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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. ....and when Labour nose dived in the elections he then quickly changed his mind again and insisted that he's just a simple comedian who knows nothing.... Oh then that changed to its all my fault and I might have influenced the vote..... Oh then it changed again to screw the political system... buy my profit making book about a revolution that will never happen... I hate capitalists.... I hate bankers.... Come look at me doing my bit for anti-austerity protests (from the comfort of the VIP section before dashing off into a waiting limo after some people dare to criticise me)... I hate capitalists.... I hate bankers.... Oh, make sure you all watch my profit making banker funded movie about the revolution against capitalists... Yeah whatever Russell :loopy: People actually think this deluded ego has some sort of credibility. His latest u-turns have been a step too far for many. After reading some of his former pilgrims actually see him for what he is all over twitter recently I don't think it will be long before the wheels fall off the wagon.
  2. Very well said. I see just the same whenever I go to Leeds. This rose tinted view just because it has a Harvey Nichols and a few poncey clothing shops is just ridiculous. All this top trumps over who has the poshest department store, who has the most expensive restaurant, who has the tallest office tower etc etc etc gets on my nerves. Time to people to see the positives for a change.
  3. Yes and when the shops run out of supplies and the banks stop people accessing their money and a massive proportion of the population are destitute will you still be saying "good on the Greeks" They borrowed massive amounts of money with no intention of paying it back. They have been given bailout after bailout with no gratitude for what the ECB and EU have given them. They have been given extensions after extension and not giving a toss of any intention to comply. Simply, they have a government living in cloud cuckoo land who are so moronic they call a referendum on proposals, which were not even agreed. Now they have given a big two fingers to the proposals they have the nerve to ask for more borrowing. Kick them out and stop them dragging the rest of the Euro down. Im all for help to the people of Greece and help will quite rightly be given. But, as for the government, they can kiss it. They created this mess. They can sort it out.
  4. It is a licence to receive live broadcast television on whatever device someone owns capable of receiving one. Does it need spelling out any more.
  5. Its not the "BBC" who is using the term licence. Its the government in the legislation. Someone else has quoted from the Communications Act. That's not some BBC leaflet or suggested guideline that's a statute law. You are right your don't necessarily need a licence to own a TV. However, start receiving any live broadcast on it and you do. Same goes for any device be it a set to box, gaming machine, tablet or laptop computer which is being used for watching any live television broadcast.
  6. OK so only England flags are allowed to be flown in England and so on.... Right?
  7. Some people work Monday - Friday. Some people work out of the town in the week. When do you suggest that they go shopping in the City Centre?
  8. Take a look at this image..... http://socialistunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EDL-and-NF-600x450.jpg NOT designed to incite a breach of a peace and cause unrest??? My bony backside it is. These are people specifically pushing THEIR message on people. Just look at the deliberately provoking wording. "our future" "white children" They really do look like the kind of people up for a nice quiet debate don't they. The image in the newspaper today is just a man walking down the street. Don't hide behind some faux national pride as if the St George Cross or Union Jack cannot ever be used for exactly the same type of mud slinging or enforced controversy that the alleged ISIS flag is doing. It works both ways. Ban one and you should ban the lot. However, if you keep one you have to let others have their freedom of expression too. Its what makes our country and many other western ones so different to say, the fascist dictatorships we are all supposed to despise.
  9. They do. That's why the Police officer interviewed confirmed that the stop would not be logged on any police records and also commented that "...he had never come across an officer asking someone to remove an England flag from their car because it could be racist...." Sounds like the person who stopped our innocent motorist was just one off jobsworth copper rather than any normal routine. Another non story which the fine old Johnson Press have blown into typical sad face photo accompanied article just to desperately fill one of the dying printed local papers.
  10. Disgusting it may well be. However, Is it any more "offensive" or "illegal" than some of the contents of the flags, posters and banners that were being wafted around by the Knuckle Draggers in central Sheffield yesterday. What about some of the rude, offensive and hate filled slogans plastered all over the place every time a set of rent-a-gobs hold one of their anti-austerity protests Its a flag. A piece of material. Whether or not it is allegedly showing support for a non legitimate terrorist created "state" the man is doing nothing other than walking through a street. He is not preaching to other people around him. He is not waving the flag in some form of protest. He is not being threatening or aggressive to people around him. He is simply walking through a street. That is not illegal. It seems to me that the Mirror and (not surprising) the Daily Fail are making such an issue of this "story" simply to get internet hits and fuel their standard OUTRAGE. They need to watch themselves, its only a couple of days ago they were having a pop at CNN for doing something similar... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3142221/CNN-confuses-black-white-flag-covered-sex-toy-symbols-ISIS-London-gay-pride-parade.html
  11. Potentially life threatening but NON emergency. Which one is it? How the hell can it be both? Crime in progress that may be dangerous and threat to someone's life. Hmmm. What should one do about that? I wonder who I should call. Seriously? Im sorry but is that really what people have become. Do we really need a spoon fed guide of what is and what isn't deemed urgent enough for a 999 call. Well thank god somebody has wasted their time and produced one. The police should only be called on 999 when: ◾There is a danger to life or a risk of injury being caused imminently. Examples include serious road accidents, assaults or serious disorders. ◾A crime is in progress. Examples include assault, burglary, and theft or if an offender is still on scene, or has just left the scene. ◾Police attendance is required immediately such as to prevent a breach of peace, someone acting suspiciously or someone who is about to commit an offence. Non-emergency calls – When to call the 101 number: This number should be used for all other enquires, advice on police matters and to report crimes which have already happened, where there is no sign of an offender. Everybody please for the sake of our children. Oh god won't someone think of the children. Study the above and absorb so we can all avoid disaster.
  12. Stupid comment. 999 is for life and death emergencies. For crimes in progress, immediate danger or violence. NO they should not just ring 999 instead. moron. 101 is non emergencies. Just like the equivalent of the old police switchboard of 2202020. IF there is a problem, complaints can be raised through the SYP website and there is also list of alternative numbers on this link... http://www.police.uk/contact/#alternative-numbers
  13. Maybe HBO got their first. Maybe it was AMERICAN screenwriters who adapted the books for TV. What has that got to do with anything? The BBC has not been absent of creating not only home based record beating programmes but also sold their formats all over the world. Top Gear certainly being the most prominent. There has also been Dr Who, Strictly Come Dancing, Masterchef, Call the Midwife, Life Story and casting your minds back The Weakest Link all were BBC creations which exports and format rights were massive global successes. Masses of BBC archive is used as the bulk of Sky and Freeview's output. Look around the exported sales of other channels. How many ITV programmes with say exception of Who want to be a Millionaire have got anywhere near the global attention the BBC has. It would not be able to produce what is does on subscription alone. Any commercial bias would wipe out funding for the totally forgotten but absolutely essential services such as Education, University, Consumer, Current Affairs and Religious programmes. Nobody would pay subscriptions for signed, audio described or other special access programmes. The BBC without the licence fee would be an empty shell just like the US channel PBS. I certainly don't want to see it that way. That's before we even get onto the 58 widely used radio stations which the licence fee critics are happy to listen to but seemingly think are funded by magic beans. People need to stop thinking about the BBC as something they just seen on their screens. Its a PUBLIC SERVICE. An important one at that. The licence fees pay for a hell of a lot more than just what is seen on screen and its whose original set up gave us the physical capabilities to receive this freely available audio, visual and online content. All these Sky and Freeview fans would be crying if the BBC influence and/or made contents were absent. How many OWN made programmes do those stations create.
  14. None of it. I read a news story from somewhere usually like the Independent or BBC just for my own personal choice and then look at the facts. If it refers to a source, I glance at where that source has come from. If it quotes stats, I check up who did the research. The results can be surprising. You would be amazed how many "stories" in all the presses are nothing but hidden press releases or lobbying. That may seem extreme but its been part of my job for nearly 20 years now to read things between the lines. To research and investigate. If I took everyone and everything at face value I would have lost my clients thousands.
  15. Yes and the socialists believe the Daily Mirror and the Guardian as if its gospel too. swings and roundabouts eh?
  16. Why would I need to. I am more than aware of the work of Disability Sheffield. I am more than aware of the many mess ups involved with Direct Payments and the Independent Living Fund. I have had to deal with many said mess ups/reductions/changes in procedure/missed payments. I am also smart enough to realise that there will be exactly the same mess ups during its replacement. However, I have my opinions and believe it or not have fought my own battles with SCC about this issue. I don't need to sit in a meeting of a small group of people to hear their opinions. Nobody has answered my key question. What exactly are these idiots protesting about. What exactly is the alternative? Keep spending?
  17. As a carer to a disabled relative you are completely incorrect with your assumptions. I DO agree with the cuts. "disabled" is a very very broad term. Those who are "disabled" may not necessary be unable to work in some capacity. Those who are "disabled" and cannot work already have various provisions made for them. I should know because I administer said person's finances. A country cannot keep spending spending spending with money it has not got. So I absolutely would not vote labour whose mismanagement and complete oversubscribing of public resources (along with many other non government factors) were part of the mess we are currently trying to get out of. Austerity is tough. Austerity hurts some people. It does not mean that its not necessary. The people have voted. The result is in. Whether or not the election process is "deemed" fair is irrelevant. Until its changed, its exactly the same process as the one who let labour in for 13 years. No protests on the street then. As for this "growing old" stuff, here is a concept that might make your average socialist's head spin. How about we take responsibility for our old age. How about we plan and invest for our own retirements. How about we actually stop expecting the government to have an unlimited amount of money all the time. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Protest against Austerity? Why? - What is the solution. Prey tell all mouthy chanting mob what exactly you would do different. Simple concept even a child can understand. When you are in debt. Stop bloody spending. *see Greece for details
  18. You are correct. Those 96 victims of this tragic event did nothing wrong. However, the drunked yobbos who turned up without tickets, created mayhem around the streets of Hillsborough, caused damage to peoples property around the ground and who pushed and shoved and ran around the stadium to get to the kop did plenty wrong. The police are not blameless in this mess. Any cover up should also be publically apologised for. However, seeing these scousers on tv year afteryear banging on as if their own were completely innocent makes my blood boil. SOME of the Liverpool fans and their subsequent behaviour caused and commenced what became this tragic event. The big question is, if the fans weren't behaving like animals (which I absolutely believe they were) would the police have made such a mistake.
  19. You must be kidding. What with Sky, Soap & Co, AA, RAC, More Sky, Pretzel sellers, McMillan, Forces all getting in your way and trying to stop you I take my chances with the city centre. At least there is far more space there to get out of their way.
  20. "....denied any knowledge..." interesting choice of words from the BBC. In other words. We don't know either way. We don't think it happened. We are not aware of it happening. We don't recall it happening.. blah blah blah. After all, some BBC bigwig could deny any knowledge of what Saville was up to - doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  21. To all the "off with her head" brigade you do realise that there is far far more to the Palace than just where Queenie lives. The Royal private apartments take up just a tiny part of the building. There are around 90 odd different offices in there, nearly 200 staff bedrooms, 52 guest bedrooms and 19 different state and ballrooms. Its used by hundreds of different official visitors throughout the year some of whom will be heads of state and will take over entire suites of rooms for themselves and their entourage. There will be all the official meetings, functions, dinners and opening the public galleries for 10 weeks of the year. Its reported that the place receives around 50k official visitors each year. Its a working building. The royal household has over 1200 staff employed by them. Can we stop talking like Liz's house is getting a refurb. Its a Crown Building owned by us the population. Lizzie cannot sell it, claim ownership over it close it down. Its a official headquarters for the Head of State. Just like the White House, Kremlin, Imperial Palace and Áras an Uachtaráin its not just a place where they live. It serves an operational purpose. Of course it needs to be maintained. It was built in 1703. Of course it would be much easier to flog it to some developer and turn it into flats. Maybe the Royal Operations and Head of State should work from some office park in Croydon eh? Im sure that would make the country look great. ---------- Post added 25-06-2015 at 02:19 ---------- Spot on. That Crown Estate put around £250m profit to the Treasury pot last year and is reported to have a portfolio of around 8 Billion. That's not the queen's money. That's us. The state owns and reserves that. £150m to keep maintained a key public asset is nothing. Think of the government white elephants that have had bills for 5x that. Some still at the drawing board stage.
  22. Have you seen Mrs Browns Boys which tops all viewing records season after season, take a look at the background of his creator and family. Two pints of lager (couldn't be any further away from privately educated lefties) ran for 10 consecutive years, then there is Not Going Out now in its 9th year written and starring a guy who grew up in a northern pub. There were much ignored BBC 3 creations which were genius created by the very opposite targets as your ridiculous comment. Most famously was Little Britain - hardly unworthy. 15 Stories High starred Sean Lock (a former builder) about a council flat situation. Ideal starred Johnny Vegas (the ultimate working class northerner) and was situation was about a dope dealer. Then there was the tweenager noisefests of Coupling and Coming of Age. Downright disgusting shows such as Monkey Dust and Mongrels which deliberately provoked outrage from the liberals. The BBC comedy scene has moved on a long long way from the days of the Ben Elton and Richard Curtis borefests. Perhaps if you bothered to watch every now and then you would know what you're talking about.
  23. Caution raised ironworks is the usual sign they put in place. Was one present?
  24. Totally agree. I don't doubt that there are lots of things and people on the gravy train within the BBC that need to be cut. But I don't think it should be lost altogether. Its a public service and needs to remain that way. Limiting is output to simply what's the most profitable or appealing to the masses is not a good thing. Its about an overall picture.
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