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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. What do you think will happen to the precious public sector without all that lovely money that the greedy corporate world creates for it to endlessly spend.
  2. Maybe said nurse should have thought more about her finances before she popped out 4 kids and CHOSE to work part time hours. Lets also not forget that said "poverty" stricken nurse would have only been paying less than £60 a month for her vastly expensive education anyway. All comes back to that great argument doesn't it. Do some people genuinely NEED to use food banks or are they simply taking advantage because they are there. Do some people genuinely NEED to be snatching every single benefit, handout, grant, charity service, allowance, discount and freebie or are they simply taking for granted the fact that they are there. I have said it before and will say it again. Those who scream "proverty" in this country dont know the meaning of the word. Eyes need opening as to what REAL poverty looks like in the world.
  3. A 90 minute school class is not "a long time" Unless the 8 year old child has some severe clincially diagnosed urological disorder there is no reason why she cannot (and clearly DID in this instance) hold it until she is able to go to the loo afterwards. You sound just the sort of person who in this instance would go running to the papers with the obligatory sad face photo followed by a claim for compensation against the school. God sake how do you think people cope in the world. We all hold our bladders at regular intervals during the day and night. Most of us healthy adults are able to hold it perfectly well for several hours in a row each and every night. ITS WHAT OUR BODY IS DESIGNED TO DO. Why are you making such nonsense out of this.
  4. What exactly do you expect the staff to do about this rather unique complaint? How exactly did you want them to change a fixed seating installation which was neither their choice or within any of their control? To be frank, the footrest idea actually sounded like a reasonable suggestion.
  5. Has the OP actually had a word with their neighbour? What exactly where they doing at "dawn" to be making so much noise that awoke them? If they had got in from a big night out and maybe had made too much noise whilst stumbling around to bed that's very differnt to if they had got in with a gang of mates and started having a house party. None of us actually know anything about what they have done yet. Seems a bit too quick to be jumping on the court action and landlord eviction stuff.
  6. But he isn't though. Is he? Weathy "tax dodgers" dont earn £80k a year. In fact the majority of them will not earn any sort of taxable salary whatsoever. You really need to take a good look at what sort of jobs get a figure of £80k a year. You will be surprised how many normal (albeit skilled or management roles) will fall into that category - even more so in London. Just taking the precious NHS alone there are 7 pay bands which are £80k or above including jobs such as Consultant Psychologists, Consultant Surgeons, Chief Nurse, Estates Manager, Chief Finance Officers and upper level GPs. There are headteachers both in and out of London who can earn up to up to over £100k. There are dozens of civil service and local authoirty managers who can easily earn £80k and many Service Directors earning over £100k. These are not the tax avoiding scum that Corbyn is after surely? The man is deluded and taking an easy headline grabbing approach with no thought of whom it will affect.
  7. Equality is what its supposedly about right Anna? So everyone should be paying the same rate of tax. Its the additional punishment for having a better job and better salary that gets me angry. A % tax rate for all. A % NI rate for all is what should happen. The result will be the same. If you earn the least you pay the least tax. If you earn the most you pay the most tax. On the current average tax rate of 20% those who earn £15k a year pay £3k tax and those who earn £90k a year pay £18000 tax. What could be fairer than that? Tell me a good reason why someone who works starting on the shop floor and then get up to a mangement or even company director level in their career should be "punished" by having to pay a increased tax rate on part of their earnings which is double or more the rate paid by the lower earners? ---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 13:51 ---------- Oh well that's alright then. As long as they have plenty to live on. Tell you what Anna. Those so called poverty stricken minimum wage earners have "plenty to live on" compared to a starving African child or an India street worker. Pehaps they should put up and shut up right? Equality is all well and good as long as it only applies to lower earners I guess.
  8. Is it? Attacking some hard working salaried NHS consultant or perhaps some inner London headteacher's pay packet is is really going make a differnce is it. How exactly is that going to punish some Russian Billionaire sitting on their offshore protected assets and secured trust funds? Its a typcial Corbyn cop out to appeal to the dimbo dumbos that he is doing something about the "rich". £80k a year is not "rich" is just top line of pay scales. There is a huge difference. If he really wanted to tackle the "rich" he would grow some balls and do it properly. However, like everyone else who comes out with the snappy soundbites, he knows he cant. To do so would take huge resources and solid co-ordinated stances from dozens and dozens of nations. So, instaed he takes the easy option to be "seen to be doing something" and just attack those who happen to earn slightly more than average. Its pathetic.
  9. Im sure Compo and Co know what they are doing. After all they are the party of the civil service. They are the party of the great overprotected never ending pit known as the NHS. They are the puppets of the Unions. It can only be correct surely that all those Senior GPs, Consultants, Surgons, Clinical Directors, Head Civil Servants, Chief Superintendents and Chief Constables, Heads of Council Services, Union Leaders, Judges and Crown Prosecutors are absolutely delighted to be threatened with a tax hike on thier salaries to pay for, errrrm, themselves. Well done Corbyn another winner. The "rich" are not people earning £80k. That is a good salary no doubt. That is top of the tree in many aspects of the global system. But go tell someone on £80k in London who still cannot afford anything more than a shoe box in the city limits that they are "rich" and should be taxed more. Those people earning £80k now already lose £26k in tax an NI. How much more of their hard earned salary does Compo want to take off? Remember that word. SALARY. These are not billionaires sitting in their mansions spending Daddy's inherited money. These are not reality TV stars or footballers earning millions of pounds from lucrative sponsorship deals or agencies. These are people doing a day to day job. Many of which are still working for the civil service that Corbyn is supposed to be the champion for. Its disgusting. Its robbing Peter to pay Paul. Its actions of a incompetent leader surrounded by yes men and bullies with a single nasty anti-weath, anti-commerce agenda.
  10. No we are not. I have said before many times, IF people could be bothered to pull their finger out there is a wealth of information all over the internet, books, publications and even television as to what is going on. There are committee minutes, draft proposals and bills, charts, plans, spreadsheets, budgetary details, official reports, detailed transcripts, audio recordings, video footage of not just what happens in the House but in the dozens and dozens of round table meetings and smaller committees that happen in government every day. People COULD engage more by actually attending surgeries, communicating with their elected leaders, raising questions or submissions during public forums, attending public galleries during open committees. The fact that people sit there and accept what the media edits out for them, is entirely up to them. You seem to be constantly raising the so called media bias as if that's the be all and end all. Firstly, despite what you claim, its not and never has been all right wing. There are plenty of socialist, leftie and liberal media publications pushing their own bias and agenda. Secondly, its up to people to look beyond the headlines and take the trouble to actually educate themselves on the facts. If the masses choose not to do that, tough. Dont be crying when something you dont want or dont understand happens.
  11. Since the Child in the OP didn't wet herself or vomit and cleary managed to get to the end of the lesson she didn't have to go so desprately after all.
  12. What are you talking about "sad miserable world". Its real life. Its called being an adult. The world doesn't stop just because we get an urge to go to the loo. Our body is designed to deal with that. God sake, if we lost such ability we would all be stopping dead in the street and peeing everywhere every time we need to go. Alternatively, we would all be sitting there wetting our knickers if we were sat down somewhere where we cant go. Some people need to grow up.
  13. No as an adult we dont just "go when we want". There are numerous situations in adult life where we control our bladder. Its something we learn to do as children just like the child subject to this post. When I am attending a meeting or conference call I dont just disappear, that would be rude to the person hosting. When I am attending a Court Hearing I certainly dont just get up and go, that would be disrespecting the Judge and disrupting the proceedings. When I watch a theatre show or have a long car journey or watch a film in a cinema or even when im having a meal out with someone I will control myself until an appropraite time to go and/or make sure I go before the thing starts. Unless the child has some specific medical condition, which I am sure a sensible parent would have informed the teacher of, there is no excuse for them not being able to control herself until the next appropriate break period. Children are not all angels. They are mischievous, attention seeking and disruptive. Its not uncommon (even my own nephew does it) for children to repeatedly ask to go to the toilet to avoid something or to get attention. I think the Teacher is giving lesson in adult behaviour perfectly well. No grown adult just goes when they want in real life. We all have moments when we need to control ourselves and go to the loo at appropriate times i.e. before or after something which would restrict us going in between. That is the lesson to the child and at that age she would have been able to understand such perfectly.
  14. Seems a rather one sided stance. What makes you think that any of these figures threatened by the EU rabble has any sort of reality. The fact that its leapt up so dramatically depending on which rent a gob has been quoted, show to me that there are plenty of sore losers desprately scaremongering. I was certainly not in the leave vote camp but I have accepted the result. We are where we are. We are most certainly not the only country who is quietly comtemplating bailing out of the club. They will of course all be waiting to see what happens when the dust settles, but that doesnt mean they are not ready to follow. The EU knows that and will do anything they can to discredit brexit and desprately frighten off anyone who may decide to follow. Its nothing short of bullying and stirring the pot.
  15. I can. I'm sure they are crying all the way to the bank ready to cash in their latest tv interview appearance fee, or newspaper interview royalty or book launch or documentary repeat fees or latest court payout. Perhaps if they focused their efforts on their "cause" rather than PR, reputation management, fighting court cases and basically playing celebrity victims people might not think so harsh on them Fact is hundreds of parents have faced the devistating hearbreak of losing a child through abduction or worse. They dont all get their own PR agent, a string of media appearances and 10 years of government funded support. Even less so when the sole cause of the issue was through their own selfish actions.
  16. I highly doubt it. The McCanns are even registered on various "celebrity" agent sites. Mitchell has already used the terms "handling their PR". Its sickens me. Shameless fame and clearly fortune out of the disappearence of their own child.
  17. Regulation and control to keep passengers safe is one thing. But dont try and make out that a skilled trade such as plumbing is in the same category as driving a car with passengers. A driving licence is all any lay person needs to do the practical parts of what a taxi driver does. That is a licence which is obtained by millions of us ordinary citizens. I have been in plenty of regulated taxis driven by those so called "sat nav jockies". I have also had plenty of cab journies where I have had to direct a subsantial part of the route. You are deluded if you think that behaviour is solely limited to world of Uber drivers. Sat Nav is just a tool. Its no different to a driver using power steering or parking cameras. The more common it becomes the more it will be a "standard" feature. Why are you so against it? There needs to be a sensible balance between regulation (on vehicle standards, safety and driver checks) and free market (pricing competition, online applications and ride services).
  18. Mixed use most probably. Quite frankly who gives a toss as long as the area gets its investment and gets developed. There is more to the global project than just about trying to create a city centre version of Meadowhall. Mixed use areas with retail on the lower levels / workspaces or residential on the upper levels is is what other city developments have had for decades. Look at what is on top of and combined within the Liverpool One, Manchester Arndale, Nottingham Victoria, Birmingham Bullring developments. Its not just about shopping all the time.
  19. No of course it's not. The Anchor tenants will be a large department store most likely John Lewis. Clearly the HSBC block will just be one of many blocks that forms the development
  20. Actually the Leeds one is now £1 per journey. The Manchester one is funded by both the City Council and GMPTE. Perhaps if our council could have chopped away some more of the ever dwindling budget to chip in for the costs it might have stayed. - wonder if people would have been very happy with that eh? Its also quite interesting that at the time of withdrawal of the Freebee the Rotherham one continued on by getting payments from the owners of Parkgate Shopping Centre. So Rotherham's free bus was actually pulling people away from the Town Centre and giving them a nice free shuttle to Parkgate instead. In other words they are not so free after all unless a council is prepared to sacrifice funding from one of their other services to keep it going or a private corporation (with their own motives) wants to keep it going.
  21. Whilst I respect that SCC spokespersons always deserve a lot of cynicism fact is its already happening. After Tombstone failed they said quite clearly that they would abandon the single grandiose project and focus on moving on with smaller more likely schemes to keep things progressing. They are delivering on that. The Light complex has now been finished and opened. Charter Square redevelopments are nearly completed, The Moor is starting to improve with a handful of new units and features opened up and HSBC are signed and sealed on their new tower offices. The remainder of the retail will be the next phase in that. I certainly feel like the Star Article and the choice of words used by the interviewee are deluded in nature but I would not doubt that some form of development will happen.
  22. Its very simple. You get off at West Street and walk stright down either Eldon Street or Trafalgar Street for a few minutes. If someone's mobility is genuinely THAT severe that they cannot manage such a short walk then they can use their freely provided disabled or elderly bus pass and get one of the dozens and dozens of bus services that stop right outside the bloody door of the market and moorfoot shops. Its just rediculous the way people keep banging on about the Moorfoot as if its some undiscovered land a million miles away from castlegate. If you want to do a 60 mile round trip to get exactly the same shops as Sheffield then that's your choice. Forgive me for not following your lead. You take issue with the distance between Castlegate and the Moorfoot but are happy to travel over to Doncaster?? Yeah, that makes sense. Oh and by the way, based on a well known internet map system, the walk from Doncaster Interchange to the Doncaster Market is actually a couple of minutes longer than it would take to get from Moorfoot up to the nearest tram stop. No clearly it isn't. That's why someone is prepared to undetake a multi-million pound property development here. That's why several big companies are about to move into shiny new buildings here. Moaning for moaning sake on a project that's not even so much as finalised yet. Its pathetic.
  23. Oh here we go again. Negativity, whining and criticism about a draft proposal which has barely got the ink dry. Attitudes like the OP really do sum up why we have the city in its current state. ---------- Post added 30-04-2017 at 16:18 ---------- Could not agree more.
  24. Where do you come up with these over simplistic and patronising statements from? What are you talking about "ordinary people". Are you so deluded that you think your precious Labour is representing the so called "ordinary people". Perhaps that is why they are tanking in the polls. Perhaps that is why they are keeping their own toxic leader off their campaign materials because of the image he portrays. I have said before that those salt of the earth "proper job" lower income working class people are NOT represented by Labour any more. In fact if you look at the key target areas those voters have the same priorities, opinions and political stances more in line with the right wing parties just like the high earning Chipping Norton set. That is why the tory share has increased and further right parties such as UKIP are going from totally forgotten about to mainstream news. Its no secret that that trend is expanding beyond our own shores too. You need to just accept that not EVERY tory voter is some high earning, fox hunting, slum lord, banker, country set type. Its those sorts of stupid stereotypes, sheep mentality and confining areas of people into a catergorised box that needs to stop. People need to vote with their own volition on policy and facts not be bullied into following the heard or be pulled by the populist mentality. There is no such thing as an "ordinary" person. People are unique. People have freedom of opinion and freedom of choice. People should be allowed to vote for who the hell they want to without feeling pressured or persecuted by others just because they do not comply with some fantasy stereotype categories. Some people need to grow up and stop treating politics like some gang mentality. In real life not everyone finds it grim up't north and not everyone in Hampshire is a millionaire. Not every tory voter is a Bullingdon Club member and not every Labour voter is a car factory worker from Sunderland.
  25. Well given that she is currently polling at just under 50% of the entire electorate nearly double Corbyn's current figures - I think I know what my stance is. You can see them "up there" every week in PMQs You can see them "up there" during every major debate in the house. You can see their respective parties "up there" during every committee debate and chambers session. This is the whole point. What is this obession with seeing it in a TV studio as if that gives it some massive importance over what happens day in day out in Parliament if people ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO TAKE INTEREST. Simplistic gimmick to grab attention of the disinterested x-factor mindset. ---------- Post added 26-04-2017 at 23:43 ---------- Dont mind us future generation of pensioners who will probably end up with no state pension at all because all the money has run out. Should have never been introduced in the first place. It was a ludicrous policy to score votes, just like Compo and his extra bank holiday spiel. It still will go up with up with inflation and still has a double lock option. There should be absolutely no need to continue this triple lock nonsense. Money isn't infinite and people are living much longer. Its just not sustainable.
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