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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. As long as we can ensure we take all Crown Estates income out of the Barnett Formula pot and see how Wee Jimmy Krankie copes then. Oh and for those who bang on about figures. Last financial year the Crown Estates generated just under £247m into the public purse after the queen got her soverign payment. Wonder how that compares to the costs/benefit analysis of other heads of state. Bet someone like Trump would piddle that sort of money away just on travel costs or wig glue. Wonder how much Nicola Queen of Scots would piddle away down the drain if she got her grubby hands on true control.
  2. Why? Would you not like to see a modern, fit for purpose, fully accessible library built in this city. Are you happy with the current outdated, inaccessible, decaying, high maintenence, high cost facility we have now. A facility which will inevitably end up with dwindling users, get closed down and become another empty decaying eyesore with the obligatory rose tinted Sheffielders bleating on that its such a treasure to the city. Quite frankly I would rather see private investors make something out of it personally.
  3. Because the Germans didn't bomb the crap out of it night after night. Because Chester has never been a city built on heavy industry. Because Chester was a well founded roman walled city as early as the first century. Sheffield meanwhile, other than sporadic discoveries was not really established as a city until several centuries later. Because Chester is at the absolute nucleus of one of the most wealthy areas outside London. Sheffield/Chester cannot even be put in even the same league for comparison. When will people accept that Sheffield was and still is an industrial city. Its never going to be pretty. Its never going to be on the top of the tourist maps for its architecture. Its never going to be filled with masses of historically important buildings. We have plenty of expensive brands for those who want it. We have independent stores for those who bother to look for them. We have trendy restaurants. We have cocktail bars. We have hipster cafes. YES, I concede not as many as places like Chester but that's for the very simple reason that Sheffield doesn't have enough people willing to pay Chester style prices. As for historic buildings which people scream absolutely positively must be preserved, with exception of those bombed out in wartime, how many really have the council had a direct hand in pulling down without merit. This preservation argument comes up time and time again but nobody seems to care about the actual economics. Buildings cost money to maintain and renovate. You cannot force a developer to move into one if its unsuitable. You cannot force a developer to spend money doing something up if its going to cost them 10x what a new build would. No matter how good something may be treasured, leaving it rotting empty isnt good either. If a developer wont pay to maintain it who should? Council tax payers? Cant see that going down very well.
  4. I completely agree. Whatever "profits" the WVRS was making I strongly suspect the lease charges to Costa far exceed it. Its a fantastic way for the hospital to top up their ever dwindling monies and will provide a service and quality to customers that is clearly in demand. If I was a patient or even a visitor, given the choice between a costa snack and a hospital refectory snack there is only one clear choice. There a lots of other things the volunteers can do in and around a hospital so those who still want to do something can.
  5. Do you not consider the connection between it being "ideally placed" and their high charges? Its a business. Its there to make money. Prime space in the centre of town costs money to lease and car parks costs money to run. Nobody is forced to park in there. A little research beforehand will show the best and worst prices in the location someone wants. I would reccommend this site https://en.parkopedia.co.uk/parking/sheffield/?arriving=201710091530&leaving=201710091730 A bit of planning beforehand about where to park and how much it wil cost is all that's needed. Why are people on this tread talking like NCP owes them something. People need to vote with their feet and as soon as it hits their profits they will some take action. Until such time as people stop blindly driving in and paying the fees, what incentive would any business have to compete. ---------- Post added 09-10-2017 at 15:16 ---------- Dont see why not. Its only the same as someone with a giant arrow saying "Football Parking" "Golf Sale" or "Chinese Buffet" or "Pizza Parlour" They are not saying their are the only one in the area. Nor are they saying they are the official one in the area. Its just target advertising. Smart business when there are large events and high traffic flows.
  6. Not surprised its free to park. There is nothing there apart from 17 different variations on Poundland and a Greggs. You are seriously going to compare a big city like Sheffield to a small town like Barnsley - its rediculous. Back on topic, it is clear that the whole area of Sharrowvale / Ecclesall Road / Broomhill has far too many cars for the available spaces. Land is not infinite and the demand is ever increasing. Its a constant battle between residents, students, shops and offices and its not going to go away. Its what happens when you CHOOSE to live in a popular area close to a major city centre. What else is the council supposed to do? Discouraging people from using their cars is the way forward everywhere. As others have said, for all the bitching and whining, parking permit charges in Sheffield are nowehere near those of other major cities. Try Manchester where some of their central zones are up to £500 a year or Birmingham with their city £750 permits.
  7. They may not be experts in the law. However, its hardly beyond the realms of realism for a qualified opthalmologist to ALSO be knowlegable of the powers of the police and/or DVLA in relation to a driver causing a hazard due to below standard eye sight.
  8. Shhh. Dont go spoiling their anti-tory shtick with facts. That just wont do round these parts. Same old undeliverable and uncosted guff just to appease the applause monkeys and socialist delegates. Wonder if they got Abbott the Abacus to work out how much taxpayer money will be needed to reclaim all these PFI contracts, and pay out the surrender clauses and pay compensation for the private organistations loss of revenue, and pay out all the monies for the investors and shareholders in said companies, and pay out all the staff redundancies for those caught in the fall out, and pay all the legal and accounting fees required to undertake such work.... That Magic Money tree must really be growing strong on Planet Labour. la la la la la...
  9. Nice. On a side note, that's more than half the total number of votes Khan got in the last mayor elections. Tick... tock.... tick... tock..
  10. Ah yes, here we have it. The stock answer when someone happens to have a different viewpoint.
  11. Why dont you take time to find out? How much of each job goes to minicab drivers after they take off their radio rental fees? How much of each job goes to black cabbies after they pay their fees (well...what they choose to declare anyway)? Its just competition. Something we have been desprately in need of to give the closed shop taxi mafia a kick. Maybe, Uber would raise their prices when they take over a town but then Lyft or RideYellow or Curb or Hailo will come along with lower prices and suddenly Uber have to compete. Just like in the rest of the business world. We should be able to choose whether we wish to use a ride share service or not. We should have freedom of choice as to what transport means we like. I have no problem with a uniform set of safety standards which ALL companies comply with. However, that's not what I believe has happened here. To me, they have thrown mud at Uber since day one. They have repeatedly and excessively dragged their name through Parliament, Regulators and Lawyers in attempts to destroy the app without any justified reasons or even knowledge of how it operates. The politicans can say whatever guff they want, but one thing is very clear, their hypocracy. After all, for all the criticism at Uber, your averge Minicab certainly doesnt meet the exceptional standards our leaders try and get you to believe. Funny how they are perfectly fine eh? Even the stats show that when nasty stuff has happened its been involving far far more NON-Uber drivers. Uber are a square peg which has been well and truely forced into a round hole. In typical political style rather than modernise the regulations they get forced into impossible positions, heavilly criticised and hounded out. Good job that the majority real world population are a little bit more forward thinking. Ride sharing is not going to go away. Time for the taxi trade to drag themselves into the 21st century.
  12. I know full well what he is on about and so do many of my London colleagues who I have spoken to today. Khan has been massaged by his union puppetmasters and this entire debacle is politically motivated. You dont throw the baby out with the bathwater and TFL have had many other options to get Uber to tow the line. Whatever the alleged concerns and failures by Uber were, this is a completely excessive action. Uber may well have some dark areas. Uber may well have some failed checks. But I can guarantee so do many many minicab firms and even black cab drivers. Gloves are off now. Uber will be on full attack and one sniff of a scandal involving a so called "regulated" driver and bye bye Khan. 200k signing the save uber petition within hours of the decision being announced. At last check over 329k and its not even been one day yet. I wish them well with their appeal.
  13. It works perfectly fine now. YES, sometimes there are queues. So what? Its called traffic. It existed on that road before and will continue to exist. Can we stop pretending that heavy congestion around Leppings Line et al are some kind of new phenomena. All these people banging on about how "bad" roads in Sheffield are need get out of the city a bit more more. Try Leeds, Birmingham or Bristol if you want to see real traffic problems. Sheffield doesn't even get near the top 10 worst cities for congestion. Even little piddlin' Hull and Luton have made the list over us.
  14. Until they are in a position to be charged with committing a crime what exactly do you expect the cops to do?? Milkmen and Council men knocking on a door is not illegal. If you are so concerned as to their authenticity and your weak security, as others have said, time to get some of those features strengthened.
  15. Well said. I wondered how long it would take before the moaners started up about the "inconvenience and disruption" caused by HS2. Its a major infrastructure project, what the hell did they think was going to happen no matter where it was sited. If it went to some respawned victoria station it would still have required major construction and rerouting work. They would soon be crying if we were scrubbed off the plans altogether. People carry on with the whinging and that might just happen.
  16. Its only an average mark these days and very ambiguous. Not all hotels choose to pay money to be assessed on the so called "official" AA/Visit Britain ratings system. Based on reviews on trip advisor there are 11 hotels in the city with the same rating including 2 premier inns, a Holiday Inn Express and the Jurys. I wouldn't be expecting a mini Claridges. Even a Travelodge in a central location can be approaching £60-90 these days dependant on demand.
  17. Do you not think that building a hotel rather than leaving an empty old store to rot is maybe a contributor to lifting the area? As for the apparent shame of putting up your client's in the city accommodation, that to me says far more about your clients than the location. I certainly dont have any embarrassment at putting my clients up overnight in this city. The majority of which have been more than happy at the Royal Vic or Hilton. As someone who stays over a lot myself in other locations, Sheffield is nowhere near the worst. Try the lower end of Leeds near the station and Hilton areas. Try the upper end of Corporation Street in Birmingham. God sake - what is drama here. We should be happy for one less empty block and another addition to the ONGOING redevelopment around the whole of Castlegate / Waingate. Yes there are some vagrants. Yes there are some areas which are more grim than others, but that's the same story in EVERY city centre. Constant negativity from people just for the sake of it. If they dont do something, people moan about the city lagging behind..... When they try and build something, people criticise and make comparisons of the area around it.... When they actually do build something, people moan about the architecture, costs, clientele or purpose..... When a building reaches the end of its life, people moan about them being left to rot and looking an eyesore.... When a company tries to redevelop or pull it down, people scream and shout that its vital to our heritage and should be kept.... When a new project is proposed, people moan its not the same as the old one and not good enough.... Round and round it goes.... Its pathetic. Honestly makes me wonder why companies bother. Seems to me we get the city we deserve.
  18. I would second the above advice. The court fees alone will run into several thousands of pounds and that's before you get embroiled in any correspondence and documents. As the claimant you will be responsible for all of the ground work including taking carriage of key document prep, evidence gathering, costs budgeting, and tasks such preparing bundles and representing yourself at preliminary hearings. This is not a simple case about simply monies. You are going to have to prove and strongly evidence your claim and that burden is a heavy one. Lets not forget you are potentially taking on a national media organisation who will have their own team of extremely robust lawyers. Furthermore if you have not even attempted initial dialogue to try and resolve this issue with sufficient warnings, formal letter before action and attempts to settle before issue, that will strongly be frowned upon by a court. Its not simple case of issuing papers and off you go to trail. There is a whole list of pre action steps to take I'm certainly not trying to scaremonger but you really do need professional legal advice.
  19. Putting aside all the conspiracy theory claptrap, shall we just examine little miss Snow White a bit more shall we. That "taste for Muslim men" which you percieve as being so scadalous to the reputations of the royals. Was that any more or less scandal than her shagging around with Will Carling, Oliver Hoare and James Hewett. As for nasty evil Charles and Camilla ruining perfect marraige. HA! My backside they did. Lets be realistic here, they were both dragging themselves up the aisle back in 1981. Nobody is going to point score on that point. Face facts. She damaged her own repuation. She played the press like a fiddle and after a while they fought back which she could not handle. Off she went to all and sundary with her victim act and blaming those nasty establishment types for everything. She was a mentally disturbed attention seeker who was very very good at playing to the public and media to get what she wanted. Public monies to the tune of nearly £25 million have already been piddled away on this circus. A french judicial investigation, a Metropolitan Police investigation, a MOD enquiry into allegations against MI6, a coroners investigation and 10 years later a public inqury resulted in a JURY giving a verdict of unlawful killing by negligence of the driver and their chasing press pack. (See that magic word there. Not some establishment ridden High Court Judge or Ex-politician or ex copper... A public jury). How much more are we going to have to spend on this freak show.
  20. I dont know what sort of things the public will expect. The vast majority of any documents including this "note" has been trawled through time and time and and time again by the orginal investigations, the original inquest, various investigative journalists sticking their beak in and from money grabbing talking heads just like Mansfield and Burrell turning up on every chat show and news broadcasts to bolster their publicity and stir the pot with masses of totally unevidenced theories. I never did and never will buy into this people's princess guff. yeah, she did lots of charity but so do other people. Yeah she was mother to the princes, but so what? They divorced and despite that her deluded fans think, that breakdown of relationship was a two way action. She clearly had some mental health issues for which I am sorry, but she was in the main a sloaney tart who due to her HRH boost became a fantastic minipulator of the media to a point of near hysteria. She knew exactly how to play the press and exactly how to portray sweet and innocent. Nobody deserves to have a fatal accident and I would not wish such a heinous thing. HOWEVER, she brought the attention upon herself. She used it and abused such attention when it suited her and tried to avoid it when she was caught in less advantageous positions. Drunk driver, no seatbelt, speeding vehicle, chaotic event worsened by a chase by papparazi. equals. TRAGIC. ACCIDENT. All this public faux outrage, grief, hysteria and conspiracy over someone who they knew nothing about and cared not a jot for them in return. With so many more important things going on that really should be given attention this whole things sickens me. Mansfield has got exactly what he wanted. Stirring up opinion, name all over the papers more money in the bank account. Its a disgrace.
  21. Oh come on. If you are going to start a debate have the balls to back up your submissions. Lets just remind ourselves shall we..... Why? The are both businesses who make profits out of selling food and drink to members of the public. They are both used by members of the public for socialising, resting and to obtain refreshment. Yes clearly they are. They are providing a simlilar business model to serve a very similar purpose. They are both providers of food and drink. They are both used as a place to socialise, meet people, gather with friends, relax, entertain and pass time. If you stopped your narrow thinking and did a bit of reading you will know that the history of coffee shops being used as a social gathering place goes back decades. People have already tried to tell you that in Middle Eastern countries they are still used like that. The more "hipster" syle coffee stores are pushing that element even more. That will not be a bad thing since most of us Brits have got into a default mode that a good time with friends on a Friday and Saturday night MUST involve drinking alcohol. The fact that using a coffee shop as a place go and socialise on an evening is alien to some of our population doesn't mean that it applies to ALL of society. So, I will ask a final time - what exactly to YOU think makes the two scenes non-comparable? PS: I will get out the way now that if your only response is alcohol then your argument is absolutely weak.
  22. Prey tell then. What exactly is so vastly different about the pub/bar scene that it simply cannot be compared to the world of coffee shops and cafe culture?
  23. Really? Is that the best you can do. Good job I am. If we all took the attitude of expecting the state to pick up the tab for all and everything we would really be in a sorry state.
  24. Yes they are. Particuarly the more premium style places serving products which are a level above merely nescafe in a fancy cup. Not everyone in this world can/does/or wants to drink alcohol. A pub may well serve soft drinks (...for overinflated prices) but for those non drinkers some pubs can be rowdy, unpleasent and not the sort of place they wish to socialise. Cafe culture is nothing new. On the continent and in many more eastern other countries coffee shops and cafes ARE the social gathering points more than bars and pubs. They are used more and more as a quieter and more pleasant place to meet people, rest, study or even work. That trend is ever increasing and a little walking around with your eyes open will see how many of these places are opening up and staying open late into the evening to cater for this increasing crowd. Sometimes life is not all about what people see on a Saturday night on west street. There are other things going on.
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