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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. ^^^^^^^ what they said. More info here https://www.gov.uk/government/get-involved/take-part/become-a-councillor
  2. Why does it?? What exactly is the debate you are expecting a endless thread of replies to. You post a link to a well known news development regarding the arrest and comment its good news. Im sure many agree so - Yes it is. Full stop. What more do you want. The other thread you appear to be upset about is an active debate with very clear contrary positions creating even more debate. This specitfic thread isnt. Where's the problem?
  3. Didn't bother to do anything? OR really the case that they couldn't do anything? Let's just break a few things down. An item was attempted to be stolen according to you but in the end wasn't. So there is no actual stolen property to be recovered and nothing that can be formally identified as being in the possession of someone who shouldn't have it. So, what does that leave other than allegations of an attempted theft by a single witness. That alleged culprit needs to be sufficiently identified and the allegedly other presumably other unidentified gang. Did you give the police identification? Any description? Do we know where they came from? Do we know where they went? Do we have any independent evidence of the attempted theft? Do we have any camera footage of the acts being committed? If the answer is no. Then quite frankly what exactly are the police supposed to do. I do sometimes wonder exactly what people think their powers are when it comes to arrest and particularly for charges being brought. I am well aware that the police force has a lot of problems and they are not great at everything but sometimes you after wonder whether all this constant criticism is deserved. They can only act upon information they are provided with. they cannot go around arresting people on a whim based of someone's opinion that they "look dodgy". They cannot go around arresting people for crimes that have not been committed. They cannot waste their already stretched resources going round on wild goose chases looking for people they cannot identify. Frustrating as it is when things like this happen, that is the reality of the limitations of the police force and judiciary.
  4. I don't think May messed up at all. She tried her damned hardest to get some kind of consensus going and was thwarted at every opportunity. Despite being open and publicly declaring that she was a remainer she understood the results of the EU referendum and knew the consequences of not following through with it - especially when the house voted for it on both sides and both sides of the house honoured to fulfill it. Personally I think she worked through extremely difficult circumstances with her failure (if you want to call it that) of having a general election in order to try and strengthen her position. Despite losing her majority and having to form a coalition, loser Corbyn still couldn't match anywhere near what some people laughingly declare 'the most worst pm ever'. If Corbyn couldn't even manage to put up a fight against that competition what the hell does that make him? You say I'm blinded - I just state the facts. I don't think I've ever made any disguise of my hatred of the man but at the same time there is no doubt in my mind that a more competent, likable and cooperative opposition leader would have avoided the completely polarised positions we are in now.
  5. "If..." A real cop out there. If I have a million pounds I would be a millionaire but I don't so I'm not. The reality is that compo IS rubbish on Brexit and he DID NOT get 5-10 points ahead. For all your desperate attempt to defend him his failures have clearly lead situation we are in now. Weak incompetent opposition leader which has lead to the loons taking over the asylum on both sides of the house. 3 years of being wedged firmly on the fence that his ass must hurt. Failure to give a clear message, failure to take decisive action, failure to look beyond his Union and protest group paymasters, failure to seek appeal to the wider voting populus If he wasn't such a stupid stubborn old fart he would have gone a long time ago and let somebody in who can actually have a chance of winning the election and not polarise the electorate.
  6. Could not agree more. Part of a child's mandatory education is to develop them into the world of adulthood. That includes introducing concepts such as rules, boundaries and discipline - something which the parents should also be significantly contributing to but far too often dont. School uniform is a big part of that. It avoids the 1001 comparisons and peer pressure from fellow pupils and sets those rules and boundaries at an early age. Such preparation is obviously important for when these children leave school and have to face the harsh realities of the real world. That includes being told what one can and cant wear and even sometimes as far as controls on how one can and cant look. I never accept this rediculous argument that "...some parents cant afford uniforms..." Tough. That is part of the costs of having children. A cost consideration that should have been thought long and hard about before legs were openened and pants were dropped. People bang on about letting children be children but look at the reality here. If they are under a certain age they will put on whatever clothing mummy or daddy dress then in regardless of personal thought. If they are over a certain age, then they are old enough to start learning and understanding the rules and boundaries as set out above. Uniform rules are no hardship either way with the exception of do gooder parents who think that rules are somehow harmful to children.
  7. You do have an opinion - but that's not how you presented yourself in post #19. What you did there was to challenge my use word 'popular' on the sole basis that you have a lot of friends and none of them watch the show. I repeat - there is a world beyond just your circle of friends.
  8. Shhhh. Dont let facts get in the way of a good police bashing.
  9. Popular to the masses of people who obviously tune in or record the show each day as accounted for in the BARB viewing figure statistics. Popular to the network who see his daytime show as a commercial success in which to be worthy of recommission year-on-year. Popular to the revival networks who have faith to try them out on a new venture. They don't make these decisions on a whim you know. Now I'm sure you do have a lot of friends who don't watch it but that means nothing. I personally don't have anybody in my circle of friends who watch hollyoaks - doesn't mean it's not popular programme.
  10. I thought that was as a criminal defence barrister. Being fake Judge Judy was just a sideline surely. Back on topic - I would agree with you, TV companies have to try things out or we would never progress. In answer the the other poster - "they" keep getting these shows because they are popular talent. As a producer, you see that talent and think about how they may fit into fronting some new format - you pilot it, you make it and you broadcast it. Sometimes it works - sometimes it doesnt.
  11. I doubt they care. If you are some arrogant, deluded and self-important type who whines about a lack of free parking in the middle of a busy city centre - I doubt you're going to be a major contributor to profits in any event. Town prices might have given you a heart attack.
  12. He is. But that is not the programme under discussion. 😀😀😀 I agree. Its like whenever the Daily Mail splashes on some "OUTRAGE" for some TV show - then you read down the story and it turns out only 4 viewers complained formally but 20,000 morons who never saw it commented on twitter.
  13. We are not a tourist city. We don't do mass attractions for mass numbers of visitors. We don't rely on tourism as a major part of our income - never have done never will do. YOU need to be the one working it out.
  14. Oh my God how many more times is this free parking nonsense going to come up. The city is not just some glorified shopping centre. The city centre has multiple reasons why people go into it and any free parking spaces - even those allegedly designated for shoppers only - will be snapped up in minutes by those here for other purposes. I even know people who sign up for gym memberships with absolutely no intention of going just for the sake of getting a parking space near the city. I really don't understand why people cling onto "free parking" as if it's some miracle that will transform the entire city. There is not a city centre in the land that offers continual free parking and its it ridiculous suggestion. Even more ridiculous when there is a clear worldwide campaign to reduce car use not incentivise it.
  15. ^^^^^^ Perfect example of what I said before about mindset. Constantly chasing some fantasy that's never going to happen. Expects high-end retailers to come despite knowing that the masses would never buy from them. Puts down any actual redevelopment efforts before it even gets finished just because its "not as good" as Leeds or Manchester. Yawn.
  16. Some might argue why are they "legends". World Championship status in a sport you have dedicated your life to is impressive and duly rewarded. Admiration is gained from those who have an interested in that sport but that doesn't mean that everyone cares. Some people might see such "legends" as just overpaid sports players many of whom have let fame, booze and women go to their heads and thown it all away. The point is - to a sports fan they are "legends" and to everyone else they are "nobodies". We treat fame and celebrity how WE personally see it. There is no blanket formula to be applied. Hard as it is to admit it - there is absolutely no rule that says that X person from a reality show is any less worthy than X world record holding sports person if they both achieve say 1m folllowers on social media and are flooded with band deals. That's simply the unfortunte nature of the world of "celebrity".
  17. Leeds have built their Arena nearly 30 years after the Sheffield one at a time when things have changed. You might also want to have a look into the history of why Sheffield Arena got built in the first place which will point you to the bloody obvious reason as to why it is located where it is. Constant comparisons with our neighbouring cities all the time.... Its tiresome. As for your city of sport comments - have you actually walked around with your eyes open. We still have a competition standard swimming and diving venue still holds national championships to this day. We still have world famous snooker tournament taking place in the city each year. We have the worlds oldest football club. We have two more relevant and prominent football teams. We have built a new ice venue and have a part of the English Institute of Sport located here. "sport" in this city did not start and end with just Don Valley Stadium
  18. No because tourism is a major source of income to those cities. In Sheffield it isn't. You don't seriously consider Sheffield to be the same tourist draw as places like Chester and Edinburgh. Tourism accounts for merely 7% of our local economy.
  19. How about contacting the head first, getting a complaint raised with the school and getting a response from the actual people can do something about it. I never get this knee-jerk reaction to go crying to the media with the obligatory sad faced staged picture for every little piddling thing. It's obviously some simple mistake by some over-zealous teacher or staff member. The Head and possibly the governors are the people to sort it not The Sun. Going to the media is really pathetic. It's hardly a newsworthy national scandal.
  20. One persons 'old school legend' is another person's 'has been' I always find it quite funny when threads like this have people complaining that the reality stars and YouTubers are NOT proper celebrities but the fact is those people, to the masses, are 10x more famous than some aged luvvie still harping on about the glory days at the national theatre or the old Vic. Boil it down and isn't a 'celebrity' just anyone who is famous. As far as I'm aware there is no age, background or media source criteria to be met.
  21. Nobody was expecting them to do so. We are not a mass tourist city. It goes back to what I said about comparisons all the time. We are not trying to be York or Oxford or London or Edinburgh. That doesn't mean that we don't have some tourist attractions and many other draws which bring visitors to the city. Instead of sitting there picking fault why don't you go out and open your eyes and see what we do have. You might be very pleasantly surprised.
  22. It's laughable isn't it. I do love it when people make these wild assumptions that somehow it's all the council fault that there is no "quality" retail in this city. People need a reality check and accept that we get the shops we deserve. The market that dictates what stores aopen where and it's us consumers who influence that market. People bang on about some silly fantasy that Sheffielders are just desperate for their local branch of Gucci or Harvey Nichols to open up followed by the regular lunches at The Ivy and the nights out to the champagne bar - it's ridiculous. Nobody in our city will be prepared to buy there with any regularity to make it viable - it's that simple. People far too often are all sneering about when a new shiny Primark opens or some mid market chain restaurant rents a unit, but that is progress and redevelopment which we should be celebrating. The city is clearly improving but the constant comparisons with other places it's putting those down. In an economic time where even Bond Street boutiques and the Chelsea set are flocking to online retailers and even embracing the world of discount stores and fast fashion, it is naive to think sheffield would get anything even remotely like what London or maybe Leeds has. Enough with the comparisons it's time to start celebrating the city for what it is and how we want it to be not constantly chasing what others have. What would I like to see change in this city? The mindset of its residents.
  23. Funny how you said none of this in your OP - so are you now trying to change your story. Did you actually see a crime being commited or not? A white van going around that you "think" looks dodgy is not enough for police intervention. What grounds exactly would they have to stop and arrest. However if the above did actually happen and you reported that to the call handler I don't believe for one second that they would have ignored it. Something smells like bull here... Feeble attempt to put down the police force me thinks.
  24. Hold on. I'm totally confused here. Did they actually commit a crime or not? If they didn't - what exactly did you expect the police to do. Operator was right.
  25. What the hell are you talking about. The results of the valid referendum speak for themsleves. That's how things are democratically voted upon in this country. Prove to me right here right now that those 29% absentees want to remain. If you cant then you have no valid argument. You can neither prove nor disprove what they want. In that circumstance, as has been the system in every other election and referendum only those who VOTED counts. What is your problem?
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