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Posts posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Sheffield is no Covent Garden. As for location, location, location, it's in the wrong place anyway. Stuck down at the bottom end of the Moor, surrounded by demolition.


    Rubbish. Its not "stuck" down the bottom of anywhere.


    The moor is a prime retail site. Its on a prime shopping street surrounded by established chains and Department Stores with a footfall to match. That "demolition" you refer to is BUILDING of more shops and leisure units.


    God sake - what is wrong with people in this city. Castle Market was built in 1960 at a time when Haymarket/Castlegate WAS one of the prime retail hubs. It lasted 40+ years before times changed and it went into decline. NOW ITS NOT - time to move on.


    Retail in the city is moving. Regneration is taking place and the Moor and surronding streets WILL BECOME the new prime retail spots.


    The new Market Hall is part of that regeneration in the area where its supposed to be. In a few years when the work is all done and Haymarket is dead people will be still be mourning the loss of the decaying dump that was Castle Market? I think not.

  2. Went in town last week not been for ages. How disgusted i was. Town center and the moor

    so run down to many cheap and tacky shops.what was the point in moving TJ Huges just to put other cheap horrible shops in there.why cant we have a nice shop like Walshs used to be.We dont all want TAT.


    Because too many of the local populus want cheap tacky shops. They are only there doing a roring trade and opening branch after branch because they know the market is there.


    Counsumers vote with their feet. You demand cheap - you get it.


    Unfortunatley there simply is not enough "Walshs" type shoppers out there. Even the Department Stores we have are struggling and have had to adapt to the lower end of the lines.


    Any hope of a Harvey Nics or Selfridges opening anytime soon aint gonna happen.

  3. Not necessarily, if this gets off the ground: "a 'lofty glazed tunnel with travelators' running down the centre of Euston Road could solve one of HS2’s fundamental design flaws.

    The 'London Railport Bridge' would allow passengers to get off HS2 trains at Euston and travel along an airport-style walkway to St Pancras station."


    That's just what I was thinking they might have thought of.


    Personally I think the OP is making a bit of a mountain out of a molehill.


    After all Euston to StP is 10 minutes walk. A whopping great 0.5 miles To be honest, by the time HS2 is built they will have sorting this piddling little issue out. There are airport terminals with far longer distances than that to cover with baggage yet thousands of people seem to manage it no problem.


    A moving walk or people conveyor such as this and its problem solved.

  4. Now you are clutching at straws again.


    You cannot compare anything in Central London to the rest of the country. Borough Market does not face the same issues as the market in Sheffield. For one thing - it is not uncommon for people in central london not to own a car. Its proably unique in this fact. People in London usually walk or get the tube to get around. Therefore the footfall for a local market is higher and the impact from supermarkets is limited as many locals in Central London buy what they can carry every few days as oppose have a major supermarket shop.


    With that level of footfall it is easier for a market to be successful.


    Secondly the traders and their clientele are completley different.


    The disposable income levels of their customer base is totally different. They are a specialist food market selling high end, artisan, exclusive and rare foods with a price tag to match. The so called grounded salt of the earth types who frequented your beloved Castle Market would hardly be able to afford a loaf of bread and being the way Sheffield folk are if we did attempt something such as a Borough Market up here - the screams of "how much???" for the majority of shoppers would be so loud you could hear it from the Wicker.


    Maybe I misunderstand, perhaps that's what you are wanting. A market hall that excludes the working man you appear to champion and instead we have a market filled with yuppies, yummy mummies and ten bob millionaires.


    ****** me off that a private vendor was able to get planning permission for this in the first place.


    Probably because there was nothing wrong with it.


    God sake, what is wrong with folk. They are making it sound like its a shot of laser light direct into a retina.


    What is going on here. Is there a mass of crushed cars piled up in the central reservation after being "dazzled" by the display - NO


    Is there a queue of people in the Northern Gen seeking treatment for burns to their eyes due to the brightness - NO.


    Its a bloody sign. I really do wonder how some people cope with their lives. Ever driven on a unlit motorway with hundreds of "dazzling" car headlights in the other direction - somehow we drivers can cope.


    Ever been on a country road with a driver behind you driving with full beam - somehow we drivers cope.


    How about the feeling when you suddenly emerge from a pitch dark country road into the neon glow of a floodlit A road - somehow we drivers cope.


    I really hope these complaints get the response they deserve. Never known anything like it.

  6. And so! After just approx three months the first chink in the armour is beginning to show.

    Today's headline in the Star tells us that the freeby bus ,the bus that the Council made so much noise about when they moved the Markets is going to be scrapped.

    A kick in the teeth for traders and old Castle Market customers alike eh!


    Hardly. People will simply have to get one of the other hundreds of buses that pass the moorfoot every day.


    Pensioners and the disabled who have mobility issues and NEED to use the bus to get around already have a permanent freebie on any route they choose. Its called a bus pass. Those others who cannot or wont walk to the Market will simply have to pay a nominal charge or choose to park their cars at one of the dozens of car parks around the new Market hall or simply stay on the bus since half the routes in Sheffield pass the Moor at some point in their journey anyway. Ah diddums, they have to stay on the bus a little longer - so what?


    I never got the whole freebie thing. If you were coming into town on public transport in the first place, 9/10 your own bus route would have to cross some parts of the city centre as part of its scheduled route and therefore offered multiple stops to either board or alight.


    Example, if you are coming into town on a 97/75/76/20/52/ from north or south Sheffield - all of these routes will have passed through both Haymarket and Moorfoot as part of the journey. So if you want to get to the "market hall" you simply adjust where you alight accordingly.


    People USED to get off buses in Haymarket now they dont. They get off at Moorfoot instead. Hardly a great inconveninece. If someone starts their shopping in market hall at the Moor but ends up finishing their shopping in M&S - they dont need to get a freebie back to the moorfoot. They just get on their normal bus home from a different stop.


    Im sure there are dozens and dozens of other bus routes which offer the same.


    I never did see the need for this constant 10 minute rolling freebie. Who really needed it?


    As I say above. If you have mobility issues you have a free pass. If you choose to use it because its quick or simply laziness. Get over it. Walk.


    Even the great Meadowhall invovles a treck from one side to the other sometimes. They dont need to provide a free buggy services to EVERYONE.

  7. Pubs should be the only place you can consume alcohol. Off licenses should be the only place you can buy alcohol and the person running both the pub and the off license should be individually licensed. Selling intoxicants to a person who is underage or under the influence should be a serious offence. Consuming intoxicants in the street should also be illegal.


    Supermarkets should be banned from selling booze as should any other retailer.


    Pubs should be forced to close for about three hours in the afternoon.


    Result? Less drunkenness in the street. More sociability as people met and mingled in the pub, more jobs and businesses and pubs re opened and proliferated. Young people would learn to respect alcohol as they would be mixing with older more experienced drinkers.


    Rents should be fixed with recourse to arbitration if disputed.


    Proof this would work? This is exactly what happened in the 50 and 60s and society was the better for it.


    Oh well in that case lets also bring back hanging, make homosexuality illegal again, have a lower wage rate for women, repeal the equal opportunities, working time directives, minimum wage act, sexual discrimination act and force businesses to close on Sundays. That was also exactly what happened in the 50s and 60s obviously that would be better for society too :loopy:


    What a load of rot you talk. Making pubs close in the afternoon would not stop drunken idots charging round out street. Most boozing is done between 8.00pm and 2.00am on weekends. That's when pubs are open and they are hardly likely to close during these vital hours. The aftermath of such is when the streets allegedly become warzones.


    This is 2014. Most normal people are at work during the day not sat in a pub. You seem to forget that back then were we the city of pubs open 24/7 to cater for the thousands of steelworkers charging out for their lunchtime drinking sessions. Oh yes, very responsible.


    I completely fail to understand your points regards afternoon closures creating jobs - if a pub is open less hours each day, it cannot need more people or assist in the profit of other businesses. Furthermore, what on earth makes you think that these young drinkers would be so influenced by older "more experienced" drinkers??? Where are all these young people now. They are still sat in the same pub at the same time as the experienced what are they supposed to learn. Do our more experienced drinkers show them what to do? Do they have any influence now? Are they setting such a good example themselves? I dont think so. Just because you are 40/50/60 does not mean you still dont get sloshed and make an ass of yourself.


    If we are talking about the subject of afternoon drinkers causing an nuisance - which your post appears to state - lets have a look at that age group in more detail. Take a look who ACTUALLY is sat in pubs at 2.00 in the afternoon. I dont think its many young ones. Have you seen the crowd in the Bankers Draft, Cannon, Hen and Chicken, Sportsman in the middle of the day.


    So, we ban the supermarkets from selling alcohol and restrict it just to off licences. What is that going to achieve? Supermarkets would simply open up separate off licences just like they have done with corner shops. Still having the same buying power, same ability to price fix and same ability to undercut the pubs.


    Society changes, trends change, people move on. Drinking at home has increased, working hours have changed, pubs have become a divided business between being for dining or for drinking. Bar culture is the new trend for drinkers with family/specialist/gormet dining also developing. People go to pubs for food now as well as drink. Pubs provide family dining/entertainment for ALL ages these days. Bar culture with a totally new range of drinks has increased, people no longer sit with a milk stout and a pint of bitter. Tastes have developed beyond this. There has never been so much choice and so much variety.


    You adapt or die. Simple as that.

  8. I don't understand why this one case is still getting so much press.


    Becuase the McCanns are very very very very good at milking the publicity machine and have most likely got a very good Agent.


    Slimy Max Clifford seems to spring to mind but there maybe another. I know Clifford was one of the first contacts that one of the other alleged suspects made. That to me just distinctly shows what a circus this whole affair has become. A suspect contacts not a lawyer but a PR agent as their first port of call. Utter madness.



  9. Lovely and quaint as this place is it is hardly going to appeal to our so called hard done by Yoof is it?


    McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFCs are where the Yoof hang out these days. Its nothing to do with alcohol or non alcohol its about being part of an image, a set, a gang.


    Just take a look at any of these places on a Saturday afternoon. Take a look at the car parks of these places in the small hours on a Friday/Thursday night.


    Its full of the young socialising all biding their time until they can plaster on enough make up or grow enough stubble to convince a landlord they are over 18 and serve them a pint or bottle of WKD.


    Anyone who really thinks temperance bars in 2014 will attact anyone under a certain age is out of thier mind. They are a nice little novelty with an old fashioned appeal for a change every now and then. Just like going to a country cottage tea room or an afternoon tea in a posh hotel.


    However, a viable business to attract the young crowd it aint.





  10. Would I like to answer your question? who do you think you are a Barrister. One minuet you think your Spielberg and now Perry Mason, go get therapy for your multi personality disorder problem.:loopy:


    So you dont have any answer then. End of debate.


    Like the rest of the trolls as soon as you run out of argument you resort to insulting.




    So what? It happens all the time in the private and public sector.


    A waste, yes - but demands and management change.


    200 staff in a decade is just 20 a year who have been "rehired" on VARIOUS contracts. Is not like they walked back into the exactly the same job. In an orgaisation with over 20k staff its hardly earth shattering.


    Wonder how many times this has happened in the Police, NHS, Fire Service, Local Government.


    Whole teams of staff shipped out to private sector and then brought back again.


    What a complete non-story and nothing to do with the topic under discusison.

  12. Oh yeah! I really meant I've spent more on my shopping bill.:loopy: so what you mention is an excuse for crap low quality the bbc have shown over xmas, P.S. the BEEB get enough of our money to pay for all that you have just mentioned, maybe if the bosses stopped paying their selves millions the quality of what they show would be better. :suspect:


    Oh of course, you were being sarcastic. Yes, just a flippant remark to show your annoyance. Yeah, I know that word too.


    Now back on topic - what you are describing as crap low quality exactly?


    Our licence fee paid for programmes which following the recent viewing figures got into seven of the top ten positions.


    SOMEBODY must be watching all this "crap" television. I really dont get what you point is.


    All this stuff about bosses being paid "millions" - where exactly? The highest salary for the BBC is around £700k. YES that's a lot. But compared to other people in huge global organisations its not really.


    Talent and presenters set their own price tag. But that would be the same on any network, show or production. The more popular someone is the higher money they demand. They soon lose that popularity and their price tag drops accordingly.


    Taste is a very personal thing. I personally cant stand any of the talent and reality scream fests that are on the box every Saturday night. I too think that these "talents" and the "Celebs" who front them are overpaid and appauling. However, when they pull in millions of viewers. How can I argue with that.


    Just because I dont like something does not mean that its not popular nor that it should not be made.


    ---------- Post added 30-12-2013 at 15:18 ----------


    You have issues.


    What I use facts and real life as oppose to speculation, conspiracy theories and pointless unsupported comments.


    How silly of me, I forgot this is an internet debate.

  13. The TV license is worth every penny especially to the fat cats who run the BBC, lets be fair about this how else would they get their extortionate wages, I reckon I've spent more on a weeks grocery shopping than they have spent on the rubbish they have put on their channels over the Xmas period.:suspect:


    Really? Have you even the slightest idea what is costs to produce television.


    Camera operators and sound operators alone cost around £800 per day each. Outside broadcast facilities can be anything around £1500-£2000 per day.


    Having being involved in producing a few marketing website videos with simple office based interviews and generic background shots I can tell you that just hire of one camera and operator, one light, some microphones and a few hours of edit suite use cost nearly £10,000 in total. All for half a dozen 1 minute clips.


    In television you think about costs of talent, writers, production floor staff, lighting technicians, engineers, special effects, post production editing, music royalties, transportation, props and scenery, costume hire, make up, back office staff all to make just a 30 minute programme.


    There are plenty of behind the scenes clips and books which show the logistics of making even the most simple programme. Some of the more grand productions can film as little as a few minutes each day during their production. All those costs each and every day for months just to produce a two hour drama or a small series of a sitcom run.


    Your shopping bill wouldn't even cover the daily hire costs of a make up artist.

  14. Why can't the BBC fork out enough money to show films before Sky? They could have shown the Avengers on Christmas day this year! Instead we get rubbish like Eastenders and Open All Hours! Stupid!


    8/10 top programmes on Christmas Day were won by the BBC.


    They must be doing something right.


    That Eastenders "rubbish" you claim got more than 7.5 million viewers. Over a million more than ITV's lovvie fest Downton Abbey and just 100k less viewers than Corrie.


    I dont think the BBC are going to be crying much about their performance.


    ---------- Post added 28-12-2013 at 23:42 ----------


    Lets be honest here. The days of everyone gathering round the TV on xmas day for premieres and flaghship programmes are long gone.


    Box sets, multi-channel platforms, streaming, on demand has changed viewing habits completely. The fact is, most people have a flick through the schedules pick what they want to watch or simply stack them up for series links.


    People pick what they want to watch when they want to watch it. Very few follow schedules and do other things these days. Christmas Day is dead air. Nobody is interested until at least the late evening. People are busy. People are out. Out of a 24 hour day why would you bother filling anything more than around 6 hours of original material. Nobody is watching the other 18.

  15. I'm pretty well covered by Meadowheaven, Asda, Numerous retail parks. All free parking, and smell pleasant.


    Do you have anything else in your life other than shopping? Here is a few things that ALSO happens in a city centre.


    Go to work, go to college/university, attend business meetings, attend appointments, visit cinemas/theatres/galleries/museums, visit restaurants/bars, stay in hotels oh and people live there.

  16. Drove past the new market today, it's a bit small isn't it !


    Given it's size why didn't they build it on the land between Park Square and Dixon Lane, and keep it in the "traditional" area ? (quoting cuttsie there)


    Just seems daft sticking it down the Moor. There's absolutely no point venturing down that area of town now, unless you have to catch a bus there.



    Another nail in the city centre's coffin for me.


    Why? They moved it to the end of the city where shopping takes place. Castlegate is dead. Its not a viable retail area any more. Over the next few months/year the rest of the stores will follow to the opposite side of town. The hub of the city retail will be centred around Fargate, Pinstone Street and the Moor. The new shopping/leisure developments are going to be built in the streets linking those said areas.


    If there is genuine belief that markets are supposed to be integrated into a shopping hub as they are in every other city - why on earth would they leave it around Castlegate or even worse on a piece of land off park sq just in the middle of nowhere.


    All this talk about sacred trading sites and traditions is just nonesense. Cities evolve.

    The purpose of Castlegate/Snig Hill/Dixon Lane is changing. Time to get with the times.

  17. waste of time building one if you ask me cant see it doing much

    might be do well at first but then will die down


    What makes you think that?


    Im sure the developers extensive market research and projections think different. Central Sheffield has a very large population which increases even more when the students are present. Not everyone wants to travel all the way out ot Meadowhall or the hideous Centertainment to see a film.

  18. Completely incorrect. Not everybody works in a nice warm office in a permanent location near home. I'm self employed and work outdoors on building sites up to two hours drive away. Building sites now close when it snows due to OTT Health & Safety policies the main contractors have. No work for self employed people equals no pay, simple really. Not to mention the two hour drive each way extended to four each way because of the amount of drivers who are clueless at driving in snow to be sent home equals not only no pay but a large amount of money spent on overpriced petrol. So don't tell me snow doesn't stop people just cause you are fortunate be in the type of employment the weather doesn't affect.


    So I assume like many other self employed construction workers you have prepared for winter driving/possible stayovers should the weather turn nasty and/or allocated your finances and saved what you can to compensate for any potenital lost work days etc and/or made enquiries for other temporary/casual employment during the winter periods should you not be able to undertake your main role?


    You are not the only one self employed who face these challenges each and every winter but neither is it the case that snow is an unexpected phenomenon that it should catch anyone unaware.


    Its how you prepare and deal with it that matters.


    ---------- Post added 17-11-2013 at 21:02 ----------


    Right so we have numerous warnings appearing about months of snow ahead, so does this mean when it does happen we (as a country) will be prepared? Councils will be ready to go with gritters/ploughs whatever it takes to clear it up and make the roads usable and the paths safe to walk on?


    My guess to the above questions will be NO! despite the last few years us having horrendous winters and plenty of snow I don't think anyone has learnt to take on board the scouts moto of 'be prepared'


    I thought the Council or more accurately AMEY did a pretty good job last year. Some of the most regular and efficient gritting I had personally seen.


    Although there was always those never satisfied I seemed pretty good to me.

  19. snow doesnt stop people from working. Those employed by others manage to get in to work so what's different being self employed? In my 22 years in employment i've never missed a days work due to the weather. I did get sent home early once due to the floods..


    Well said. "Stories" like this just make my blood boil. Just a mere mention of thre S word and the whole country starts panicing.


    Its embarassing.


    Snow can be anything from a thin piffle to a 10 foot drift. The first is what we get hin this country. When it OCCASIONALLY gets bad it may close a road down temporarilly and cause some traffic problems. That all.


    This guy has got it right...

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