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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. So they should be there early. Hundreds of people turning up to a completely unsupervised unplanned event with a growing crowd minute by minute. Lets not forget the basics here. We are talking a prominent park in the middle of London. We have just had a belly full of small scale and mass injuries and fatalities as a result of various terrorist acts. The entire country, particuarly so London is on highest levels of alerts. Call it a "water fight". Call it an "innocent peaceful gathering" the fact remains it was a unsupervised and uncontrolled public gathering which very very quickly escalated to thousands of people. You really think the Police were going to sit on their backsides and wait for something to happen. The fact that the moron elements of this "water fight" appear to instantly turn violent and start throwing projectiles at the mere prescence of police proves my point even more. I could not care less whether the police went round in armed tanks to every small scale meeting. They are doing their job. A job made even more important given the recent climate. SOME of these youths were involved in unlicenced events, violent acts, looting and anti-social behaviour. People can protest all they want but NONE of these events had a right to take place. Social media is not above the law. Sending out an invite does not give entitlement for something to happen without permission. We all saw how the met was hugely criticised for their failures during the 2011 looting and arson attacks. I dont blame them one bit for their defensive stance now.
  2. I partly agree with some of the comments but I dont think its as simple as treating people like idiots. Part of the biggest problem is the way US Television splits its commercial breaks. Many shows broadcast in the states will end with their credits but then jump straight into a cold open of the next show. After a couple of minutes intro they will then have a commerical break before the actual opening credits. 6 or so minutes of programme then another commerical break. Repeat the process for the duration and finish with a commerical break before the final 2-3 minutes of the show and end credits, no gap and stright into the next show.... This then has to be edited to fit the British method of commerical breaks which usually are between the end of one show and commencement of another, followed by 12-15 of programme repeated until the end of the show with flow through to credits then a commerical break between end/start of the next. Trying to edit the American model to suit our less regular breaks is one tricky task and I have to agree does make it look extremely repetative with the constant recaps and cut aways. You can see this even more teling when you watch US Dramas such as game of thrones or Walking Dead where the action will stop a quick flash of the titles and then without any ads, the show continues. This is clearly where the US breaks have been slotted in but then removed for our broadcasts.
  3. Right, Enough already with the old biddy tea room gossip. Here we go..... http://www.southyorks.police.uk/news-syp/six-arrested-connection-chapeltown-incident
  4. Kids are off so its obviously time for a strike eh lads.... Jesus Christ where is Blakey when you need him. What exactly is the valid reason that they are striking about. The generic "uncertainty over brexit" and hold on increases/expansion is what people up and down the country in EVERY company are facing. Even my own has put any hopes of promotions/upgrades/increases on the back burner until a clear direction of how things are going to go has been set. What else is a company supposed to do considering we are about to embark on one of the biggest changes the country has faced for 40+ years. The company has given wage incrases in line with inflation, has stated on record that nothing has changed so what the hell is it?? What makes bus drivers so precious that they have this sudden urgency to be out on strike? Nice weather? Kids at home? Few extra days off? WHAT? Typical unions. If you dont have a reason to strike - invent one.
  5. For all I dont like the man I think you are spot on. I also think that Mrs May has made a very very shrewd move. Before she even got the keys to No10 she was heavilly criticised and insulted by the brexiteers and old skool Tories for not being the right person to implement Article 50, then there was all the Hullabaloo about a remainer getting the job in the first place, particuarly after the referendum result. Boris is an Etonian elite which will please the back bench tory old farts plus he was the gob of the leave campaign which should please the more extreme elements of the outers. Seems a very well thought out and well delivered addition to the cabinet and just the sort of decision someone as smart and level headed as May would do.
  6. hahahahhahahah...... hahahahahahaha.... hahahaha. Corbyn the union puppet cannot be controlled. hahahahahaha.... hahahahah...... hahahhaha.... Corbyn who needs to be held back from saying silly things and "protected" by his Momentum posse cannot be controlled. hahahahahah.
  7. ...... so they have. Well and truely breaking news as I typed. Well, bye bye labour. Maybe 2030 perhaps.
  8. They are not dithering at all. They are having a lengthy and well considered discussion. Its exactly what I would do. Lets not forget that its the momentum rabble and corbyn disciples who have spat their dummy out and actually got a Solicitor involved to threaten legal action against the NEC if they dont get their own way. Kinder politics? My bony backside. The whole thing is a complete farce. We are in the middle of one of the most important changes in our history and we have NO OPPOSITION. We have bully boy union puppetmasters keeping their dummy in power by swarming the party with £3 day pass members and turning up at every meeting, debate and interview with their SWP, Save the Goats or whatever placards and now seemingly are even trying to influence their own powers over the NEC themselves. Quite frankly who the hell do they think they are. Momentum does not OWN the labour party. Membership IS NOT the same as the wider electorate. If they are so deluded that they are so popular and Saint Corbyn is the new saviour why dont they sod off and start their own political party.
  9. Who told you that? Its very different from the statements I have been reading?
  10. Why put all the blame on Sainsburys. They only own 50% of this joint venture, it was only a trial and have quite rightly chosen to focus on the parts of their business that are making a profit and have a long term future. If Dansk Supermarked Group wanted to keep the name going on there was nothing to stop them finding another partner or run the stores 100% themselves. Fact is the ship sailed. Aldi and Lidl were far more established and are making far greater profits than a reformed Netto ever would. When the group was first flogged to Asda it clearly failed. An attempt to bring it back has failed to. Its devistating to the staff no doubt and if Sainsburys have any shred of decency they will do all they can to make sure those staff are deployed elsewhere in the company where possible. However, the bottom line is, it business. Its there to make money. When it doesn't you get rid. Us consumers are hardly in a place to be on the moral high ground. The store was rarely busy, in fact in my experience was nearly always dead. One sniff that its closing down and I see reports and comments about the store being rammed and trolleys heaving with discounted and sale stock. Absolutely Typical. Just like Woolworths, Comet and BHS. Nobody shopped there when it was open. Nobody cared. But as soon as a closure is announced we flock to get our fill of the closing sale stock and then show our faux upset and criticism about the management for closing it.
  11. All hail the god of spelling and grammar! Happy now? I dont really type at all. Its why I have a secretary at work. Even more so when I am using voice recognition to do most of my posts on here. Forgive me for not giving my casual comments on an internet forum my full dictation, proof reading and cross referencing service. Im just a bit too busy having a life.
  12. Then they damn well get one. As soon as you start breading you take on a responsibility. A phone is a tool used in being a parent. A way of communication in the modern world with the places and people that a parent needs to communicate with. Unless there has been an explosion of the over 70s popping out kids that I dont know about, are you seriously trying to tell me that a majority of modern day parents do not own a mobile phone? Evidence??
  13. The only people relying on food banks are wastrels who like to continually suck on the teat of nanny state. Have you been in your average Asda or Tesco? Have you seen stepped foot into a discount store? Food has never been so cheap and in such plentiful supply. Dried goods, ready meals, canned and frozen items sold in big boxes and supersized packets for mere pennies. Lets go back to the days when your options were the corner shop or the Coop. See how expensive things really were then. I would have blown some peoples minds back then if you told them that in a couple of decades people would be wandering round vast warehouses with trolleys bulging with goods for less than one day's pay. It never stops making me laugh when the tabloid television beats on about poverty in britain, people hardly able to put food on the table and queues round the block for food banks and then switch to a report about our obesity and diabeties epedemic. Which one is it. Those poor obease people who cant afford to put food on the table. Yeah right.
  14. Firstly I think the word "computer" needs to be defined. Whilst I am sure millions of people dont own a laptop or big white box in the corner of the room, they may well own a smartphone or tablet which would get them access to the internet. Those who really have no access to the web can still do so for free in any public library and many other places such as commnity centres, leisure centres and council facilities. I think there are a few hysterical comments scattered about. Lets be realistic, the world is not going to stop progressing just because a minimal amount of ludites refuse to evolve. Even the current generation of pensioners have had some awareness of computers for the past 40 years and mass use of the internet for at least the past 15 years. They are still able to do things the old fashioned way if they want to and yes, they may well be forced to pay a fee or be inconvienced some other way - but tough. That's the price you pay for CHOOSING not to modernise with life. I had relatives who never bought a washing machine and never installed central heating becuase they didn't want all that technology. I had little sympathy when they complained there were no local laundrettes any more or why they struggled to easily buy handwash powder or a spin drier. The next generation of pensioners will most likely have used some form of computer in their work, will almost certainly have an internet enabled phone and thus have no excuse for complaining that the lack of internet ability stops them from doing XXX. We need to just realise that this is a part of life now. Even if you only use it for the basic facilities - you cannot pretend that the internet is there to be ignored. Everyone, no matter how old, has some ability to learn. 60 years ago most lifts were operated by a smartly uniformed gent or some pretty girl attendant. The trend changed, the world evolved and now most lifts are operated by people directly by pushing some buttons. There is not a handful of people around scratching their heads stuck using the stairs is there? NO, people learned how to do it and got on with it. The same applied with mutli-channel television. Somehow people coped with learning how to operate an Electronic Programme Guide over their old fashioned push a channel number remote. The same applied with prox card bus passes. Suddenly those paper passes waved at the driver were replaced with having to scan them onto a machine or even god forbid automatic ticket gates. Surprise surprise, people coped. Now we are getting the point where basic utilities and payments are dealt with online using a web portal. Why is this singled out for the reluctance. Its just a tool. That's all. Use it as much or as little as you want but nobody should be choosing to shut it out altogether.
  15. That's sort of what I was thinking too. I dont understand why the OP needs to "dump" using the internet altogether. They can still carry on using it for their shopping or banking or information or whatever. None of those websites have hate, bile and argument. Just keep away from public forums and social media. Its hardly rocket science. The internet is just another communication tool just like a phone or written correspondence. WE choose to view/contribute to whatever we want.
  16. Turkish Ministry of Health are saying 6 dead. so that's 28 confirmed errm... ermm... no maybe its 50 confirmed and the Ministry saying 6. Sometimes I really wish news organisations and quite frankly public feeds just like this would just take a breath and wait until "death figures" become more stable. Reporting the incident is one thing but this almost rubbernecking urgent demand to throw fatality figures around really gets on my nerves.
  17. Both absolutely spot on. Being popular with your own circle is the easy part. There is far far more to being a leader and that includes a ton of things that the cameras and general public never see. He is totally incompetent at these parts. Any other leader in the world would not survive 75% of their elected MPs having no confidence in them. Corbyn's own ego is taking over now. The friendly crowd is not going to hold him in post no matter how times his union puppetmasters and sideline protest groups chant. What business would survive if 75% of their workers voted for the manager to leave?
  18. Im not so convinced. From what I have been reading the majority of this protest were all waving banners and cards from SWP, SA, Momentum and a handful of other fringe protest groups. Rent a mob doing their usual bus trips down to chant and wave. VOTERS is what he needs not pre-arranged protest groups and rent a mobs. The man is dead in the water and he is dragging the party down with him.
  19. If she does not have a hugely burning desire to be a Lawyer I would suggest she sticks with medicine. Law has become a hugely oversaturated market with too many graduates and not enough jobs. With exception of the Magic Circle City firms, most law firms are finding their fees dramatically cut and thus wages and gradings being kept low. If you work in the Consumer / Indivudiual markets the massive cull of legal aid and heavy increases in fixed fee/no win type arrangements means that firms are seeking young, low paid, entry level grades to do the bulk of the work and only a handful of fully qualified seniors to supervise in order to keep costs down. Even in the supposedly more lucrative corporate and commerical markets, firms which focus on insurance/defence or general litigation are feeling the same squeeze with more and more clients demanding a fixed rate/batch work/process driven service staffed by low level monkeys and a couple of more qualified organ grinders. It really is a dog eat dog market at the moment and a young graduate fresh out of uni with little or no practical experience is going to find themselves fighting against 2 / 4 / 5 years experienced Paralegals or Legal Assistants for a training contract or in the alternative be stuck with several years of post graduation low level and low paid legal administrative, business support or clerking roles waiting for such an opportunity before they can become fully qualified. I dont want to be a dark cloud but if she really wants to do Law, she will need to realise that these days, nobody graduates from Law School and gets a graduate salary. Even those lucky enough to snatch a training contract could be initially paid as little as £15k - £20k.
  20. Careful not to confuse voters with members. Technically Corbyn has not proven his popularity with the mass voting public whatsoever. There has been no general election. Just becuase the £3 membership brigade all rushed through with their membership Applications to get him set as Leader does NOT necessarilly mean he will have even a drop of the same level of popularity with the wider electorate. Irrelevant of any of that. The fact is he needs a shadow cabinet to function. If he cant even sustain that - seriously what chance will have have of even making it through to the next election.
  21. Thank you Martss. Hopefully everything is ok and another unfounded rumour is laid to rest. Honestly some of the Chinese Wispers lately have been rediculous. Have people nothing better to do. Even the Star (a so called Newspaper) made a ding-a-ling of themseves by throwing out a story based on some unnamed source that was not even on the same planet as the true story. Can one of the mods set up a curtain twitchers forum please.
  22. ^^^^ What they said. Although so far, no news reports or even alerts, nothing on twitter, nothing on facebook. I hope this is going to be more reliable than last nights "all kicking off in page hall" debarcle.
  23. I have to agree. In fact I think it goes beyond simply the politicians. I think the whole country need to take a long hard look at themselves. This entire referendum has been shameful and brought out to most bile filled hate in people on both sides of the fence. The most appauling lies, propaganda, clickbait, racist posters, blatently made up websites, doctored evidence, physical and verbal absue towards people who have a differing opinion, political point scoring, goading and baiting people and a huge wad of money being thrown away by BOTH sides. It really has shown up society's true prejudices and I personally cannot wait for it to be over. (it wont happen....) Whatever the result society has spoken and that should be the end of it. There is no argument. Its a straight two option vote. Red or Black. Heads or Tails. No crybaby demands for appeals or recounts. No stroppy speeches about bais or minipulation. Result declared and that's it.
  24. Funny isn't it really. To think how information has been analysed by respective people. Im deffo voting IN because I think its better for jobs and the country to stay on top.
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