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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Yes it will. No place for snobbery here. Sheffield gets the stores that people choose to buy in. Like it or not, at present, the predominant demand in Sheffield is economy and budget. You want Prada and Selfridges on the High Street sometime soon? Go create the demand for it.
  2. Its an absolute Gimmick. Well and truly missed the boat on this one. Euro Shopper / Brooker goods are already sold dirt cheap in places such as Job Lot and some of the more dodgy looking pound stores. Fact is that even in the so called rip off "Big 4" you can buy own branded basics for the same price or even less. Those "Big 4" along with the huge international conglomorates such as Aldi and Lidl have huge buying power and influence over suppliers that even billionaire Stelios could only dream of. Waste of time IMO. Should stick to what he knows best and focus on established names. Could very easily be on a knife edge for the EASY brand to change from a well respected name for low cost to being a continuous chain of poorly thought out failed projects. Virgin group has found that out over the years.
  3. £220 a week is about 11.5k a year. 10,600 of that will be tax free and everything else 20% tax plus around £10 - £12 national insurance. £190 ish net pay sounds about right.
  4. Errrm, will apart from The Moor itself. Read the words I put in my post. "will be developed" Its not necessarily all about the present. The whole point of the new market was just one of many phases of a development which will move the main shopping areas away from Haymarket and more towards the moor and its surrounding streets. Its been well publicised. Its completely obvious what is happening to the old market area. Come next year Primark will have gone and I suspect more will follow as footfall decreases. Half of haymarket is already on its last legs and the rest are sure to follow.
  5. All im reading is "....a study suggests..." "IFS believes in the long term...." "....a think tank has stated...." Yawn. I will take an interest when there are some published facts. Yes some benefits have been cut. Yes they are clearly pushing people towards work rather than dole. Yes im sure SOME people will have been hit. On the other hand, Tax free allowance has increased, minimum wage is due to increase further and there are plans for childcare increases too. Win some lose some. I have no doubt that UC monthly payments are a shock to the system for someone who has been spoon fed dribbles of money each week from various sources but it just means they are going to have to wake up and learn how to manage their money over a month, you know, just like the rest of the working population manages to do. ....Before anyone jumps down my throat about those who cant manage their financial affairs - well there is plenty of sources of help and assistance also funded by tax monies to sort out those problems.
  6. Well said. This is a huge part of the problem. All this finger pointing about location and council incompetence and lack of transport is piffle compared to the real issue. People don't shop like they did 40 years ago. More competition selling market products at market prices has been developing far quicker than anyone thought. The TRADERS need to up their game. Stop peddlin the same old crap and move with the times. Use it or lose it. Either way I could not care less. People just need to stop burying their head in the sand about what is happening.
  7. Rubbish. You don't think hard line EU sceptics aren't already within the Tory Ranks. Farage may talk the talk but after losing repeated elections and having his sole MPs clinging on by a tread you really think he had that much influence. Against Labour maybe but certainly not the tories. The man is a walking publicity stunt. A talking head for the media to drag out for each and every story that has even a vague whiff of EU about it. In terms of real credibility and power he has as much as Katie Hopkins or Piers Morgan.
  8. Good idea. What's wrong with showcasing new stalls and new product lines. Is that any different to when a new shop opens up and sends people out around nearby streets to show off their products?? ---------- Post added 03-02-2016 at 13:24 ---------- I know fancy moving the Markets to where the main shopping areas will be developed. I mean... OF COURSE, it should have remained in a decaying building at the wrong end of the city surrounded by offices and hotels.
  9. Hardly. Just because the hysterical papers call it a disaster does not mean it is one. Lets look at some facts here. Cameron has gone out with some aims he wants to achieve. He has done some negotiations and a DRAFT proposal is being made. FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS are still to be completed. Ok, so he has come back with not everything he wants. But that's what happens when you negotiate. You raise arguments and make compromises to try and reach some agreement. Proposals are now on the table and we voting public and other MPs can read into it whatever we want. Cameron has made his stance clear and he is entitled to do so. Now everyone else has a freedom of choice to take it as read and make their own decision. Im getting so bored of all this "broken promises" "failure" "shambles" horse crap. It was a negotiation that's all. A result has been given. We choose how to action upon it. Say what you like but Cameron has achieved far more movement in the past few months than slimeball Farage has done in 15 years. Nobody kicking off about that amazingly. Sat on his fat behind taking his public monies in the European Parliament and done chuff all. Doesn't even turn up to half of the votes. All these morons who keep spouting " Vote UKIP" What for? What they gonna do? After this referendum has taken place their sole purpose is dead.
  10. Why? What's the point? Do you really think enough viewers would really watch a documentary filming lots of city slickers in their suits sat in board meetings and in long winded consultations with lawyers and accountants. None of which a lay person understands. Its the point and gorpe circus sideshow factors of watching people like Tracey and Micky slobbing around their council house frittering away "our tax monies" which attracts us viewers. Its the whole reason that trash television like Jeremy Kyle, Judge Rinder and the fake tanned airheads of TOWIE attract such huge following. No brainer television (in so many ways) Cheap to make. Cheap to broadcast. Maximum viewing figures. Maximum return on investment.
  11. What were the two young girls doing? What had they been doing before the bouncer was forced for intervene? I am not saying you are wrong. Nor that the bouncers were not allegedly rough handling. BUT, bouncers have a job to do and there are two sides to every story.
  12. Excellent self promotion for his "blog" im sure but the man is moron. He may have scope to spend a whole day sitting on buses, in airport lounges and wandering aimlessly around a foreign city for hours on end but most normal people don't. If you are travelling somewhere its because you need to get there. If I go to visit my relatives in London why the hell would I want to lose an entire day messing around when I can pay £10, £12 £15 more and be there in a couple of hours. If this "blog" is full of genius tips like this one, forgive me if I give it a miss. Its like a child answer. After all, you COULD walk from Essex to Sheffield completely free of charge. How's that for a money saving tip A link to something like megatrain.com or split-ticket would be a more helpful tip. This guy just seems like a complete attention seeker. Obviously needs a proper job if he has time to spend that amount of time travelling 180 miles. "consumer blogger" isn't one.
  13. That old Chestnut eh? NEWSFLASH!! Jonathan Ross has not been any major presence on the BBC for 7 years now. As for Graham Norton his show is still pulling in an average of 4-5 million viewers each episode and its distributed to 15 countries around the world. Big talent earns big money. Hardly rocket science.
  14. Im confused by the point you are trying to make. Hierarchy is the same in most organisations isn't it? The senior grade and more established people take on the prime slots i.e. weeknights and flagships. The more junior and rookie ones get put on the off peak broadcasts on and graveyard hours on the news channels. As for people like Angela Rippon etc - why should they present weekend news. They are no longer live news presenters. Have not been for some time. They are virtually in retirement. Being a talking head on a lightweight consumer guff show a few episodes a year is vastly different from being an active full time news presenter. Think of them as being almost put out to pasture.
  15. You saying its beyond possibility that at least SOME of those 2000 people wont find other work. People get laid off all the time. Its how you deal with it that counts. Look for an alternative employer. Retrain. Do something else. Start a business. No excuses.
  16. tell you what. Tories can start "protecting some of our industries" as soon as we consumers actually put our hands in our pockets and buy British. You want to protect our home workers - stop buying cheap imported goods. You want to keep our core manufacturing going in this country - create a demand and market for it to be sold in. You want British workers to receive a fair wage - be prepared to pay a fair price for your goods then. I have said on these treads many times now. I feel very sorry for those who have lost their jobs but we are ALL to blame. We lap up cheap imports from discount stores. We flock to get our fill of bargain basement electronics, furniture, food and clothing. We bleat on and on about rip off Britain and the big name retailers being overpriced whilst at the same time complaining about the decline of our home manufacturing and low wages ...... Errrm... Cant have it both ways.
  17. What business is it of the police to be recovering vehicles after a breakdown or accident. Even after a smash they will only move them out of the way where they may be causing a hazard. After that's its up to the driver or at the very least their relatives to arrange recovery. I certainly don't want my tax monies being spent on council or police resources to move people's broken down cars. Its why people have breakdown services and car insurance Traffic cameras has sod all to do with it. Cars break down. Occasionally they break down in an inconvenient location. Unless its causing some kinds of catastrophic tailback bringing the city to a standstill (which it wasn't) the OP should wind their neck in. ---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 20:47 ---------- Ah diddums. Put it in the microwave then.
  18. Look it up then... http://www.policecouldyou.co.uk/police-comm-support-officer/index.html
  19. Back up a minute.. You KNOW who this person was. You were speaking to this person. You either know without doubt or have a strong suspicion it was her. You have a description You have a clear timeline of the event You have a reasonable belief who the thief was. I assume with CCTV and several witnesses you have reported this to the police right?
  20. Yes there were TVs in hospitals for free but they were in communal areas and shared by multiple patients. Did they offer a range of channels and films - no Did they offer personal choice of what to watch - no Did they offer enhanced facilities such as phone and internet - no Did they provide bedside convenience for each individual patient - no. Do you really think even in 2015 the NHS budget would allow for such a premium service to every patient for free?? You can CHOOSE whether you use the service or not. Simple as that. If we have a patient who is unfortunate enough to be in hospital for a long period, you will notice that the prices go down the longer the use - its around £45 for a month. Expensive, yes, but its not really that much more than what most people pay for their domestic tv/broadband services. ---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 13:35 ---------- Basic state pension is £115 a week at the moment. Someone unfortunate enough to be in hospital for a long period will not be buying food or paying for heating or having dependants to pay for or a car to run. So...... Its £20 for 5 days worth of viewing. Hardly breaking the bank each week for those who CHOOSE to want the television service.
  21. Yes in a way you are customers. You are paying for the premium service of bedside tv with a range of radio/tv channels plus added extras such as direct phone and internet. that's what you are paying for. bugger all to do with the hospital. If you want to go back to the day of communal television rooms and nothing but volunteer led hospital radio at your bedside, that's fine. Dont use the service and keep hospitals being hospitals. ---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 19:28 ---------- Scam?? Premium service. Premium price. Captive audience. Its called business. Nobody is forced to buy it. Nobody is forced to use it. Nobody is 'tricked' into giving their money away. If people dont like it, they can take books, a tablet, a laptop or listen to their own music on an MP3 player. ---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 19:33 ---------- Back on track and in answer to the OP the cards usually last 24 hours depending on the type you by. A link from another hospital's website says: £2.50 for 2 hrs, £5 for 12 hrs, £10 for 2 days, £20 for 5 days, £30 for 10 days, £40 for 20 days and £45 for 30 days.
  22. Can we stop before this becomes another 5000 post long thread arguing the toss about the merits of Immigration Law by people who know nothing about the subject. Yes the lowlife involved should be penalised for it. Yes of course is a shocking incident. BUT, for god sake, can we stop the foamy mouthed daily mail faux anger here. School bus was not "targeted attacked". It was caught up in an ongoing incident involving SOME migrants and police officers nearby Calais. It was unfortunate to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. A window was broken. All children (although shaken) were unharmed. The bus was able to continue on its journey. The children have all returned back to the school in Scotland safely. The headteacher has commented that they all had a "fantastic" ski trip and the coach operator dealt with the incident efficiently. End of story.
  23. "meadowhall prices" - really not sure what you mean by this? Meadowhall has shops ranging from Primark to House of Fraser and Radley. £5 - £500. I really don't know what sort of budget you are looking for. I cant think of any specific "shops" in City Centre but any of the Department stores will sell them as will Primark itself and TX Maxx for the more discounted versions.
  24. OMNISHAMBLES. Daily resignations. Getting senior staff's backs up. Now getting the backs up of your own trade union funders. Time for the old codger to go. Its about time he realised that he is not there to serve the loony protesters who paid their £3 to get him in post. He is supposed to serve the electorate.
  25. I agree and think its a far far better idea than some big flashy grand scheme that comes to nothing. Far more is happening now than ever was. Telephone House has now been fully renovated and converted, Milton House work has started, The new Primark/Cinema block is being built as we speak. Hopefully if work is started on the Grosvenor that's another piece of the jigsaw completed. Small steps are certainly better than nothing. As for all this constant criticism and waiting for some "grand announcement" is getting tiresome. WORK IS HAPPENING. People just need to open their eyes and stop bleating on about other cities all the time. Yes, Bradford may well have got its shiny new mall but whoopy doo. Exactly the same shops as we have in Sheffield anyway.
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