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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Quite normal. Its called a wheelchair platform lift. They are very common partcularly when accessing mezannine floors or in smaller shops. They are reguarly installed where is not feesible or cost effective to build a full lift shaft, motor room or deep hydraulic well. Nothing worrying or sinister about it.
  2. No its not "thier business". That position was blown out of the water as soon as they decided to get out their business in public and wave it around with their replying a blunt "NO" Anyone with a brain knows that when you post such a response on a discussion forum you are supposed to substantiate it with some comments as to why. Answering like a five year old child with a one word answer shows two things. They have no balls to openly give the reasons to back up their somewhat bigoted position or they are trying to be deliberately obtuse to provoke a reaction just like this one. Giving your position and hearing arguments against it is how a forum works. One word answers just dont cut it. Lets say this was a radio phone in. Do you think the host would let some punter come on the line and just say "NO" without giving any follow up.
  3. I suspect the OP went to this one... http://www.apcoa.co.uk/parking-in/sheffield/the-moor-sheffield.html A tip for the future, a little research goes a long way. There are quite a few car parks that have deals with the theatres/city hall and offer discounts - I think the Q park on Arundel Gate or Rockingham Street might have some. As others have said, there are also other options including council car parks which have reduced and/or free parking periods after certain times.
  4. Only through "indirect" taxation. This was a spin the Guardian tried to pull in 2014. They claimed that... "The reason why those on the lowest incomes are paying the biggest proportion of their income in tax is because indirect taxes, such as VAT and tax on tobacco, alcohol and fuel are charged at the same rate to all income groups" What did they want? Poor people to be given a reduced tax rate on their purchases to make it fair?? Yeah, that's equality. If we are talking about actual earnings and income then the figures are clear. Institute of fiscal studies did reaserch stated.... "...The Institute for Fiscal Studies said that the proportion of working-age adults who do not pay income tax has risen from 34.3 per cent to 43.8 per cent, equivalent to 23million people. Over the same period the amount of income tax paid by the richest 1 per cent has risen from 24.4 per cent to 27.5 per cent, meaning that 300,000 people pay more than a quarter of the nation's income tax..." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/26/nearly-half-of-britons-pay-no-income-tax-as-burden-on-rich-incre/ HMRC FOI figures from 2014 stated.... "In all, 29.9 million people pay income tax in the UK. According to the new figures released by HM revenue & Customs (HMRC), almost one-third of income tax payers contribute less to the Exchequer than the top 3,000 earners - equivalent to 0.01 per cent of the total." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/tax/11233686/How-top-3000-earners-pay-more-tax-than-bottom-9-million.html Bloomberg: "Share of population paying any income tax falls to 56%" "number of people paying tax at the higher 40 percent rate and above rose to 5 million from 3.9 million" https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-27/u-k-s-top-1-of-earners-now-paying-a-quarter-of-all-income-tax I would be interested to see how much would be hit in this country if we lost these high earners. Maybe some of the politicians who use high earners as some kind of bogey men to push their own moronic agendas should think about that. Now forgive me if I disregard the "equality trust" Think Tank Report and their very very selective use of the overall ONS data. Data, by the way, which included in its own source material this paragraph... "On average, households in the top two income quintiles paid more in taxes than they received in benefits, while households in the bottom three quintiles received more in benefits than they paid in taxes."
  5. Same problems as with A&E. Too many people who dont need to be there. Too many people going to a GP when they could simply get some self medication from a pharmacy. Too many people attending for trivial reasons "just in case." Too many people making appointments and not turning up or not cancelling them when they find out they are actually recovered from their symptoms. Another example of free at source NHS entitlement syndrome.
  6. Again, I think its down to education and course lots of self diagnosis "what if" syndrome. For the poor staff behind the desk they can only take someone at face value and the information given is only as good as what the patient want to give. Its a horrendously difficult position but something has got to give. Somebody has got to be making the decison. Tit for Tat finger pointing by our so called parlimentary leaders is not going to do anything to help. I think one of the big aspects is there needs to be a far more comprehensive assessment system (i.e. NHS direct/ambulance despatch) as to what exactly the issue is. Its all well and good a call handler saying "are you having difficulty breathing" but that could mean anything from a mild wheezy cough to full on life threatening respiratory issue. All a lay person is every going to say is "YES" and a box is clicked. Add up a few of those on a brief call and that turns into a potential full scale A&E ambulance admission for what turns out to be just a nasty but perfectly normal flu bug. Just digging round for my own curiosity and found this interesting article from an ex Emergency Care Assistant. I think some of thier comments are absolutely spot on. https://www.theguardian.com/healthcare-network/views-from-the-nhs-frontline/2015/jan/12/a-and-e-patients-dont-need-ambulance#comments
  7. Have to agree with the others. Too many people misusing A&E and taking its free at source status for granted. People turn up at A&E for trivial issues. People turn up at A&E in substiute for not getting a same day GP appointment. People turn up at A&E with minor injuries which can be dealt with by the appropriate walk in clinic. People turn up at A&E with repeated self inflicted drink and drugs abuse. Those who have a genuine reason to be there are pushed down the queue by those who shouldn't. It is a very difficult situation and Jeremy Hunt (on this particular occasion) is getting a lot of unnecessary flack from certain politicians, campaigners and general rent-a-gobs pushing their anti-government agenda. That fact its that BOTH major parties have failed in thier targets and attempts to sort out the never ending queue of people waiting for treatment and the bottomless financial hole which is the NHS. It is not something that can just be resolved with money as despite what Compo and his chronies chant. It is not "HER" failure. Its been a failure for decades including when his own party was in charge of it. Personally, I think there should be much much more education about what exactly A&E is for. Clear boundaries about what strictly stays within the remit of A&E provision and (....bound to be contraversial) some financial penalties or other sort of sanctions against those repeat offenders who attend A&E for their own self inflicted consumption or abuse. I would increase that with the same financial or other sanctions for those who fail to turn up to GP appointments or those who use support services or patient transport when they have no justified reason for doing so.
  8. You do know that land is not infinite dont you. Nobody is forced to take their cars. Sometimes car parks get full. You either wait your turn or find somewhere else nearby to park. Its not as if there isn't other options of getting there. It would be a big help if selfish visitors to the arena stopped parking in there despite not using any of the facilities. Where exactly do you expect them to magic extra car parking out of thin air?
  9. Salary expectations and seeking to maximise is one thing. Jumping your expectations for a job role attracting an average of say £40k a year to £80k a year is not even on the same planet. If you did that in any interview at my company I wouldn't give you chance to do negotation it would highlight to me that you knew nothing about the industry or job you were applying for and you would be out the door. Oh that's alright then. Ner Ner... they will never find me... Ner ner.... I can do what I want. Tick tock pal. Tick tock. Horse crap. Millions of people (including myself) do it every single tax year. Its called running a business and managing your financial affairs legally. We are not talking about the odd missed £10 travel expenses or a misfiled credit note. You know full well what your (alleged) selling activities are and (if they are true) you have nicely bragged on this very thread how much you can make from it each year. That is running a second income business and dont pretend you dont know it. Nobody with an (alleged) job such as yours is that thick. Stop trying to make excuses for your deliberate fraudulent, illegal and evasive activities.
  10. The more you keep posting on this, the more you are verifying to me that you are nothing but a serial troll talking horse crap to get a reaction. A so called "professional service" employee on a six figure salary who despite their role and status proceeds to undertake hidden trading activities resulting in thousands of pounds illegal undeclared income. A professional advisor who is prepared to put themselves at risk of civil and/or criminal proceedings for their greed. An employee who seemingly has regular lifechanging big wins on poker but nobody has ever noticed or even considered where such stake money has come from. A man who is so full of his own that he can allegedly turn up to employer interviews doubling his own salary valuation and requests that a company pays them X A man who is so full of his own that they happilly declare on a publically accessible forum that they undertake undeclared trading, know they are tax evading but still have such lack of shame that they provide their occupation details, income and even advise everyone of their frequent haunts of where they sit there doing their big gambling. Clip clop clip clop. Can you let me know where you work exactly. I must speak to your company - With an attitude and knowledge such as you have displayed on this forum, you are just the sort of Business Development Consultant I need for my brand new expanding empire on Button Moon.
  11. Lets not forget that many businesses have limits on the amount of cash they accept in payment anyway. Those that do accept high amounts have special registration to complete as part of the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 with a list of check and ongoing due dilligence as long as your arm.
  12. So because you pay a heavy amount of tax on your 6 figure annual salary you think its fine to skip mentioning those little cash in hand earners you do. Lovely.
  13. hahah. Wow, we both thinking obscure references. I didn't even link my comment to The Fall and their track. I was simply referring to this.....
  14. Based on some of the initial reports the shooter was born in New Jersey and appeared to be in the millitary. Appears on the face of it to be lone mentalist rather than the "M" word as some initially suggested. Either way its another day another US gun toating tradegy. All this historical rights to bear arms crap needs to be ripped apart. Doubt it will ever happen now that the curious orange is about to take charge. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fort-lauderdale-shooting-five-killed-airport-shooting-gunman-idd-esteban-n704001
  15. I am totally at a loss to understand why on earth you would choose to exclude yourself from huge aspects of the modern world, let alone basic security by refusing to have even a basic bank account. The lengths you must have to go to just to do simple things such as pay bills and transfer funds arounds must be tedious. It must be nearly a decade since I had any reason to step into a physical bank branch for anything.
  16. They didn't THINK about anything. Its a throw away pointless statement on the same lines as people who say "....the minimum wage should be at least £15 a hour" "...everyone should be guaranteed a house from the state..." and "....everyone should get all healthcare, university and childcare free of charge..." It means nothing and has sod all basis with any reality. No thought as to how its funded. No thought as to the work involved. No thought as to any practicalities. No thought as to the long term and/or wider impact of such things. Anyone above the age of 5 knows the simple concept that money does not magic itself out some mystical pot under the rainbow and you dont just create materials, land and utilities out of thin air. Perhaps less fantasy dreaming and more practcal assistance would be of more benefit to those "homeless" persons. The charities and organisation who can actually do something are there.
  17. Have you any idea of the outlay that would be required to convert a disused office block into a residential dwelling(s). Then lets move on to the legislation, legalities, planning and other paperwork which will all need to be drafted by competent and suitably qualified people, processed and approved. - they all work for free right? Now we can start with the great build. Presumably all those homeless people with no training, no fixed abode, no relevant certificates or CSCS cards will just spring up and do it will they. Forget about pages and pages of construction, liability, health and safety and dozens of other rules and regulations about building works and a total disregard for actually having skilled and suitably competent workmen doing the same. Presumably this huge amount of qualified trades who need to give close personal supervision on every single aspect of the job will all be working for free too right? ....and once its built presumably there will be the magic maintenence fairy who will deal with all ongoing upkeep, pay the service charges, ground rent, council tax and utility costs which will fund all these new dwellings on their prime piece of real estate in the middle of the city centre. Im sure its a sound idea once you get over those little hurdles.
  18. Like who? What "things"? Honours are not just simply about that. You were the one who created this faux criteria. Your personal definition of what you deem "..doing something amazing..." is quite frankly irrelevant. YOU are not the one making the decision. Just because YOU dont think that people like some hard working dedicated sportsperson who represented the nation or some long serving and popular entertainers dont deserve an award does not mean that others think they do. The list is extensive and varied. Their honours should be just as deserved as anyone else.
  19. People need to get him nominated then... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/nominate-someone-for-a-uk-national-honour
  20. Why dont you read through the 127 pages of honours and you might see there are plenty of people on there who do lots of charity work, save lives and undertake selfess acts. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/580999/new-years-honours-2017-full-list.pdf
  21. I have already raised this on another thread but to all those bemoaning that people like Stan Shaw are not the on list THEY ARE. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/580999/new-years-honours-2017-full-list.pdf Here is the current list of honours. Its 127 pages long. They are not all sportsmen and media luvvies. Same silly complaints every time. I have said before, just because the media pick out half a dozen popular well known names does not mean that there are not hundreds of others from a RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS AND BACKGROUNDS on the list. More people need to bother to read it before moaning.
  22. Here we go... Another year and same old complaints and moaning about the honours system. For goodness sake, the complete list is 127 pages long. It contains a range of people from well known to not known. There are millitary personnel, civil servants, royal staff, doctors, nurses, engineers, lawyers, company officers, directors, charity workers, volunteers and yes even some well known broadcasters, actors and sportsmen. Whether people agree with it or not. If someone has dedicated their career to a sport or had long service as a broadcaster or entertainer which has attracted thousands/millions of fans THAT IS AN ACHIEVEMENT. If someone goes and represents the country at a major sporting event and is successful, thus inspiring thousands THAT IS AN ACHIEVEMENT. Its quite obvious that the news will always focus on the dozen or so well known people because lets be honest, that's the only people that the wider population know or give a toss about. Joe Bloggs the charity worker might well deserve his gong but if nobody knows him outside his immediate circle and he is no different to the hundreds of others on the honours list why would they get a mention in the papers or tv reports. It gets tedious. Every year the list comes out. No bugger reads it beyond the headline names and then whinge and moan that no ordinary people are on it. Perhaps people ought to read it then they might understand the amount and range of people on it.
  23. That's called days off. Everyone has them. Nobody is compelled to work 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Why is Sunday this sacred day?? What difference does it make whether your "weekend" is Friday/Saturday or Monday/Tuesday. Time off from work is time off from work. This whole Sunday is a sacred day nonsense only applies to selective individuals when it suits them, its fueled further by the religious organisations who seem to still have some delusional belief that the majority of the populus are all desprately queuing up for the next service and spending their days in quiet reflection. Crap. Sunday is a normal working day for millions of people. People working in retail, hospitaility, healthcare, law enforcement, support services, telecommunications, IT, maintenance, customer service, transportation, broadcasting and even increasing numbers of professional services have been having sundays incorporated into their working week for years. 5 on 2 off is standard practice for many. Its about time other services get on with it. With the increasing technology and trends towards non fixed hours and flexible working in many (particular larger) organisations, how, where and when people undertake their work is changing all the time. You make your own time to spend with your family. You dont need to rely on outside influences to create it.
  24. Nothing "sadly" about it. They are supposed to be providing a service. The days of 9 - 5 monday to friday are long gone. People work a range of hours now and cant just make themselves available to get to a bank or any other sort of service in office hours any more. Even my own profession, law, which is often tarred with being one of the most rigid of the lot has had to drag themselves into the 21st century and start offering service beyond 5pm. About time we get rid of the stupid archaic Sunday trading laws too. The fact that in 2016 we still have such a thing in place just to please the churches is madness.
  25. What is your budget then? I will warn you now, you are unlikley to get any hotel in the greater london area for less than around £90 - £100 a night. That's £700 without travel even for a very basic 3 star. A good quality but still chain hotel you are looking at around £1400 for the week. As others have said, if you are really on a budget then you need to be looking for more B&B, hostel style accommodation. PS: I second what others have said. Dont drive. It really IS that bad. Booking in advance you can get return train tickets for less than £40 each. Tube is cheap and covers everywhere you would need to go.
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