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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. What a load of crap. There are plenty of good paying jobs out there. There are thousands of graduates coming out of university every year who choose to stay in this city. I know people who have come out of 25+ year employment with places who have successfully moved into a different industry, and excelled with a second career. Its up to people to get off their backsides and work for them. The ONS reports that we have 79% of our city population in employment. The average annual wage in Sheffield is above several other big cities including Nottingham, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Liverpool, and Cardiff - places which are are hardly categorised lagging behind either in fact they often purported to be "better" than Sheffield by certain people on here. The world has moved on with great advancements in manufacturing techniques, supply chains, globalisation, automation and robotics. That has created entire new careers for people. Entirely new ways of working. Entirely new ways to progress and develop that were totally unheard of even just 15 years ago. The legacy which you think is so lacking is still here. Steel is still being made in the city. Manufacturing is still being done in this city. Big business is still taking place in the city every day. The difference it is now done in bright modern factories filled with advanced technology and no longer requires gangs of sweaty dirty blokes humping materials around all day and suppin' their six pints at lunchtime or smoke filled typing pools filled with women clattering away on the keyboards before they have to dash back home to dip the nets, hoover and cook tea for't husband. The smart ones are the ones who retrained, advanced themselves and are now doing their equally as important and well paid roles from the comfort of behind a desk, lab, control room or even entirely remotely from home. You are deluded if you think things were going to remain. You are living in some rose tinted fantasy of how things used to be. We are competing on a global market with emerging nations able to produce the raw materials and do the repetitive simplistic assembly for pennies a day. Something we are embracing with the abundance of cheap goods on our shop shelves. We in turn as the more developed nation and more developed city have had to evolve ourselves with new industries, operations and services. The 70s and 80s are long gone. They are half an average lifetime ago. We are now in a adult generation of people born post internet. Post smartphones. They know nothing nor care about the winter discontent or the union wars or miners strikes or supposed effects of Thatcherism. Anyone bringing up that as some excuse for their being held back 40+ years on needs to take a long hard look at themselves
  2. Okay, that sounds like Bank Park at the old Pennine Centre. There does appear to be a local registered office you could try writing to: Bank Parking Limited Beighton Business Centre 52A High Street Beighton Sheffield S20 1ED
  3. It would be helpful in if the OP gave us a clue which car park this is supposed to be. I'm having real difficulty understanding the situation. First it seems very odd that a car park has both ANPR and ticket barriers. Surely if you entered, took a ticket and then paid in the machine (which somehow incorrectly recognised as being underpaid for the duration spent), surely the exit barrier simply wouldn't have opened. On the other hand, if the car park is like Atkinsons where ANPR record your entry time, you pay using your number plate details and just exit, such doesn't have any actual barriers in which you need to obtain or insert a ticket. The other ones I know around that area or either NCPs with regular ticket barrier systems or completely open surface car parks which are pay and display. The identity might help in tracking down details of who runs and owns it.
  4. You see, you have just proved my point. You've kept saying the word 'parties'. Your entire focus is on what parties are offering and what the parties say they are going to do...... However, you are not voting for a party. You are voting for a person. It should be whether the person is suitable that focus should be on. It should be on the actions of the person and how they vote in committees and what they prioritise or what background and skills they have which makes them the best representative for your chosen needs and area. It's not just about red, blue and yellow but people will just never see beyond it.
  5. They shouldn't "vote labour". They should be voting for the person who they feel will best represent them in the chamber. Just like the general election, you are voting for a person not the party. "Labour" in itself doesn't give a fig about your 51 bus frequency or whether that community centre stays open or whether they are going to put some new bollards outside the school. People need to look beyond simply tribal colours. They should be looking at what the candidate is offering. You could have one who is the most devoted party supporter in the world. 100% champion of the party policies but if they are a weak speaker who does nothing but uncohereant rambling during debates, they are not going to deliver very well. On the other hand, you could have a local candidate who is more ambivalent to rigidly sticking to party policies, but is a fantastic debater who performs coherently and gets consistently solid results delivering what's needed for their represented area. I know which one I'd prefer representing me and care less about what colour they are wearing.
  6. Where is the "it hasn't" option on the poll? Oh yes, that's right, the OP has decided that no other option exists and everyone accepts the city has gone down the pan without debate. No thought, discussion or allowance for the obvious changing landscape in retail across the world, the changes in consumer habits, the evolution of cities back into places where people are living and spending their leisure time. No mention whatsoever of all the great improvements, public spaces, multimillion pound developments and vast amounts of ongoing building work right now in the city. No no, just another thread attempt to bash the city based on rose tinted delusional nostalgia of how better it was back in the day.
  7. Really? An OPINION from 8 years ago? What is that supposed to prove? How about some actual facts and some proper direct sources from this present time reflecting reality now. D- needs more work.
  8. Agree. To be honest, it wouldn't really matter what time the series got aired, channel 5 will always lag behind majorly against its two main rivals. Also, there is limited scope with the nostalgia fest. Whilst I like her, fact is that many younger people haven't got a clue who she is and if they did, they certainly have no recollection of the original 1990 series so have absolutely no context. You can see the signs in the series being broadcast..... Firstly, she now has a visible team of producers and assistants which ruins some of the dynamic...... Even though we all knew. When she calls a company they used to be excited at the prospect of speaking to "TVs Anneka Rice" of the jumpsuit and pert backside fame. They were more than willing to give away their stuff for a free plug on the national BBC with millions of viewers. Now, to many of those companies and suppliers, it's just some minor famous woman on some unheard and unwatched TV show asking for things. The final nail in the coffin is its just not cool anymore. This sort of philanthropy and charitable aim is more than covered by the vloggers and YouTube generation. Its done much more snappier and visually appealing than Anneka driving around in her cartoonish buggy with her sound man in vision. As shown by the fact that such videos and ticktoks get clicks and viewership that the television networks could only dream of. Like you, I suspect it will be the same with a new new tried again and again reboot upon reboot of Gladiators. I really do think it was of its time and has been replaced by the less gimmicky accessible assault course shows like Ninja Warrior.
  9. What's "unbelievable" is entitled individuals like yourself who think parents should be denied the right a right to control whether their kids are filmed by some complete stranger with no control of how the footage will be used or where it will end up. You were there. You were embracing the moment physically. You were part of the experience with your son and making that memory. Yet you are self jading it by your pathetic obsession and totally unjustified anger of an obvious and commonplace rule. A rule which you have voluntarily accepted by your continued use of the venue or organisation imposing it. To think you have the gall to suggest its other people who have the problem.
  10. I treat your posts as a joke because that's what I feel they deserve. How can it be taken seriously when you are still bringing up the exact same rant about filming your son's swimming 10 months on from your first rant all about it. Since May last year, people have tried to explain why these rules exist. Why they are so strictly enforced by the organisations who are under legal obligations. They've tried to discuss the genuine concerns that can be raised by other parents, particularly regards where the pictures may end up and social media risk but you continually dismiss it and suggest if you have no problem with it, neither should anyone else. An image of You are right and anyone opposing is just some OTT pathetic hysteric. As someone who has had to deal with the aftermath when things go wrong both on the victim side and advising the organisations themselves, these rules and regulations didn't happen on a whim. You only have to watch the news to see the fallout and understand why they get put in place. Despite what many think, it is not some modern day fad. Elements of safeguarding and protections have been continually evolved since the turn of the century. If they weren't, we would still have kids being sent up chimneys, the disabled or mentally infirm being sent to 'special' institutions and abused by their carers, school teachers beating the crap out of kids as discipline, factory workers continually dying of poisoning because they are not given any PPE.... Is all too easy to be blase about things until it happens and then suddenly everyone is demanding something be done. Demanding rules are tightened. Demanding answers to why nothing was done before. Clogging up the law courts demanding compensation.... Out of interest, if some parent objected to your filming, would you be so vocal in your stance face to face?
  11. My god. Over 100 pages in and you have still not got over being debarred from filming boys in speedos without consent. Go find a different hobby to obsess over.
  12. What's an earth you talking about? There are lots of junior bank accounts that come with debit cards. Have been for decades. That are even prepaid debit cards that parents can get for their children and transfer money onto. There are school canteens who are running entirely cashless operations. There are kids who are barely teenagers who are using in app purchases on their mobile phones. You seem to be getting confused with credit cards which of course requires a certain level of collateral and credit history. However, basic banking does not and the concept of electronic payments for under 18s has been existence for a very long time.
  13. Back in the day when everyone was carrying wads of notes in their back pockets and every Friday they got their little brown envelope filled with their cash wages just how much pickpocketing and muggings and theft and forgery do you think was being done??? All that's happened is crime has evolved as society evolved. Why do people always talk about cash as if it's this wonderful thing that nobody ever lost or had stolen or misplaced or became damaged..... Nonsense. If I get £100 cash nicked out my wallet chances are that aint coming back. If I get my card cloned and used for a suspicious transaction in a city I am not in, there's a high probability that my bank will detect it or I will spot it and get everything stopped. To a business, what do you think is more risky between having cash being transported from your business every day or tills on the shop floor filled with notes or bags of money having to be sorted, countered and manually checked every day against the alternative of customers using their cards, transactions that goes straight into the account, banked at the click of a mouse and can be tracked, updated and traced in real time.
  14. Nothing 'sadly' about it. It's called progress. That piece of paper you carry around desperately clinging on to is in itself worth sod all until some authority declares what value it's worth. It is nothing more than a promissary note tagged onto and assessed by the value of some other commodity. It is simply just a means of transaction. It could be brass washers or marbles or rocks or magic beans for all it matters. It's perfectly obvious that as time moves on and everything in our lives is becoming touched by the silicone chip our currency will do the same.
  15. So I take it you pay all your utilities by prepayment meter and top ups in a local shop? You have a pay as you go mobile phone? You don't have any subscriptions for television or media or music? You have never ever used prepaid car parking services? You go queue up for your council tax payments in the town hall every year? You have never purchased a property, vehicle or other such high value purchase from a major retailer then? You have never bought anything online or purchased travel tickets, accommodation or activities through a non-physical travel service? So ,you are choosing to completely inconvenience and restrict yourself. Doesn't seem like anything to be proud of to me
  16. No money for the NHS? Are you taking the pee? On last year estimates, 180 billion got poured into that organisation with the BMA estimating that around 37% of that is spent on staffing costs. Its a bottomless money pit and it's about time someone looks its overspend, inefficiencies, wastage, overuse and abuse. Why don't those placard waving doctors and nurses demanding more pay go ask some of their pen pushing colleagues earnings six figure salaries where the money is going. Perhaps they should be looking at some of the malingerers, drunks, reckless self-inflicted patients who are clogging up resources and abusing the NHS service due to their own ignorant, stupid or arrogant actions. Perhaps they should be looking to some of the dozens of NHS sideline organisations, quangos, extra services and asking if they are strictly necessary or whether their budget should be better spent on something that is actually considered essential healthcare provision. It's not as simple as demanding more more money from the government. They already get plenty.
  17. Why would I need to watch the video? I can read the misleading title. I can do 2 seconds googling of who created the video. I know full well what the Neepsend plans are has they've been publicly published for some time. I also know, like every other sane person , that 15 minutes zones in this city are bearly even a cig packet idea right now let alone even official policy. So can we all stop with a conspiracies, hysterics, the sensationism and the lies. WHEN there's actually something to talk about. We can talk about it. Until such time we are currently 27 pages in of detritus all about a petition against something that does even exist.
  18. They are concerns about long proposed traffic reduction measures, road layout changes and new cycleways in their area. They are sweet FA to do with any 15 minute zone because no such thing exists or has even been proposed in Sheffield. Thus the fake title and supposed point of the attention seeking video from Mr. Activist is completely irrelevant. If said person had a genuine credible concern regards the impact of traffic calming to the businesses, why didn't he just say so. Why make up crap?
  19. Still not interested thanks. A camcorder video from a political activist with a couple of hundred subscribers is not exactly journalistic relevance. Even less so when it's clickbait title is a load of crap. Considering there is not any official announcement or policy that Sheffield is going to be introducing 15-minute zones the road changes the traders are whinging about is nothing to do with it. Come back to me when something actually gets officially proposed and there's something to talk about. In the meantime, it's just a load of hysterics looking for something that's not there
  20. Ah yes Bitchute. The platform for far rights, alternative facts, and tin foil nutjobs who have been banned from spewing their bile on YouTube I think I will pass thanks.
  21. Maybe. Depends who is being asked. For arguments sake, let's just imagine an alternative scenario here. Say one of their popular game show or radio presenters used their Twitter account supporting Matt Hancock for his PPE policies and achievements during covid lockdowns...... Do we reckon there would be the same level of praise and solidarity and discussions about their rights to have free speech?
  22. That's open to debate. He may have done something very wrong by breaching the impartiality guidelines of his employer by publishing clearly partial statements on public social media. If he wants to work with the corporation and earn the big money that comes with it, he follows their rules. It's the same treatment that any of us in an employed or otherwise contractual relationship have to follow. As someone will works in legal, all of my social media has to comply with extremely strict rules set by the company. Rules which are regularly checked and enforced. I think the BBC response to this has been rather lacklustre and they made it much worse than it should have been. However, I don't think Linneaker has been showing himself in a good light either. His own response has been full of arrogance and ego. Someone who is clearly pushing the boundaries of what he thinks he should get away with because of his popularity. Someone who thinks that rules are not for him because he's too popular and too big. They're just for the minions beneath him, because hey, he has all his friends who will rally round him and create a ruckus. When newsreader Martine Croxall got a slap on the wrist for skirting the rules, there was no Twitter storm or dominating headlines or lots of colleagues boycotting to read the news in solidarity. She was off air until such time as she came back with her tail between her legs, nodding apologetically. Clearly Linneker thinks he is above all that. Well I guess we shall see and how long it be before he really crosses a line beyond return. As Loob points out. Linneker is entitled to freedom of speech, but that comes with consequences when he is contractually obligated to follow rules set by the ones paying his wages. If he doesn't like that, he's equally completely free to leave and go somewhere which doesn't have such policies. Maybe if his ego says he's so popular, he should go test it out.
  23. Well based on the viewing figures there must be an awful lot of "daft" people in your opinion. What makes you so intellectually superior to be passing judgement on others? Do you not watch things for entertainment or are you the sort of arrogant arse who thinks anything below the level of a Checkov play or televised chess is somehow seen as dumbing down. There are lots of things I personally don't like. Lots of things that I personally think are downmarket. But it does not give me a right to be insulting about those who choose to watch it. Even less so when they are clearly a majority. Whether you like it or not, Eurovision is a massive global event which draws a crowd that only is equal by something like a major sporting tournament. There is not another television show on the planet that brings in such draw on a global scale all at the same time. People like it for its entertainment value and that is why they keep tuning in to something that's been consistently on air for 66 years. Name me much else of such equal magnitude. So I suspect you are in the minority with your opinions on its viewers.
  24. Oh I do love this sort of thread. The whole "...I don't like it and anyone that does is wrong..." syndrome. Well clearly plenty of people do like it considering last one had, over 161 million viewers for the grand final across the globe. There was nearly 9 million viewers in the UK alone. I personally don't like football but I cannot sit here dismissing it's prominence, economic impact and popularity. In fact, very similar to football, Eurovision attracts a global crowd during its tournament, has massive fandom followings, house parties specifically for the event, massive ticket sales for selll out venues and huge television ratings including many countries, not even part of the contest. Whatever ones personal taste, it can hardly be written off of some not entity. It's been going on every year since 1956. As Xpert says, there has clearly been some sympathy judging for Ukraine but the fact is - it's still being held in this country which is a massive boost to our profile and economy right now. As a Brucie bonus, it's not even london centric and gets a bit of long overdue profile up north Which whatever way one looks it is a good thing
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