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Posts posted by ECCOnoob

  1. 0 hours contracts ring a bell to you? Many agency workers are exploited.


    I have worked, studied, studied and worked, been unemployed, I been self employed, PAYE employed in private and public sector, I have worked for agencies. I do work.


    Yes of course I have heard of zero hour contracts and there are two sides to everything. Not every company uses them to "exploit". Not every company uses them at all. Define exactly what "exploit" is anyway. It makes perfect sense to me if you have a job in a industry with fluctuating demand to have such a thing. What business is going to survive paying for staff they dont need - that's the nature of lots of agency work, it can mean short notice and ad hoc demand. If you dont like it, look for something else. It suits some people who may use it as a second income, have children, are semi retired, are students looking for a work during a holiday period...etc...etc.


    I have worked casually in my younger days in the hotel industry and spent weeks with nothing then suddenly a back to back rota of shifts with little notice depending on function bookings. Many roles by thier nature are seasonal and thus not uncommon for whole areas of workers to be laid off for the summer or winter months.


    OK so you finally admit you have worked. In that case why not show you have intelligence and stop making every employer out to be an victorian workhouse dictator. You will know full well that worker's rights exist. You will know full well that the employment laws offer protection for both employees and agency staff.


    Your constant attacks (which are often downright rude) against anyone who dares to be anything other than a regular joe on the shop floor, be it an employer, company owner or landlord, are becoming increasingly tiresome. The world is not fair. Society will NEVER be equal. People will NEVER be paid equal. Land and resources are not infinite. Land and resources cost money. The state does not owe anyone a lifestyle.


    It cannot and will NEVER work like that. I have raised this matter with you several times.


    If everyone on the shop floor had a pay rise, all the supervisors would want a pay rise and the managers would want a pay rise which means the owners would want more out for their investment thus leading to price increases.


    Price increases lead to less value to ones salary and cost of living increases which will mean everyone will demand a pay rise again.


    Round and round and round we go until eventually BOOM something has to give.

  2. Agency work. Might as well rob what you can when you get the chance, because your a piece of dirt with no rights, security, and your wages are poor. They joys of employment in the UK.


    What a load of scrotum you do talk.




    No rights, no security, poor wages my ass. Thanks to the 2011 regulations agency staff have even more rights than ever before.


    Agency work got my foot in the door with some of a largest companies I have ever had in my career. If you are prepared to show willing it can often lead to a permenant post.


    Try working yourself Chem1st and you might learn something one day.

  3. Parking should be freely available in all city centres. City centres need shoppers more that shoppers need to pay for parking. Remember Meadowhall? Well it did work and it is successful.....SCC Jerks!!!


    and when all those freely available spaces are took up by the thousands of office and shop workers, visitors/clients attending meetings with the lawyers/accountants/banks/council offices and other businesses in the city, students attending the lectures at the university, people staying in the hotels, people coming for meals/cinema or theatre showings......etc....etc...


    Where will the shoppers park then?


    God sake. For the final time. The city centre is much more than just shopping!!!


    Do you think its a coincidence that shopping malls within city centres ala Frenchgate, Westfield and Liverpool One still charge for parking and yet those outside the city centre such as White Rose, Meadowhall and Parkgate dont.


    Even most supermarkets which are in or very nearby city centres have a parking charge or very limited time for free parking.


    Wonder why that is :roll:

  4. Wow. A very interesting document. So, I wonder what happened. Ownership never changed from STT so who on earth came up with that plan and who was supposed to take over from whom.


    2004 that idea was concieved and bog all happened. Funnily enough the 2008 masterplan for the area seems to be an opposite proposal with the Cathedral Quarter/Paradise Square being part of the "Business District".

    No referece to restraurants and bars in that but contradictory however they are referenced in the Cathedral Quarter Masterplan of 2005.


    So, in 4 years one plan wants it to be eating and leisure and another plan agrees but also refers to mixed used units and residential and then a third plan refers to it to being in the "business" district......and in any event none of the masterplans came to anything at all. Amazing!! Its enough to make your head spin. No wonder nothing gets done anywhere. It just goes round and round and round :loopy:


    Bottom line for me is that its a good job those lawyers and accounts were there otherwise it would have been 10 years of compulsary purchases followed by empty units and eventual decay.

  5. I wholeheartedly endorse what you are saying and it speaks volumes for our myopic council to not see this jewel-in-the-crown of Sheffield's otherwise rather nondescript city centre.


    There is so much character in Paradise Square I find it hard to imagine any other council treating it like SCC does as a car-park for the £180-an-hour brigade. I recall as a child singing carols in a crowd, at Christmas with people holding real torches i.e., candles, in Paradise Square. Lovely.


    Shift the cars, relocate the legal professions - lord knows we've enough empty offices elsewhere in the city to accommodate them (surely with better transport links) - and let's attract little shops, boutiques, candle-lit bistros and bars. Refurbish the lighting (Edwardian?) and make it what it should be, a wonderful place to go day and night.


    Next step would be to bring the cobbles back on Campo Lane, restrict traffic and make the most of the area around the cathedral.


    Its nothing to do with SCC. The land is owned by Sheffield Town Trust. Its private and they can do what they want with it.


    Dont forget its that "£180 an hour brigade" that is keeping those buildings in the conditions they are now. If it was not for the lawyers/accountants occupying those buildings they would have been left to rot years ago.


    Unless you are happy for more precious public money to be thrown at simply maintaining a pretty looking but ultimately unoccupied building who else do you assume is going to pay the rent.


    Do we know that there is a queue of boutique shops and trendy little bistros ready to move in?? We have had many a discussion before on this forum that most shoppers are looking for "cheap" not expensive hand crafted boutiqe items.


    As for restaurants and bars do we even know if most of units are suitable for such a thing. Little rabbit warrens filled with small offices dont make ideal shells for conversion into restaurants/bars. Would the listed status of the buildings allow for such conversion? Just because Wig and Pen have done it doesn't mean all the buildings have that option.


    If they couldn't fill them something else has to. Its a city centre not a model village. If a building is unoccupied someone has to pay for maintaining it or it simply goes to rot. Is our limited taxpayer monies really for that purpose? It could end up being Jessops Hospital and the GPO all over again.


    Personally I would rather keep the lawyers there knowning the buildings will be looked after rather than have a slowly decaying pretty square filled with unoccupied rotting buildings.

  6. Big sign in the middle of it






    Even if the charges were enforceable, where is the signage which indicates the terms and conditions of parking?


    Tut tut, you should know better. Feel free to park your cars there during the working day, folks.


    Why dont you correct the landlords to their faux pas. Im sure they would delighted to hear from you about what they can and cant do on their own property.



  7. This a very simplistic analysis.Take top sportsmen who have comparable skills,namely golfers and badminton players.Due to marketability and sponsorship,the former group occupy a high tier.Even within sport like boxing different weight command higher purses,usually topped by heavyweights.There have not always been rich and poor and a study of anthropology would explode this fallacy.I hope you are not studying Economics!


    Of course its a simplistic analysis - im not going to give some vastly detailed economic lecture on here am I. Besides, simple or not, doesn't mean its not right.


    Yes, I admit there are exceptions such as sportsmen, tv "personalities" and actors. But they earn their money due to the "market" value. The general rules still works both ways. For every Brad Pitt there is a Joe Bloggs stuck doing cable tv commercials. For every Jonathan Ross there is a Paul Ross. For every Chris Evans there is a bloke doing the 2am shift on sleepy fm - Darlingtons premier oap station...


    Now, please do begin your lecture on anthropology. I cant wait to read your comments on the relations between economies in gift giving exchange vs market exchange and how we westerners have embraced this to the point of no return. Please do explain how in the world of those who do and those who dont such a thing would possibly work for the greater good. Considering the boom in the "those that do and those that dont" attitudes have been around since before the industrial revolution and bearing in mind that even before that for hundreds of years Aristocracy had all the power and land please do advise your thoughts on converting that to modern society so, I presume, everyone should somehow be equal?

  8. Where aren't people exploited? Workers create wealth for the owners.


    Or workers are paid the minimum wage to provide care services because that's all the old and infirm are worth to society.


    ...and owners create jobs for the workers. round and round it goes.


    the supposed workers you refer to are paid minimum wage because its an unskilled job that anyone could do. its nothing to do with how much the elderly is "worth" to society.


    Important as it maybe, anyone can clean up or feed someone. Caring is an instinctive human trait. You dont need a 7 year degree in being a basic carer. Thousands of people have to be one for life and get paid nothing due to a sibling/relative or child having some disability.


    Those who are specialist carers requiring certain skills and qualfications get paid accordinlgy. Not all carers are on minimum wage. Neither are specialist care nurses, oncology nurses or specialist support workers.


    People are paid what their "skills" are worth. If your "skills" are ten a penny, you receive less wage. If your skills are highly specialist, rare, accademic or subject to professional registration with mandatory retesting and training then you get more wage.


    We are all born the same and you create your own path in life. Yes, some people are lucky to inherit wealth but dont necessarilly keep that way. Its very easy to p**s it all away and end up with nothing. Other people are brought up in very poor backgrounds but work hard, forge a career or own business and become very wealthy and successful.


    In life there always has been rich and poor. There will always be those who are employers and employees. Those that work hard and those that dont. You have to have one AND the other for society to function.


    We cant all be high flyers on £150k plus or rich mansion owning aristocracy. It could not work.

  9. Morning


    I need a £1500.00 loan... I have bad credit from my past and cant get credit anywhere. I don't have family that can help me i'm not looking for people to comment saying I don't need a loan etc.


    If you can help me or know of a private loan shark please can you private message me.


    I'm looking for £1500.00 for 24 months.


    The reason I am wanting this is to consolidate my debts so I have one monthly payment.


    Thanks guys


    If you want to consolidate your debt then go to debt management. Taking out a loan to pay off loans is going to get you nowhere.


    If you only have the option of high risk high interest lenders you are going to put yourself in a bigger hole. Firstly, there would be very few willing to lend you that much for so long. You might find your only option would be 30 day lenders which means you would be stuck paying 1500%+ interest on your balance every 30 days for 24 months!


    Even if you did get a £1500 loan over that period with a more reasonable rate. You are still going to create more interest than actual payment because of your high credit risk.


    That will mean in 24 months time you would end up with one payment but almost triple what you are paying now.


    Dont even think about it.


    Get some Debt Management. Whoever they are they will do a proper full assessment of all your income and expenditure and pay out the remainder to your creditors.


    Ashley Park are a local one based in Rotherham I think Either that a quick search on google will bring up the alternatives.


    That's the only way you will sort yourself out.


    PS: When someone asks you what its for when you actually bring up the subject on a public forum, you will find it IS their business. they are trying to help you. Stop being so defensive. Believe me a loan company and/or debt management will ask you far more personal questions. You had better get used to it.


    Now, take my advice. Find a debt management and talk to them now. Dont hesite. The quicker you can get them involved the better.


    The £350million Trinity complex is fairly nearby the Victoria Quarter - it's likely that it'll create huge footfall in the heart of the town, and generate business for the surrounding areas as well. Time will tell how beneficial Trinity will be, when it opens in March - but it's unlikely that the big names would've invested, if they weren't sure it would do well.


    Who cares other than you?


    Trinity Leeds is nothing more than a redone and slightly exanded Leeds Plaza. Most of the shops on the list are already there. There is probably less than 25 stores which are actually NEW. The rest are an extended or remodelled hash of what already exists.


    All they have done is bought the three malls of the plaza plus the front units on briggate and put a roof on it.


    You will find that most of the retailers on the list which are not already in the location do have existing branches elsewhere in the city. So what happens then? For every new unit you will end up with a closed one somewhere else.


    Its not the second coming.... its a referb of an existing shopping precent.

    WOW OMG Get me there now.


    Do you forget that your other multi-millon pound rehash and referb of the Headrow (or Schofields) Centre was a complete disaster. Empty units for months and months on end with locals saying they simply went into get out of the rain. Oh and the The Light with its 34 units with only 1/3 filled.


    Burton Arcade (renamed) Plaza (renamed) Trinity

    Schofields Centre (renamed) Headrow Centre (renamed) The Core

    The Light

    VQ and Briggate

    Leeds Markets

    St Johns Centre

    Merrion Centre

    (proposed) Eastgate Quarter


    All within one compact city area. All fighting for attention.

    tick tick tick BOOM!


    Something has got to give.


    Oh, and lets not forget White Rose owned by the same company as Trinity. Hmmm. Start to run one down to sub the other maybe?

  11. So why are these stores not beating a path to occupy a unit it the city or even the great Meadowhall then?


    Its nothing to do with the Council that for sure. Any hint that Harvey Nics of Mr Seflridge were looking they would jump at the chance.


    The handful of people we have here who buy the occasional designer shirt in the sale is not going to match the affluence attracted by other cities.


    In fact lets put a figure with this.....




    ---------- Post added 21-01-2013 at 16:02 ----------


    Once again, you're alone in your viewpoint ...


    What makes you say then? One poster has very clearly agreed with my viewpoint. Another has not.


    What did you want to say on the matter then? You spent you time listing all your glorious shopping areas up there. I told you exactly what we have down here. Nearly just as much (with some albeit on a much smaller but fully occupied scale)


    So your point was?

  12. Victoria Quarter - Harvey Nichols, Paul Smith, Louis Vuitton


    Nobody in Sheffield would buy from these shops. People think John Lewis is a rip off.



    Leeds Corn Exchange - 36 units of independents selling fashion, jewellery etc

    We have the Forum 12 units of independent shops and 2 bar/restaurants.


    White Rose Shopping Centre - 100+ units out of town (inc. Debenhams, M&S, Zara, Topshop)


    We have Meadowhall - 280 units and open 7 years ahead of White Rose. Need I say more.


    Clarence Dock - 45 units (inc. G-Star, Replay, Rock Couture)


    Yeah and how many other units are occupied. Dont make me laugh. This dodo was on the news not so long ago for its lack of interest and tenants. I also know someone who dealt with the management of the construction of said project and they could not even fill speculative interest. Residential it maybe but other than that dont make it a big concern. We too have Victoria Quays area with 4 large hotels and a handful of "shops" We also have Kelham Island - a mixture of residential and watering holes. Just like clarence dock.


    Saint John’s Centre - 30 tenants (inc. Dorothy Perkins, Topman, Foot Locker, Clintons)


    Orchard Square - 27 tenants including a handful of independent shops.


    Crossgates Shopping - 60 units (inc. Holland & Barrett, New Look, Claire’s)


    Crystal Peaks Shopping - 100 units including a market area


    Crown Point shopping park - 28 units (inc. Next, TK Maxx, Mothercare)


    Healey Retail Park / Meadowhall Retail Park / Drakehouse Retail Park /

    Kilner Way Retail Park


    The Light - bars, a cinema, restaurants, a hotel, gym + 32 retail units (inc. Superdry, Ark, Lacoste)


    Yeah and only 10 of them occupied. Hardly a roring success. We too have a large complex of restaurants/cinema and leisure. Also we have two big square of restaurants and bars in the city centre.


    Eastgate Quarter (opening 2015) - John Lewis, M&S


    Still to be built - just like Sevenstone. Hope the money does not run out. tick tock tick tock.


    Trinity (Opening March 2013) - M&S, Topshop/Topman, H&M, River Island, Next, Apple, Hollister, Cult, Primark, Mango, Carluccio's, Yo Shushi, Giraffe, Handmade, D&D, 'Everyman' independent cinema


    Which is actually replacing the existing run down and shabby Leeds Plaza. Hardly a major new build.


    Oh and by the way we already have an "independent cinema". The Showroom has been around for years. Nicely established next door to a bunch of independant media and film companies.


    Come on Leeds keep up :hihi:

  13. 600 people losing their jobs is excellent news? Disgraceful comment.


    ---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 09:20 ----------



    They has just been a restructure of Senior managers resulting in fewer directors.


    Millions of people have lost their jobs. In the Council's case it is good news. The organistation needs a massive cull. its being long overdue for years.


    Im sure those 600 people will get a payout like anyone else made redundant and they will have to search for another one. Just like everyone else.


    Just because you are a civil servant does not mean the world OWES you a living. We are all accountable and nothing lasts forever. When money is tight cuts have to be made no matter what business you are in.


    The Council have had an easy ride for too long. SOME people became so deluded that they were indispensible to the organisation. Well, wake up time.


    The money is running dry (allegedly) and the Council needs better management and more streamlining. Now is the time.

  14. It never ends. The labour run council is being severely punished by the ConDem government. When will the victimisation of Labour run councils end?





    Excellent news. The more they keep chipping away at the flabby, overstaffed, badly managed council the better.


    Maybe if they stopped recruiting for another batch of new senior level staff and actually pooled their resources from their own crop internally that might save even more money.

  15. A further attempt by the City Council to turn away big-name companies (& jobs) from Sheffield





    Good. The last thing we need is more out of town shopping developments. Foucus needs to be on the completing the city centre development.


    Next already has 7 outlets within the sheffield/barnsley/rotherham areas. Did we really need another one?

  16. I am desperate for a loan no payday loans. I have awful credit where can I get one from

    I litrely need it now lol no smart remarks just help please


    I dont even want to think about why you need 20k so immediately and so despreately but if you have bad credit and no collateral you are really going to be struggling.


    Even people with reasonable credit scoring would struggle to get over 10-15 without some serious level of collateral. Short term loan providers with their 2000%+ APR rates rarely offer anything over £1k.


    Longer term bad credit lenders might offer larger amounts but do you really want to be paying 500% plus annual interest on a large sum.


    If you cant get a "normal" loan from a "normal" provider with a more reasonable amount of interest due to your "bad credit" I would think very carefully about taking on anything that large.


    Did you make reference to you getting a house soon? If you are starting off mortgage payments you need to think even more carefully how on earth you are going to afford mortgage payments AND repayments to £20k loan!!!

  17. Aldi watches are widely available from the Lucky Lucky men, and cost a fraction of a Rollex watch, yet do the same job, and just to be clear, these watches are absolutely nothing to do with the cheap German food retailers.



    An Aston Martin does the same "job" as a rover metro but it doesn't stop people wanting and buying one.


    What is the problem if you can afford $900 dollars for shoes and you choose to buy such shoes that's nobody else's business.


    Some people shop at Aldi, some shop at waitrose.

    Some people buy their clothes from Primark, some from Harrods.


    Come on - there are bigger things in the world. God sake move on.

  18. Would you rather be unemployed than TUPEd ?


    I really dont understand the public sector. Laws like TUPE (transfer of undertakings) is supposed to be for the workers. Protecting their employment and locking in their agreed terms and conditions for a length of time after a takeover.


    Same pay and same conditions just a different company logo and maybe a different uniform.

    Can see the problem myself?


    What on earth they could be unhappy about is just beyond me. However, as usual im sure the unions will find some unreasonable demand to play ransom over the public services (again!)

  19. What you talking about. You mean people like me who have lived in the city for nearly all of my life?


    Oooh dear do you have a post office fan club or something. I have clearly touched a nerve. What about actually responding like an adult and answering my question.


    If the Council did CPO the post office what exactly would they do with it? Go on... name it. What public funded project would you do that you could guarantee would get support from us locals and not be a white elephant.



    ......ready when you are


    I am on about a total refurbishment, possible redevelopment of Fitzalan Square.


    The council needs to put pressure on whoever owns the GPO to get it developed. Compulsory Purchase Order should be an option if nothing happens.


    That's all well and good but then what? Dont you think if there was a chance that a boutique hotel, retail development or other had a chance of sucess it would not already be built by now.


    The fact is, nice as the building was, it is simply no longer serving a purpose. Even if they turned it back into a post office it would be a complete waste as in 2012 they are used very little except for a handful of tasks that most people complete online. Not forgetting more and more people getting their pensions and benefits through direct payment. With business and personal post becoming less and less and certainly business post being sourced out to other suppliers i just cant see how a it would be beneficial beyond a few years.


    The thought of a public space with big screen etc... etc... is all well and good but logistically impracticale. Its surrounded by busy roads, main trunks in and out of the city centre. How would the buses get to the interchange, where would the taxis go. How would traffic smoothly flow from haymarket up to the city. What about access and deliveries to the existing shop units.


    I would rather see the already limited council money spent on other things.

  21. There is only ONE small claims court. Its called court.


    What made you think you could choose from multiple options? - am I getting confused with something else?


    It makes no difference which court you issue in the process is idential and there is certainly no favouritism between different courthouses as differnt judges all cover the same random hearings its just pot luck.


    You issue a claim at your local court or online. The court processes the matter and it is a allocated to judge in a local court either nearest the Defendnat or the Claimant - depending who the judge thinks.

    If by some chance it goes to a hearing you will attend at said court and sit in a judges chambers along with your defendant and argue it out.


    A Judgment will be made and you or them will be sucessful. If its you then the Defendant will be given an order to pay within a certain timescale. However, be warned that a sucessful judgment doesn't always mean you get a payment. If the defendant pleads they aint got the money or your settlement would cause them great difficulty you might just end up with a moral vicotry.


    That would depend on the financial evidence and/or the judge's decision.

  22. Here, Here, I will second that what a daft place for a city Market.


    Oh yeah how silly to put it close to all the major department stores and a the future location of the major shopping development.


    Yeah, really dumb that init :loopy:


    What's wrong with you people. Will you get it into your heads that nobody is shopping at castlegate anymore. Everything down there is run down or closed. Fargate, Barkers Pool, Pinstone Street and the new moor development is the shops are these days. The shopping part of town is becoming more compact following the trend of every other major city development.


    The days of people wandering from the wicker, through the Sheaf and Castle markets, up in the old biddy lift t' cafe in castle house, down into the hole in't road to laugh at the prices in Walshes, wandering up fargte trying to avoid the over eager socialist worker mob, getting squirted by the perfume dollies in Cole Brothers, wandering down the moor to buy a record in wollies and your nan draggin you into Atkinsons before finishing up at S&E Coop at Eccy road and catching your bus home for 2p


    .......TIME TO WAKE UP drag yourselves into 2012 and realise those days are gone. It progress and it was desprately needed.


    That eyesore has been standing for too long and its time to pull it down. Its dirty, ugly, in the wrong location and totally irrelevant to the shoppers of today.


    No wonder this city never develops and we are always behind the others with some of the attitudes on here.

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