very strange tbh.
  6. How about dronfield? Ticks all your boxes that you were wanting?
  7. I have signed up for this- looking forward to it.
  8. Yes thats what i said- both pools. I guess you must be lucky, me and my other friends that take our kids all say the same that it could do with being warmer.
  9. If im honest i think both pools are too cold- especially if you are going in with little ones- my daughter is freezing after 5 minutes and her bottom lip quivers- It should be warmer.
  10. This happened just infront of me as i was heading home last night- thankfully i didn't see anything but the aftermath was a horrible horrible thing to see on your way home. RIP to thay man and my thoughts are with his family- no-one deserves to die on there way home- please drive safe everyone.
  11. If you think that Collins, Butler, JCR and DDG are better than the current players we have in the starting 11 you are sorely mistaken- each of them are no-where near the current standard of player in that position. Collins > Basham- No brainer here- an extremely clever midfielder who has taken very well to playing at CB against an aging (still good) player who was starting to become mistake prone. Butler > Brayford/Freeman - again- no comparison. JCR > Matty Done- JCR did well in spurts but was never consistant, Done gives us so much more, runs for the entire time he is on the pitch and is a nuisance for defenders. DDG > Any striker- He was never given a proper run in the first team so this is the hardest to compare however he is young so has potential however if he wants to get all prima-donna on clough then we all know he won't stand for it (and why should he). With the system we play (1 up top) he was NEVER going to be our starting striker so its probably best he moves on.
  12. Agreed, I can't believe how cold both ponds forge and Hillsborough are- Can't wait for it to re-open (plus i can walk there with always helps)
  13. Sorry I'm confused? Did they actually stop and say that they didn't want the kids to be late?
  14. The BBC coverage is shameful anyway. Sky have raised the bar so high with the slickness and accuracy of there operation If I was the BBC would give it up- they look like amateurs.
  15. Why bother adding more seats when you can even half fill the stadium now? Not having a go but it seems like misplaced priorities to me. As for Barton- that man is toxic, why ANY club would want him is beyond me.
  16. We have just been to whirlow farm, great for kids of all ages, totally free (donations accepted for tours) and it's not far from a main bus route- highly reccomended.
  17. And got us promoted doing so? Its obvious to everyone that Mcnulty was the weak link in that team on Saturday so he has strenthened immediately. You have to remember that clough pretty much set Derby up for this promotion push they are having now with the work he did in the background so ill trust his judgement for the time being.
  18. Looks like the blades have managed to capture the Blackpool striker Steven Davis. Should give much needed backup for Matty Done http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/31763561
  19. Tactically Nieve from clough again- why we opted to make the 3rd change when we were winning the game is beyond me!!! There was no need to chase the game. He always wants us to play fast ball even when we are 1 nil up- its just idiotic, every other team would have just killed the game but he wants the keeper to knock it long as soon as he gets it- bloody sit on it for 10 seconds you moron!!! Reed was to blame for the 1st goal- both brayford and freeman had him covered and he just drifts over and leaves his man alone on the edge of the area- the ball go's to him and then they score, the second was a missed clearence and he gets through on goal. I must say that kennedy looks a better bet than mceverly at the minute. If we play like that again i don't think i want to be in the playoffs.
  20. They Use bramall lane lower tier for promotions so you won't be sat with the away fans- don't worry!
  21. They are also saying they are going to target Rome so sleep safe at night people- im sure the loss of the trevi fountain would make more headlines than the loss of a crappy shopping mall in sheffield.
  22. Robbies report is pretty accurate but one thing that i couldn;t figure out last night was the amount of long balls we were knocking? The pitch looked good but we kept on bombing it over the top. Done was fantasic again but a coutts had a quiet night- why we we didn't use adams or JCR was beyond me.
  23. To be fair your never going to get someone from the meadowhall sunday league going to the world cup. All of the best talent is endentified before they are 12/13 and they are hived off to play for the academys on good pitches. Saying that they are a discrace and the local councils should be forced to do something about them- all weather pitches would be a good start (paid for by the TV money).
  24. is it just me who thought we played crap last night- especially the first half? Don;t get me wrong we were never in danger of losing the game after the early goal but we didn't seem to have the quality (apart from Done) to MAKE something happen last night- instead we just wore them down and especailly in the second half we capitalised on there mistakes. Good Solid games from Brayford- infact the whole back 4 did ok, coutts and done- the rest of the players were average. Plus how long will he persist in playing baxster? 2 goals cannot mask the fact that he was a yard off the pace and ineffective last night.
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