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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Changing the subject slightly anyone able to give a rough guess of best time to set off to get to Man Airport by 9.30? Route planner says just over an hour but I feel that is a bit ambitious for a Friday morning rush hour. Anyone know rough timing and any best way? Thanks
  2. Sounds like an extension of the franchise they have now. If people don't want Stagecoach to London they can choose to go from Doncaster instead and use the Virgin East Coast or Hull Trains (First Group) routes running on the East Coast Mainline. Having utilised both routes I personally have no problems with Stagecoach(EMT). Whilst I agree we do have the slowest and least invested route in the mainlines, It is far more civilised than the jam packed and frequently delayed/cancelled ECML services. I find it a very rare occasion to have a MML train delayed by more than a few minutes. At the end of the day the entire rail service is limited to Stagecoach / First / Arriva or Virgin. There have been lots of bright ideas and start ups but they soon end up getting taken over and/or folding altogether. Trains are horrendously expensive to run. They take a lot of staff, rolling stock, supplies and maintenance. It can only really be a big conglomerate that can afford to run such. The only real exception was Merseyrail but even they had to eventually suckle on the teat of Serco.
  3. These "young people" expecting life to be handed to them on a plate. Yes, well done vote for Corbyn. Let the highest earners and highest contributors to the public purse be taxed to hell and driven out. Lets develop a society who go through mandatory free education to 16, then optional free college education to 18, then the newly reformed free university education (with reintroduced top up grants for living expenses), no student loan to pay back, oh then of course you can drift as long as you want jobless with generous benefits, get social housing and housing benefit for all ages.... ..... on it goes. Until of course one factor. Who is paying for all this. Who is actually putting into the system. High earners - NOPE - you have driven all those away Middle earners - NOPE - they have given up trying. What's the point if they are just going to be taxed to support those who cannot be bothered. Low earners - NOPE - because they are on a minimum wage and don't pay tax. So... Oops purse has run dry. Oops there is no money left. Better hand it back to those "nasty" tories to sort it all out again.
  4. What a load of crap. Have you seen how busy the car parks are in the city centre on an average day. Thousands and thousands of drivers every day seem to manage perfectly well with this "dogs dinner" and "wacky junctions". You need to get around more. You want real chaos, try Nottingham, Manchester or Birmingham road networks.
  5. .....and no clue as to how it will be actually paid for. You can say anything you like when you are in opposition. Its easy. Bit harder when you actually are in power and have to deliver it. Even harder when you no longer have the sole support of your sheepy followers and the militant unions. Try showing the centre ground and high earners that re-nationalisation is the answer. Payment by magic beans and fairy dust is not very convincing.
  6. They ripped into Cameron and Osborne, Still do - where's the protest about that? "Is it coz they iz Tory?" If Corbyn seriously wants to play big boy games he needs to get used to it. He will face far far worse critique from the media, his fellow MPs and us, the general public if he ever gets into a position of power. Its very easy surrounding yourself with your fan club making a few speeches. Lets see how well he copes with a chamber filled with opposing views and a millions of cynical centre and right voters.
  7. Good for you - but I would rather not do a 40 mile round trip to get the same shops I can get 4 miles away from my front door. I agree Doncaster frenchgate is a substantial improvement to the town. However, its not all perfect. Waterdale is a dump and the empty coop/tj's building with its revolving door tenants is not a great asset in the middle of the town either. Grass is always greener and all that. Sheffield IS slowly being improved. You cannot fail to notice the building work which is ongoing. Its takes time and has been subject to some massive delays. People need to be patient. Some projects fail. That's life. But, this constant comparisons and one upmanship over every little thing is not helping either.
  8. Blimey, only seems like 5 minutes ago that everyone was praising Saint Jamie Oliver for his stance of overhauling unhealthy school meals and the recent war against sugar. Now its let them eat cake again and complaining about why schools banning junk food. We are a fickle nation.
  9. This spoilt brat isn't learning "rules" from their parents. Break a known school policy, face the consequences and when it hits the fan, what does Mummy do. Go crying to the newspapers. Yeah, that's wonderful upbringing that. What is little Princess going to do when an employer turns round and tells he she cannot do something. Scream "breach of human rights" You are right, times are changing. I believe Schools are becoming less strict. That's why were have kids who lack respect to their elders. Lazy and feckless teens who expect the world to be handed to them on a plate. Teachers and Parents who are scared stiff of saying or doing anything which might upset the precious child. Its a joke.
  10. Nonsense. Its about discipline. There are rules set. Rules which must be obeyed. If the child and/or parent choose to flout such rules then action must be taken. If the child/parent doesn't like such rule then they can sod off to another school with no such policy. The CHOOSE to go to that school and they CHOOSE to abide by the terms. "express their individuality" my foot. Its setting the ground for their adult life. We are surrounded by rules and regulations and little Mrs Leopardhair will need to learn that.
  11. I run a charity for people with disabilities and I am totally against the faux outrage and brown stirring that has been directed towards IDS. Parents, carers, social workers and dozens of other contacts occasionally use the word "normal". Yes it is a rather poor word to choose. Yes there are better words to use but jesus tonight, we really can be spared all of the "off with his head" garbage that has been splashed all over certain media. Give it ten minutes before the leftie brigade use it as another stick to beat the government with. Its a word. Cambridge defines it as: not different or ​special or ​unexpected in any way. People with disabilities are, Special. Different. Whilst there is no reason to treat them differently as a descriptor we cannot pretend something doesn't exist. Will there be faux outrage over the "special" Olympics or "Paralympic" games.
  12. I would say first point would be to check with P&O Ferries. They usually run a coach transfer service for foot passengers. If not the train is dead easy and only takes about an hour.
  13. All smacks to me of another state funded Jamie Oliver publicity campaign. Just in time for his new accompanying television show. First it was school meals then it was fat and now its sugar. Saint Jamie needs to watch his step, he has already faced trouble from his hypocrisy ways. Having a pop at the poor people with their fatty, processed packet meals whilst selling a huge range of overpriced processed packet meals. Having a pop at fast food whilst profiteering from his "luxury" burger and hot dog joint in central London. Having a pop at the hard working British public by branding them lazy and claiming that his restaurant empire would be forced to close if he had to rely only on Britons. Now we are onto Sugar tax. Funny how he was not so vocal when he was taking a fat cheque from Sainsburys to promote their fatty, sugary, unhealthy, processed Christmas food. Tick tock, tick tock Mr Oliver. I don't doubt that we have a crisis in this country. Sugar and Diabeties is part of that, but its the Government's job to EDUCATE and INFORM not just raise taxes. Why should the rest of the population with self control and the brains to make informed decisions have to foot the bill for others greed and stupidity. It can also be done just as well without the media circus intrusion of Jamie and his like.
  14. He was the co-founder and remains a hands on director of Comic Relief which has so far raised over £1bn for the charity's projects. Yes, I think it does "say it all" about the Honours System. Its deserved.
  15. I don't understand all the fuss and "investigations". Its a cheese and ham pizza. from the report it contains SOME cheese and contains ham, albeit turkey ham. Where on the menu did it say 100% cheese and ham from a pig. if it didn't there is no lie. Its just another sort of processed food and if people are buying budget pizza from some local takeaway what do they expect. Its not going to be fresh mozzarella and hand carved bone ham is it. When I buy kfc I don't seriously think its prepared in Kentucky do I? Typical Sheffield star sensationalism all that was missing was some sad face yokel standing by a half eaten pizza .
  16. So if you are "merely referring to an incident" explain this then. If you obviously found it so amusing that someone else's property was damaged by some incompetent van loader what exactly is your problem with Audis?? Perhaps if I see a lorry smash into your house I would find that hilarious and post it all on a forum to tell everyone rather than informing you. Of course you would not have a problem with that I presume.
  17. http://www.hse.gov.uk/temperature/faq.htm The law does not state a minimum or maximum temperature. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 lay down particular requirements for most aspects of the working environment. Regulation 7 deals specifically with the temperature in indoor workplaces and states that: ‘During working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable.’... .....If a significant number of employees are complaining about thermal discomfort, your employer should carry out a risk assessment, and act on the results of that assessment....
  18. He is making some fair points, and I would like to see the rest of his speech rather than the snippets in the articles before he gets the mauling from the keyboard commenters. A lot of what he is saying is making sense. An 11% sudden increase on every employees wage could have massive consequences (particularly to a smaller business). Its obvious that in the real world, Judy the Supervisor will also expect an increase on her salary if minimum wage Mavis on the till gets a leap in her hourly rate. People don't work for fun. Nobody is actually going to tell me with a straight face that if the entry level unskilled staff get a sudden increase, the rest of the workforce wont demand one too. What could that result in? Reduced hours, reduced service, less customers, less staff. NOW, before everyone jumps on me, I am not saying that low paid workers shouldn't be given a FAIR income, however, I don't agree with the delivery of a sudden increase in the figures we are seeing. Here is an interesting quote from another article about Tesco's wage bill: The UK wage bill at Tesco, Britain’s biggest retailer, is about £4.5bn, which indicates that every increase of 1% to wage costs would cost the company about £45m. The first increase in the national minimum wage to £7.20 represents an increase of almost 11%. So for a big company like Tesco, the new law is going to cost them around £495 million pounds. Of course these are only ball park figures and Tesco will have lots of variables, but just think about that amount. Scale that all down to a mid size company and scale it down again to a small operation and you can see quite an impact. Say I run a small 10 bedroom hotel and I have a cook, receptionist, porter and cleaner all on minimum wage. I have a night manager on a higher rate of £20k a year. That's an annual gross salary cost of £70070. Minimum wage immediately goes up and my manager then wants a pay rise to compensate and my salary bill then jumps to £81160. That increase is approaching the same figures as the annual salary of one of my minimum wage staff. Now, what would a businessman be thinking.... Scale that up for bigger businesses and Mr King may just well have some points. Of course, its falling on deaf ears because most people wont get past the first two paragraphs before they label him "toff" "tory" "parasite" "scum" "out of touch"... They probably wont even notice the part where it states that Sainsburys are already paying their staff above the current increased wage rate. At the end of the day he is a businessman and he was giving a speech to a business programme about the topic of "future of the workplace". He is providing an OPINION on what the future world of business may look like. Its a dirty scummy morally wrong life but, newsflash, business is about making a profit. That's why people set them up. That's the only reason people keep them going. Its not a community service. We customers are completely ruthless when it comes to our spending habits so I never get why we are so outraged when businesses do the same. Does the vast majority of the shopping population really give a flying fig about HOW Primark makes their clothing so cheap. How does Aldi and Lidl manage to keep their product prices so low. Yes, they do pay a higher than average wage, but they also employ about 1/3 of a staff of a normal supermarket. Hardly good for the local jobs market is it?? Yes, Primark/Poundland/Poundworld do employ lots of staff, but look at the hours/targets/demands they have on their workload to keep us customers happy and the stores stuffed to the brim with products. It works both ways. We are part of our own problem. Companies wanting to keep wages low? Consumers demanding the bottom line price? Exactly the same way they managed for decades before the NMW existed.
  19. Tickets??? What's he doing, performing a medley of hits or something! Who are these people requesting or (god forbid) buying tickets to listen to him. I thought the who points of these rallies was to meet with the people, get tactile with your proposed voters and be available to talk to. I'd like to know how many of those "900" are being sent tickets or, I suspect, TOLD they will be attending. I of course would love to be there, but im, errm, ermm, washing my hair.
  20. You do know that they are acting don't you? Its been scripted to be delivered in an exaggerated and comedic style. Gogglebox is an entertainment show and although Pound Wars is a "documentary" its about as real life as TOWIE and therefore gets a voiceover to suit. Its just like the over the top delivery from Dave Lamb on Come Dine with me or the sweary macho punch delivery of Gordon Ramsay in Kitchen Nightmares. Its all scripted for deliberate effect. The great Julie Walters is an example or Alison Steadman, have you heard their sarcastic exaggerated delivery when narrating shows such as Very British Problems or Grumpy Old Women. They can soon switch it off and go into clear monotone speech if they have to deliver an appeal for Cancer or Famine. They don't speak like this in real life. To the OP, its not "kids" narration, is just comedic. If you don't like it, turn over to another channel.
  21. £15.00 a head for an special occasion meal really that expensive??? Even the rammel slopped up at Taybarns is as much as £12.00 a head. Pizza Hut is £7.00 a head. Blimey, no wonder Sheffield cant attract premium brands.
  22. Complain about what? Its not your data. You have no right to it without your daughters express permission just as much as you wouldn't have a right to her bank card or phone records. Its her name and her records. Being her parent does not give automatic access to all and everything. The school doesn't know you from Adam. How about its teaching your daughter to take responsibility to get her own results. How about its teaching your daughter how data protection works. She is grown up now. Leaving school and may now enter the working world or higher education. Mummy can't keep doing things for her then.
  23. That is standard fodder peddled out by the insurers every year. Its horse crap. Sod all to do with PI claims. Your bog standard RTA claim costs have been slashed to a few hundred pounds now. Have insurers dropped their premiums by 40%, 50%, 60% in response to that drop in costs. ....like hell they have.
  24. No it is not an "essential service". Its not the council's job. It never has been the council's job. Those people in such "dire straits" can use a debt advice service, debt management company, seek advice from a CAB or go to a credit union as they have managed to do before. 63 million pounds of budget cuts and planned council tax rises this year. Cuts to disability services Cuts to respite care Cuts to staffed carer hours Cuts to learning disability services Cuts to youth services Cuts to homeless services Amalgamation of departments Job losses. Those are essentials that SCC budget should be focused on. Its not their remit to be a bank or a money advisory service. They already exist. £220,000 may be a "drop in the ocean" but it still £220,000 down the pan. They consider it will take 3 years before this vanity project will break even..... if they are lucky. What more cuts and increases between now and 2018 are to be faced in order to fund this completely unnecessary nonsense. I say again. Its not the council's job. They have no business even having the inkling of such an idea. "Finance for Sheffield" The initials say it all. Another quango filled with overpaid and underskilled bigwigs on the gravy train.
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