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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Before you lecture me on manners may I just remind you of the rather offensive tone in your own post. Declaring those who choose late abortions as having a "lack of moral character". This must be your own thought because there was no mention of such in the OP wording. You then seem to raise some snide comment of attempting to compare a decision to terminate as some whimsy like cancelling a holiday booking. Now I asked a couple of perfectly reasonable questions in this obviously emotive debate. Why exactly do you feel it should be time capped? Why is termination at 3 weeks, 6 weeks or 30 weeks any different? Its still "killing a human" as some people would shout. Why do you feel that someone's unsupported moral stance and clear personal opinion takes precedence over a womans own right to choose what happens in her own body?
  2. Just why exactly should they be time capped? Why exactly does this faux moralistic nonsense overrule a right over what a person can and cant do with their own body? People can argue all they want. People can make their own warped interpretations but the fact is clear. That fetus is nothing more than part of a womans body until it is born, snipped off and surviving on its own. Who are you to make a judgment on someone's character because of their choice on whether to terminate or not.
  3. Why does it. The fetus is damaged. The fetus may not live and if it did it may not live any quality of life. Is it MORALLY right to knowingly make a child suffer? Morally right to deliberately bring a brain or physically damaged baby into the world when it could be prevented from happening?
  4. Yes and SOME of those people have suffered life long debilitating mental and/or physical disabilities creating nothing but decades of heartbreak, distress and worry for their parents and ZERO quality of life to the individual concerned. That is an existance not a life. As a relative of someone with such a condition it still hurts like hell to know that that 45 year old adult has less mobility than a 90 year old arthritic pensioner and less mental capacity than a 5 year old child. That 45 year old adult has had to live with instutitionalised support all his life has never been able to study, work, drive, travel alone, feed himself, dress himself, bathe himself, read, write or speak more than a handful of words. I have absolutely no doubt that if my mother knew back then what people of similar know now, she would have terminated immediately no matter how late. Mothers have a right to choose. Its THEIR body. THEIR fetus. NOBODY ELSE MATTERS.
  5. I'm appaulled by some of the comments I have read on this thread. Who the hell are these people who think they have a right to demand anything about what a woman does with their own body. How dare they attempt to bring moral judgement and shame on what someone else does to their own insides. All this dramatic language about killing a child and second body - crap! Until that fetus is born, living and breathing on its own in the outside world its NOTHING more than just a fetus. Its a growth. An embryo. Connected to, fed, breathing and protected from organs and cells within the mother. Its their body and THEY choose what to do with it. If people want to use "shock therapry" to prevent unwanted pregnancies by showing the gory bits of an abortion - why not show the blood and gore created during the so called "wonder of childbirth". That would do the trick just as much.
  6. Her "creative accounting"and HMRC battles over her licence fee paid wages didn't exactly make her popular either.
  7. The man is 84 years old for hevens sake. Give him a break. Some poor people that age can bearly get a sentence together let alone be under pressure to deliver a heavy interview in front of a load of crowd, cameras and an interviewer like the odeous snake Morgan.
  8. For the record its close enough. Such level of work likely to be on NMW rate in 2019 amounts to £307 a week (£277 after tax).
  9. Took literally 5 seconds. http://democracy.sheffield.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=411 https://twitter.com/anthonydowning1?lang=en-gb https://uk.linkedin.com/in/tony-downing-9b0730147 Maybe this mayor might actually get on with focussing on the people of Sheffield rather than acting like a publicity whore who wants to make grandeous statements and do attention seeking stunts on irrelevant issues. The city should be getting the focus of attention not some personality.
  10. *APPLAUSE* Could not have put it better myself. I'm so sick of people banging on about these "tombstone" student fees and "debt for life" nonsense. The Student Loans System is one of the fairest "loan" systems out there. Any student can access it. Its payments dont commence until after graduation. Deductions are only applied after someone earns strictly defined threshold and payments are budgeted in line with progressive salary increases. Going to University is not some god given right that every teenager thinks they should be automatically granted for free. It costs money and quite rightly should be paid for.
  11. What exactly makes you think posh people are less likely to scrabble about through stock and haggle down to the last penny. Just because someone has a large bank balance doesn't automatically make them any more generous natured and civillised than anybody else.
  12. Yes. There is . Always was. Always will be. Its called spoilng your ballot. If you do anything on that paper other than put a single X in a single box its deemed invalid. What's more, every candiate present at the count can see that spoilt paper and verify it as invald or choose to squabble with others that they meant the vote for them. The point is that a spoilt vote has more impact than no vote at all. So, whether you choose to write "I hate you all" or draw a smiley face or a turd or rate the candidates in number order or put an X against all of them.... It will be seen, It will be logged and it will be noticed. I wish more people would do that rather than just sitting on their behinds abstaining and thinking that will make a difference. It wont. However, what do people think would happen if 50%+ of a vote count ended up being filled with spoilt papers and messages of hatred- that might just make them take notice.
  13. Because there are two completely different markets. The mass produced cheap product which the developing nations are now undercutting us on is everywhere. Its used every day in 1001 different manufactured products and we are far too down the rabbit hole to seriously attempt to complete with workers being paid pennies a day and a flooded market. What the developing countries ARE NOT doing at the moment is the precision, specialised, bespoke metals used in highly technical products. That is where the future should be for our country. Diversify and do something the others arnt. As I keep saying, you adapt. You change and you evolve as a company. #Whilst the masses are pricing us out of the cheap and cheerful stuff we should be using our skills, knowledge and resources to develop our place as the No1 go to for the techincal specific high quality highly patented product. Its exactly whats happened in other industries and exactly what should be happening with Steel. Burrying ones head in the sand and trying to pretend its still the 1970s is going to get nowhere.
  14. What a pile of crap. British Steel Limited was formed in 2016 - 3 Years after Margaret Thather died and 26 years after she was in power. How much longer are dinosaur industries and luddite employees who fail to evolve going to keep blaming the government for their own failures. Tata Steel saw the signs. They saw the way the world was moving . The saw the way us consumers were demanding cheaper and cheaper goods which in turn meant a search for cheaper and cheaper raw materials. Its business. You adapt or you die. I see Labour's latest election gimmick is "nationalise". What with Corbyn? Brass Washers? What exactly is the moron going to do with all this steel production that nobody wants and prices that nobody is prepared to pay. The days of mass production are gone in this country. Small, specialised, bespoke is the future. I say again, you adapt or die.
  15. Why? Its not set up as more cash = more votes. Win or Lose is fantastic entertainment which generates millions and millions of viewers. An estimate 7m + in the UK alone. Our 1:42 contribution share the Eurovision 2019 budget is pocket change compared to the average production cost of some dullard game show or hyped up 'talent' search.
  16. My biggest issue is that they have stopped using established artists and instead seem to push for some talent show contestant in some faux attempt at showing the people that their choice counts. Other countries dont seem to do that. Many of their acts are already high sellers and established before they even get put up for selection. Having said that, after seeing Madonna's performance maybe that isnt the best approach after all.
  17. Isnt that like a petulant child picking up his football and going home just because he is losing? Of course this year we were dead last - I think there is one very clear reason why that is. Regardless, England lose in the Euros and World Cup time and time again, but people are still more than happy to get all excited and support them spending thousands and millions of pounds on merch in the process. Eurovision is not about the winning. A vast majority of countries dont even get as far as the final anyway. At least the UK gets a free fast track pass each year and doesn't have the real humiliation of not even getting on the short list. It was a crap song this year. Crap staging and crap performance from a unknown whose only real exposure has been bouncing around a few talent shows. Just take it for what it is. A few hours of camp gaudy silliness each year which without doubt brings Europe together more than 1000 political statements and rallys. For those who really want to get in depth on the question Yougov have already asked. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/05/16/brits-want-leave-eurovision-52-48 Spoiler alert: It was 52/48 in favour of leave eurovision. Where have we heard those figures before?
  18. That is very true. The difference is that Clarkson was extremely popular and the face of one of BBC televisions highest earning shows. You think long and hard before you get rid of The golden goose. Unfortunately Danny Baker is not a Clarkson. He's on the Alan Partridge hours stuck at the back end of the radio 5 schedules. A lot easier to make a very swift decision to get rid and save face to the corporation against the frothy mouthed complaining public
  19. All well and good but you are forgetting two very important things. A vast majority of the Government Departments, Foreign Offices, Diplomatic Emabassies, Royal Households and Corporate Headquarters that parliament deals with in thieir day to day business is based in and around London. Its the capital city for a reason - just like every other capital city around the world. Hardly conducive to efficient running of the country to have MPs and their staff spending hours a week travelling around from city to city. Some parlimentary business can involve crossing between office building to office building, chamber to chamber dozens of time a day. Its one thing to do a short walk or drive within a couple of square miles of Whitehall or Westminster. Bit different to be expected to be nipping down from some new Parliament campus in Leeds or Manchester to the Home Office or Department of Health or the Privvy Council Offices in London. Secondly, you seem to misunderstand the prime purpose of that "accommodation" allowance. Its not about living close to Parliament. Most MPs already own houses in London as their work is obviously majority based there. The Second Home expenses allowance (which has recently been limited to single person rented flats only) is for those MPs who have constituances spread all over the place. No point putting them into some glorified hostel next to the debating chamber because that would not solve any issue. They would still need other accommodation elsewhere no matter where you choose to site a new Parliament Building.
  20. I know. Its laughable. We use Skype quite a bit at work - god help if you have to connect to a video meeting room or a cross country audio call with a crowd bigger than 5 people. With all the interference from background noise, clinking of cups, coughing, chair moving and keystokes you are lucky if you can hear more than 1/10 words. As for video quality on live feeds. Its like going back to AOL days. 650 person debate over skype. Dont think so.
  21. So you keep saying but like where? What is your solution? You claim that this proposed amount is outrageous but what would you deem to be a reasonable amount. Remember, we are not just talking about the 650 MPs here. There are 2000+ people working there just in staff members alone. Then we add on the MPs themselves, the Lords, their party officers, advisors, freelancers, contractors and hundreds of journalists and crews in that building every day. I know how much my company's new build office is going to cost and we only need to fit in 250 people. What do you think is a fair rate to build/rent and furnish a place to accomodate over 3000. £1m £10m £100m? By way of example, HSBC's shiny new building in Sheffield had a reported cost of £90m and that was just for an simple office block in a Second Tier Northern City. Even that building is nowhere near big enough to accommodate the numbers needed for new parliament nor does it come with London costs. This "tempoary fix" is potentially going to be going on for several years. This is not some simplistic case of renting out a couple of conference rooms at the Holiday Inn. A one off £500m for the purposes of enabling a mass repair to one of most prominent and important government sites is a snip compared to the £100m estate and maintenence costs just one single hospital trust racks up every year every year. Times that by the other 150 hospital trusts and then apply the same logic to Schools, Colleges, Local Council Buildings and it really starts to look like a load of fuss about nothing. Said before and said again, people have a hatred of monies being spent on what they deem unworthy - regardless of how irrational it is. You could put politicians in a damp tent with a single bulb and people would still kick off about money being wasted on lightbulbs when sunlight is free.
  22. Absolute nonsense. I know that the forum reactionaries have that great wet dream that politicians and their servants should be forced to work out of cardboard boxes and live on nothing but bread and dripping but thats not real life. Outside of government this "outrage" wouldnt exist. Face facts, this is no different than any other massive organisation and thousands of staff having to relocate out of several different buildings into a new place. Land, materials, construction workers, fixtures and fittings are all costs money. It's money that comes out of the budget for such purposes. Given the amount of money spent on plenty of other government organizations I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. Whenever stories like this crop up it's always the same nonsense about how many nurses could that pay for, how many GP's, how many social workers etc... Quite frankly it's irrelevant. Whether people like it or not the politicians and their thousands of staff members have to work somewhere. Occasionally someone has to spend money on the less "worthy" things such as paper clips and fixing leaky roofs.
  23. I dont agree with all this. Whilst these calls are clearly annoying and shouldn't be tollerated - what is wrong with a simple no thank you and hang up. Why all the wind ups and swearing and harrassing. The poor sods making the calls are probably sat there on tuppance a hour just doing a job. A job they clearly dont want and clearly hate but its a job to pay their way. Its just like the poor sods doing chugger work or market researching or leaflet dropping or canvassing. Im sure they dont want to be working as that - but its a job. Surely there is no need to make their crappy day worse by being jerks to them. No thank you and walk on. No thank you and end call. Works for me perfectly fine. If you want to be productive, report the companies, report the numbers, go after the owners and directors. That's the people who we should be antagnoising and disrupting not some poor call handler.
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