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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. But that is part of the reason why they are asking for ID documents in the first place. There's been numerous tales about fake profiles, dupes and scammers using these sorts of social media sites. There's also been lots of heavy-handed press and legislation pushing the burden on the operators of such sites to clamp down and tighten their controls. At the end of the day, behind the friendly face of the web page this is trading and reselling. Some users are doing it on an industrial scale - even bragging about how much they are making from their 'sideline incomes' I can fully understand the operators of these sites wanting to make sure that their sellers are legitimate and who they are, especially if there needs to be some future investigation as to exactly where the goods are coming from. It's not that much different from when the second hand trading places, pawnbrokers or even jewellers will always ask for ID whenever they are going to do some trade or resell.
  2. I am sure it will do eventually. Yes, they have chosen to spend their money in a different way. Behind all the headline it has to be asked ...... But at what cost to the service overall? What costs to the taxpayer whose devolved budget may have been used to fund other things which also need attention? Also cannot help but mention the highly publicised stats on how NHS Wales is performing worse than NHS England in several areas. Northern Ireland had the British Medical Association reporting a couple of years ago that their service, on almost every measure, performed worse than anywhere else in the UK. Take money from one thing to provide some grandstanding gesture and something else is gonna suffer.
  3. Given only a small part of National Insurance payments goes towards NHS funding its not really relevant. Assume you still expect to receive you state pension right? Well that's what the majority of your NI paid for. The NHS still gets the vast majority of its funding from general taxation. Its estimated that an average worker doing a 40 year career will have paid around £250k - £260k in income tax with around another £150k in VAT over their lifetime. So, pretending for a second that taxes have absolutely nothing else they need to be paying for other than healthcare. Out of that "£400k paid in" the system lets deduct a few same costs of NHS medical care an average person might have shall we.... Average GP visit £56 per appointment Average A+E visit £200 - £450 per attendance Average ambulance transport cost £400 per occasion You need a routine outpatient appointment with: respiratory team £332 + £142 per follow up visit cardiology team £255 + £155 per follow up visit diabeties team £220 + £133 per follow up visit CT scan £150 - £400 each MRI scan £180-£400 each Cardiogram £100 each Delivering a baby between £2300 - £7000. ...and god forbid someone is unlucky enough to require more enhanced surgery as routine surgical procedures range between £1500 - £18,000 complex hip and joint replacements can be up to around £10,000 and organ transplants can be up to £100,000. That's before we even start with the costs of administrative support, facilities, premises, equipment, carers, support services..... Its a massive, flabby, bottomless money pit. Everyone demands more and more and more is spent on NHS funding without a clue about how much is being drained out on it. Waaa waaa I have paid in enough they declare. Well IMO people have not go a clue what their "paid in enough" equates to. For many more people paying very little or not at all during their lives but still eagerly taking out - they really haven't a clue how much things actually cost. But hey, its free at source. They never see an invoice. If they don't work and contribute so what - the state will pick up the tab.... Hey, if I fail to turn up for an appointment not my problem. If I want to be a serial breeder expecting others to bankroll my offspring, I can be. If I choose to do something reckless and end up in casualty, so what? not me paying.... Said multiple times before. The system is ripe for absolute overhaul. Massive streamlining. Cut to bone to focus on a minimum core services and users need to be properly penalised for abusing, overusing, reckless, malingering and wasting of the services.
  4. For the prices most tradesmen charge they should comfortably be able to afford a vehicle less than 8 years old. Its a works van not a Ferrari. They are not that expensive. Regardless, I'm not buying this oversimplistic explanation by the staff. They're just looking for someone to blame. I simply do not believe that professional tradesmen are regularly buying supplies by calling into their local wickes on a daily basis. Most of them will have accounts with other suppliers, trade warehouses, dedicated builders merchants or online facilities like screwfix. In my opinion, places like Wickes and b&q are for the home DIYers or occasional bits. So I really don't believe that the congestion charge is the primary reason for the closure as it doesn't currently apply to private cars anyway. Far more likely to be just another victim of the slowdown of bricks and mortar retail, internet shoppers and over saturation. You can buy basic DIY in supermarkets these days. The pound shops are full of it as are other competitors such as b&m etc. Also, the brand already have another store on the fringe of the city centre not far away. It's hardly a great surprise they don't feel they need two. The Moorfoot store was built in the 1980s and the world has moved on a lot since.
  5. He really is a silly old tool. His supposed 'principles' not stopped him taking the pay packet out of it for the past several decades. This was the old duffer who seriously expected to be an election-winning leader who would have been prime minister of her/his majesty's government. The one expected to do weekly meetings with the monarch as part of the job. What's an absolute prize winning bell. Seriously needs to be put out to pasture.
  6. Oh and apparently both said Cleveland and the West Midlands are more dangerous with knife crime in the league table than the Capital despite their combined populations still being more than half that of London... What's the phrase. If it looks like bull... if it smells like bull.... Someone's been doing some clever number crunching.
  7. Another load of Sheffield Star cherry picking, out of context, sensationalised bull crap based on "report" from a company that just absolutely conicidentally provides security services, access control and CCTV equipment. Funny how they never actually link to the full statistics or give full explanations on the methodology of this stuff. All I can see from actually looking at the figures from the source is that you are statistically far more likely to get stabbed in Cleveland with a population of less than 1/10th size of South Yorkshire than you would be walking down The Moor or around Parson Cross.
  8. What are you on about? There is still a branch in the city centre.
  9. I admit I am not a specialist in the rules but to me the "proof" in such instance is much more simple than that. Do records show child has unauthorised absence during term time? Yes... Is there a legitimate reason through illness or otherwise which the school accepts? No.... That it. School can issue a fine. All the burden falls on the parent to prove why they shouldn't pay not for the school to prove why they should.
  10. If the kids were off ill why were they not at home when the school visited then? Why were they not answering the phone when the school were making enquiries? If they were staying with some other relative elsewhere, why did the parent not inform the school? Schools have a duty to safeguard. If the parents have told them something about the illness of the kids and then suspicions arise that they're lying why shouldn't the school follow it up. More to the story than is being said I think. As others have said, whether the parents agree with it or not, the law is very clear. Your kids are in school or homeschooled unless there is a legitimate reason. Failure to have one means there's a fine due.
  11. I wouldn't go that far. The left might have fought back in the second round but they still failed to get any sort of majority and the centrist pm is resigning. Just like over here, the extreme right has had some impact and people are starting to take notice. Just like in our elections, Labour may well have hit their majority and wiped out the Tories, but four Reform MPs still actually got seats. That includes Nigel Farage who for years was a running joke. I have many a time mocked him for being a serial loser politician with his seven-year run of failing to ever get elected as an MP in the commons. But despite all odds now he has. He and three others are actually a voice in parliament, actually have officers in Westminster and just like any other can bid and argue and scheme and shout to get on committees, to put bills forward, have the debate, vote and block. Four people from a party who who not so long ago was a easy target in figure of fun on Have I Got New For You etc Fact is it's happening. Might be small scale but it is happening and people are taking notice just like they will be in France. Ask for the other side of the world.... Well the impact and influence of the perceived extreme right wing unhinged brigade speaks for itself. It actually is credible being that could get back into supreme power. In politics, there's never time for complacency.
  12. Not totally surprising. They still have a city centre branch on The Moor which has just been refurbished. Soon as I saw that happen, I suspected the High Street branch wasn't for much longer. In this day and age where the number of people using branches is completely dwindling generally, why would they need two branches in the city having to pay two sets are very expensive rent and running costs.
  13. Could not agree more. This is pretty desperate even by their standards, well in reality the standards of whatever conglomerate owns them right now. So we have a campaign and PR group representing personal injury claimant lawyers and some spokesperson making a criticism about potential bias over one element of how compensation is assessed. They declare they will petition the government about it - which at best will just lead to some debate in parliament in many years time and even longer (if at all) to even change laws. It's a press release level story and maybe a small article among the law journals. That's it. But oh no, here comes along the desperate click bating regional newspapers who take the non story, over exaggerate and tenuously try to link it to whatever town they serve by throwing in some meaningless stat. It's pathetic. A quick Google shows even more how see-through it all is. Exactly the same story. Exactly the same headline only changed to Blackpool dads.... Northern Ireland dads.... Derbyshire dads.... The Star has never really been prize-winning journalism, but at least a couple of decades ago they they tried to keep it relevant. Now they're not even trying.
  14. Nothing is going to change anything because it's the same process round and round and round. The same nailing of colours to the mast. The same over simplistic red versus blue. The great Labour will get in filled with their deluded promises about how they're going to transform everything, give great improvements and kiss everyone better.... ... The opposition will blindly block, attack, belittle, criticise, challenge all and everything that tries to be done... ... The media will pick their side and stick to them rigidly entirely dependant on whichever one they feel will attract the most readership or viewership to their publications... ...The fickle public will continue twittering on giving their ill informed opinions all over the internet forums and in discussions, gullibly falling for the snappy sound bites and headlines, failing to actually give a toss or take time to properly understand, read, study, digest, participate, watch nor care about issues (unless some newspaper tells them they should care)... Then after 5 years when nothing has really changed and Labour becomes public enemy number one we go through the whole process again. The Torys come back in with their own great promises of how they're going to fix the economy, make everything better, do great investment.... Round and around it will go. Oversimplistic tribal warfare because nobody really cares enough. Simple fact which can never go away is that politics for the ordinary masses is boring, complicated, time consuming and unglamorous. People just have better things to be doing with their lives than watching parliamentary debates or giving enough tosa to watch the news every now and then or actually engage in their political system. Nobody ever choosing to rise above the whole red v blue and make a proper informed choice on the candidate they really think best represents their constituency irrelevant of party or colour or allegiance. Moronic tribal warfare every election time. People want real change. Let's start with stopping that.
  15. I agree that there is more to do but seemingly as soon as this council try and start work everyone still moans about it. They don't like the disruption. They don't like the mess. They pre-emptively dismiss it as a waste of time or white elephant or just for the students or just for the rich or a complete waste of money.... This forum is a prime example of that sort of behaviour. I don't think anyone is suggesting that beggars/delinquent problems "don't exist". They are just not buying into the deluded over exaggerated nonsense suggested by certain posters when they bring up crap like "no go areas" or "nobody feels safe" or "X city never have any such problems" which is clearly inaccurate. Despite all the whining there's not been a single suggestion of exactly what people magically expect the police and council to do about it. It's all well and good complaining but as I've said multiple times you can't just remove public from public streets just because they're "undesirable". Being undesirable is not an offence which results in a jail sentence. So......?
  16. It's almost as if city centres have many other purposes beyond just shopping 🙄
  17. Once again with derogatory tone in your post. Your wild assumptions about people. Firstly, I know the area very well as I worked in it for over 20 years, still visit multiple times a month and still have both business and friends residing down there so don't tell me what you think I know. Secondly, what the hell has it got to do with you whether residents are born in Sheffield or not. Have you asked them all? Even if they haven't been born here that has sod all to do with the topic under discussion about whether the facilities are well patronised and whether those residents have the same concerns, worries, and quite frankly, overreaction as you are having. You are really starting to paint a picture of your general attitude with comments like that. I think I have seen enough
  18. The language in this post. Absolutely reeks of bitterness, silly old fart syndrome who doesn't like change and dismisses everything is just for the "youth". Given the sorts of crowd I have seen in places like Kommune, Curzon, NVGM and Hygge it certainly is not just for the 'tweenagers'. You really do seem to be very narrow minded. Have you actually been to some of these places right on your doorstep? Heard it all before. Same old whines. Same old complaints. Same old predictions about what will be doomed to fail. Yet these things are still here 4+ 5+ 6+ years on. Who wants to live down there, they all screamed but apartments are still selling with great demand attracting prices up to £80-90k for a studio up to as much as £230k for a two bed all within 1/4 of a square mile of your condemned High Street and Castlegate Area. Given the fact that you yourself still live there and have done for the past 15 years, you cannot be that put off. Maybe, as I suspect, you just like to whine. You once again bang on about the "wrong type of people" and policing but once again completely fail to answer my now repeated question about what exactly you expect the police and council to do with them? You cannot jail people for sleeping in a doorway or drunkedly sprawling about on the grass.
  19. A couple of people already commented similar to what I was thinking. With respect to the original poster, I feel they are very much cart before the horse here. They say they are still looking for jobs and seem to have the perfect vision of the house they want without actually knowing whether their budget stretches for that or even what sort of work they will be doing for how long. As others have said, £130k is not hardly going to get the quaint Victorian terrace perfect for the family with just the right amount of bedrooms perfectly located with the country pub, local supermarket and frequent bus service. For that kind of money, they really need to be realistically looking at ex-local authority suburban semis or newer build terraces. Preferably close to one of the tram routes if they don't drive. Ask for question one, nobody really knows that. It's so subjective on how people's personalities get on. Some people may think their management is great and offers exactly what they want. Others may hate it. It's the basics of life in the working world. They really need to be making their own judgements during the interview process and their own research into whether they can suit the working environment and the sorts of role they'll be doing.
  20. "Deterioration" in your opinion. I'd argue that places like Kommune and the gaming museum are far better than an empty abandoned old department store. I'd argue that converting a historic abandoned bank last used in the 1960s into an upmarket cinema chain is an improvement. I'd argue that bringing down the hideous stinking concrete monstrosity that was Castle Market and regenerating it into new public space and opening up the linkage between Haymarket and the Quays is an improvement. I'd argue that transforming Fitzallan Square from a tatty scrub and bus changeover point with an empty, abandoned post office to convert it into new public square with university buildings and some independent shops is an improvement.... .... But oh no, you had to walk past a spice head slumped in the doorway of Cooplands... and oh no, you had to walk past a couple of drunkards having an argument outside the Bankers Draft so god that's proof everything in decline......🙄 There's a reason for Fargate currently looking like that. Because it's going through major redevelopment something which people just like you have been screaming for this city to do for years. Now they are doing it - they're still bitching about it. It may have escaped your attention that shopping habits have dramatically changed over the years and Sheffield always had a problem with its shopping being far too sprawled out. So very sensibly, they've spent years trying to condense it and replace the old and clearly increasing abandoned bankrupt stores with new viable projects, including, as is happening again in cities across the world, converting into residences. There are new quality shops opening up in the city centre right now I'm more on the way if people actually open their eyes. We also happen to have a major shopping centre right on our doorstep which has been in existence for over 30 years now which is obviously going to have some major impact.
  21. Why don't you actually answer the question that has been asked. What exactly do you expect the police and council to do about it. Homeless people sleeping in a doorway or people drunk/drugged slumped against a wall aren't crimes that result in people being locked up. So, as I said many posts ago, those people who clearly have addictions simply end up being arrested, released and straight back on the streets doing it again. Exactly the same situation faced in cities all over the world. You cannot simply remove the public from public streets just because YOU think they are undesirable. This is not private property. This is not some shopping centre that can chuck people out and lock the doors when they feel like it. So why don't you give an actual solution? As for the rest of your post, blah blah blah quality shops blah blah blah Leeds is better blah blah blah why are we so behind. ...Heard it all before. The only one seemingly with their head up their backside is you. You make it sound like the existence of these people are new to the high street area, never before seen. Well. some of us have actually been around long enough to remember the days of the urine stinking hole in the road or when Castle Market had its galleries which was crack den alley or the old Pond Street bus station with its multiple level shopping arcade filled with weirdos . I certainly feel the damn sight safer walking down now to visit the bar and food court at Kommune or one of the two new leisure activities opened up or joining the upmarket clientele to go enjoy a drink and a film at the Curzon cinema or return back to one of the many big level hotels that are opened up down there or the visit people in the multiple apartments. Do you think all those people are constantly walking around in fear because they happen to walk past some spicehead slumped in the doorway or some homeless guy sleeping on the bench at the tram stop. Given some of your comments on here boggles the mind quite frankly why you chose to live there and are still living there 15 years on.
  22. No. He's a disrupter and antagonist who had had a history of computer hacking since being a teenager with his convictions starting from as early as 1996. He's a con man constantly playing up his disruptive childhood upbringing and latterly mental disorders to excuse his crimes and seek assistance in from gullible organisations and his even more deluded fan club. He is a blagger who threw information out there without any thought as to the consequences, fact checking or right of reply. He used the catch all of 'free speech' to try to deludedly justify his actions despite potentially putting people at risk, unjustly ruining reputations and potentially creating great risk to lots of innocent people who were inadvertently named, identified or otherwise connected. His ego and narcissism treated such innocent people with contempt as if they were merely some trivial sacrifice and just the price to be paid in pursuit of his "cause". He's an alleged rapist and complete narcissist who even showed contempt, criminality and total disrespect to the nation's embassy who had kept him safe, secure and housed for seven years at cost of millions of pounds. Reputable journalist my backside.
  23. There is already a range of legalised CBD products available. You can get them in most health food shops. You can get them online. You can even get them in supermarkets. They're all there controlled and regulated and without the hallucinogenic parts. If the earlier poser is really needing help against sleep deprivation, why are they not using such products or speaking to their doctors and going through the official channels? All seems a bit of a flimsy excuse for them just to smoke weed IMO.
  24. You've not walked around the Headrow then. You certainly not walked around the very bottom of Briggate or around the St John Centre or been driving around Roundhay where some of them are even blatantly walking through the traffic knocking on car windows. People always banging about this grass is always greener sthick but every city has its issues. Manchester has its Piccadilly Gardens, Birmingham has it's Corporation Street.... the so-called homeless, beggars and general delinquents always congregate with each other. It's a community of it's own with even studies and reports about it. The fact is you can't just keep removing the public from public streets. You don't just lock them all up. What exactly the police supposed to do with them? They lock them up for trivial or even no actual offences, release them and they're back doing the same thing again. Some people refuse help. Some people have got accommodation, got support service but they refuse because they can't or won't work and refuse to engage with the rules and actions offered by support services. I've just staying in Paris recently which is currently its most prestigious phase getting ready for Olympics. It's streets were full of Police and even some of the National Guard patrolling... but you know I still saw even in some of the most prestige locations. Beggars. Delinquents. Homeless. They were cluttering up alcoves next to expensive stores. They were sprawled out alongside monuments. They were people panhandling on the metro. Now I will admit that there's a congregation around the bottom of High Street, but let's not portray the entire city centre of Sheffield and some 'no-go zone' where you 'can't so much as walk down the street without tripping over piles of beggars and drug users'. That's complete nonsense. I'm getting so tired of this constant over exaggeration and deluded inaccurate comparisons with other places as if it doesn't happen exactly the same elsewhere.
  25. Do you think your employer would be happy with you doing "complex brain work" while doped up on illegal substances.
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