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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. .....and what about people who watch broadcasts from ITV, C4, C5, Sky, Virgin, BT...... You still dont get it do you.
  2. How would you know. You dont watch it.....right?
  3. Sheffield and the East Midlands has always had a deemed "inferior" service to the other mainlines for the past 50 years not just now. There is a very simple reason for that. Look at some rough numbers for 2016/2017 from ORR and Network Rail. West Coast Mainline - 30.8 million passengers (2 high speed franchise opertors 1 sleeper operator) East Coast Mainline - 27.3 million passengers (3 high speed franchise operators) Midland Mainline - 26.8 million (1 high speed franchise operator) Doncaster, Leeds, Birmingham, York have always been on the primary lines out of London. WCML and ECML are the key transport links between London all the way through to Scotland. Always have been. Always will be. Thats just geography. MML has always been a secondary line. In fact, until 1960 closure of Victoria Station it wasn't even Sheffield's primary station. No government whether its red, blue, green, yellow or bloody rainbow will change that position. The main focus for us to hold on to our olive branch of the HS2 investment. The Council have already tried to jepordise that once before along with the NIMBYs to give us a watered down product. Lets hope they can keep their mouths shut so we dont risk losing it altogeher. Then there would be something to complain about.
  4. When will you get into your thick head this is NOT JUST ABOUT BBC. Its a licence to receive live broadcast television from ALL channels. That includes those live broadcasts from Sky and Cable. Why dont you do some research and look at the ONS January 2006 classification changes for a start. Round and round this debate goes every time you rear your head. YOU STILL DONT GET IT. Ultimately, There are two very simple options here. 1) If you want to receive live broadcast television (on all channels not just the BBC) then you pay the charge. 2) If you dont want or cant afford to pay then dont watch live broadcast television - do something else. What is so complicated here?? You are making it sound as if the TV Licence is some sort of madatory position which everyone is forced to pay. Its not. You yourself have seemingly proved that by your repeated boasting that you live perfectly well without watching broadcast tv or using any of the supplementary BBC services.... right?? You make big claims about your informed choice not to pay for it so why cant those other people who dont/cant pay the licence fee do the same as you. There are many fees/taxes/charges I may dislike paying but if I want the goods or service that comes with it, I have to. Anything else, I either do without or find an alternative. That's life. This crucade you seem to have against the BBC and the licence fee is so misguided its rediculous. You also seem to think that making it commerical and/or behind some kind of paywall would magically remove the licence fee. Take a look around the world and I can tell you it doesn't. That's why there are countries that have commerical broadcast channels filled with adverts and STILL have a television licence fee. Even if the BBC went commercial with ads do you really think the government would not find some other use for those licence fee pennies and keep it in place?
  5. I wouldn't think so. Its only 10 working days and even less time available with a long bank holiday weekend. Seems about normal for a brand new car. Particularly if there are other issues which needs to be dealt with.
  6. Point noted. Thank you for confirming that you dont have anything to back up your submissions. I am not prepared to waste any more time on you.
  7. For someone who proudly does not pay it, you dont half spend a lot of energy belly aching about it on here. We all know about this. Its a rolling increase following inflation as announced by the government over 3 years ago. Its a rise of a whole 2.4%. Meanwhile, the national minimum wage has increased this year by a 4.7%. Time to change the record. I really dont know why you care so much. Allegedly, you dont watch it. Dont pay it. Dont use any of the services. Dont have any involvement with it. ......right??
  8. That is not what I asked and you know it. If you are going to make some submissions have some guts to back them up. You dont just change the subject and try to desprately move on. Remember what you boldly claimed: Now, would you like to have another go at actually answering the question and providing some evidence to support your submission.
  9. Based on what evidence?? Labour have just as much record of making great pledges on infrastructure investments and then doing u-turns so big you can see them from space during their term in office. Also, out of curiosity, where exactly will they get the money from to do it?? Abbott the Abacus going to do some sums no doubt to make it look perfect.
  10. Yeah, because it was boom time during the 12 years of Labour wasnt it...... Face facts. Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire never gets anything because backward thinking inbreads try to thwart it at every opportunity. Just like they have done for decades before in our cessspit of a council chamber. Until people stop harking back to the so called glory days of the 70s, stop blaming the long dead Thatcher for every single failure in their lives, stop constantly wittering on about how we never have it as good as Leeds or Manchester and actually do something to get this city moving on its own two feet, NOTHING will change. The stock cop out response of "Blame the Tories" just doesnt cut it.
  11. If customers are not buying and shops and profits are in decline, how exactly do you expect the business owners to award pay rises? Do you not see the causal link? Its us consumers that is just as much to blame for "exploiting cheap" as much as anyone else. The reason companies thrive on cheap labour and cheap foreign made goods is because us consumers are demanding cheaper and cheaper price tags. When we dont get it, we shop elsewhere. If those shops stop offering it, we simply go onto the web and import it directly ourselves. Round and round it goes. If people want an ever increasing wage packet they need grow up and accept that increased wages = increased overheads to employers = increased prices at the till. Businesses are not some community service. They are there to make money for their owners/shareholders - That includes a great number of us ordinary joes too by the way. Take a look at your average pension plan for example. The collapse of any major company has impact far far reaching than just empty units on the high street.
  12. Well thats fine then. We can all hope that if you ever get robbed, stabbed, shot, burgled, threatened, defrauded or seriously injured by a criminal act they will show just as much contempt to you.
  13. The world has moved on. People who really want to get on their soapbox can make far far better impact by spouting their guff all over social media or blogs or Vlogs or youtube films or annonymous forums just like this one. Why bother with the train fare to speakers corner to be observed by a few dozen bewildered tourists and the odd fanatic when you can rant away on the internet to a potential global reach of millions.
  14. Perhaps it would be better if they did it in the middle of the day or right at the heart of rush hour eh? Im sure nobody at all would complain about the associated traffic chaos, disrupted bus schedules, jams that would come with it. God sake. They cant win.
  15. Perhaps if the victim had paid more attention she should have seen the oncoming vehicle and not stepped directly into its path. We just dont know. Its a tragic accident and devastating to the family. However, we must be really careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Lets be honest, the only reason this is headline news is becuse its unfamiliar and unchartered technology controlled by that bogeyman of the newspapers known as Uber. Last recorded stats show there were around 37,000 motor vehicle deaths in the USA. I wonder how many of them had this amount of press attention and the sort of hysteria being bandied about. Driver control or computer control. Accidents happen.
  16. Its only been 10 working days. Dependant on your request it might take at least another few days for them to prepare a reply. Perhaps its time to give a quick follow up but dont think we are at the "disgrace" level yet.
  17. Totally agree with all of that. However, the issue purported in the original post appears to be whether someone should change their actions JUST because someone happens to be female. Elderly persons, disabled persons, pregnancy, people with children etc all of course have exceptions which quite rightly should be adhered to. But lets focus back on a key point which seemingly is overlooked. If a perfectly healthy younger man is seated on a train before a perfectly healthy younger female boards, why is there some unwritten social code that they should give up their seat JUST because the other passenger is a woman? Why should that male be seemingly criticised for not doing so? Why, if everyone is now supposed to be treated equally, does such a social behaviour still exisit on the single ground of being female? Does that not portray a vision that women have to be treated differently to men and thus undermine the whole principle of equality that is being fought? Doesn't that portray an image that a woman is somehow weaker and needs special treatment over and above that of a man? I am not being a jerk here but this is an interesting point which shows to me a massive contradition in a societies' behaviour and dilemma that we are seemingly facing. Courtesy, politeness and respect should be to everyone - regardless of gender surely.
  18. They are not "giving up" that side of town. They are just changing its primary purpose. I dont know how many times I have to say this on this forum. A city centre is not just some shopping mall. The newly created public space following the removal of the old dark, dingy and lets face it seedy peace gardens and eggbox has created vast improvements and footfall to the area. The same can happen with Fitzallen Square. There is far more to the city than just retail.
  19. What exactly is dog-eat-dog here???? Women have been demanding equality for years and years. Now they got it. Putting the whole obvious and correct elderly and disabled scenarios aside, the bottom line is, those men have have just as much entitlement to use a seat as a woman. In this age of equality why should there still be some unwritten social code that they should give it up just because someone is female?
  20. What are you talking about. This is a private business choosing whether or not to be an anchor tennant in a private property development. The Council proposed a scheme in partnership with various developers, construction companies and contractors. John Lewis showed interest in being a anchor tennant of the development. The global economy changed, the scheme collapsed and the developer walked leaving the council up a creek without a paddle. Subsequently John Lewis CHOSE to stay put and invest in improving their existing store instead. The Council have now tried to salvage the scheme in some new form with a new developer. John Lewis were offered a place within it, but as of time of writing THEY have CHOSEN not to sign up. Im sure there are lots of things the council can be blamed for but I really think you are misguided on this specific point. I say again. John Lewis made the decison not the council. Face facts, even if they wanted to, there is no way the the council will risk losing their most valuable retailer by threatening CPO to knock down their store and demand they move against their wishes. If you are that aggrieved about the poor offering in the city go aim your fire at John Lewis Head Office.
  21. That's up to John Lewis isnt it. Hardly the council's fault. If JL have decided they dont want to move and spend money on a new store then that's their choice.
  22. Lets be honest, if they didn't lay them in the rain people would be on here bitching and moaning about how work is not being done, how there have been road closures without any workmen, how there has been all these delays, how they have failed to complete the work on time.... etc .... etc... They cant seem to do right for doing wrong.
  23. If you are shopping at the moor end forget about parking in Castlegate there are car parks much closer. Atkinsons is the cheapest I think. £1.30 an hour. The APCOA car park on Eyre Street has a special rate for Market shoppers which can be claimed from the customer service desk or Furnival Gate NCP has some fixed prices for shoppers too. Its always worth doing a bit of research.
  24. Who actually cares? Jesus, it obvious that the Sun have pinpointed one single card out of the dozens and dozens of mothers day cards on display in the store and created some faux outrage horse crap to get the clickbait and sell more papers. Given that the whole mothering sunday tradition has turned into a money making racket for greeting card companies, restaurants and tacky gift stores there is hardly some great sense of damaged tradition. Besides, the world of the traditonal mother/father parent set up has completely evolved. Why the hell shouldn't they try to offer a product to support the same.
  25. No they are not. Lets use your own warped logic for a second shall we... Those bad points you describe about earlier in the thread. Namely, the distribution of illegal images and illegal substances/goods. Those crimes aren't new. Not even close to being new. Just because the internet in your language makes it "....quicker and easier...." you cannot purport them as new things just to flesh out your already weak argument. As for your other post about the supposed negatives. I have hightlighted a very key word. ....Yes, you "THINK" xxxx. Well thats opinion not fact. You could "think" of loads of others you say.... but for that pesky restriction of time. Well perhaps if you want to seriously debate you should make time and actually provide some factual evidence as to these seemingly huge amounts of perceived "bad things" which in your opinon far far outweighs the very obvious and proven real good things.
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