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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Given that they are advertising screens its a good job they are hard to miss. That's sort of the point. I certainly dont find them particuarly distracting or dangerous. There has been one just up the road for ages and another one on Penistone Road just the same and I dont recall a severe spike in accident rates. To be honest, given the average speed on Park Square the majority of the time, anyone who crashes as a result of being distracted by a screen, they really need to go back to driving school.
  2. Since you know so much about him why dont you get something done about it. You clearly have enough evidence stashed away if you know they have been at it over 15 years. You even seem to know his address and car identity. Off to the police with you.
  3. I very much doubt it. A drop in the DM sales figures by 6.9% in 2017, a circulation reduction of over 2 million over the past 10 years and yet they have one of the world's most visited websites (even beating several huge American news websites a few years ago). Seems to me that there are far more of these so called working class people using the Internet to access the DM for free than you want to admit. We are not in the 70s any more brother.
  4. To be honest, this to me seems like a blessing in disguise for you. IMO nobody should be living off the overdraft on a monthly basis. That is not a way to manage money. Even more so if you have your own money just sitting there which you could CHOOSE to use to cover any excess you incur. You seem to have some distinction between "your" money and the "bank's" money - but its your own money which is not only paying every penny back to the bank but you are also losing even more of "your" money in fees and charges. If you really want that sort of regular credit facility, you should get a credit card which will have a far lower month by month charge and interest.
  5. What do you mean sixties and modern england? The design and layout is how many other major railway stations have arranged their drop off and taxi areas. I think the station looks great compared to how it used to look. Some people really must have sort memories or heavy rose tinted specs. The decaying Sheaf and Dyson House blocks were sixties as was the forecourt to the station looking more like a service yard of a docks than a pleasant public space. The days of the Great British Rail, Mail Trains and Parcel Depots were over. The station was privately owned, looked well past its sell by date and needed an overhall. Anyone who remembers the old access bridge to the supertram stuck at the back of Platform 8 with no direct access to other areas or the knacked old gated freight lifts between platform and bridge are prime examples. Despite all the above. My point remains that I must be the luckiest person in the world. All the frequent times I travel for work on trains. The times I have been dropped off, taxied or driven to the station and never had any of the issues people seem to have raised on this thread beyond perhaps a few minutes queue. Its 11 years since the redevelpments and there will be even more overhall when HS2 starts up. I just understand what all the fuss is about.
  6. ......and all that awareness has changed what exactly. The world is still turning. Life is pretty much exactly the same as before the "2008 crash". People are still driving round in cars. The lights are still on. The internet is still running. The shops are stocked. Consumerism is still rife. We still have shiploads of cheap foreign made tat from exloitative developing nations flooding our discount stores with an equal level of enthused hordes of people lapping up basketfulls of it. Nobody seems to give a toss about the exploitation of how it was made. We still have reasonably cheap standards of living compared to other countries and despite the best efforts of Corbyn, biased media outlets, shock-tactic documentaries and pipedream idealists on internet forums such as this, MOST people (even those at the lowest income levels of society) have at the very least a roof over their heads, a basic income handout from the government and ability to have a basic standard of living. Even our most desprate and destitute of society who may even be on the streets have access to help and services that unfortunate people in the REAL third world could only dream of. Occupy et al achieved nothing. The massive scandals of Apple, Amazon, Barclays, HSBC, Google. The fake tent cities. The violent protests. The smashing of shop windows. The morons ramrading Debenhams and Tesco to get their trainers and cheap flatscrens... We all saw it. We assumed it was supposed to have some kind of point. God only knows what it was though. Free trainers for all?? Justice for those without flatscreen televisions?? Consumerism is wrong init. Anyway, I digress. Even if those so called protestors did have a point, how did they get on. 11 months into 2017 and here is just a tiny handful of samples: Amazon - prime subscriptions up to over 80million Apple - iphoneX release and thousands queue round the block for it Google - parent company profits increase by 29% HSBC - profits in one single quarter reach £3.5billion Barclays - profits rise 40% We all want consumerism. People want things. People want money. People go to work to earn money. People want to spend it. Fairness is not a human nature. We are all cavemen inside. Do we think the Paradise Papers will really shake up the world? I dont. I am still waiting for that revolution that allegedly was supposed to come with the Panama Papers leak. That was over a year ago now. As for recent developments, well you have to laugh dont you.... BBC Panorma had the gall to broadcast their finger pointing and person shaming documentary whilst having an employee pension scheme investing multi-millions in the very same "tax avoiding" companies. Chief Corbyn demanding the queen apologise for her links with such disgraceful almost treasonous behaviour whilst having their own party councils using such schemes to offset liabilities on properties and avoiding stamp duties. The swamp is a long way off from being drained. The revolution is a long way off coming despite what faux marxists and wannabe Che Guevaras try to make out. Charlotte Church, Russell Brand, Michael Sheen, Shami Chakrabarti, Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, Mick Cash and the rest of them are as see through as a freshly cleaned window on a bright day. Capitalism is a failure they chant (....except when we can benefit from it...) Wake me up when something is happening will you. In the interim I am going to do what the majority of the population does. Live my life. Make the best of my life and spend what I can afford when I want, how I want and on whatever I want.
  7. What the hell are you talking about. How do you think Judy Murray became famous in the first place. Her name was not just picked out of a hat. The reason she is famous and your "daughter's tennis coach" is not is clearly, in fact blindingly obviously, the fact that Judy Murray's actions, charity work, mentoring and dedication has had a far bigger impact on the wider world of tennis (particuarly females in the sport and at grassroots levels) than Mrs Unkown Coach. She brought up, mentored and partially coached her two son who in turn became successful pro players. Perhaps if you feel so strongly that both can be compared like for like and deserve the same recognition, you should shout up a bit more about what your "daughter's tennis coach" has actually achieved? Maybe even go ahead and nominate her. This stupid agument comes up about the honours system year after year. The last list was 124 pages long. Those honours include many people nominated by people just like you and I. Those people include the emergency services which idiots on theads like this complain never get a look in. Yes, of course, a selection of more famous names are included and obviously the press will ALWAYS focus on those few headliners because they are the only ones who sell papers. Nobody is saying that those "regular" people dont get honoured. Its just that they dont grab the attention. Lets be realistic. There could be dozens of articles giving headline attention to the voluntary workers, carers, doctors, nurses, civil servants, charity leaders but nobody would give a fig. They would not know them from Adam and it would end up as just another piece of chip wrapping. Its exactly the same reason why Hello Magazine never has sell out copies containing glossy photoshoots of Derek and Maureen's Dewsbury council house.
  8. Why dont you take a bit of time to actually do a bit of research then you might become enlightened for what she is receiving her OBE for. She is far more than just a "sports person's mother"
  9. Interesting ratio figures there about direct and indirect taxes there. The lower earners buy more stuff and have a higher burden of indirect tax is the only conclusion I take from it Funny how the ONS figures doesn't fit the agressive narrative the media has taken recently. Why isn't the media screaming that the rich should be buying lots more stuff and 10 houses to make up their shortfall.
  10. Being a successful writer, actor and director I guess. I doubt he won all those awards for just being the voice of the sofa adverts.
  11. Thats fine. I have no argumet with that. So WHEN and only when such time arises that a scheme is retrospectively declared evasion it will of course be up to those individuals to do the right thing and pay what is owed. If they dont then they are open for attack. However, UNTIL that happens these schemes remsin perfectly legal. Therefore what right has these so called jounalists got to disclose someones private information and drag their finances, name and reputation through the mud for doing nothing wrong.
  12. "Catch" doing what? This is the whole point. Three of the things listed that ordinary earners on PAYE income can choose to do are perfectly legal. Two of them are a lot more ethically and legally dodgy. Just the same for millionaires. Tax avoidance schemes, offshore investments, combined shareholdings, profit offsets are all LEGAL. Whereas deliberate fraud and evasion is illegal. You cannot stop people doing LEGAL things. There is no court for MORAL issues. Its irrelevant whether a tax avoider is earning earning £12,000 a year or £2m a year. If its LEGAL there is nothing anyone can do about and it should be nobody's business. You want to change the world. You got to start with changing the laws. Its no good screaming and shouting about millionaires acting legally whilst ignoring lower earners doing exactly the same thing on a smaller scale. Amounts involved should not come into it. If you are going to criticise one set and make some sort of moralistic ruling over them its only equal that it should apply to the other set. ---------- Post added 06-11-2017 at 21:20 ---------- Notwithstanding that most millionaires still pay multiple times into the public purse than any other earners they are the least likely to use an NHS hospital and will offset their burden even more by PAYING for their own private healthcare and hospital treatment. What is your point exactly.
  13. Very interesting find. To think that those squawking on Panorama tonight might well have pensions with the BBC where some of their top multi-milion pound investments on that report include Amazon, Google, Vodafone, Imperial Tobacco and Barclays. Very interesting indeed. ---------- Post added 06-11-2017 at 20:13 ---------- A good many of us do albeit on a much smaller scale. Pension schemes, ISAs, employee benefit schemes, employee subsidised purchase schemes, undeclared online goods selling, cash in hand second jobs. Its all relative.
  14. You know full well the answer to that because its exactly the same way that 99% of society exists. Our entire existance in the settlements we now call towns and cities. Our entire existance in the lives we lead. Our entire existance as a mordern society has been developed through centuries of just that. Violence, murder and thievery. You seriously going to pile all that on the current incumbent of Royals? Perhaps you should give up your home and place in society because for all you know it was created by way of murder and stealing land by one your relatives 300 years ago eh? Civilisation is a bitch init.
  15. Trouble for what exactly? Nothing illegal last time I checked. In fact, I bet if any of us could be bothered to take the time to check each and every single investment, batched fund or stock we have in our own pensions, we would find links to such schemes and companies. All blown out of proportion with these so called "investigative journalists" giving each other glad hands over disclosure of information which is quite frankly nobody's business. Notwithstanding that Lizzie's apportionment in such LEGAL schemes is minimal anyway, certain newspapers have even gone so far as to "shame" her for investing in perfectly accepted and operating british companies such as Bright House , just because SOME people have questioned their corporate morals. God sake. Talk about overreaction. Its about time they stop chasing the easy headlines and expose the REAL corruption and illegal activity in the world.
  16. Very strange. Nothing on SYP twitter feed. Nothing on The Star breaking news banners. Nothing on Sheffield online or facebook. Arundel Gate with its constant traffic and people flow, lots of cameras and occupied buildings all around but not a peep. 6 or 7 people attacking would surely be noticed! Nobody actually got the police there. Nobody saw it and tried to prevent it happening. All seems a bit odd. Where did you find out about this assault?
  17. Labour government; Overinflate public sector. Recruit thousands of non-job civil servants. Bankrupt the public purse. Leave government. Go work for public service consultants and socialist organisations. Standard.
  18. What??? Follow signs for station. Turn left and see big building named "car park". Drive in. I really dont know what the issue is. Never had a problem. Even at busy times its at worst been a few minutes in the queue. I can tell you far worse stations to get parked at.
  19. It told me why. You just new to wait a little while for all the ads, pictures and graphics to load up and then you get he full text including the statement from meadowhall spokesman explaining.
  20. I suppose you think that the leadership of a a national organisation employing thousands of staff and dealing with millions in finances can be dealt with voluntary by Mavis popping in a couple of mornings a week. Big charities need staff. Those staff need management. Those management need a chief executive. YES, Execs get a massive salary compared to most people but for that type of job in that size of organisation its average at best. In fact compared to most executives its pocket change. What exactly would you deem to be a fair salary for a national charity executive? Interestingly, from a recent report, many of the famous names are not even reaching the top 100 list of the highest paid Charity CEOs http://www.thirdsector.co.uk/charity-pay-study-2017-highest-earners/special-report/article/1427306 Not really that much of a disgrace as people seem to constantly make out.
  21. I would agree with your first part. I have big doubts as to how genuine homeless said person is. More like a scummy con artist praying on soft touch charity shops knowing they dont have the security or staffing of big stores. With respect to prices, I would think that people in desprate need of cheap clothing would be buying from supermarkets and Primark who can offer those bargain basement prices by their mass manufacture and minipulation of suppliers to get the bottom line. Surely the whole point of buying from a charity shop in these modern times is no longer just taking advantage of an abudence of low cost items but more choosing to give donation money to support the charity's cause. Whenever I buy from one, I know that for the same money or even less I could probably get a brand new garment from a discount store. But, I choose to pay for a second hand garment at the charity shop price for the good of said charity.
  22. I would have a punt on Jan / Feb Momentum will stick their beak in creating some trouble to delay matters and then Compo will dither about for a while so its got to be a couple of months at least.
  23. How about the comments made 7 months ago? Can we stop pretending that these comments were made as part of some moody teenager angst unwittingly posted on a public forum. The man was in his 20s. They were posted at a time where he was already a paid up member of the Labour Party, was working as a campaign officer for the British Council of Disabled People and partly running a business. He did not exactly fall accidently into politics and would have had half a brain to know that once in any position of power such internet history would be trawled through and brought up at an opportune moment. In view of the other allegations he is looking far from a man who has changed his ways despite the soppy well scripted statement. Enough with the sympathies. Brought it on himself. Carried on doing it. Deserves what's coming.
  24. Totally agree. Some people seem to forget that a charity shop has to think like a business. The landlord of the shop unit will expect to be paid as will the electricity company for keeping the lights on. Charity shops have to pay for insurance, waste disposal services, shop fittings, signage, maintainence costs and a bare minimum of paid staff just like any other retailer. Its not all donated for free. Homeless or not the actions of this particuar individual is disgusting. Its bad enough trying to cheat a multinational retailer making billions in profit but to try and cheat a charity shop from making money for good causes is 10x worse in my opinion.
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