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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Why don't you raise them with an organisation or persons who are in a position to investigate and do something about it. A load of hippy drippy mouthpieces having a mothers meeting are hardly going to be able to do anything. Have you been through the correct complaints procedure with the party responsible, have you raised matters with their management, have you discussed matters with the relevant social workers, have you then raised matters with your local MP, have you then taken legal advice about your rights and their responsibilities? I would suggest that this would be a more sensible approach.
  2. Only convenient if they are open. Generally the purpose of convenience stores is that they are open when the main retailers are not. Tried going to the main retailers after 5.00pm on a Sunday or late evening on a bank holiday. How about some emergency supplies on Christmas Day or Easter Sunday? That's generally when they come into their own. Anyway, matters appear to be closed. Yes, YOU could choose to go elsewhere if you don't want to pay the charge and that may well hurt these shopkeepers. Others however (..and I have no doubt plenty do) may be prepared to sacrifice the small fee for the CONVENIENCE of getting cashback in a local shop there and then whatever time it may be. Its a the wonderful world of freedom of choice. The question was Is it legal? The answer is yes.
  3. "litigation" is far to broad a description. It covers too many areas. To be honest, unless you are looking for injury advice there is no such thing as a "free service" these days. You might be able to track down somewhere that could have a brief initial consultation but anything beyond that is likely to incur a charge. Briefly what sort of issue do you need help with?
  4. Well then keep using the bank or post office counter then. Cash dispensing is part of their remit. However, if you CHOOSE the convenience of getting your money out of a retailers till and let them have the burden of filing, checking, transporting and processing such cash then be prepared to pay for it. Its hardly an obscene demand. Processing cash at any amount has elements of administration and logistics. Even if there is less cash to "count up" at the end of a day due to cashback, someone is still having to check the transactions and balance the books. That costs a retailer time and money.
  5. I have corrected that for you. ---------- Post added 26-11-2015 at 15:49 ---------- Don't big yourselves up too much. The proposals were rejected by the HOL. Osborne being the clever man that he is has simply blended them within his universal credit reforms so he gets the result he wants albeit at a much slower rate. He really is not that stupid to take things as such face value. Read between the lines and you will see that the "advice from labour" has changed Jack.
  6. I am unsure why you are shocked and maybe misunderstanding. Its a house on a tree lined suburban street within zone 3 of London. Wimbledon in a extremely high demand and popular location surrounded by other similarly popular and expensive areas in south west London. It is home to several head offices to large organisations and is a suburb with extensive facilities and transport links. £750k does not get much for your money in that part of the capital and certainly not within such a close commute to central London. By comparison, there are certain postcodes in Sheffield with 2 bed properties as much as £350k. What were you expecting?
  7. Quite a significant number of employers you will find. Its called making "Reasonable Adjustments" as they are compelled to do under the Disability Discrimination Act. There is a whole spectrum of difference between someone who may need to wear protective pads and/or change their clothing a couple of times a day and people who literally cannot leave the house within fear of having an accident repeatedly. SOME of those people may well be able to work and having a broad brush approach of ALL incontinent people are incapable of work is just as bad as saying ALL incontinent people can manage to work. That's the whole point of these assessments. I have no doubt that some of the tone and wording of questions may well be stressful and degrading to someone with a long term illness. On the flip side however, when someone is potentially being given thousands of thousands of taxpayer monies each year because they "cant work" despite the fact its proven they can do SOME work, as far as im concerned its questioning that needs to be asked. ---------- Post added 22-11-2015 at 17:51 ---------- Remploy factories may no longer be there as they were running at a loss. Funnily enough businesses that run at a LOSS close down. For those who ex workers who WANT to carry on working they will be more than aware that Remploy as an organisation is still ongoing. Its still finding jobs for those disabled worker in other companies to this day. There are also specialist advisors put into the DWP and Jobcentres immediately following. There are still opportunities out there for those who want them. Its just more effort than just sitting on ones behind blaming the government though.
  8. Do you feel safer going to meadowhall? You are letting the terrorists win. Spreading fear and disrupting peoples lives is exactly what they want. I was living in London after 7/7 happened. Do you know what Londoners did. They got the tubes that could run running and tried their damned hardest to carry on as normal. that's solidarity. That's showing these psychos they wont win their "cause".
  9. British Telecom HSBC Lloyds Banking Group Sheffield Forgemasters Sky Capita DLA Piper Nabarro Irwin Mitchell Parexel Siemens Outokampu ARUP Group Arriva Polestar PlusNet Virgin Media SIG Group Henry Boot AON .....hardly any is there. Added on to the significant Public Sector operations of the Home Office, DWP, Department for Education and the two universities, we are not exactly lacking. If I had a pound for every time I hear on these forums "....waaaa Leeds has this..... Boo Hoo Manchester has that...." God its so tiresome.
  10. So... That leaves over £1172 each month to spend on other things. Hardly penniless. Lets also not totally forget that many homeowners paying such mortgage will be COUPLES so that could be anything up to £4000 each month coming into the pot with the same £828 mortgage payment going out. That leaves over £3k in the household to spend on everything else. Fact is those paying £205k for a house are very very unlikely to be on the national average salary of £24k. They will be even more unlikely to be sole occupiers struggling with a single income. There is a huge amount of distortion when it comes to "average" figures.
  11. Because nobody is interested. They don't sell tv deals. They don't sell papers and magazines compared to some fat slob waddling her way between the dole office, bookies and chippy. If you tried to make a documentary about the hugely complicated world of corporate tax affairs, set out the masses of the legislation and contractual obligations, the financial structure and corporate operations and see how many people would tune in week after week. Even if they did, fact is that they would still turn up the next day and buy their coffee or order their online goods. Face it, how many times have Starbucks been publically shamed in print, online, on television and on the streets for their tax affairs. Do you see the queues getting any smaller each day? I certainly don't. If people were really that bothered they would do something about it. Until then, its just the same. People have a moment of 'Oh Dearism' for 20 minutes. A bit of faux outrage online for a couple of comments boards and then back to business as usual the next day.
  12. Its Tabloid TV. Just like all the dung that is splattered across ITV2 / Really / MTV / CBS / TLC and the like. Its like the broadcast version of Chat or Take a Break. Channel 5 has become a terrestrial version of it. It was bad enough when the Porn publisher Desmond owned the network. Now its owned by the same parent company as MTV its only gonna get worse. Shock titles / extreme examples / grotesque characters designed for the sole purpose of pointing and gossiping about the next day round the office kettle. The fact that this particular dross has the word Yorkshire in the title aint gonna get to me. I just miss it like I have done the other 200+ .................... on the dole programmes.
  13. But they are using chat rooms, mobile phones, landline phones, hidden discussion forums and messaging services which will can be found, tracked and exposed under such law. Look at the bigger picture and what they will be able to track. Its not as moronically simple as spotting people typing bomb making into google. The internet has layers and layers. ---------- Post added 07-11-2015 at 14:49 ---------- Well said. Plenty of tory bashers keep forgetting this important detail.
  14. What are you talking about? You could be blown up anywhere. Anytime. Any country. We have terrorists in our country, America has white supremasists shooting presidents and blowing up cinemas, Ireland has a very famous three lettered organisation who have blown up the crap out of us........ I could go on. Just because the USA have their deemed official list of where they feel they should bomb to wipe terrorists forgive me for being more than cynical about the conclusions of a gun toting trigger happy bible bashing state about the ethics and proposals of world peace. As I have said before on this thread acts of terrorism is not an original story. Just because the media over the past decade has hyped their profile up, well beyond any measured sense, for the purposes of selling papers does not necessarily mean the actual incidents or terrorism has increased. What clearly has increased is the FEAR of terrorism. Well unfortunately, that's what the terrorists want. That FEAR is what fuels them. Like a child craving for a attention. Fact is, terrorists attacks have occurred in Australia, UK, USA, Germany, Russia, South Africa, Mexico, Italy, France, Spain, in the sky and at sea. SOME of those terrorists may well have been of allegedly Muslim faith. However, many other incidents reported and unreported are not. They are from a few lone or group psychpaths doing horrendous acts to satisfy their axe grinding. Country Separatists, Religious extremists, Pro/Averred democratises, Extreme political demonstrators and just plan mentally ill. You don't tar a whole country on the acts of a few. Egypt is not more a terrorist country than our own. We have had plenty of acts of terrorism from people much closer to our front doors. Should the world define us as a terrorist country??
  15. What are you talking about BECOME one of "these" countries. Remember the 1971 bomb attack on the BT tower?? or what about...... The 1972 letterbomb to the Israeli embassy The 1973 bomb attacks of Kings Cross and Euston Stations The 1974/75 The Woolwich pub bombings, Birmingham pub bombings, Caterham Pub bombings The 1978 Bristol Department Store bombings The Iranian embassy siege of 1980 The 1983 Harrods bombing and 1984 Brighton Hotel bombing The 1989 Pan Am bombing The 1991 Victoria Station bombing The 1992 London Bridge bombing The 1992 Canary Wharf bombing. The 1996 Manchester Arndale centre bombings The 1999 Woolworths bombing The 2001 BBC Television Centre bombing… I could go on. This is not an original story here. Terrorism has been happening for decades. It happens from all sorts of "extreme" groups filled with all kinds of people whether they are are black/brown/halfcast/white or bloody purple. It COULD happen anywhere at any time. People need to live their lives and not let the Terrorists dictate. When 7/7 happened people's first thoughts were how they were going to get home. The next day the tubes that could run did run. When 9/11 happen New Yorkers returned to the streets and got back to business as soon as they could. The memory and mourning will never leave but lives have to be lived. By letting the "fear" of what "could" happen and "when" run your lives and dictate what you do and when you go, you are letting these psychopaths win. Its that fear mongering (...massively fuelled by certain tabloid newspapers) which is half their battle done.
  16. Where have a said at all that I think its "unreasonable" to use your car. I have said quite clearly that if YOU don't want to pay for parking, then you find an alternative. Its not impossible to get to work some other way, even shift workers. Lots of other people manage it. You can CHOOSE to drive if you want, I have no issue with that but why do you think you deserve free parking over anyone else? To clarify, I don't literally mean a "shift consultant" I mean that there will be consultants on shifts during the day+night just like other medical and non medical staff. They will not ALL be at home "on call" and needing to jump in their cars at any moment. The point is simple. Land is not infinite. Car parking spaces are not infinite. We can argue till the cows come home, but you are not going to be convince me that EVERY member of staff NEEDS to have their car and thus must have a free parking space. If someone CHOOSES that they don't want to pay for parking, then they need to find an alternative. That's their choice and their choice alone. In my job, I could personally get the bus or train to work. However I CHOOSE to drive in and my sacrifice for that choice is that a I pay the relevant charge. Simple.
  17. Let down by the Judge?? This "victim" who has a history of making false accusations, massive exaggerates her injuries and pouts at the camera on glamour shoots at the same times as she is "traumatised" by her past issues. Yeah right luv. Sounds like they are made for each other. A violent thug who assaults women and an air head who lies, deceives and exaggerates in a court of law. The Judge was clearly not convinced by ALL of her story. He adjusted the punishment for Bowers accordingly. That's what they are supposed to do.
  18. They can do the same as many many other shift and unsociable hours workers do. Public transport runs to and from the hospitals up until around 11.30-midnight starting again from around 5.00am. I don't know many shifts that stop half way though the night. Most will be in at least 10 or 12 hour blocks and there is very high chance that buses will be running. For those who really are unfortunate not to fit into those timings, perhaps they can change their hours is THEY don't want to pay for parking. Its not rocket science and, as I say, lots of other shift workers cope perfectly fine. I ask again, why should health workers be seen as some protected party who deserve free parking more than others. As for those "on call" then yes, I concede they should have some form of parking system but I suspect that's not too many. Hospitals usually have some form of shift consultant present during each pattern.
  19. Why?? There are thousands of employees across the city who have to pay for parking every day. there are thousands of employees across the city whl have no parking at all at their workplace. Those nurses, midwives etc CHOOSE to drive to work so they should pay like everyone else. Why would being a nhs employee make you more special over any other. car parking is limited and quite rightly should be chargeable.
  20. Errm, well I do think. Plenty of ther drunk and disorderly people get FPNs on an average weekend. Courts are busy. The police are busy. A bunch of drunken idiots, posh or not posh, don't always warrant a formal investigation and sentencing. There are a whole range of disorderly behaviour which can apply. See section 1-11 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001. What's your issue?
  21. The old market had Coop, Wilkinson, B&M, Heron and Primark all nearby.
  22. Little mention of budget, costs, finances in that lot. All very well and good but what happens when the costs of using all this British labour, raw product and processing is 10x 20x 30x the cost of having imported part or all of such product or service? It does not grow on trees.
  23. Plus the fact, as I keep saying, is that us consumers are not prepared to pay the extra costs. Increased raw materials, increased labour costs, increased manufacturing costs = increased prices. You cannot moan about lack of British jobs, lack of British manufacturing, lack of a "living wage" and then go out on the streets and buy the cheapest, crappiest imported products you can find in the pound shops and supermarkets. How do people actually think these things get made and sold so cheaply. Its business. We create our own demands. We have to take responsibility for ourselves.
  24. Oh right, why didn't you say that then. So that's £5,159,817.35 every 4 hours then or about 0.7% of our annual GDP. Hardly breaking the bank for a rich western country like ours. Ever seen what REAL POVERTY looks like. Why shouldn't we help out others in need.
  25. Personally, I have big suspicions about the whole thing, so much so that I have put a empty account as my card details. Signed up following repeated marketing emails and big fanfare, never once in multiple occasions has there ever been a car available even in major locations at all times of day. Tried to go and close my account and find there is nothing regarding cancelling or removing. No ability to remove ALL card details (makes you keep one on record), no option to close or delete an account, no way of contacting them other than twitter or email. Sorry Uber, but not impressed. Gone back to city to deal with human beings again.
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