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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Everyone seems quite happy to self-service petrol stations for years without all this whining. So when people do drive offs from petrol stations, losing them money - it's all their own fault too.....right.
  2. So? Random check do occur just like sometimes I get randomly selected for rescan when I use smart shop or may be randomly selected by a customs officer in an airport. It's not all about you. The guard is doing their job. They are there to protect the store assets and minimise theft. Or maybe the guard had legitimate suspicions that flagged you up. Maybe you were walking around carrying bags or a backpack. Maybe you were lingering in certain areas - who knows. I still don't get why you felt 'insulted'. Like I said complete overreaction.
  3. Do you 'feel insulted' when a ticket inspector checks your tickets on a train. Do you 'feel insulted' when an usher checks your tickets before entering a theatre or when you have to suffer the indignity of having to go through a barrier somewhere. Do you 'feel insulted' having to display your proof of purchase on the windscreen in a pay car park..... Sounds like a you problem. You had a receipt, showed it to the guard and went on your way. Seriously what is the problem. Talk about an overreaction.
  4. You would have thought that our resident "business diploma graduate" and "successful catering business" owner would have known that - given it was among one of the most highly publicised and spectacular corporate collapses we've had in years.
  5. Sounds like you were being offered some specialist type in ear thing at that price. Would suggest Specsavers, they start around £500-£600 for their hearing aids.
  6. So? At the time, Schofield had a much more higher profile, history on stage and screen and general star power over Willoughby. Plus he'd already been a lead presenter on the program for nearly 7 years before she joined. It will be a similar situation with Walker. His legacy was experience for years at the BBC and joining the presenting team of their flagship new show. That will have been the draw for for channel 5 to bring him over boosting his ego with a anchor gig and getting their reward from hoping to shift away competition from the rivals in the time slot - which will be more than the more unknown female presenter will have done. The world of show business is not like ordinary jobs. Its extremely fickle and all hinges on the personality and draw of the viewers, regardless of whether they are technically doing the same job. Think about people like the late Bruce Forsyth on Strictly Come Dancing. I'd be very surprised if he was getting paid the same as his female counterpart despite the fact that she probably had to carry most of it for him. Ultimately HE was the star.
  7. You seem to be wanting to have your cake and eat it. What are these stores you are comparing it with? We've already discussed you cannot seriously expect any retailer with physical stores to compete with online only. Neither could you expect an independent family run department store with one branch to get near the buying power and heavy discounting that is enjoyed by big box chain stores. We either want it to remain independent and individual with good attentive customer service, a nicely laid out store with several cafe facilities or it to be a soulless corporation driving down prices with minimal staff, zero service and pile it high/sell it cheap layout. You say the products were overpriced in the first place but who's making that decision. The poster clearly says 70% off the RRP which is the same approach that near all retailers follow. There are even entire dedicated shopping outlet malls that do that. Whether and not the RRP itself is overpriced is a different discussion but that can't be the fault of Atkinsons. They are simply stating exactly what they are doing. RRP = X minus 70% discount = Y. Last time I looked, the store is already doing a lot of that. Several of their stock lines are from lesser known, more independent, more boutique suppliers, especially in their home and gift department. They do lease out some of their space to other businesses I've also seen they have in the past done in store pop ups with chefs, local artists or local makers but again with this "affordable price". The question is how. How exactly does Atkinsons offer this discounted rent to these independent traders. It's a business. Atkinson has its own bills to pay. The premises doesn't run itself. The heating isn't free. The lights still need to keep turned on.. its one thing to offer a temporary space for a short term or maybe stock a small selection of the Trader's goods on the shelves amongst other items but very different having independent trader based there expecting a free ride. Nice as the store is, it's never going to be a Liberty. Its not even remotely comparable. Liberty is a tourist destination in the heart of London. It sells coats at £4,000, cushions at £400 and even paper notebooks for £20. Liberty can afford to give away premium space in their store to independent traders because those said traders are selling goods at hundreds or thousands of pounds each. Atkinsons knows its competing a totally different market. Its store, whilst of course has to keep evolving, also has to be realistic of It's customer base. A fact perfectly demonstrated by this very discussion about whether an already heavily discounted £39 air fryer is still to expensive. There is a reason why Liberty has an art deco cafe serving crush avocado sourdough at £12 and afternoon tea for £26.50 and Atkinsons has a cafeteria serving £4.50 sandwiches and £7.50 pie and chips.
  8. Easier said than done though. It is offering value for money. As it states on the labels it's offering 70% off the recommended retail price of the product. Is completely impractical to expect a bricks and mortar department store business to seriously match prices of online retailers because it has to face the practical realities of employing significantly more staff ratios staff, maintaining an operating a big space in the middle of a city centre, having to deal with a logistics and cost of processing in person customers, offering additional facilities like customer toilets, car parking, cafes.... Everything can't just be simply dumped on the business expecting them to prostitute themselves - they have to make money after all. Ultimately we consumers have our own parts to play. We need to be driving the change. If we want bustling high streets... if we demand attentive personal service... If we want to restore some of that in person touch and feel experience that we are all claiming we miss so much.... we have to be prepared to pay for it.
  9. Firstly, no Dixons wasn't where Nisbits is - that was Currys and operated as a separate business. Dixons was next to Debenhams where the light building and Specsavers is this now. Yes, the Moor McDonalds and Woolworths business has closed - but what time frame are we supposed to be talking about here? You debate appears to be that there is more footfall and available opportunity for your fantasy Pubco now than there was back then. You seem to be claiming there are more shops on The Moor now than there ever was. Clearly as people are demonstrating that is arguable. If anything, there is equal number of shops now but also much smaller as several of the former large size department stores were being converted into multi units as trends changed.
  10. Thank you. Got there ahead of me. I'm sure Irene will eventually remember the context was whether there was more footfall now or back then.
  11. Arguable. Things come and go over time. It depends on what time frame you're talking about. You are right, it didn't have any of those you list. But it did have two different co-op. Department stores, it had McDonalds, Woolworths, Mark One, our price, superdrug, Etam, Dorothy Perkins, Argos, Burtons, Rosebys, Dixons..... Going back a little further we could even add on branches of Redgates, Roberts Brothers and Marks and Spencer.
  12. I'm not convinced she's fully accepted that. She's like Donald trump. Has her own alternative facts
  13. No no, you're surely not going to be questioning. Irene. Standby because a switch is about to flick and 'she' will now miraculously become filled with transport operations expertise. She moved around the catering trolley on a train you know.
  14. Oh yes of course. While you were still a toddler because it closed down around 2000. Strange you seem to completely forget BHS on The Moor which didn't close until 2016.
  15. Any comments on BHS love since you are in backtracking mode.
  16. It has the advantage of being surrounded by lots of housing estates and residential suburbs . It has the advantage of NOT being surrounded by several streets already filled with bars and pubs and restaurants and leisure units. It doesn't have to directly compete with theatres or cinemas or nightclubs or music venues or hotel lobbies. It's not even remotely comparable. The Moorfoot Tavern closed down in 2012 a time when I'd argue footfall was significantly higher. A time when big stores like Debenhams, BHS, and John Lewis were still open. It was also a time where most office workers in the city had to be there 5 days a week. Including the Moorfoot Building which was filled with council workers, a very large call centre building and two BT office blocks all within a few steps away. Perhaps the real reason for its closure is actually sod all to do with location and more than that many of its reviews described the place as a dive. Firstly, two of those brands you mention are the same company - so much for your expert knowledge of the "catering industry". Seems about as valid as you so called knowledge of the "transport industry." Now you claim they would do well but yet not a single one of them is trying move in. Wonder why that is? Just perhaps those large corporations actually have more idea of the market and reach than some random fantasist on the internet. I can't imagine for a second that any landlord is going to deny a legitimate business to rent one of their units. After all, The Moor has allowed other leisure businesses to open in The Light complex and Lane 7 and The Furnace. Why would they give the brush off to a pubco if one was showing interest. You say "we don't know" but actually many people do. The licences and the applications and change of use planning docs, decisions and appeals are all there. Available at the click of a button. It's how most local rags get their news stories and part of how many sensible businesses will undertake researching, assessment, and due diligence of the relevant market, location opportunities and potential competition. Something again which someone of your alleged business calibre should you know all about. Unless of course you are talking a load of bull..... Hmmmm.
  17. Why is it? Just how much do you expect qualified professional lawyers and barristers to be paid to handle two defendants in a high stakes crown court level trial which lasted nearly a month. They will have already been working at much reduced sums well below their usual rack hourly rate. Is partly why criminal lawyers are leaving sector in droves. Whether people like it or not, everyone in a criminal trial is entitled to representation. This one of the few areas where Legal Aid is still available if they are assessed as having insufficient means to pay themselves. Stop falling for the attention seeking Daily Mail headlines. £200k charges is peanuts for the amount of work, correspondence, reviewing, preparation, researching and advocacy those lawyers will have done for two separate defendants in such a high level and lengthy trial. I'm sure there would be plenty on here ready to cut taxpayer legal aid out criminal proceedings but think carefully where we would be then. Do we want to see that happen to someone potentially wrongly accused of murder. Only those rich enough can get represented.... Oh really. Maybe go have a look at what most criminal legal representatives actually get paid and their rates. Maybe study the background to the recent strikes and significant declines in the criminal justice sector There are very little 'rubbing their hands'.
  18. I am not going to wet my knickers with excitement too much yet. Given this withdrawal has been very nicely conveniently timed with the fact we now have to face endless 50mph limited roadworks in the exact same area so they can replace the hard shoulder that they previously removed when they installed the dumb motorways. If I was more cynical Id suggest that this announcement is simply fodder for the SY mayoral elections coming up.
  19. But there is lots of provision very close by including entire streets which are predominantly made up of pubs, bars and restaurants. What some, including the original poster, have failed to sufficiently describe is where is this desperate need for a pub on The Moor and where the footfall going to actually come from. All we've had so far is banging on about an empty department store, 6 floors and extremely large foot plate which is not particularly suitable for a pub to just set up in and a load of nonsense talk about hard hat high viz type workers loitering as if that automatically equals pressing demand and some outdated bull that they are just desperate for having a pint at lunch time. IF a pub business was seriously going to open on The Moor and pay premium rate for rent of a large retail unit, where is their market?
  20. Will we all know our "28-year-old" Irene has the mindset and outlook of a 75-year-old pensioner.
  21. Wait a minute. let's be very clear here. 'The Glass Works' as whole is a large multi-building shopping and leisure complex. Barnsley Market just one small part of that. Applying the same logic, it can be argued at the redevelopments to The Moor also include bars and restaurants and leisure as is shown with places like Lane 7, The Light, Roxy ballroom and Boom Battle Bar. That's before we look at the mass development a few steps away around Cambridge Street and Pinstone Street. Let's not go off into the realms of fantasy.
  22. You don't think qualified lawyers could be company directors? You don't think qualified lawyers can have a managerial role in a business? You don't think a degree in law is going to impress the interviewer of a business? 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁..... .....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Oh man, you should really save this for the comedy festival.
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