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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. However many there are. Wherever they are from. Irrelevant of what Colour, Race, Creed or planet they are from morons will be morons. Whether its 2, 10, 20 or 2000 fighting. Its their behaviour that's the problem nothing else. Not the area, not their country of origin, not their racial profile. One could very easily argue that there are brawls taking place in city centres up and down the country on every single Friday and Saturday night. Suprisingly they all seem to be at their peak during closing time. Every football gathering (including some our own great and the good currently smashing up French towns) has elements of brawling and violence. Every school playground has elements of bullying with a handful of thugs in training spoiling things for everyone else. Such is life. Enough with the categorising. Its just SOME people. SOME people behaving badly.
  2. Was just thinking that myself. The Star must be getting desprate. Unnamed "source", no statement from the police, no video footage or photographs. Jesus christ. I remember when journalists actually went out and reported the News. All I see in the picture is a couple of police cars and a van. There was more attendance for the ONE SUSPECT incident the other day. I have seem more police presence at an avertage RTA scene.
  3. .....or the pub, or the car dealership, or the police station for that matter. Honestly, some people need to grow up. This is not some quaint residential cul-de-sac. Its a main thoroughfare adjacent to a bus depot, a supermarket, a police station and an industrial unit. I would more than welcome it to the area.
  4. The fact that you are even asking such questions screams to me that you have not studied at all towards completing such test. IMO, I would forget booking it in a few weeks and wait until you have actually researched what the test is, done some practice test and revised.
  5. Website comments are not free speech. Its the same argument that gets raised time and time again when threads on this very forum or pulled or edited. They are allowing you to comment on their privately owned, privately controlled and privately operated websites. THEY have a perfect right to choose to edit, remove or block any comments they see fit on thier own interllectual property. If you want your own control over your own free speech use your own medium or shout it in the street. ---------- Post added 19-06-2016 at 23:49 ---------- Probably for the simple reason that in this wonderful litigious world of faux outrage and campaigning - when the dirt hits the fan over something that's said, who is everyone going to blame? The annoymous and cowardly poster of the "comment" or are they simply going to sue the website that published/broadcast it? Why the hell should the media organisation be prepared to take the risk.
  6. The next time anyone whinges about why Leeds or Manchester gets better shops and restaurants..... and why we never get premium brands coming here.... and why we always get lumbered with pound stores and charity shops.... and why we are never gonna get a Harvey Nichols or Selfridges..... Im just gonna refer them to this thread. Its the same every time. Cheap cheap cheap. Its all people ever want in this forum. Everything new is either rip off, overpriced or full of "ten bobs". Seriously dont know why Developers keep trying. Just wait till the Boutique Department Store opens in September it will really blow some people's minds.
  7. Oh yeah. Diana, the sloney tart milking the faux persona of the queen of hearts. They were both unhappy in that Marraige. They were both looking over each others shoulder giving eying up someone else. The blame certainly cannot lie solely with Charles and Camilla. The woman was full of issues and was a huge miniplultor of the media and public. Never fell for Diana people's princess poppycock then. Never will now. Whilst I would never wish the tragic circumstances of her death on anyone, the whole hysterics that followed was just ludicrous.
  8. To investigate lots of currently unproven allegations and to quite frankly pay lip service to the public and hysterical media that the Government is "doing something"
  9. You dont think a personal wealth of 4.9 billion and owner of a company that has 2500 stores across the country is not successful? ---------- Post added 15-06-2016 at 19:55 ---------- I have to agree with you about the Panel including its Chairman. However, I must query your use of the word "corruption" What corruption exactly. Green was at this enquiry voluntary. He was not under arrest. He is not facing any criminal charges. He has not been found to be fraudulent nor dishonest. Badly advised - maybe Ill judged - yes. Made a huge mistake - yes Damaged reputation - most definately Needs to make amends - yes Not anywhere in the ball park of "corruption"
  10. Sorry - I spotted that myself earlier. Quite right, it is Alaska.
  11. Nonsense. You clearly have no idea what is involved to hear and determine a case. "Justice" applies to both parties. Not just YOU A Judge will hear the case as presented from BOTH sides, consider the vast range of laws that may/may not apply and give a determination to the relevant party dependent on the application of the same. Oh, and as for those "outrageous" fees, just how much do you think you should be paying for a professional service undertaken by a practitioner who has studied for 7 years and undertakes vast amounts of research, preparation and correspondence in order to prepare a case for Court. Dont forget to add on your Court fees, Expert fees, Disclosure, Specialist Reports and Counsel fees.... Amazing how most qualified professionals such as Doctors, Teachers, Social Workers, Accountants, Engineers, IT workers and Police Officers are respected for their skills and knowledge. Soon as people mention Lawyers its all ".. I could do that myself" "greedy" "scum". Fine do it yourself then. Make a hash of it and face the consequences of the other side chasing you for their costs. Its a professional service. It costs money. Such is life.
  12. Dangling out of a 30th floor window is more exciting than standing safely inside looking at the view. Doesn't mean people should do it. I would sincerly hope that the majority voting public have better reasons than merely boredom for their respective choice. This vote is hugely important and whatever the outcome it could have a massive impact on a whole generation. It deserves more respect than just blindly following the hyped up agenda of some lowbrow tabloid or some sillly social media campaign page. Its serious. People need to be educating themselves with the facts, counter arguments and statistics from BOTH sides and making an informed choice.
  13. For the trending topics, hover in the white space next to the item and a X will appear. You can chose for it to be removed by selecting one of the options. As for feeds and other apps - click on the padlcock icon nearby the login/logout part and you can go through the relevant categories and choose what you see and dont see. I will concede that you will never get rid of absolutely everything (after all a Free service obviously needs Ads to survive) but controlling it yourself and making the effort to turn off things you dont want reduces the "crap" hugely.
  14. I think you are missing my point. My feed has been set up to contain the things I want to see. The posts I see are from my friends contain things I have some interest in. I have set it up that way, blocked any spam/advertising/generally unrelated stories and put friends on my facebook have a similar mindset to me i.e. dont fill their pages with cat pictures and clickbait. Its all possible if people can be bothered to go to the effort. Like I said. You choose to use it how you want. Nobody has to follow the heard.
  15. In theory yes - give or take a few boats. The easiest part would be down to dover, channel tunnell drive across europe into Russia and get to somewhere like Uelen or Lorino on the furthest coastal point. The tricky part would be getting your vehicle shipped over between the two points of Russia and Canada. I doubt very much there is any service or certainly not of easily accessed or regular variety. Overcome that that hurdle and its pretty easy again. Through Alaska or Canada, nip down through the USA and blag yourself on a boat from Miami or Key West to Barbados. You looking at about 15,000 miles and probably would leave yourself about a month or so to spare..... Providing you are prepared to be driving a solid 14 hours a day of course. :hihi:
  16. Only to the braindead who choose to use it that way. Personally I find facebook to be an extremely useful communication tool. My "friends list" only contains people who I actually know and speak to (a handful of whom are now living or temporary working abroad). My "wall" is filled with collections of photographs or information relating to activities we participate in. My feeds are specifcally for events or announcements we wish to quickly get out to our own circle. Messenger is a brilliant way of quickly arranging meet ups or other events to multiple people and even use the "events" to create a diary entry and attendee list. Sometimes the blame lies with the users not the tool.
  17. Horse crap. The guy claiming to be in the name of Daesh is a cop out. He is no more a real muslim follower than I am the Queen The facts are clear. Targetted club. Previously angered by the sight of two men kissing. What this a "generic terrorist attack" too..... http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-gay-pride-la-weapons-20160612-snap-story.html
  18. Brown gunman targets and kills 50 people at gay nightclub whose own father has been quoted saying that his son got angry when he saw two men kissing. White gunman rocks up to LA Pride March with a car full of assault rifles (....and is thankfully) stopped before creating mass casualties. One claims to be pledging allegence to Daesh and their so called religion and despite having sod all basis in reality to the majority of muslim citizens - its plastered all over the media and is now being used as the drum for every anti-islam, anti-muslim, right wing, anti-EU, Ukipper, trump supporting moron to push their agenda. The other is merely described as a lone wolf , no plastering all over the papers, little official comment, swepped under the carpet all to be forgotten by anyone outside the immediately affected areas. What is the most extrordinary point to me is that despite BOTH being clearly acts of terrorism and despite both being targetted attacks against gay people, both of these nutjobs were legally able to obtain assualt grade weapons despite one being known to the FBI and the other being previously charged for threatening behaviour with a weapon. All focus is that I word. How numbskulls like Trump can actually say those speaches with a straight face astounds me. How news organisations such as Sky News can be so ingrained to be generic and balanced "it could have been anyone" guff in the face of what is clearly a targetted attack is just patethic. Where are the journalists with balls these days. Where are the interviewers actually prepared to challenge the so called leaders of the so called most powerful nation and quite frankly tell them that they need to stick their Second Amendment nonsense up their behinds. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Not Islam. Not Isis. Not terrorism. Guns. Guns being accessible to practically anyone with a driving licence. Guns being so widely accepted that children use them, people carry them in their handbags and the obsession with carrying them is treated as casually as a mobile phone. Back on track, Owen Jones was absolutely right to do what he did. It was certainly not a hissy fit. He was certainly not being a child. It was clear that both the presenter and Julia Hartley Brewer were not prepared to admit what this was. They were so ingrained on pushing their own agenda and that of the media organisation. "Its just could not have been a lone wolf nutjob attacking gays". "Its got to be islamic terrorist." Its the same agenda all the time. Brown Person - islamic terrorist ready to bring down western society White Person - mentally disturbed lone wolf probably from a broken home.
  19. I suspect there is some truth in that. Its exactly what I would do in his position. However, it may not be such a bad thing. Ashley already owns the Irish Department Store, Heatons. They have a very similar store size and price range as BHS and operate successfully with branches incorporating both the Department Store part and "Sports World" (as its called in Eire) part in one unit. It would seem an almost perfect model to fit under the BHS nameplate and would allow some of the more larger and better performing stores to keep trading. Like him or loathe him surely SOME version of BHS trading would be a positive outcome.
  20. I was just interpreting this comment from earlier but stand corrected that this was not the OP.
  21. The OP question seems to have been answered (albeit not the answer they were hoping for). Can an employer make you cancel your leave - yes. They appear to have a sufficient business need and if there are other people off too this gives more strength to their argument that they need them in. It seems that the OP's contract of employment also clearly sets out that holiday can be retracted if business demands. This seems to be the case here. Unfortunately, just because a circumstance has not happened before does not mean that the employer isnt entitled to do it. If there is actually a holiday and travel plans booked already then there may be some argument that cancelling now is unfair, but other than that, I dont think the OP has any other grounds. Legal advice may help, but if the HR laws are clear it might not change anything.
  22. Of course they will. Morbid as it may sound - Its nothing new at all. Newspapers and Media Organisations start compiling footage, press clippings, photographs and quotes and store them in files for months/years just ready and waiting for the day when someone dies. Its not just the royals either. They will do the same with any major public figure. Why else do people think they can get these tribute shows/tribute special publications and news reports out within 24/48 hours after death of someone is announced. Its all made earlier just waiting to be quickly edited together and churned out.
  23. SOME is the operative word. Over 66 per cent still did support it by the looks of it Not sure what's newsworthy PS: I would like to know what makes you think that getting your company's share price to rocket and confirmed profits to "well above budget" is not earning your keep. What the hell was he supposed to do? You run a business. You are there to make money. Looks like he has done just that.
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