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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. If anyone is watching the coronation concert... Whilst I'm sure it was not done as a conscious decision to annoy them..... I can't help but smile thinking of some of the more rabid Liverpool fans imploding whilst you'll never walk alone was being performed at the behest and before his majesty
  2. Its a possibility - just like any other person arrested on suspicion of an offence. That's up to the police to investigate, authority to prosecute and/or courts to decide. What's your point? Still looks to me like police doing their job.
  3. Oh you mean those protesters who were arrested for affray and vandalism offences and illegally carrying materials which could be used to secure themselves or cause other types of public disorder. Note these protesters also included several just stop oil morons who clearly not there to protest anything to with the coronation were they? Besides, there were several thousand protesters in London, Glasgow and Cardiff yet only 52 were reportedly arrested. To me, that's not the 'authorities blocking people's right to protest'. That's the police doing their job to stopping law breaking and public disorder disruption. It's what they are there to do.
  4. I don't think it's a "vast majority" at all. The only people still screaming .... but but Diana.... Are a small number of individuals who can't move on and stuck in some sort of delusion about her and their doomed marriage. She's being dead for over 20 years. They were married then they divorced. Happens all the time in life. Charles and Di were doomed from the moment they dragged each other up the aisle. As soon as they divorced she was just as quick to jump into alternative relationships. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind she'd got wandering eyes while they were still married just as much as he did. I find it ridiculous that there is hate for Camilla on the basic moronic reason that she simply not Diana. What exactly was Charles supposed to do? Life moves on. People fall in and out of love all the time. He's not going to sit there pining for his dead wife who he had already divorced in any event. Di seemed more than content with a 17m settlement she got out of it. She continued in her passion of manipulating the media and filling lots of column inches with her sob stories when it suited her. She was given an office and staff and state apartments to live in. She was loving her freedom from the shackles of royal responsibilities. She was enjoying her new relationships with a Egyptian friend and his fellow billionaires. Maybe if she wasn't running away from the press she constantly courted and jumping into cars we drunk drivers she would still be here today. She isn't. But that's no reason for people to be using her to justify their resenting of Charles and Camilla decades later. It's pathetic.
  5. Pubs, bars, restaurants, coffee shops, McDonald's, KFC, Wendy's, theatres, cinemas, hotels, office buildings, university buildings, bus station, train station..... Are you suggesting nobody is passing through any of these places with facilities in for a legitimate purpose after 6:00 p.m. or are you just aimlessly wandering on the street pining for some unnecessary, council funded council maintained public toilet?
  6. Another one who clearly doesn't understand the difference between a city centre and a shopping mall. The city has plenty of publicly available toilets for those who are here with legitimate purposes. Pray tell where are all these wonderful more superior cities around the nation who have their local council providing an abundance of conveniences.
  7. It's all quite complex. The laws do provide power to local authorities to set provision of when a food or drinks vendor premises must provide toilet facilities to customers. However, it is filled with lots of caveats regarding whether the premises is predominantly take away or how many seats it has, or whether it operates beyond certain opening hours or whether it has feasible size to make such provisions without giving risk to customers or employees... There is also a complete separation within the laws between what a business has to provide for a staff and what it has to provide for its customers. Again, another reason why, even if there is a toilet, it may be out of bounds for customers. It could be the case, that the park cafe falls between one of the exemptions.
  8. Or it could be the very sensible fact that most of the Coop stores are a fraction of the size of the average supermarket. They are convenience stores at best so it is highly unlikey there is a major demand as most of their customers will be in and out within 5 minutes and not requiring a toilet facility. If you look there are rules on certain types of place which will mandatory have to provide a toilet but we all know your attitude to rules and regulations, so who cares.... right. Of course except if it inconveniences you personally
  9. Good job I used the word "if" at the start of my statement then. Could not give a toss about alleged betrayal and alleged mistresses. Diana was no angel, despite what she manipulated the media and her deluded fangirls into thinking. She was a flaky, childish, sloaney tart just as unhappy in that ill fated marriage as Charles was. She was not immune to wandering eyes. They divorced, she didn't hesitate to find a few new relationships and, in any event, has been dead for over 25 years. Was he not supposed to move on? Was he supposed to sit there pining for his deceased for the rest of his life?
  10. Ha. Another one. If you are a British citizen living in this constitutional monarchy, I can assure you he is your king.
  11. Right now it does. 2 years of global pandemic, economic slow down which decimated particularly our hospitality industries. Lots of hostility regarding Brexit and strained relations with other Nations. For the next week and in particular the 48 hours of the Coronation, the world's eyes will be on this tiny Island. Tens of thousands of people from tourists to journalists to celebrities to politicians to other world leaders will all be coming to this nation to celebrate and join a major part of our nation's history. Lest we forget that the last time anything like this happened was 70 years ago. All over this country there will be people joining with their communities, out there enjoying themselves and taking part. It will give a boost to many businesses, it will give a boost to the profiles and donations to the charities involved and start bringing people together again. Irrelevant of whether one supports the principle of a monarchy or not. You cannot portray this is somehow going to be a bad thing for the nation. That will always be some in poverty. There will always be someone struggling. There will always be the haves and have nots. There will always be some inequality. That's never going to go away in millennia of humans existing. There will never be a perfect time to host any event. There will always be someone screaming we can't afford it. There will always be someone wailing that the money should be spent elsewhere. Doesn't mean we don't do things.
  12. I don't think it's quite such doom and gloom. According to the Sheffield Star, 31 streets in the city have applied for licences close and hold street parties. There's a big two day free event in Peace Gardens with live screenings, movies, food stalls and according to the recent news, we have also been selected as one of 10 places to take part in some special special light show linked with the Windsor Castle concert. According to Twitter, meadowhall is doing various things including a charity appeal with Western Park and British Heart Foundation. One of the big pubs near me is doing some sort of garden party activity..... There are also lots of small charity, big lunch and community events listed on the Coronation website. You can even do a postcode search to find out here: coronation.gov.uk/events I find Sheffield Star and the local Facebook groups is quite good for setting out what's going on. For all those Republican miseries, there is even a special place for them as one of the town pubs is selling themselves as a coronation free zone. Something for everyone.
  13. Nothing crackers about it. Plenty of people still frequent the city centre on a Sunday. The shops are open, the restaurants, cafes and bars are busy, the theatres still have performances, the cinemas still have showings, all those tens of thousands of residents living in the city still have visitors, the hotel still have guests.... It is a big city. It is not some tiny village with no attraction and no footfall.
  14. Who gives a toss? Barnsley is a small poxy market town. Sheffield is a major city, not even remotely the same comparison.
  15. Christ almighty. SCC can't win. Everyone whines that the council never listens to the public. Never gives them opportunity to have their say. Never allows them to contribute to things..... Now everyone is whining because the council is asking for feedback or input or suggestions whilst slagging them off for not being capable of making their own decisions and preemptively declaring they won't listen to it anyway.
  16. Yes he is. As long as you are still living in this constitutional monarchy he is your king no matter how much you try and pretend otherwise. Its his image on the money, it is his government. It is his armed forces, his courts and prison service, his revenue and customs, his signature on any bill that forms part of our law..... You can debate the merits of maintaining a monarchy all you want. You can scream and shout that you don't need a king or don't agree with the king or want to abolish the monarchy which is entirely your right to do so..... but until circumstances change, the basic fact still remains. He is your king. You are his subject.
  17. In an earlier post Fools was suggesting to my comment about the city buzzing with people today that the reason people are there is because of shops and banks. However, you're saying that the city centre is a 'shopless ghost town'. Which is it??? If it's the latter and the city is this decaying ghost town as you describe it, what the hell are all these people doing here then? What are all these active buildings and retail and commercial units around me then?? Have either of you two geniuses actually walked around the city centre in the past decade or do you just sit at home whinging from behind your keyboard pining for the 'better' days gone by.
  18. I'm curious how? Both my mother and father paid tax on their private pensions and they certainly didn't have anything near millionaire level funds. What tax advantage or scheme did you reap the benefit of up to this point?
  19. They have plenty of reasons. I am sat in the city centre right now and it is buzzing with people who are certainly not all students. Perhaps what they are is people who embrace change and don't wallow around in the past with their rose tinted nostalgia on how things used to be. People who aren't sat in their hovels resenting and belittling every change or new development. Maybe instead of sitting there miserable and complaining you come experience it for yourself and look for some of the positives for a change. They haven't taken away the shops. There are streets full of them. They're just changed as the entire global retail landscape has changed. They haven't frustrated the motorist. Only the morons who still think its the 1970s, ignored the global shifts in attitude to car use in urban areas and still think they have some given right to drive on any street, any time they want and park up all day right outside the shop door for tuppence in the meter.
  20. Someone really needs a geography lesson. I see you have also deliberately ignored the other car parks I listed, including two of them that lead directly onto The Moor and two others which are literally 2 minutes walk from High Street and the bottom of Fargate. Lest we forget that someone disabled or infirm have parking bays available adjacent to Fargate or Barkers Pool or Division St or The Moor. How much bloody closer do you want??
  21. Oh don't be starting with all that crap. Last time I checked there are more than two parties on a ballot paper. Even our insignificant local election has more than just red and blue options. So, if people are as desperate and hungry for this revolutionary change as you keep making out why are they not voting for them?? Why is it the people aren't interested in whatever these revolutionary, disruptive alternative parties are arrogantly suggesting they need. They have just as much opportunity to promote and persuade and push their agendas and get their votes as much as anyone else but keep failing. Why don't you stop blaming the system and start blaming the obvious fact that what your lot are selling the people aren't buying. Its very clear what the failure is here if you pull your head out the sand and get over your Corbyn was robbed delusions. You want to win the public votes? do better.
  22. Oh boo hoo. It was "the many" who voted and clearly told Corbyn to shove off with his deluded ideas of what he thought they wanted. The people spoke and Corbyn gave Labour their second worst defeat in a century. Get the message.
  23. But they weren't lawns and beautiful flowers all the time were they. They were very often patches of dead and decaying grass, overgrown bushes and ramshackle planting which was dark and frequented by delinquents, drunks and general layabouts. Its replacement may well be a little sterile, but it's open , bright and modern and in keeping with the new development that came with it. When the weather is right, I found its being far more utilised than when it was the old gardens and hideous egg box building
  24. What the hell are you talking about. You need to get out and about more. There are several large multi stories directly off main arterial roads in the city. There is one just off Park Square roundabout, another just off Derek Dooley Way, one purpose built directly next to the rail station, two at either end of Charter Row, two at either Eyre Street, two at either end of Arundel Gate which, before anyone argues, therefore covers off and provides provision for whichever direction someone is approaching it without them being affected by the bus gate.... That's before we get into the other multi stories such as just off Rockingham Street or the two located on Campo Lane. There is on street meter or permit disabled parking along Union Street, Campo Lane, Bank Street, Milton Street, Sydney Street, Paternoster Row.... Council surface car parks on Devonshire Street, Fitzwilliam Street, Carver Lane, Workhouse Lane, Silver Street...... All of which has dedicated signs telling you where they and in some cases even whether they have spaces or not. .......What exactly do you think is so lacking? As for parking charges, it's another tired arguement. They've been in existence for more than half a century. A city centre is not just some shopping mall. People work and study and live here. Therefore parking has to have controls. As others have pointed out on this forum many times before, our parking charges are often cheaper than many other big cities. In some places outside of the obvious peak hours, parking can be as little as 50p or a pound an hour. Go try parking in Central Leeds for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon or down Deansgate in Manchester and then you would REALLY see what expensive parking is.
  25. That is true, but they're fortunate to still be classed as city centre, serve ponds forge, have quite a lot of studenty things around it and is on the right side for Kelham Island which will all go in their favour.
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