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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. I thought we had something like this outside the town hall somewhere? Isn't there some stars or markings in the ground or something?
  2. What are you talking about. There are loads of Shops in the City Centre. They run from Haymarket right through to Moorfoot with extra shopping along Division Street and Chapel Walk. Add up the number of retailers and make some comparators to Meadowhall. There was a global recession and massive increases in competition from out of town retailers and internet shopping which WE the people were partly responsible for. We voted with our feet and where demand dropped some retailers couldn't survive it. I have said before, its a jigsaw and its not all on the council's shoulders. There are many pieces to the project and we are a part of it too. YES partly. People choose to shop there over the city centre. The retailers take note and set up/move their business to follow.
  3. Soooo... What this thread boils down to is that four people out of x million viewers/listeners don't like one of the BBC stars. Who cares? Its not just about YOU. Learn to switch over.
  4. Hello PM Osborne Im sure the "Cameroon" haters would love that even more.
  5. Oh here we go again. Its all the council's fault. Waaaa Waaaa SCC incompetence. God sake. People need to stop being so in denial. WE choose where to shop. WE create the demands for what we want to buy. WE choose how much we are prepared to pay. We get the shops we deserve in the places where we choose to frequent. If people want to attract better retailers then they need to create a market for it. Retailers aren't stupid. They spend millions on research to know where their stores will work and more importantly where they wont. Despite what doom mongers bang on about, the council's involvement is only a tiny tiny part of a huge jigsaw. We the public have our part to play too. Firstly by stopping being constantly stuck in the past and always so negative. For example, its been a little while since I have visited the bottom of the moor, but this afternoon I ventured down there. The market was at least moderately busy, three new units have opened up including Peacocks and Deichmann and part of the new centre block is up and built. Small changes like this keep happening on the precinct along with the demolition of Grosvenor House and complete refurbishments of (former) Telephone House and Milton House. This is the progress people have been screaming about isn't it?? This is what "redevelopment" is supposed to be about isn't it??
  6. So? If your home does not come with a allocated space or a driveway NOBODY is entitled to park outside their own home. Its open street parking. Street parking by its very nature means that others can park on it. If they want a permit scheme to try to stop non residents parking on said street, that costs money to implement and run and they choose to pay for the benefits of that. Want a house with a guaranteed parking place? Move somewhere else. This is not a new issue. I suspect that the hospitals and university buildings have been there far longer than many of the residents have lived there. It is very common knowledge that the streets in those areas get extremely busy and parking is at an absolute premium. More multi stories will certainly help ease the burden and it looks like a new one is being built. What more do people expect to happen?
  7. Have you read the contents of this forum? Its all that some people ever complain about. Leeds has a better..... Manchester is getting a new... Sheffield is crap and never get......
  8. Exactly right. When will people understand. Things cannot be forced. The council can propose things, showcase, encourage and even part fund projects. Ideas are drawn up and sometimes even start. Some succeed. Others fail. Its the way of the world. Despite what the permanent doom-mongers are saying, things ARE happening. Parts of the councils plan are being built as we speak. Other buildings are being renovated or already are re-opened. Right now others are being pulled down. I have said before on this thread. Irrelevant of what the original grand plan was - I would rather see trickle feeds of improvements over nothing at all.
  9. What money tree is going to fund all this refurbishment? What developer and contractor is going to magically appear and do the work? What shops are going to be forced to move into buildings that are not fit for purpose either in size, style or with access appropriate for their needs? NO the John Lewis store is not fine. Its stuck in a time warp. Its far too small for the range of products and service that most John Lewis stores have. Its lacking the customer facilities and concessions that most modern John Lewis stores have. Its building is far too restrictive to do anything useful and (I suspect) behind the scenes is a wreck. The "big shops" are not just at Meadowhall. The whole city centre is filled with them too. Despite what lots of people think Not everyone WANTS TO or DOES shop at Meadowhall. Far from common sense.
  10. Yeah, and both machines in the clips involve human input. Not exactly a revolution yet.
  11. My god what a hysterical place we are becoming. waaa waaa! the children! wont somebody please think of the children! Seriously the way some people are reacting its as if these adults were queued 10 deep at the trestle table desperately topping up on their £1 Sambuca shots and cheeky vimtos. Most normal adults have the occasional drink. Some take it too far and get tanked up. Others have medical problems. Some just choose not drink at all. However, for the majority middle - occasional drinks, particularly in a social or leisure setting is normal. Its not damaging the child. Its not going to turn them into drunken rampaging idiots as soon as they turn to teens. God sake, our continental neighbours expose their children to alcohol at a far far younger age. Drinking wine with lunch and family dinners several times a day and several days a week is normal life. Children in France and Spain particularly see their parents and even partake themselves into a small drink at a very early age. Funny how these nations have far less incidents and reported histories of Friday/Saturday night chaos and people spilling all over the pavements. At the end of the day, its just a nice gesture for those adults coming to see the show. If it earns a few quid for a school at the same time - what the problem. No worse than when a department store offers mulled wine whilst you shop at Christmas or some car dealership offers a glass of champagne when they launch some new car. Lighten up people.
  12. I wouldn't care if buses run 99.9% on time with a frequency of every 2 minutes. I paid a hell of a lot of money to learn to drive and pass my driving test. I pay even more to own my car and insure it. I pay annual vehicle tax. I expect to be able to drive on the road I have contributed to when I want and with who I want. Why should I be enforced to pay congestion charges or be fined for not carrying others passengers. If the council want me to be a substitute bus driver they can damn well pay me to be one. SCC may want to be but we are not London. We don't have multi-hour long tailbacks and our city streets are not bumper to bumper with solid traffic. With exception of a handful of bad incidents, the majority of time traffic runs smoothly outside of rush hours. Even within peak rush hours, most queues are modest at worst and easily cleared within 15-20 minutes. I don't know many people at all who live within a radius of 10 miles who struggle to get in the city under an hour. All this essential measures to cut traffic and congestion is a load of guff. As for the environmental impact nonsense. They want us to worry about our "emissions" and "damage" when the developing nations and even the USA are spewing out 100x the levels. Whatever! Come back and hassle me when you get the rest of the world setting an example.
  13. So in a nutshell, it is all about pay then nothing to do with "patient safety"
  14. Don't see many labour MPs "slumming it" either. Its nothing at all with him being a tory. I couldn't care less what political party he is from. He is a moron. Anyone who earns £74k a year and believes they cannot get on the property ladder needs their head screwing on properly. Incidentally, I do find it very interesting that said silly boy has been quite happy to open his gob on a tv show but has not been prepared to put such a grand statement on his own twitter account. Wonder if that might have something to do with its instant public feedback abilities. ---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 00:17 ---------- PS: Based on its most recently recorded sale price, Mortgage on this would be just over £2k a month. Its still only half his net monthly wage. He would still be able to just about afford it.
  15. Well two of the three things you describe are down to the traders. They choose what goods they sell on their stall and they are the ones who create the "atmosphere". They have only got themselves to blame for any failure. As for design, what would you prefer Sheffield Market to be like? What do you think was lacking? We don't have a grand 1900s built market hall as most of our original market buildings were bombed in the war. We had an ugly 60s concrete block in the wrong end of town which was decaying to core and in the wrong end of the city.
  16. I want to live on a sun drenched beach in the Cayman Islands but I cant afford too. Life is tough. Firstly he gets a second home allowance which would more than cover costs of doing so. They can claim up to £17.5k a year to cover rental payments. He can claim £130 a night for hotel accommodation in the London area as and when he needs it. Notwithstanding any of the expenses allowances, even if he did want to live in London. £4k a month is still plenty of money. There are 2-3 bedroomed properties all over the London area starting from £150-170k. There are people living in London on less than a third of that income. They still manage. Nobody has a right to live round the corner from where they work. Even MPs. I call horse crap on the entire story. Its an attention seeking soundbite to get his name in the papers. Silly boy needs to grow up.
  17. Absolute rubbish. Not FORCED in any way. He could get on the property ladder tomorrow if he so choose. £4k a month after tax is plenty to save up a deposit and subsequently pay a mortgage. 3 bed houses in Stockport and its surrounding areas, including Hazel Grove start from as little as 80k up to 400k. Plenty of scope in between. Even on his ex teacher wage he could afford that. Nothing but an attention seeker doing a soundbite for a TV show. All over the papers which is exactly what he wanted. As for his career progression beyond MP with the Tories, I would not put much money on it.
  18. Well said. God, do I get sick of people raising this pathetic point. "waaa. my party lost.... waaa" Its never been a two party race. Its not Tories -v- everyone else. Its multiple parties. Biggest percentage wins. Same system as always. Kept labour in power for 13 years and I don't recall many people bitching about it being unfair then. Suddenly the tories get a majority win and all the lefties are up in arms and demanding reform. Tough. Get over it.
  19. True. But we public lap them up. We flock to get our fill of our cheap trash and even cheaper mass produced foods. We sit there surrounded by far eastern made goods produced by people on peanuts wages. We brag about our bargain purchases and beat the rip off Britain drum whilst at the same time complaining about the poor wages for British workers and lack of British industry. Hypocrites doesn't even begin to define us.
  20. It is also down to the market demand what shops go where. I swear the way some people comment its as if these retailers just stick a pin in a map. They know full well what footfall, what income brackets and what types of customers do their shopping in X area. They know full well which store locations have good prospects and which don't. We customers create the demand and we get the retailers we choose to spend in.
  21. ^^^^ I second this. Family member uses their services daily. Never has any problems. Always on time, well organised and easily adjusted when last minute things crop up. Don't get sucked in the point scoring workfare nonsense. Not every placement has been "unsuitable" just the handful the media choose to report on. Many placements are very successful. I have seen with my own eyes how such a scheme has placed previously ignored learning disability adults out working in mainstream society like everyone else.
  22. What a disgusting pig headed attitude you have. Apprentices cover a huge range of industries and skills. Its not just about shelf stacking. Retail workers of ANY level need to know a range of skills. There is dealing with customers, dealing with other staff, discipline, store procedures, health and safety, security, handling products, dealing with cash, dealing with stock control. Things not taught in school. Many kids fresh from school don't have even suitable professional communication skills let alone anything else. There are apprentices in hotels, restaurants, kitchens, hospitals, offices, call centres, warehouses and care homes. None of these people are learning what you deem a "trade" but it does not make their work and more importantly the skills/experience they are building any less important. The way you are speaking you are making it sound like a trained ape could do it. Get over yourself. I have not learnt anything from a management handbook. I have been an apprentice earning a damn sight less than what the apprentice wage now is - nor did I have the minimum wage afterwards. I worked through all levels in my career to the point where I am now management myself. I still take on apprentices now. I know what skills they build up and I see for myself how that experience helps them move on to better things. Those that work hard and show what they can learn move on. Those that have the "..wont get out of bed for that.." attitude don't.
  23. Ok wind your neck in before you make yourself look silly. The "canal basin" now has a different purpose. Its filled with offices who pay far more in rents to the landlord than some wannabe tourist attraction. The airport I agree was a failure but again makes far much more income now as a business park than anything to do with flights. As for the town hall extension, it served it purpose for 25 years before the WHOLE AREA was completely redeveloped not just one building. Cities evolve. Sometimes projects do fail but its how you deal with it afterwards that counts.
  24. Wrong attitude. Its not just about training on scanning and shelf stacking. Its about building experience, dealing with rules and discipline interaction with customers and staff, dealing with problems that arise and also getting some young person into a routine of getting out of bed in a morning to go to work. Doesn't matter necessarily if they end up with a job at the end of it. It all builds up their work experience and CV. I can guarantee that if I have two candidates in front of me, one who has done nothing since school and one who has been a trainee or Saturday worker for a year or two, its a no brainer which one I will pick.
  25. Will it though?? Online grocery delivery is not exactly a new concept here in the UK. The big chains have been offering it for over a decade now. We even have a well established "online only" supermarket - Ocado. Fresh fruit and veg box delivery is already set up and well established through various local providers.. Thanks to Graze you can even get snacking food (healthy or not) posted straight through the letterbox. What does Amazonfresh offer that's much different?
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