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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. There is no "explanation" to give. He is not guilty of anything yet and the EDL have simply alleged something. Something that the person concerned completely denies. Some of like to wait for the facts to emerge before having an opinion. Since you are jumping in with both feet Mecky.... Anything you can do eh? http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/20/labour-disqualifies-130-halifax-party-members-linda-riordan http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/16/karie-murphy-fails-to-make-labour-candidate-shortlist-for-key-halifax-seat http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/Politics/article1531304.ece
  2. That £1300 a year into system on top of the £130,000 land duty tax they had to pay into the system when purchasing such a property of course. Yeah its shocking. They don't contribute a penny do they. You are missing the point entirely. Why the hell should someone's purchase be made into affordable housing. They own it. They bought it. They do what they want with it. If I buy a mars bar with my money why should I be forced to split it up and give bits away to people who cannot afford it. If they government want affordable housing paid for by the state they need to get out there and build some. Its not for earners to buy the assets for them and nor should they be punished by taxation or bullied by the socialist tribes into giving it up either.
  3. Who has said that they are not already paying money into the system. Plenty of those people with their £2M homes will have very good jobs that will pay a huge amount of tax into the system. With the 45% tax rate on their income, premium council tax bands, VAT and other associated they will probably pay far more than me or you would in a career. You are not going to tell me that each and every one of the 100,000+ "mansion" home owners are all non dom tax dodgers. They contribute plenty. People can sit on property all they want. Its an investment. Their investment. Their money. Property is not some precious public asset that we must all share and distribute with each other. If somebody owns a property its theirs. They can do what the hell they want with it. If the government want that sort of housing utopia then they had better get building a completely standardised, equal size, equally spaced state provided residence for each and every british citizen that we pay no extra charges on other than out of our standard taxation. Until that happens its none of their business what people do with THEIR owned homes.
  4. Good for her. I would feel exactly the same way if I was in her position. They OWN their home. Its paid for through THEIR money. The states has provided nothing towards it and not subsidised anything. Now the state want them to pay an annual charge just because they are fortunate or have worked hard enough to buy something above £xxxx amount. Why the hell should they pay? What the hell has it got to do with Labour that they happen to own an expensive property. Its all well and good all these lefties banging on about "they can afford it" "they don't pay any tax anyway" "they are all rich celebs" "they never do a proper days work" but there is complete failure to see the bigger picture. Where does this sort of punishment on those with money end. £2M pounds today could very easily slip to include £1M homes next week. That would start including people on very more modest incomes, particularly in the South East and in London. £1M does not buy that much in those areas. How long before it stars to slip even more and suddenly people who have a "large" flat or a large area of land are suddenly forced to pay annual charges for being deemed "rich" "spoilt" "landowners" Typical labour policy. Punish those who make their own way in the word. Handouts to the lazy, feckless and jobless. Equality my backside. Perhaps Ed Silliband should be forced to pay an annual charge for his two kitchens. ---------- Post added 21-03-2015 at 12:21 ---------- Good for her. I would feel exactly the same way if I was in her position. They OWN their home. Its paid for through THEIR money. The states has provided nothing towards it and no subsidised anything. Now the state want them to pay an annual charge just because they are fortunate or have worked hard enough to buy something above £xxxx amount. Why the hell should they pay? What the hell has it got to do with Labour that they happen to own an expensive property. Its all well and good all these lefties banging on about "they can afford it" "they don't pay any tax anyway" "they are all rich celebs" "they never do a proper days work" but there is complete failure to see the bigger picture. Where does this sort of punishment on those with money end. £2M pounds today could very easily slip to include £1M homes next week. That would start including people on very more modest incomes, particularly in the South East and in London. £1M does not buy that much in those areas. How long before it stars to slip even more and suddenly people who have a "large" flat or a large area of land are suddenly forced to pay annual charges for being deemed "rich" "spoilt" "landowners" Typical labour policy. Punish those who make their own way in the word. Feed the lazy, feckless and jobless. Equality my backside. Perhaps Ed Silliband should be forced to pay an annual charge for his two kitchens.
  5. Turn right - you have all of Division Street / West Street / Devonshire green to go at. Cross over the carriageway - you are at the end of London Road and/or Ecclesall Road. Plenty of bars there. Straight up - you are at the Moorhead and close to the bars/restaurants of Millenium Square and/or Barkers Pool. Good grief. Some people want their lives handing to them on a plate. A short walk away is everything they want. That monstrosity, in your opinion, was home to 7 different government departments and after a multi million pound refurbishment continues to serve as home to around 1000 employees for Sheffield City Council. Perhaps they shouldn't have bothered eh? Maybe those DWP departments should have built themselves a nice new office block in Leeds or Manchester. After all its all the Building's fault that the moor is "blocked off" (....except for being able to walk around both sides of it) and of course its the Building's fault that the Moor's prestigious department stores closed down now. If someone is not prepared to walk 500 yards to go and find somewhere to have a meal or drink then they need to sort themselves out. Maybe the city is not designed for them. How on earth do they cope when they are stuck at Argos end of Meadowhall and desperately want to get a pint from Coal or something.
  6. Very well said. One of the more sensible posts on here. We have created the city we have. The pound shops, Greggs, Charity shops and tat clothing which the city is allegedly filled with is only there because we shoppers are using them. I have said before, its all well and good screaming for XXX to open up and complaining about why we don't have XXX in our city when others do. The fact remains that there must be a demand. Harvey Nichols could open up a brand new shiny store at the top of Fargate tomorrow. It would have a small percentage of clientele regularly choosing to use it and buying. All the rest of this city would wander in, fondle the goods, laugh at the prices and leave. There is simply not enough people with the income or desire to BUY. Shops like this dont survive on fresh air. There is a lot of this green eyed campaigning for things without any thought for who would actually shop there. Its getting tiresome to see Sheffield constantly moaned about for things we don't have compared to xxxx. To be honest who gives a toss what Leeds / Manchester and/or a.n other has. Every city is supposed to be different. SOME cities by their very location and/or industry are more wealthy and prosperous than others. We are certainly not the worst be any stretch and I think our city shopping is perfectly adequate considering we have 5 of the top ten most frequented Shopping Malls all within an hour's drive (...that includes Meadowhall). We have two well scored Universities, a Leading Teaching Hospital Trust, a large slice of Civil Service Departments operating from the city, a major research and technical facility, several large sectors for Telecom and Banking companies are also located here. Time to think about what we HAVE got for a change. Its getting boring. ---------- Post added 16-03-2015 at 21:33 ---------- I have no problem with that. That's what shopping centres are built for. That's why people frequent them. I have said for years that city centres are not just about the bloody shops. You are still never going to expect to park for free and no city in the world allows people to park outside a shop doorway. ---------- Post added 16-03-2015 at 21:50 ---------- What pub on the main shopping street in Chesterfield do you get your nice pint of fancy beer and a rump steak? I really don't know what you are expecting. If you think you are going to be able to park for free in any city centre then you are off the planet. If you are seemingly saying that retail streets in Leeds / Liverpool and Manchester and filled with a selection of pubs and Sheffield's isn't I completely disagree. Unless you are picking holes and being extremely pedantic about the location of such here is a quick selection of the top of my head of bars within spitting distance of Sheffield retail streets . Starting from say Primark and working upwards through: Bankers Draft (Weatherspoon) Cavells Gusto Italiano (bar/café) Mulberry Tavern Wig & Pen All Bar One Bessemer *All bars/restaurants in Leopold Square** The Museum Browns Bar Champagne (St Pauls) Piccolino Crucible Corner Old Monk Fahrenheit Henrys Benjamin Huntsman (Weatherspoon) **All bars/restaurants on Division Street** Red Lion The Rutland Add on cafés, coffee shops, in store restaurants and sandwich shops there are plenty. Sometimes you just need to take a left or right.
  7. Good job because all there is there are Shop and a few chain restaurants. People have no other reason for being there other than to shop. Its a shopping centre. Any guesses why you cannot park for free in the centre of a major city?? Jesus, how many more times is this crap going to come up. The city centre (any city centre) is far far more than just what shopping facilities it has.
  8. Its disgusting is it?? What is it about CHARITY collectors that makes you think they should get their pitch for free. Just think about that word for a second. I can just imagine the headlines now. Macmillian / Cancer Research / Save the Children charged xxx thousands a year by council to fundraise on the streets. Im sure that's what you want of course. As for your other point, having seen the charges myself I completely disagree. "Extortionate" is a complete exaggeration. £120 a month for a general short term trading permit £80 a week. Are you kidding? Hardly breaking the bank. You are being pitched in the middle of a primary street surrounded by retailers paying 10x 20x times that rate for their premises.
  9. Blimey. Chill out. You are not being forced to watch it. You have a magical device called a remote control. Use it. He is everywhere on ITV because just like Ant and Dec he is one of the "faces". All networks do it. Graham Norton for the BBC, Alan Carr for Channel 4 and Keith Lemon for ITV2. Clearly they think he will sell and just because YOU think something is dross doesn't mean you are right. The proof will be in the viewing figures. Look how many people hate Mrs Browns Boys or Top Gear but they bring in millions. In the multi channel age why get wound up. Just watch something else.
  10. I sort of get what you mean but you have to understand something. Rightly or wrongly he is top dog. He is THE talent for that production. He is what makes it earn its money. I have said earlier, when a hotel is happy to take (what I have no doubt will be) extremely high amount of money to allow the BBC's highest earning programmes to hire your entire venue with all the frills and extras you better get prepared to bend over backwards. Highly paid talent has big egos and demands. Have you seen these programmes showing behind the scenes in luxury hotels. Have you seen what they are expected to provide whenever the VIP clicks their fingers? They just do it. The same will apply to the production staff. That's what they are paid for. If they fail to do so, expect to get shouted at. It would happen in any other business but of course not in such a public way. The bottom line is this... Now that the rumours of any sort of physical contact are fizzing to nothing, all that seems to have happened is that Clarkson has had a drunken rant at some minion in a public place. That is unacceptable and Clarkson has dobbed himself if with his management. Many other people do this every day. Diva demands, threats to sack people, ranting and raving. Im not saying that's right but it happens. It happens between lots of bosses/subordinates. It happens between Head Chefs/Pot Washers. Superstars/PAs. Why it has become this big mountain out of a molehill god knows. Its a BBC internal matter and should have stayed that way. From what I read the said person concerned has not even made any complaint. So what has happened here then. OTHERS getting offended on their behalf perhaps? OTHERS sicking their noses in where they don't belong? OTHERS giving their opinion of what they think happened?
  11. I think a lot of the problem now is that people are put off from doing anything. The moment even the sniff of a thought is said out loud, even with no intention of it being followed through its opened to public scrutiny because media (desperate for content) picks it up and the internet, including forums just like this will proceed to rip it apart before it even get on paper. No matter what someone tries to do these days the screams are the same "...ooh how much?.." "...how many teachers or nurses would that pay for" "....that will just be another white elephant" "...Im not having that in my back yard" "....its ugly" "its not the same as the old one.." How many times we hear those arguments. Its enough to put anyone off. Just think back to some of the great projects that have happened over the years. Everything from the mass railways, electrification, the underground, great road and motorway projects, the impressive but brutalism architecture of places like the National Theatre, Southbank, bullring and arndale centres. The big imposing towers such as blackpool tower, rotunda, arts tower, Trellek Tower, Canary Wharf etc. Imagine someone now. I want to build a underground system for Sheffield. To do so will cause years of road disruption, extreme tunnelling, massive changes to road networks, compulsory purchases of buildings and houses, vast billions of pounds of investment from local budgets. It wouldn't even get off the drawing board by the time the madia, keyboard warriors, nimbys, eco warriors, opposition politicians, public accounts committees, trade and business union leaders, local campaigners, residents associations and council financiers had all thrown their knives. HS2 is just a perfect example. For decades people have screamed about how disgusting our railway network is. Its poor relation compared to France, Germany, Italy etc. A project gets proposed and just look at the hysteria and storm of controversy that has followed. Its not even been finalised on plans yet.
  12. Ah diddums. So police and prison staff should be responsible for a Claimant's benefits affairs after THEY get arrested and THEY get sentenced to make sure THEY don't fall foul of the terms and conditions. Should they also cancel the milk, inform the landlord, check on their bank account, house sit and feed the cat? See a recurring theme here. How about THEY take some responsibility. They got into trouble and they got sentenced. Their problem. Its not impossible to make a phone call to the DWP. Its not impossible to send and receive correspondence from the Prison. Why are you trying to pass the buck onto somebody else.
  13. Dealt with it. Quite frankly if a key talent and major production of the BBC hired my entire hotel and additional services at great costs I would make damn sure that I provided what they wanted and when they wanted a little inconvenience can be put up with. So they were a little inconsiderate and allegedly acted inappropriately (against a producer BTW, not the hotel staff). Big deal! Stars have diva demands. Its certainly not the worst demands and behaviour that I have heard some celebs get up to. You deal with things in the hospitality and transport industry and charge accordingly. It seems to me from what I have read that the hotel management sorted it out. What did or didn't happen between Clarkson and Producer is a totally separate issue.
  14. Because they are the Claimant of the benefit and it is their responsibility to keep them informed of any changes. They have the ability to communicate from Prison. They will have someone on the outside who will be able to obtain/confirm any necessary information. Its for them to sort out. Its not the police's job.
  15. Jeez, what a load of whinging whining moaners we have become. Fuelled by the screaming faux outrage created by the daily fail and crybabies writing to points of view. Not so long ago top stars and personalities used to have massive diva like demands, snort/smoke/swallow every drug under the sun, be stoned whilst on camera/interviews/performing treat their runners and assistants like dirt. Rock stars and great actors adored by hordes of screaming fans would smash up hotel rooms, throw televisions out of windows, expose themselves, shag around in mass orgies, drive cars into swimming pools and throw phones at hotel chambermaids. Clarkson has an alleged and unproven handbag fight with a producer and the world is OUTRAGED!! The BBC must condemn him immediately. He must never be allowed to work on television again. He must be hounded out of the county and burnt at the stake. Oh god wont somebody think of the children.... Whaaa... whaa... whaa... Get a grip world.
  16. How about some INDEPENDENT evidence? Something credible perhaps rather than a personal opinion and youtube video. I can say that the sky is green on my website but would not mean its true.
  17. Some people might say that 40+ years is too late for a compensation award for alleged underage sex abuse victims to be made. Good job the Court's "lunacy" thinks better than that eh?
  18. In and around city centre you could also try: John Lewis Fuse Clothing (forum) Alternative (forum) Ashford Menswear (eccy road) White Stuff (eccy road) Goalsoul (sharrow) In Meadowall there are at least half a dozen boutique type stores selling designer brands. Head up past House of Fraser on both upper and lower and there are places like Aspecto, Tessuti, Van Mildert and Urban Outfitters etc. In my opinion they all sell very similar stock to what you would find in the Leeds HN and particularly the Trafford Selfridges branches. I always find those two stores very poor relations to their London branches. They certainly don't have the exclusivity and services you expect for the price tag and receive at their flagships.
  19. What are you talking about "when im older" I have given you two examples of people very much OLDER than me who never have a problem with feeling safe in town. My mum and stepdad certainly would not be in a position to defend themselves but they don't feel such intense fear that they bar themselves from going into a city centre or even around Central London. If society has really become so fearful because of what they perceive might happen or some knee jerk reaction to what the television manipulates into war zone city centres then frankly we have a serious problem. ---------- Post added 11-03-2015 at 11:39 ---------- In view of the first part of your post, I can understand why you may feel the way you do. To have an attempted mugging with a knife is a horrible situation which would put anybody off. Thankfully these incidents are rare. As for what happened in the Graduate, I do feel that this was brought on by yourself. I certainly would not have allowed anyone to pester me and I would have dismissed the (nice people but drug takers) lowlifes instantly. If they attempted anything like they did with you or carried on I would immediately called the Management to remove them. Engagement in the way you did and (perplexingly) leaving your meals to them because they looked hungry made you an easy target and allowed them to carry on. Drunken idiots occur everywhere and a quick dismissal or involvment from the staff would have solved it. I would have let it ruin my afternoon nor allow it to put me off going out in any city. I have never had any such experiences whist out in the city.
  20. Depends on the circumstances. A judge may be able to choose to make their own assessment of a damages award on their own motion. They may choose to include costs or additional things which might not have been included within the initial claim form. It will all be dependant on what evidence and submissions are put before the judge by the other party.
  21. I honestly cant understand it. This sensitivity and seemingly culture of fear is upsetting. My mum and stepfather are both well over 60. My mother has regular nights out down town with her fellow "girls" including several well known bars on west street and towards the theatres and never complaints of such vulnerability. Similarly my stepfather who again is well over 60 and on a double knee replacement goes out for monthly real ale booze ups around shalesmoor, kelham island and then up into the centre for a curry and he again has never given impressions of such "vulnerability" Isn't just the same anywhere. You act sensibly, don't walk down unlit passageways and if there are any signs of trouble or fighting keep out the way. That would apply anywhere from Hampshire to Merseyside. To seemingly exclude one's self from an entire urban environment based on what "might" happen or what is perceived as being unsafe seems a bit extreme to say the least.
  22. What are you talking about. Why is it up to me to come up with anything. I was not the one banging on about "pointless positions" What you have provided is nothing relevant anyway. So you have provided a organisation structure. That's not what I was referring to. Before deciding what is a pointless and unnecessary position businesses in the real world actually do a cost/benefit analysis, they look at the tasks that x person does, they look at the reallocation needed if x person was not there, they look at the personnel and skills set required to make up such a gap. Unless P999 (who I was actually replying to) can show that he has suddenly done all that - how the hell does he know that any of the positions he boldly claims are "made up jobs for the boys" and "pointless" are actually not required. Im not saying either way. I don't have any of the FACTS. Neither does he. Difference is, im not going to make myself look a clot by spouting off about something I know nothing about and with nothing to back it up.
  23. Because despite what many people think they cant just plonk a camera van where they feel like it. Locations have to be approved by the Highways Authority in line with set parameters. 90% of the decision making about where they go is out of police hands.
  24. From your post #21.... What about the dead that have died in poverty, with no benefits because ATOS said they were fit to work? What about the number of suicides due to ATOS ** From your post #26..... When asked directly the question of: Did the ATOS review speed up their death?!?!? Your response started with: Probably, for a good proportion of them ** I think YOU need to read what YOU have put in your own posts. Just admit it. You lost this debate. You failed to back up your nonsense posts and now you are pathetically trying to pretend you never brought it up. Grow up.
  25. No you didn't. You provided an article from a union magazine page. Its a report which provided a figure with no evidence to support it. It was a completely biased article as it was calling for support to join the union's own demonstrations. Just because 10,600 people died after being declared fit to work DOES NOT mean that 10,600 people died because of being declared fit to work. You have provided NOTHING to show any link between ATOS and cause of death. Lots of people die for many reasons and at any times. Its not for me to prove atos are responsible. You brought it up. Show the evidence.
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