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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. This is politics and government not some sporting event or reality show. The public has exercised a democratic right and the votes are cast. It's happening. I wont be bringing anything on. I will be getting on with my life and my job and exercising my democratic right using my freedom of choice and opinion all over again whenever such time arises.
  2. The dup are a recognised political party and the biggest majority as voted by the people to represent them in the Northern Ireland Assembly. Northern Ireland is part of the Union that is Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Theresa May is prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland therefore they have just as much right to be included in any political activities as any other party. I am not denying that it is not controversial and I'm not denying that there will be trouble. However as I have said earlier compromise is always difficult that will be something that has to be thought out in any negotiation. For all I despise they're ridiculous anti gay and abortion stances they have several policies including a soft brexit which i have no doubt if were on any other parties agenda would be well praised. The issues in Ireland are always going to be controversial but we cannot let periods of history constantly control what happens in modern times. The hysterics on Twitter and sensationalist Media certainly are not in a position to wildly speculate on what the dup may or may not put forward as their terms of agreement to form a Coalition nor does anyone have a right to bring up historical problems as if they are actually happening today as fact. The complex history of the troubles come from BOTH sides of the argument not just the DUP. If a coalition government could be reached with suitable terms there is no reason why SF could not look to compromise where appropriate to maintain peace as they have done many times before The way the reaction has been from certain people and certain newspapers they talk as if no two sides can ever in a million years possibly reach agreement on things What other option would you suggest? The other parties have made their position clear. They have simply turned their back on making any pact with the Tories. Someone is going to have to form a government and we the People have just democratically voted resulted in the most voters choosing Tory members working under their party leader Theresa May . If parties choose not to collaborate with her to form what someone deems to be majority government figure - what else is she going do other than go to one that will.
  3. You do know she won don't you?. 56 more MPs than labour and approaching 80000 more votes than labour. Half the stuff you mention is nothing to do with TM anyway. One will perhaps counter that if TM performed so badly and yet Corbyn still lost he should have his own 10 reasons of why you should resign. After all how could he possibly lose to that right? Yes it was a close call and no doubt she didn't get the results she hoped for - but she's still won. Coalitions has happened before and will happen again. Perhaps if the other parties were not acting like spoilt children who have spat their dummy out they would have been first choice for a coalition partner over the dup. Alas they chose their position that they didnt want to play with Teresa in the playground so now they're out of the friend group and will have to sit in the back of the class with no attention and no power. We are where we are and the prime minister has a job to do. Unless Corbyn is preparing for a ludicrous four way thing, a government needs to be formed. I am certainly no fan of the dup nor the most controversial of their policies. But despite what they hysterical twitterati and media moguls are spewing all over the Internet they are a recognised political party in Northern Ireland and is part of this Union. If people actually bothered to look beyond the headlines they will see that some of their policies actually more in the Socialist category than those Theresa May would usually go for. They are even publicly vocal for a soft brexit just like the seemingly new JC was during his campaigning. Compromise is always difficult but isn't that what government is supposed to be about. Enough time has been spent with the hysterics. There is work to be getting on with. More disruption with another leadership battle, new face to be paraded around and inevitable reshuffle is just going to cause more neglect and delay to the already very difficult brexit negotiations.
  4. I dont know what the OP issue is but organisations like social services have a rigid complaints procedure. If steps 1-2-3 have not been taken then chances are even emailing the top dog will merely result in your complaint being bumped back down to the first line contact. Its probably worth having a proper look on the council website or any paperwork as to whom and how to make a formal complaint.
  5. Oh right. Thats cleared that up then. So its perfectly OK for your child to be one of those parasitic leaches who gets the good fortune and can buy a property at a substantial discount through inheritance but of course everyone else who does that is scum. Bye bye everybody. Bye bye.
  6. Yes cheap affordable housing in 1999 that you benefited from those suffering the misery of the property crash at the beginning of the 90s who previously got their property break from a mixture of either right to buy or previous property crashes during the 80s Property prices always rise and fall. That's life. Generations have been through this and there has always been those in each one willing to scrimp save and sacrifice to take that break and others who prepared to sit there on their backsides waiting for it to be handed to them on a plate. Yes it is tough for the current generation to get on the property Ladder but that doesn't mean it's impossible nor does it mean that a generation previous have not face similar hurdles. Plenty of people in the current generation have managed to do it but I also know plenty of others who match what you describe, bitter and angry looking to blame someone else for not getting on the ladder. Not a new phenomenon. People think they have it tough now perhaps they should go back 30 years when the mortgage interest rates through the roof and the listening bank well and truly closed their ears to those unfortunate enough to default on them. It must be a sign of getting old but i have started to notice more and more how every generation seems to think that they are having it the toughest against the previous ones like a rolling cycle. Property is always expensive and house purchases are always the biggest thing many of us will ever have to buy. This is not a new story. When there is high demand prices go up when there is no demand they go down round and round it goes
  7. So let me get this right. You are saying that the only property landlords offering rental properties should be the state?
  8. Will you get into your head that there is very little extra police would have done to prevent this tragic incident. It was three men in a white van driving along a public road. All the extra bobbies on the beat would have been very unlikely to have stopped a perfectly normal looking vehicle on a public highway suddenly veering off and slamming into people. From current news reports the perpetrators were not known to any intelligence services and again all the bobbies on the beat would not have changed the fact that they were not expecting any attack. They would have had no reason whatsoever to stop this vehicle involved nor would there be any guarantee that they would be patrolling around through Borough Market at the exact moment of the knife attacks The police responded and shot dead all the perpetrators within eight minutes of the incident. that to me shows they were doing exactly what they were trained to do and in an absolutely rapid time frame. I am not saying that there should'nt be more police numbers but I'm also smart enough to know that cost money. A damn sight more money then Corbyn and mathematical genius Abbott seem to think in their fantasy land. That topic is clearly for a whole different thread and has absolutely sod all to do with this tragic incident. To seriously try and make the point that this whole thing could have been avoided by more police on the street is absolutely deluded. As for feeling more unsafe well that's a matter for you I certainly don't. I don't know how many more times I have to say this terrorism is not a new story. Personally I think Theresa May has a good point. Anonymous communication lines all over the Internet have created secretive areas where these things can be designed plotted and even carried out from the click of a mouse and the use of a mobile phone. That is something that wasn't existing 30 or even 15 years ago. You have your points that you seem to push on others as facts but what about a different view. How about thinking that policing may have totally evolved from the days of gentleman burglars breaking a window and stealing a telly to very sophisticated networks of crime communicating and operating from all over the world. To tackle such crime has evolved a lot more than just bobbies walking around the streets.
  9. Unless we can actually see some full and detailed figures showing a breakdown of how this has been calculated, threads like this and their sensationalist titles are absolutely meaningless. Last time I checked most hotels ( even the poshest ones) don't have to pay for entire teams of specially trained guards being present 24/7 nor spend millions of pounds of high security fixtures and technology. They dont have to pay for their own fully staffed medical units, drug clinics, counsellors and psychiatry. The dont have to pay for their own tutors in education service nor do their admin staff spend hours maintaining entire dossiers on each and every one of their guests liaising with lawyers, courts, police and relatives on a daily basis. Let's not also forget the simple fact that those hotels have guests paying them for the privilege of being there and also paying for every crumb or drop they are eating or drinking which will of course absorb some of the overheads. I can fully see why the freedom of information request was made. Nice bit of political point scoring guaranteed to generate a sensationalist headline and froth up public reaction. Pity there is not enough of the public who can be bothered to look at the actual facts
  10. Who the hell are you to be telling people who they should and shouldn't vote for. People should be free to make their own personal informed decision not be bullied into following the belief of others or criticised for whom they personally decide best represents them. "...these people..." you are really using those words. Just how big is that chip on your shoulder. I personally feel the complete opposite to you I am voting Tory because I don't want Corbyn and his spend spend spend attitude ruining my future. My choice and my opinion just like you've got yours. We are supposed to have a true democracy. It's about time that voters grow up and stop worrying about what their neighbours are doing or what their family might think if they dare to vote for a different party to the rest of the Sheep.
  11. If it is the same type of audience members who turn up to 90% of the question time or any questions or make up the type of callers to any answers I'm not surprised at all. Probably be the same type of people who clap incessantly everytime a politician they favour says more than two words or boo and hiss like a pantomime every time someone they don't like speaks. Let's be honest the core Tory vote are unlikely to be the type of people who will turn up to public debates or television shows. That must have some even inadvertent bias to an audience in the studio. I am probably on my own with this but as I said before real in depth analysis and cross examination by a suitably skilled journalist is what I like to see not these endless dumbed down glorified reality show events. I fully appreciate that politics for the layman is boring, unglamorous and hugely complex which means it has to be tailored to suit an audience. But in my opinion it should be treated in a far more serious way the most of the media on all sides give it credit for
  12. I find it quite sad that you and no doubt many others think like that. Labour will walk it and therefore why bother? That really is a defeatist way of thinking. With thoughts like that why bother having the election at all. Might as well be declared as a government standard that working class northern towns are automatically labour and all posh country villages are conservatives. In history people have fought to get the right to vote. Some countries even now have people are losing their lives to try and get such privilege. We should be proud to have the ability to vote our government and should be embracing it at each and every election It's about having your say. So your party or candidate may not win but that's democracy. Perhaps if people actually did bother to vote for who they want in these safe seats then over time the results might not be such a foregone conclusion
  13. Not really. I am pointing out very clearly how debates like this are completely pointless and achieve absolutely NOTHING. They neither inform the viewer nor allow any sufficient time for in depth analysis, cross examination or questionning. I am certainly not the only one on this thread who thinks the same. As others have already pointed out. A 7 way shouting match filled with tit for tat argument and meaningless soundbites. How about I counter your submission with one of my own. Perhaps the fact that Corbyn, after big declarations that he wouldn't show unless the PM did, turned up last minute to join this willy waving contest shows how desprate he is to increase his visable profile with the masses any get his voice heard any which we he can.
  14. Says who? You cannot possibly make a statement like that and assume its so widely accepted with everyone that its beyond debate. Ultimately we will find out how much a good job she is doing with the result of the election wont we.
  15. Getting on with the job of running the country instead of taking part in some televised student union debate which serves no purpose whatsoever except to make money for broadcasters. I certainly don't feel any more informed after watching 90 minutes of tit for tat drivel. Let's face it it's an unwanted and unnecessary American import which needs to be well and truly thrown back to where it came from.
  16. They can tell you as much as you want to find out. With respect to Angela Smith for example as a sitting MP there will be publicly available records of her voting history and primary issues and expenses claimed which one can review and make an informed choice. I will concede that with the new candidates of Nicola Wilson this is more tricky. However as a local company owner with an interest in the industry of Steel that will give an indication as to how she would like to think and where her focus as a business owner in the private sector will likely lie. If people were prepare to take the trouble they could even contact their prospective candidates and ask them questions directly. I also note that you seemed to dismiss the other potential candidates on the basis of them simply not being the most popular. That is something that seemingly many others do and this is part of the problem. I repeat again that we should be focusing on choosing a candidate who represents what we want and who we think would do the best for are community and in Parliament. Perhaps if more people did that instead of simply falling for the popularity contest automatically, those minority candidates might actually get some proper votes. I am not being difficult with you when I say this. however you have giving a perfect example of the point I'm trying to make. Politics should be an individual and informed vote on the individual candate we think best - not just following the herd which regrettably far too many people do.
  17. How about actually voting for the MP in your local constituency whom you deem will best represent your views in parliament and do the best for your community. That's what we all should be taking care to consider instead of always focusing on the same primary faces. There is more to government than just the party leaders and those local MPs whether we choose to vote for them or not will be the ones who vote on everything happens in Parliament. They are all entitled to a say and they will all be part of the daily debates That is what we should be focused on and that it's a choice we should be making. It's unfortunate that the circus sideshow always gets in the way and is fuelled even more by the stupid glorified beauty contests and 8 way shouting matches which broadcasters loves to produce to hit their ratings and make money without actually benefiting or informing the viewers whatsoever. Hours and hours of tit for tat meaningless waffle followed by endless performance reviews and criticism by the media as if it's some football match. Politics should be a serious business and unfortunately for many it's just not looked at that way. It's dumbed down to be treated like a state funded game show.
  18. Would you have still been as shocked if the tragic incident did not happen? Or would you not have even thought about it. I am not being a jerk but I'm just curious as to what extra measures you think were lacking. There's always got to be a balance between tight security and practicality of a venue that has to get thousands of people in and out efficiently and for a set time. I have had a few people in my office commenting about Sheffield arena and demanding that there should be full body and bag searches for every single entrant The fact is people get the hump about airport security queues ( which has to be even tighter) are they really going to quietly and patiently wait outside a venue for hours whilst every single entrant gets a 5 minute probing. Let's also not forget that this tragic event happened at the end of a gig. The doors were open for a very simple reason - to be ready for the thousands of exiting people who were going to be surging out a couple minutes after. I can fully understand people becoming concerned and having a reaction to events such as this but the reality is that we all have to live our lives and not be ruled by these individuals. Creating a world of Fear with Big Brother cameras watching over everyone of us wherever we go and every routine aspect of our lives turning into martial law is giving in.
  19. What makes you think that isn't happening. You have no idea (nor is it anyone's business) what private HR disciplinary action, investigations, retraining or changes to procedure is happening within the organisation. The police cannot ignore investigating for fear of being sued. They have a job to do no matter how high profile or clean reputation of their suspect. The alleged negligence of leaking or tipping off the press was the key factor. That has now been resolved by a civil claim SETTLED on a mutual basis. A settlement that comes out of insurance monies just like the hundreds of other civil actions brought against the force every single year ranging from someone slipping on the stairs to alleged malpractice. Enough with the off with their heads nonsense. The police has enough to get on with What is it about these days that every single mistake or misjudgement MUST result in a resignation and public shaming. Its never a mistake or accident these days. Nobody ever says that. Everything now has to be negligence or misconduct or public outrage. Why dont people understand that sometimes things happen with the outcome being nothing more than with hindsight or institutional failure. Nobody and no thing is perfect. Its not always a single bogeyman who can be dragged out in front of the masses to be pelted with cabbages.
  20. Professional liability insurance. Just like any other big organisation has.
  21. Don't let them win. Shocking and upsetting as this incident is...... Even more so when its so close to our doorstep the sad truth is that "terrorism" is not a new story. The media might like to hype up the islamist bogeymen at the moment fuelled even more so by so called and quite frankly mentally challenged political mouthpieces but the fact is it wasn't that long that it was the IRA and nationalists harming innocent citizens, before that its was right wing european dictators trying to cause harm to the world. Even us English were at it, invading half the world and killing anyone who tried to stop our dictoral empire. We have to live our lives. These animals will not and cannot stop us! I was in London shortly after 7/7 happened. The next day most of my colleagues were concerned primarily with whether their tube was running or not. You see people still our in shopping malls. Still travelling on the railways still going on with their business and not letting these people stop them.
  22. Because that's how parliament works. Tell you what, since everyone seems to think Labour is such a dead loss at this election shall we just not bother with it? I mean after all, its clear the Tories are going to win right? Do you think that would go down well?
  23. Oh now you are applying conditions eh. Well prey tell just how much extra tax are you prepared to pay since in your world the government will have to directly employ and pay their own in house builders, plumbers, carpenters, decorators and electricians every time there is a new public building or housing programme is built. That is of course after they have recruited thousands of in house accountants, surveyors, architects, engineers, lawyers, consultants, project managers and foremen to deal with all the administration, purchasing, complaince, litigation, designing and planning of such a project. All that staffing and expenditute to complete just one of the tiny aspects of the global governance of a country. The government engages "private contractors" to do things all the time for 1001 different reasons. Its not all about the big headline grabbing stuff that anti-commerce morons and certain media outlets always pick on. To even suggest that all forms of delegation to outsource suppliers or private contracting is forbidden is not even remotely feasible or financially viable for any government. There are currently approx 1400 of those so called "parasitic private contractors" registered with the Crown Commerical Office as official suppliers to the government. They provide a wide range of services from providing legal representation to supplying office equipment and teabags. You really honestly think all of that would possibly be brought in house without catastrophic financial and resourcing consequences. Madness.
  24. I will hold you to that if Compo and his Union Puppetmasters ever get into power. That's exactly that we will all end up doing to realise his spend spend spend fantasy.
  25. Oh aye. Not safe to walk the street round them Door, Tot Lea, and Bee Chief areas. Deffo to be avoided.
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