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  1. The Australians shouldn't laugh, it seems they don't have their own car makers anymore, they're all imported, even Holden (G.M.) has packed up.
  2. That could be, but if it was raised to 6% it might cover a wage rise for public sector workers, and at 9% more money for local authorities, etc etc.
  3. Of course that's fair, why shouldn't one person pay the same amount as the family of 6 next door? Tax rises run through Labour ideology like letters in a stick of rock!
  4. Not Sheffield, but N. Wales. A friend (now a pensioner) has a small holiday flat there but is facing huge increases in C.T. due to the holiday homes premium. He does not own any other property but is lodging at a private address in Sheffield. He is considering making his flat his main residence (he will live there) but will on occasions visit his former lodgings. The question is, what is the minimum period that he has to reside in his flat to stay within the rules?
  5. It's a benefit, so perhaps doesn't fall within the scope of min. wage legislation. Carer's Allowance: How it works - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  6. I once went in (briefly) with a friend sometime in the early 80s, and remember the low ceiling where cig smoke accumulated so thick it was like a dense fog. Glad to get out!
  7. Eight Foot Way pub (new build) on the junction of Halifax Rd/ Chaucer Rd S5 opened at the end of November 2017.
  8. Lottery winners (rich by good fortune) win £50m + tax free, are slapped on the back by well wishes, champagne corks a poppin, selfies with celebs, smiles and laughs all round. A man/woman risks all, takes a lifetime to build a company, perhaps employs thousands as well as enhancing the economy, is scorned as a rich get and should be levied with punitive taxes. Funny old world, isn't it?
  9. Worry ye not Rachel, for the good old motorist will surely be riding (and driving) to the rescue. She said on LBC just before the election that the motorist is "our friend😍", and we know what that means- one arm round the shoulder, and the other hand in the back pocket!
  10. Looks like you've found it! Tedgness Rd appears to be private, so he lived in the big stone house down there, although the postcode S30 1XH is no longer valid, so must have changed for some reason.
  11. The contents of those round tubs of chocolates have shrunk year upon year. I remember when they were about 850g, last Xmas they were around 650g.
  12. It's like the old "ciggy days", smokers become immune to it. Dread to think what the houses of those who smoke it pong like when a non-smoker enters.
  13. Back in late 50s/early 60s, a friend's father had a Studerbaker Golden Hawk, he used to park it in the next street on some spare land on the now demolished Normandale Rd S6. Couldn't do that sort of thing these days!
  14. Possibly before the road had opened. Wonder if that building suffered from penetrating damp?
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