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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Are people capable of not smoking death sticks and filling their lungs with tar... Are people capable of managing their diet to stop becoming obsease and developing chronic diabeties.... Are people capable on maintaining their alcohol intake to moderate and sensible levels.... .....without the need for government encouragement, guidance or (in some cases) direct intervention??
  2. Oh for goodness sake, you know full well that the scheme is not just the council organising at walk. 30 seconds on Google indicates that its a London wide initiative to encourage people to do something active i.e. walking and promote the associated health benefits. The scheme organises various activities and has manages projects, promotional activities, liaising with volunteers and administration to run it. People who want to quit smoking dont NEED a person to physically remove a cigerette from their mouth but im sure many on here would not begrudge a taxpayer monies funding a stop smoking campaign. In any event you will be glad to know that after the 2010 election the Council decided to cut the non job. Seems like the Labour run Islington Council are re-instating it despite the face of said cut to public monies. Maybe they consider its less of a non job and more of an essentital service. Perhaps Comrade Corbyn was kneeled on by Unison to create another public sector role.
  3. I dont think the example proves what you want it to. The programme is clearly not just showing people where to walk and its clearly more about volunteers trying to offer something to the users of the scheme. Any scheme needs some sort of co-ordination and those volunteers need leadership It is clearly a part time administraive and project management role and its salary is about right for the type of duties required. In fact, despite the role being in central London it really has a low salary. £270 a week for a part time admin Job in Islington is nothing.
  4. The only ones that still haven't recovered are the ones filled with lazy union wallers who think the world owes them a living and are still blaming Thatcher for a situation that happened nearly 30 years ago. The rest of the world moved on and found other work. For those that prefer to remain sat on their arse on tax payer handouts blaming the government, the bankers, the private sector, the yoof, charlie brown or anyone else they choose to pick on for thier own failures, quite frankly they deserve what they get. Society changed. The population demanded cheaper and cheaper. British Industries were flabby, mismanaged, poor quality and poor productivity. The markets opened up beyond our precious island and we consumers lapped it up. Those poor hard done working class at the time didn't give a toss where these wonderful bargains and reliable foreign products suddenly were coming from. Strikes stopped being a daily occurance, ultilties were reliable and plentiful and the shop shelves were bulging under the weight of our newly imported cheap foreign goods. We could not wait to get out shopping trollies and lap it up. People make their own way in this world. You move with it or stagnate. Those who stagnate only have themselves to blame. The North is certainly far from being "thick". Sheffield was (and to a point) still is a big player in the techonlogy and engineering sectors. Its legal and financial circles are growing and with cities like Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool having massive amounts of professional industries based there - there is far more to the "North" than any stereotype gives. Just because London is the becon of all greatness and the south east corner has the big tag properties it does not necessarilly mean the rest of the South has any of the same kudos. Kent, Essex, Sussex, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucestershire, Bedfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk could all be classed as "south" but many of them face the same stereotypical problems that northerners have.
  5. Schedules have been posted on the council website for ages. I live in S35 and recall not only seeing signs but receiving a letter telling me about the closures which were due. As with many huge projects nowhere will be able to give you a specific date for when something may happen. Jesus tonight, some people never cease to amaze me. Whinge and moan about the terrible state of the roads from this "car hating council" - council implements a multi-million pound resurfacing programme - Whinge and moan about terrible road closures which allow them to get the work done! God sake people, its a temporary closure causing SOME inconveninece whilst they undertake essential work. It has to be done sometimes and yes, it may cause you to be held up. Tough. What else are the workmen supposed to do? Magically make the surface repair itself? Dont know why they bothered. They cant win no matter what they do. They do road repairs - people moan about closures They clean the streets - people moan about the costs They open a new facility - people say its a white elephant and waste of money They cut down decaying or dangerous trees - environmentalists demand it stops. Trees fall over - people moan the council arn't doing anything. Sometimes the comments on here makes me want to be a councillor just to tell people to stick their demands for improvements up their behind.
  6. The sensors seem visable enough to me and as have a bright yellow marking around them. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x487978e7107cf917:0x4907f334792df93!2m5!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i100!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/sainsburys%2Bwadsley%2Bbridge/@53.4167045,-1.5021569,3a,75y,29.2h,90t/data%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s1nIvkM6Geh2YlCFHzJn45g*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x0:0x4907f334792df93!5ssainsburys+wadsley+bridge+-+Google+Search&imagekey=!1e2!2s1nIvkM6Geh2YlCFHzJn45g&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijzfmen4XNAhWrKsAKHTbGC9EQpx8IezAK Im sure a company as big as Sainsburys with an in house legal team as comprehensive as theirs will have taken all risk assessment and health and safety obligation into consideration. I doubt there is very much at all in the way of liability. Its just one of those things and a lesson learnt. In answer to the OP - personally, NO I have not tripped up over one.
  7. The victim of the accident is making a civil (private) claim against the negligent driver. They are getting compensation for their injuries, remuneration for their losses and the lawyers for the victim are getting their legal costs paid. People having insurance to cover for such things. Its nothing to do with criminal sentencing. Its why we all have car insurance, businesses and self employed persons have liabilitiy insurance and many of us have home adn contents insurance. The moron driver (and his family) knowingly cheated the system, voided their own policy and therefore would have to pay out the victim directly. OR The insurers have already paid the victim out, have now found out they cheated the system and are recouping their monies back. There is nothing unfair about it. Mother and Son knew what was happening. Mother and Son chose to cheat the system. They deserve what they get.
  8. OK, ok. I apologise for my poor wording. My Secretary is not around to do my proof reading. My point still remins. He deserves everything he got.
  9. Insurance company pays out the victim of an accident. However, if the policyholder is found to be in breach their agreement i.e. by being a fraudulent scumbag or chancer or drunk/drugged up the insurers will be able to recoup their payment back. In other words, it COULD be the insurance company themselves recouping their money which has lead to said loss of home for this "family" Returning to the story at hand - This driver tried cheating the system, pretended his mum was the main driver and now get his well deserved punishment. Dont do the crime if you cant pay the time. Its simple. If they went to The Star looking for sad face photos and sympathy from the Sheffield population I dont fancy their chances of getting it.
  10. Wow, just look at the "hundreds" of people. :hihi: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CjS8PQ2WkAAxMob.jpg Only highlight which incidently is all the press seem to be focusing on is him nearly getting taken out by a tree branch. God I wish I was there to see that. Would have made my year. The man is a buffoon and his supporters are totally deluded. They cannot even do their own PR properly - That photgraph was from Farage's own twitter feed under the headline of "fantastic response in Chapeltown". I mean are they so blind. They are becoming a parody of themselves. 14 people holding pre-arranged placards and a couple of cameramen is not a "fantastic response". Jesus, I have seen more people in the queue at the bank.
  11. Yes, that would be lovely. Very lean, healthier and more rich tasting than other red meats. Wish it was more widely available and less stigmatised. As with many things, its only our own weak, buried head attitude to the sources of food and processing of food that stops us. We have this complete hypocrisy of lapping up daily truck loads of bargain basement priced and huge portioned products but don't want to hear about how such things are made so cheaply. We protest about inhumane methods, animal welfare, barbaric production but are not so happy to put our hands in our pocket at the till and pay for hand reared, free range, organically sourced blah blah. NO, instead we seem quite happy to live in ignorant bliss - as long as it come in a nice box or packet from Sainsburys we can happily ignore the nasty parts between farm and shop shelf. Let stop being so silly about things. Its all irrelevant. Dead animal = meat = food. We are currently at the top of the food chain. We choose to kill another living creature and consume it. That is as barbaric as it comes. End of story. We cant start having some self gauged method of the what level of barbaric it is. Killing is killing. There are some countries in the world who food bread and mass consume cute ickle bunny rabbits, horses, insects, dogs, cats. Society eats kangaroo, shark, deer, buffalo and birds. One cultures protected species or pets is another cultures dinner. We need to stop being so soft.
  12. Commenting and demanding a ban on a process which will you choose not to describe nor post any links to sees a little pointless. I daresay that if you took an average man off the street into ANY meat processing plant, battery farm or slaughterhouse they would scream exactly the same thing. Conveyor belt killing of any living creature for the purposes of consumption can be described as barbaric and inhumane not just the halal method but this is the price we pay for our mass consumption of food without generally giving a flying fig where it comes from. I appreciate that there are plenty out there who will look for free range, organic, non halal no kosher etc etc.. BUT, whenever companies still sell food products for pennies and religions still exist nothing is going ot change that. Ban one and you will have to ban them all.
  13. Problem with all of these places is that they run on volunteers. The advertising can only be as good as the volunteer doing it. Not everyone is fully aware or skilled in the world of social media and it often gets neglected. Other forms of advertising costs money (including mailshots) and time to get it done, again that's down to the volunteers (or lack of) trying to fit it in. Its a shame but its not unique to any unpaid voluntary project.
  14. When I was a trainee I did 6 months through night shifts doing financial checks for overseas offices. My shifts were 10pm - 6am and I tried to live as normal as I could during that time. I used to finished work at 6am and just potter round like I would on a evening. I would even sometimes go food shopping or do some errands when supermarkets and shops very first opened before going home and having some sort of cooked meal. I would watch some TV - usually stuff I had recorded from the night before and then try to sleep between around lunchtime through to 6-7pm when I got up and got ready for work. It seemed to keep my body in normal mode - with exception of the daylight of course. Only exception was on a Friday/Saturday when I would finish at 6am Saturday, go home and try to sleep straight away so I could get up mid afternoon and have a normal weekend - until early hours sunday morning when I could try to sleep through as much as possible Monday morning ready for my shift again.
  15. Good. Its teaching discipline. Its teaching that rules are there for a reason and should be followed. Training for what the little dahlings will face in the real world of work.
  16. Yes. Its a social network. Its supposed to be a networking tool to find and communicate with your contacts, potential contacts and allow contacts to find you. It syncs up people who you already know, with people who they know - who you might also know. People can serach for you and if you link with them facebook will sync up with people who they know who you might also know. Did you read the terms and conditions when you signed up? Are you actually aware what facebook has access to and how it works before you pressed the "accept" button? ---------- Post added 14-05-2016 at 11:10 ---------- Because you give it access to your phone.
  17. To be fair is was built 26 years ago so im not surprised it looks a bit dated. Westfield Statford is only 4 years old. Give it time to start to show its age. I personally hope John Lewis keeps well away from Meadowhall - not for any silly city centre sentimental reason, but more for the fact that most of the Mall based Department Stores are crap compared to their stand alone counterparts. JL in Sheffield has plenty of space to show the range of goods, 5 levels allows a good opportunity to wander without feeling like being in a glorified warehouse. Same when House of Fraser used to be in Sheffield - the meadowhall version is awful. Goods all crammed in, no logical layout and half of the range of display as would be available in their larger and ultimately multi-floored stores. I would hate to see JL try to cram into a two floored open plan unit in Meadowhall. Its one of the genunie full service department stores left.
  18. Firstly, what makes you think that a Meadowhall owned development would have better parking facilities than Centertainment? Free parking is an excellent way of bringing customers and increasing footfall BUT parking spaces dont pay rent. At some point in the planning there has to be a line. If masses of parking space starts to take up potentially rent paying tenant space then it wont be built, even more so if a large section of such parking space is not needed 5 out of 7 days a week. Land is not infinite and sometimes, peak times happen, no matter how many spaces you have demand can outweigh provision and they get full. Meadowhall Centre itself has over 12,000 spaces but how many times on a Saturday or Bank Holiday do we all have to circle round and round looking for a free spot. How many times do we get stuck in the queues filtering out of the narrow parking roadways and traffic lights. Should I be screaming that Meadowhall parking is "inadequate" Secondly, Meadowhall and their Retail Park have exactly the same type of parasite parking company fining or as you say "ripping off" customers in exactly the same way. Do you really think any new Meadowhall development would be exempt from that?
  19. I wouldn't single out Channel 4 on that one. They might have a few tabloid epics such as benefits street and Sexbox But they do still have some fantastic documentaries, dramas and some of their entertainment shows are 10x better than ITV's output these days. If you really want gutter TV look at Channel 5. Benefits and .......... (x10 different formats) Jobless and .......... (x10 different formats) Dogs on the Dole Celebs on the Dole My exploding boobies on benefits (x10 similar sounding formats) 16 children and counting Worlds funniest........ Words scariest....... Worlds Biggest...... Worlds Most........ Worlds Worst...... Worlds most embarrassing...... On and on it goes.
  20. In a nut shell you have no chance. I travelled that route (just beyond in fact to J30) and no matter what shift I was on either 9.00am start, 10am start or a 2pm start you would always get caught up in a traffic jam. If you really want to avoid a major hassle you need to be setting off about 7.30 before the traffic really gets heavy. It will probably be at its lightest point - but don't be surprised if you still find at least a small queue as you approach the M18 and A57 junctions. Other than that, my other tips are to keep a close ear on the traffic reports. One accident and that entire part of the M1 can not only be jammed but virtually impassable for anything up to an hour. (...I've been there many times). Have you thought about a detour. Maybe through Tinsley through to Canklow and then follow the Rotherway up to Wiston crossroads. From there you can turn down onto country roads which cross over the motorway and lead you through to either Aston/Todwick areas. Either that or get over towards Handsworth/Woodhouse using the airport road and use the various dual carriageways up to (again) Aston/Todwick areas. Its a little more on the clock, but believe me when the Motorway gets stuffed it really makes a big difference once you get to know the short cuts.
  21. Truth is just like The Star, the telegraph is a Johnston Press publication. JP owns hundreds of so called "local" papers in England, Ireland and now even Northern Ireland too. They all get their "news" from the same pot and often carbon copy stories across the entire network just changing either the picture, place name or landmark to suit whichever publication. Majority of the journalism and printing is done centrally. I haven't bought either paper for at least a decade now. Even when I did buy the Telegraph the running joke in our house was that it was just a cover for the property guide. I would even see piles of discarded telegraphs laying around the shelves of the supermarket where people had bought it, slipped out the property guide and ditched the rest.
  22. On this particular occasion I think the council would be right to object. Meadowhall have well and truly missed the boat on this. They had a chance to build some off site leisure development 20 years ago and chose not to. Another developer has come along and done it. It would be absolutely prosperous to have exactly the same sort of facility just yards up the road. Competition is one things but how many cinema chains really are there. How many restaurants really are there. They cannot even get different chains attacking the respective developments. TGI Fridays already has a branch in Meadowhall and on the road outside Meadowhall as do: McDonalds, KFC, Subway, Nandos, Pizza Express, Harvester, Handmade Burger Co; and Five Guys also having branches just over a mile from each other. We are not central London. There is only realistically so many people wanting American style food, cinemas and bowling alleys at one time. Something would have to give. Saturation would be an understatement. Its what the supermarkets are finding out to their regret.
  23. Simple is the operative word. I have literally no idea what the poll result is supposed to be. What is the link between borders and jobs. Why shouldn't it be both. Why should one be a preferential over the other. It just doesn't make sense. You might as well ask whether someone wants baked beans or chocolate milkshake.
  24. Mo Molam sorted it out. Not Blair. That slimy ponce swanned in at the last minute and took credit. If it wasn't for her there would have been no peace agreement. She took on these religious nutjobs and their stubborn ways dragging them into the modern world. She had the balls to clamp down on years of male dominated "traditions" and show them the impact it was having on wider society. She made then get round the table and Blair just turned up for the photocall.
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