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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Im not exactly a fan of them but I think MF needs to do a bit of reading up. 38 awards won including an Ivor Novello and a Mercury Price. Plus 3 Grammy Nominations. Hardly "within the confines of Sheffield" are they. As for calling Hendos vile. tut tut tut. That's feightin' talk round ere!!
  2. Well go on then elighten me. What was the JOKE ? We have ice cream at one end and homosexuality at the other. Please explain the funny, stereotypical and well known connection between the two.... I like a good laugh.
  3. Glad you agree. With that in mind then, I think it clearly shows how Hammond's statement that simply eating a bloody ice cream has some link to a man's sexuality is totally ludicrous and offensive not just to the gay community but to everyone. A remark which was challenged by his own cast members and clearly should have been removed before broadcast.
  4. Its funny you mention John Inman and I assume you will be referring to his portrayal of Mr Humphries. Nobody said he was gay. The writers didn't and neither did the actor. Camp - yes. Mummys boy - yes. Theatrical - yes. One might even say "drama queen". But as Mr Inman said himself in interviews, unless you saw Mr Humphries banging a customer over the counter who can say what sexuality he was. Theatrical camp does not automatically mean gay man. See David Walliams or Tom Cruise. Straight blokey manly pursuits and actions does not automatically mean stright man See Gareth Thomas or Wentworth Miller.
  5. What was the "joke"? Nobody seems to know. Even his own co-hosts dont even know what the hell he was going on about and called him out on it. Clarkson's outrageous comments at least have some realistic but lazy stereotype. Hammond's comment was just a bizzare and nonsensical link between a food item and masculinity. None of which has (even a weak comedic) basis in reality. It wasnt a cheap gag about funny foreigners, it wasnt a cheap gag about a sex or race of people, it wasnt even some cheap gag about someone/something being camp or infeminate Jesus, even Mrs Browns Boys outdated and pantomime portryal of homosexuality is more realistic because (albeit the minority) some gay people that OTT do exist. I am certainly not one to ever jump on the offence bandwaggon and would always argue that people have a right to be offended just as much as people have a right to be freely speaking. But when you are a so called professional broadcaster you know when something has fallen flat and anyone with a brain cell should have just snipped it out at the edit.
  6. So as long as its not on your street its OK then, right? I will ask the earlier poster's question again. If someone on your street DID draw a ejaculating penis in lights in full view of the street would you not complain? Do you think that is an acceptable thing to have displaying in a public environment? Where is the line, perhaps some female breasts? A mimicked sex act? Some swear words made out of fairy lights? A decapitated santa? Its sod all to do with being "offended". Its about being respectful to your fellow neighbours and the environment which you are living in. The moron subject of the video deserved his police visit.
  7. The last thing any shop wants is people sitting down for a while. If you are on the shop floor they want you wandering around looking at the goods and buying. From the larger stores they will argue that they have instore restaurants and coffee shops which allow customers an opporunity to sit down and have a break (....providing you are spending more money on their catering of course...). As I have said before, the unfortunate fact is we are not in 1950 any more. The days of sitting down whilst a sales assistant gives you personal attention and fetches and carries your goods are long gone (with the execption of the rare and extremely expensive boutique stores). Those who still want that, can pay the price. We also have advances in technology now, with the advent of internet shopping, home deliveries and click and collect which are all available to those who struggle getting around big stores or have limited mobility. With respect to those unfortunate enough to have any sort of mobility issue, the clear fact is that the majority of shoppers (particuarly in any sort of store that has an aisle layout) want to be in, grab their stuff and out. Any business with an 'Aisle layout' = high volume, high footfall, high turnover and very self service. It is not conducive to offering seating areas mid store nor to having groups of people sitting around. Clusters of people sitting around reduce retail floor space, reduce the amount of goods on offer and would get in the way of those customers wanting to get on with their business. Unless the DDA changes and provides more mandatory rules, shops will do absolutely no more than they have to. Footfall, sales and the needs of the majority will always outweigh the needs of a few.
  8. ^^^^^^ agree completely with this. Tomorrow is only "ruined" if you let her ruin it. You can do what YOU want to do. You dont have to go anywhere you dont want and if she is not around when you planned to visit, go and visit another time. No need to get angry or upset about it. Annoying it might be. Inconvenient it might be, but dont let such trivial things spoil the first xmas with your newborn. Families have this each and every year. The juggle and squabbles between who is going to go to whose house, when they are coming,how the are getting there, who might be missing out. Its all too silly. Its just one day. The world will still be revolving on monday and anyone who missed out tomorrow can be swept up over the rest of the holiday period.
  9. "express" convenience stores have always been higher price than the larger hypermarket stores even within the same company. Its the same reason why you will also see advert small print saying that price matching / big sale offers etc ***not available in express, fuel or ROI stores*** etc etc.
  10. Ok ok. I am not saying that every single person in that generation doesn't know how to cook but there is no denying that a gap of skills and knowledge with the yonger generation exists. Fact is home cooking from scratch has declined over the decades with the rise and rise of pre-prepared and ready made food. It has been well publicised for some time with some companies and educational establishments raising concerns and trying to do something about it. http://www.blackmorevale.co.uk/new-survey-reveals-generational-skills-gap/story-27477041-detail/story.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-3260435/British-children-say-love-cooking-unable-chop-vegetables-make-salad-boil-egg.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/3325550/Catering-to-the-skills-gap.html https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/oct/06/millennials-no-interest-in-cookery It logical that this must have some overall impact of people's diet and weight.
  11. Does it matter? Also, isn't the majority of the HS2 affected areas located in that side of the city anyway. Probably makes sense to have a venue closest to those who are likely to attend.
  12. I think another big problem is that we have a whole generation of people who dont actually know how to cook. Home economics became "domestic science" and now is food technology. Less and less about actually how to do home cooking and domestic tasks and more about design and theory. All well and good but no use whatsoever when a child grows up into the big wide world. That generation knew nothing about home cooking and are now at an age where they are having their own children. That's a whole section of society who have no basic cooking skills and parents who wont / cant teach them. Add all that onto the fact that that there are restaurant chains and pubs offering two meals for less than a fiver or all you can eat anything for less than £10 and where is the incentive to cook. Why buy fresh food at the supermarket and waste time slaving away in the kitchen when you can pop down to your local hungry horse and get a donut burger each for less than the price of a basket of groceries.
  13. Its the unfortunate problem. Empty spaces, wide aisles with gaps and freely available seating doesn't make money. For shop designers disabled people are well well down the list. Its simply about fitting maximum amount of stock in smallest floorspace possible. As long as the law sets the bare minimum standard with respect to what they have to provide in terms of disabilty access they ain't gonna offer much more than that. Shops are designed with absolute pecision to get you walking/looking/facing a certain way, passing by certain goods with more and more and more items crammed in just waiting to be picked up and bought. The more they show you the more you are likely to buy. The longer they make you walk through a aisle the more likely you are to buy. The more restrictive and difficult they make getting to the till point they more likely they are to pick up other goods on the way. Its the reason why goods that would usually be logically put together i.e. bread and milk or shoes and socks are often put at entirely opposite (or even different floors) of a shop. I would fully support that there needs to be more things set in law regarding not just access but a range of disabilty awareness and mandatory provisions.
  14. Simple case of the Boy who cried wolf just got eaten. So he had to take a different flight? Big deal. Might teach him a lesson and he will grow up. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/21/adam-saleh-delta-flight-arabic The guy has got form and deserved a kicking off the flight IMO. Smuggled myself on a plane prank.... Arabs on a plane prank.... Counting down in arabic on a plane "experiment"... Airport Secuirty prank Argument in Morocco prank Fake gunshooting prank Arab / Desi drive through prank... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=adam+saleh+ Exposed numerous times for faked pranks, faked experiments and haux footage. All there at the click of a mouse. Serial liar caught out time and time again. About time he received some well deserved inconvenience. ---------- Post added 22-12-2016 at 11:28 ---------- Even more proof that Adam Saleh and his ilk are talking horse crap. Live footage of the entire event posted on twitter- yeah, that's normal behaviour on a plane. I mean we all do that right. Nothing more than deliberate behaviour to provoke a reaction and boost his own ego and online profile. I dont blame the american complainants for gloating about getting him kicked off. I would be running down the aisle collecting high fives. The worst thing about this whole incident which angers me the most is the fact that becuase of morons like Saleh, those rare genuine racist actions against muslims are given less credibility and attention. Whatever this chump's cause is trying to be, he is too thick to realise that his attention seeking and fakery is having the absolute opposite effect.
  15. A bit of background I think is needed here. Youtube star and known prankster who has already been found to be recording and producing totally fake "pranks" online was allegedly kicked off a Delta Flight when some passenger(s) complained that he was speaking in Arabic. A man who has already been caught out doing fake "social experiments" involving so called racial issues. I think the media have done a bit of a knee jerk with this. There are already allegations of unedited footage out there on the web of him recording an Intro to this "prank" before he proceeded to deliberately and loudly spoke in a exaggerated accent and tone. To me there is far more to this than is being said. If, this is the ultimate cry wolf and he was genuinely kicked off for "simply talking arabic" then shame on the woman complaining. However, I just dont buy it. Something else is going on here. How exactly did this complainant know. To be honest I wouldn't casually be able to accurately distinguish between overhearing someone speaking Arabic / Turkish / Punjab or Swahili or Polish for that matter. Are we suggesting that people such as this woman complain each and every time they hear a funny accent and language. All seems too far fetched.
  16. Nicely spotted on that mosque story. The news channels (even the ones with rolling coverage desprate to fill their airtime have not given it so much as a mention. Wonder why that could be? Someone cynical might think that have a narrative to stick to or something.
  17. ISIS would claim responsibility for the Moon Landings if they thought it would fuel their influence and fear on the wider population. I will await the outcome of the arrest and investigation before I give credit to their nutjob collective PR team.
  18. Why? I am sure you are well aware what is happening in the world right now. Its not even a new thing. Hightened security alerts and precautionary steps have been happening in major populated areas, shopping centres and major transport hubs for weeks. Its been increased even more since the Christmas period. Reassurance is what you should feel not fear.
  19. Well then she was illegally drunk on top of her taking drugs. Tragic accident. A young life wasted. MAY (debatable) have been prevented. The staff member said that he thought she was moving away when he was looking. Its two versions of a single tragic event. She was leaning against/she was walking away. HOWEVER, why should this man have his life and career ruined. He clearly made a mistake and has to be penalised. However, what's with all the finger pointing and blame passing. Where was SHE taking responsibility for her own behaviour and safety. Where was the PARENTS taking responsibility for the illegal and stupid actions of their offspring. Where were he so called FRIENDS taking control and looking after their clearly incapable companion. No mention of that when they are bleating on to the press. That's what I find disgusting. Its always someone else's fault these days.
  20. Maybe passengers should take some responsiblity for themselves rather than being 4x over the alcohol driving limit and drugged up on mephedrone. Totally harsh sentence and too much finger pointing from the parents if you ask me. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-20339630 We dont stop progress just because a handful of Darwin Award nominations need protecting from themselves.
  21. £4.50 each including the cost of a drink reasonable to me. Im not sure for that price I would have expected anything better than you had - particularly in an "in store" cafe in a captive audience area.
  22. Could not agree more. Failed to become an MP numerous times. Losing his only active job as MEP in the European Parliament which we are now leaving. No longer the leader of the UKIP political party. Quite why and how this moron gets seemingy free and regular access to such high level people in the first place astounds me. Who the hell is he? Not in government. Not an MP. Not a leader of a party. Doris on the till at Sainsburys has about as much credibility as frog face farage. In a way I do wish that he wangles some back office job in Trumpland so he can at least stay the hell out of this country. Unfortunately I suspect he will end up doing a Piers Morgan and never quite be ablitorated from uk society no matter how hard people try.
  23. Why should a company be bullied and threatened by strikers for doing what THEY thought was a right decision. What if the tribual had gone the other way. Would they have been justified in their withdrawal of labour potentially causing millions of pounds of loss for the company and disruption to thousands of flight passengers? What business is it of those strikers to be taking action on behalf of a sole person's grievance. There are two sides to everything. Perhaps to make it fair why dont I concede the rights of strikers and their causes but if a company is found CORRECT by a tribunal they along with all the disrupted passengers/customers are allowed to recoup their own losses from the indivudal concerned, supportive strikers and the union invovled..... that sound balanced enough?
  24. The pilot in question took his grievance to the ET and won. The company was found wrong in their actions and judgment quite rightly found against them. What would a union taking the rest of the workforce out of strike do to alter the above situation. It certainly wouldn't enhance it. It was a personal issue. The pilot felt he had was unfairly treated by the company. He challenged it and the Tribunal agreed. Chanting with placards might boost his ego and embarass the company but that's it. Wouldnt change the legal decison. Wouldnt sway the will of the Judge. If you have a problem with your employer - you dealt with it. If you dont get anywhere you take it to tribunal. Why do you need your colleagues out on strike? What PURPOSE does it actually serve to the individual concerned. Outdated. Ineffective. Disruptive nonsense. A hangover from the millitant ages where companies and even working employees were held to ransom by the attitudes, behaviour and even physical actions of a few. In answer to the OP no I certainly am not supporting the train drivers. Its pathetic. A dispute about who closes automatic operated doors on a commuter train service. Not one logical argument has been put before me. It certainly aint safety and it certainly aint job losses. Its modernisation. We dont have slam door trains anymore. We have roles for the drivers - operate and drive the train. We have roles for conductors - deal with passengers onboard. There are DOO transport systems all over the world. The tube has it as does many other major transport systems. We used to have lift operators but quelle suprise technology brought a single button control and amazingly we all survived without thousands of us getting trapped in the doors and decapitated. The commuters and business itself has every right to be angry at the actions of the strikers. From the few reports I have seen looks like some of the justified grievances agaisnt the strikers have taken a punchy turn too. Maybe it will knock some sense into them.
  25. That's just what I was thinking. All the reports seem very one sided. The NHS often get overcharged for things due to their own stupidity and poor contract management. Their lazy strucutred attitude towards contractors, supply chains and outsourcing, all racks up the bill. I will get you a perscription for paracetamol says the doctor. No thanks I get it for 20p a packet from the shop says me. I know two of my older relatives who have cupboards full of repeated prescription supplied basic tablets like paracetamol and ibuprofen which are never used but they still call in the surgery week after week because they think that's what they have to do. That's £8.20 a charge to me and you but of course they get it free becuase of their age. How much money is the NHS peeing away with thinks like this week in week out. My relatives cannot be the only ones who horde medications whilst still popping into the surgery on a regular basis for more. Lack of follow up, lack of control, lack of proper auditing. Whilst I would of course protest about any forms of deliberate overcharging we cannot forget these companies are a BUSINESS. They are there to make money. Something the NHS would't understand the concept of in a million years. Perhaps if they had some business like brain they would be able to have better relationships with their suppliers and know how to manage, negotiate and sometimes battle with them to get a positive outcome. Unfortunately, like many a civil service they are simply a permanent drain. All delusions of its own grand importance that simply cannot be criticised or touched. It cries "it never has enough money" whilst failing to take any steps to mitigate its own burdens. Of course they will increase the price on a product that has a dwindling useage and no competing manufacturers. They need something to keep them incentivised to make it. Perhaps when the NHS and Taxpayers want to pay for their own millions of pounds into research, creation, development, testing and manufactuer of these life saving drugs then they will understand. That's never going to happen though.
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