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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Well I hope the email was authorised to be seen by your own eyes, because if not that "someone" has been behaving recklessly and such type of actions could come back to bite them on the backside one day. Don't know about the council, but deliberate unauthorised disclosure of internal documents in my business is instant dismissal territory.
  2. It's not as simple as that. Who decides what this "real change" is? Who decides how they are going to implement it? What gives said person or group the authority to thrust their own ideals and ideas as if it's beyond challenge? At what point do those so-called "little people" end up being just as powerful, forceful, influential and as much of a threat as the elitist leaders they purport to detest and wanted to revolutionise? Slippery slope. Whose to say that those downtrodden "little people" won't become just as detached, aggressive, elitist and selfish when they get into a position of power. It's basic human nature. We see it happen time and time before. The Great revolutions and great uprising of the so-called underdogs who topple their leaders and celebrate their new revolution of freedoms...... which before long, turns them to become just as profiteering, elitist, and antagonistic and opportunist as any other government regime. We see it with the unions. All solidarity brothers and sisters... All up the workers...... except of course if you're not part of their particular industry group and just some other low level worker for which you can just about sod off. In the big battle, as long as their union gets what they want, they couldn't give a flying pig about other workers suffering unreasonable inconvenience, having major disruption, potentially losing wages due to their actions. We see it with our own neighbours and colleagues. All one big solid community all looking out for each other except when something hits the fan and you watch how quickly there will be fingerpointing, looking after number one, scheming, lying and manipulations. I am not one for buying into this whole power to the little people with their common cause. There might be lots of talking the talk, but when crunch time comes, let's see how much solidarity there really is versus who takes those grabs for power and advancement.
  3. Is it??? War might have evolved from what traditionally people see it as. It may longer not be vast armies across the globe warring with each other. But conflict, power, possession and one upmanship is just as prevalent today than it ever was. There are various civil wars happening right now all over the place. There are emerging nations battling with each other to be top dog in a race to become westernised and commercialised. There are huge numbers of radicalised terrorist groups and dictatorships committing monstrous atrocities every day. They are land grabs and power struggles and invasions happening right now even close to home in Europe. There are hacking attacks, ransom blocks, fraud and critical system failure threats which are all types cyber warfare happening all over our global communications network systems. We have the tribalist extreme left and right political agendas and the war of information all over our media, literature and online resources. Extreme polarised opinions all battling each other for prominence and credibility with the masses. I'm not sure what sort of dream like vision you have of the world, but in my opinion war is certainly not going out of fashion. I have said many times before, we may be an 'intelligent' species but inbuilt primal instincts don't go away. There is always the fight for one's own survival and dominance. There will always be those who take the extreme approach. There will always be those who unexpectedly transform and only show their true aggression when the going gets tough. It's easy to chant 'War is bad' and portray a demeanour of all peace and loving when everything runs smoothly. But you watch how people change if it really hits the fan. That's why war is never going to go away. The methods may change but the basic principle is still there.
  4. Did he actually write it though? I thought the vast majority was by a ghostwriter. Seems to me like Harry couldn't even manage to have his manchild public tantrum without needing help from somebody else on what narrative to make up and 'facts' to embellish. Spoken from the heart? An opportunity for me to have my own say? My chance to get the truth out there?......... Yeah whatever Ginger crybaby.
  5. It's not always that simple though. That's very often why the big chains dominate the way they do. For example, it takes 3-4 attempts at my local garage before someone even picks up the phone. When they do, they often cannot offer me an appointment for at least two weeks time. Neither can they offer me convenient appointment times that fit around my work schedule on say, a late Saturday afternoon or sometime on a Sunday morning or any weekday after 4.30pm because unlike the big chains, they don't have the staffing levels. Locals have little to no online presence for people to make their own service or price enquiries or book directly. Most of them don't offer credit schemes or split payment plans. They don't have hundreds of branches all over the country which will allow for businesses to use a single account to cover all of their fleet repair works.... Don't get me wrong - I am all for supporting local independent businesses but it isn't always feasible.
  6. That's your opinion and you're free to do so. I'm putting myself out there on a public forum making a provocative statement which is open to criticism and opinion from others. Perhaps two other more high profile people need to learn that very quickly too.
  7. The moment they thrust themselves into the public eye and use the media to advance themselves and make money. They are open to criticism and opinion. They chose the life of fame. They chose to publicly air their grievances and spill out all this personal and private information. It's not some one way street. They cant pick and choose who and what can say x about them. They had their opportunity for a shielded, controlled private life. They blew it. When one promotes themselves all over tabloid television, writes a gossiping book and publicly attacks a primary institution of this country along with their own family just to make money - they are fair game what race is Harry again? Oh and as for Meagain.... Her race only came up in conversation once she knew she could get a few cheques out it and do a bit of media manipulation. Something I note she has been called out on by trying to piggy back on the legacy of others much more worthy than her. Besides it doesn't matter to me if she was Black, Asian, Purple, or Plutonian. She has been behaving like a narcissistic vile bitch so I'm calling her one.
  8. That was the bit I was struggling to understand in the mangled words of the original post. I know nothing about the mechanics of cars so I take it to a professional and choose to pay for whatever service or works they provide. If I had the relevant knowledge and equipment I will do it myself. I really don't understand the OP. If they are bragging about the fact that they could do it for cheaper and easier at home themselves why take it to a mechanic business in the first place? They cant seriously be so deluded to think a business will charge the same as it will cost to do something oneself at home.
  9. We are all well aware what happened to his mother. She died in a car crash because she was not wearing a seatbelt and jumped into a vehicle being driven by a drunk as arranged by her then lover's rich influential family during one of her, many trips abroad living the high life and shagging around. "They" chose to leave the royal family because his narcissistic talentless bitch of a wife detested the fact that she was never going to be number one woman in the Courtship. They tried to make some grand performance and were so deluded to think that they could have it both ways. They expected to keep the fame and glamour and profile that came with being royal whilst at the same time doing none of the protocol and public duty that went with it. They failed so they ran away to try and become the new darlings of America, something which they have also failed at. He certainly is a loose cannon and most of it is all his own making. Let's not forget that William also lost a mother back in 1997 and he's not turned into some deluded, flaky, embarrassing manchild. Not so long ago, Harry was loving his ladish lifestyle, being with a boys in the army, being portrayed as the 'down to earth' normal Royal sibling, playing the field and getting the attention of the ladies, enjoying his lifestyle and the privileges that came with it, boozing and playing around.... I didn't hear much crying about exclusion or bullying or being a spare part or his abused, harrassed tortured mother back then. He was more than happy living his life and courting the media attention and fame that came with it whenever it's suited him. Then suddenly, he meets little miss victim, married the low rent actress at great public expense and everything changes. He turns into this sniveling, whining, pathetic article who is clearly parroting whatever script his wife dictates to him. He's nothing more than a puppet in the story of being a professional victim to make their money from the endless interviews and books and programs. Yes, very much like his mother. Courts and all the attention with manipulated media narrative when it suits and then cries wolf whenever they dare to publish anything negative against them. Yes I certainly am watching this space. I am watching a spoiled privileged loser proceed to alienate ever increasing people, his family, his friends, his army colleagues, his celebrity fans, the British public and the global media. I'm waiting for the day when little miss victim wakes up, realises she's milked the ginger whinger for all his worth and divorces. I'm watching for the day when he's rattling around LA with no purpose, no friends and no family to support him. Then perhaps he will wake up and realise what he has done how did deluded he's been. He's not the only royal family member who is on the "B team". That is the way the hierarchy is. But they are living fulfilled lives of their own and not turning into some professional crybaby filled with their own self-importance and entitlement syndrome. The man clearly needs help. Professional help. Hopefully one day he will wise up and get it and I don't mean from some shyster crystal ball wielding spiritual medium either. Here is a message from your dead mother Harry..... Grow the hell up.
  10. Was it? Looking back at its roots, it was and very much is still just a burger restaurant. It's not exclusively for children. Nor even heavily marketed for children. It's original foundings were on developing a unique, quick service food operation with a low price point suited to its blue collar community. Even now a vast amount of their annual turnover is generated from drive through sales which are certainly not children. Even more of its vast revenue flowing into the McDonald's Corporation is bizarrely from its real estate assets and franchising contracts which again are very much not children. Just because it provides one or two items on its menu and some of its restaurants have play centres and toys is nothing more than very good business ploy. However, that doesn't automatically translate to the entire business model is being written off as simply "for children". I will place a strong bet that the company makes far more money from selling Big Macs to adults than it does happy meals for kids. It will make even more money on the rental income and lease agreements over properties from their Franchisees.
  11. Oh right, so you are admitting that this entire thread is sod all to do with the actual substance of the topic and more just the test of people's reaction to video posted by the well-known racist, homophobic, biggoted, vile, failed MEP, bankrupt bitch known as Katie Hopkins. A trolling thread. Well now that's established, forgive me for not wasting my time engaging and indulging the hysterics and overreactors about a trial public consultation traffic reduction scheme in a city I don't live in.
  12. Will it can't be that vitally important considering neither the original poster nor yourself have bothered to provide any actual official links, sources or info as to what the scheme is, how its applied, whose affected and what the purpose is. If it "NEEDS" talking about so much, give us some proper context so we can talk about it. Some ranting video from rent-a-bitch Katie Hopkins isn't it.
  13. No they are not taking the mick. Let's be completely honest here, the only 'outrage' has been by one moronic attention seeker who has been fuelled by the various tabloids rehashing this story multiple times over the past 24 hours and starting a load of debate and opinion from people who weren't even considering buying the product in the first place. It's a premium grade, organic, extremely large piece of meat produced against the background of bird flu, shortages, cost of living increases and basic supply and demand. That comes at a cost and farmers are entitled to earn a living as well. Nobody is suggesting that lower quality Turkey cannot be bought for cheaper price. Nobody is suggesting that people aren't able to choose from a range of other meats for their Christmas meal. Is consumer choice. Someone can choose to pay top price for a premium, hand reared, good quality piece of meat from Fortnum & Mason or they can choose from the bargain bin in Happy Shopper and pick out some battery farmed, water pumped, mechanically separated, reformed Turkey breast for 1/10 of the price.
  14. No what's ridiculous is people who keep bringing up the comparison against a "first class hotel". You show me a five-star or even 4 star hotel which is going to accommodate you, feed you three square meals a day, have staff to potentially bathe you, toilet you, escort you around the rooms, put you to bed, get you up, get you dressed and administer your medication for £150 a night. It's not even remotely the on the same planet and people need to stop just looking at the headline figure. Also, can we dispel this myth that those sacrificing and caring for a loved one themselves has to survive on a measly £69. Have you completely overlooked that those carers can seek to apply for council tax deductions or universal credit or pension credit or ESA or even get special grants for training if they are out of work. The recipients of the care continues to receive their own benefits, which of course, will contribute to the cost of living too. Not so black and white.
  15. But all of this will come as part of the evolution. We are in early days but already in parts of the world we do have larger delivery robots out on the streets delivering FedEx or ups or prime packages. The military has been using autonomous vehicles carrying huge loads. Within private buildings there are hotel or hospital or office delivery robots that completely autonomously open automatic doors, control and call lifts, dispatch and recharge themselves without human intervention. There are entire warehousing operations and dispatch rings that operate through robotics, picking, packing and dispatching all with just a few clicks of a computer mouse. There are already vehicles which have automatic systems to detect and very far tall payments, change traffic signals, open barriers and gates. Given that in most new builds now, there is a default position to be installing electric doors, keys are being replaced by proximity cards or WiFi controlled access, houses are becoming more advanced with more domestic tech in them. The so-called "internet of everything" is now well beyond simply being science fiction.... Is it really hard to imagine that the next generation of such delivery robots will be able to manage things like gates and doors and navigating apartment blocks. Again, the current generation of vehicles may not be the most sturdy thing in the world, but I don't understand why you think they couldn't cope with hills or busy areas like London Road or Wicker.
  16. Fair point about pavement use but given these delivery "vehicles" are from design both far smaller and far slower than either a cyclist or mobility scooter, I don't think it's a much of an equal comparison. At best, they move around the same speed of a human walking pace, and are designed to stop and follow the speed of pedestrians in front or around them. Therefore, is it not arguable they are far more suitable, less disruptive and just as worthy to take up pavement space as, say, a parent pushing some massive baby buggy or a wheelchair user or someone pushing a shopping trolley or someone dragging a wheeled suitcase with them. Let's put it this way, some royal mail staff used to pull a little cart around with them on their delivery rounds and nobody demanded they stopped using the payment... Aren't these delivery robots doing exactly the same thing just without the big fleshy part manually dragging it along.
  17. I don't believe it's that easy. All of this cynicism has been tried and tested before. Lots of clickbait articles with lots of fantastical comparators to the Terminator movies or Metal Mickey. Lots of airhead YouTubers making hyped up 'prank' videos trying to pick up and steal contents from robot deliveries. The reality is, these things trundle along at a very slow pace, are human tracked and real time monitored, surrounded by cameras, locked and alarmed. They also spend a lot of time designing the specific catchment areas where they know they will be able to operate without major problems. Yes of course that doesn't mean they are infallible and accidents don't happen. But like anything, the business who operates it will have appropriate insurance. Whilst the implementation in Yorkshire is news, they have really been commonplace for some time in many cities around the world. In the UK, it's the old fashioned co-op of all companies who have taken the lead in using this technology. We now have self navigating robotic porters in quite a few of the large city hotels and in several of the skycraper office buildings in the US and other major destinations, robotic mail carriers have been in existence since the 1970s. As with everything else, when the novelty dies down the 'yoofs' will move onto something else to bother and destroy. They will just become part about everyday lives. Its clear that the trend in home delivery for everything is not slowing down. So the more we can do to reduce the continual parade of delivery drivers clogging up every takeaway, fast food, restaurants and corner shop plus removing their cars from the road, it has to be for the better.
  18. But that opens up a whole can of worms. According to some, unless they've worked down the mines or shovelling piles of cement or scrubbing floors, it's not a proper job. You will find that lots of MPs have had jobs in the so called real world. They have been lawyers, doctors, journalists, academics, researchers, analysts, company directors, department managers, consultants, bankers, traders.... However, to many of the ill-informed masses, being white collar, sitting behind a desk, tapping away on a computer and delegating orders doesn't count as 'proper jobs'
  19. I don't think it ever was an "airport train" in the assumed sense. It was hardly the Heathrow Express, shunting people directly between Sheffield and Manchester Airport. It wasn't even portrayed as some sort of dedicated airport service. What it was in reality, was a cross country, almost intercity route, that just happened to use Manchester Airport Station as it's terminus. It had no official connections with Manchester Airport. Nor even branded itself as some sort of airport train. From the times I used the service, airport passengers were always very much in the minority. It was far more used as a semi-express commuter service serving several large populus areas like Grimsby, Doncaster, Sheffield, Stockport, Manchester.. By the time it got to Doncaster it was becoming busy, by Sheffield it was almost completely full of regular commuters. Twice a year Airport passengers and their luggage was very much secondary priority.
  20. Yet the locals are still moaning .... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-63713987.amp BTW, there is already an eight page+ thread whinging about Sheffield Christmas Market. Can a mod combine them. It's only going to be exactly the same arguments round and round after all. Seems to me you can type in any UK city followed by the words" Xmas market" and get some local rag, facebook group or discussion forum filled with identical whinging, complaining and screaming rip off despite the fact they nearly all seem to be packed out every weekend. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/480660-xmas-market-ect-moves-to-the-moorwhat-do-you-think/page/8/#comments
  21. You don't think it possible a GP surgery takes logged incoming calls from many, many other people than simply it's registered patients? How about pharmacists, medical secretaries, clinics, laboratories, couriers, suppliers, hospital staff, social workers, school teachers, care workers, local authorities, insurers, solicitors...
  22. What maths do you want explaining. Say an average of 2000 calls a day to a larger city group practice. Of course some practices is in rural villages, maybe much smaller so this is just an averaging technique as I'm sure you will understand. So, most surgeries open by 8:00 and normally don't close until at least 6. So that's an average of 200 calls an hour to be divided across X number of telephonists, receptionists, secretaries or other administrative staff. Some of the logged calls may even be going DDI directly through to a specific contact and bypassing reception altogether. Some of those answered calls could be 2 seconds if it's just a straight transfer from switchboard to somebody else. Others may be a couple of minutes if booking an appointment. Others may be more lengthy call involving some detail information. It will vary throughout the day. Let's not forget that most surgeries also have backup from call handlers in overflow services so some of those calls may be drifting beyond the usual surgery opening times but still getting included in the daily stats. Even if it averages to 25 calls an hour per receptionist, is it really too much for them to handle. Is it really beyond the realms of possibility.
  23. The multiple million missed appointments every single year speaks for itself. Also, it is not a totally uncommon phonomena that when something is deemed to be 'free' the higher probability of people taking it for granted, over using it or being excessive with it. We have multiple examples during the pandemic when businesses were operating with restrictions. How many times did we hear stories of poor old restaurants being subject to dozens of people each week booking tables and then not showing up without any cancellation calls meaning they lost business. Is it seriously beyond your comprehension that maybe applying some sort of penalty or advanced charge might kick people into being a little bit more responsible for any appointments they are making. If it's not any of that - then there seriously must be an unfortunately high number of people who seem to be sudden accidents, making them totally incapable of making a phone call to cancel an appointment or maybe we have a critical amnesia pandemic of people with complete total forgetfulness being permanently incapable of keeping a previously made appointment....... right?
  24. It's not an imaginary surgery. It's a group practice whose staff profiles and key figures is all set out in black and white on their own website. Something that lots of other surgery groups will also do. Maybe if you lived on planet earth instead of Button Moon you would actually be able to inform yourself instead of relying on the instead of the horse crap floating around your mind
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