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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Ha! Amazing. He has the gall to father four children as well. I do love it when these people completely fail to practice what they preach on others. There is plenty of academia out there to show how much damage to the environment breeding can do. For those that know don't just Google the following 4 words: "Doug Stanhope climate change" A perfect, albeit swearing filled, summary of this issue and the associated environmental slacktivism nonsense.
  2. I certainly did not say anything like that. I said that change is already happening. I personally have made changes to the vehicle I drive (despite its additional costs). Change is slow and may be could be done quicker but that's down to governments and organisations, none of whom this stupid event has targetted. How many more times do I need to get this simple point across. You may think that attacking the car drivers on their way to work has "raised awareness" to some cause. Im telling you it hasn't. Its just annoyed and allienated people against their cause. No that would change if the Jobs were there. They aren't. Companies are centralised and flexible/home working for the majority of people is still far from routine. Maybe if this protest was targetted against organisations instead of innocent people driving to work then something could be done about it.
  3. You do know how the real world works right. This is not the 1800s. We dont all live in quaint hamlets with our homes, great works and places of recreation all in a 1 mile radius of us. This is 2019 the boom of globalisation and mobility, We are in a recession and are about to endure one of the biggest disruptons in our political history. If you have a career you want to maintain you go where the work is. Some jobs, just like mine, involve dealing with people all over the country. I go where my client's are. I go to where the courts are. PS: At rush hour 1 1/4 hour drive time is far far less radius than you think it is. That could be as little as people living in North Sheffield working in Chesterfield or people living in Barnsley working in Central Sheffield. I think you need a reality check.
  4. Errrm, I think that choice of wording by our fellow poster is very much an attempt of blame.
  5. heeeeey! I take it you have verified evidence that car drivers in Sheffield are the root cause of the problem of world wide climate change. If you dont then you are talking out of you Juke Box.
  6. City design is clearly not good enough is it. They have double the co2 emissions than the UK. Funny how environmentalists always sell Amsterdam as some sort of beacon of climate change harmony that we should all be striving towards. Maybe its the climate protesters who need to "wake up" and stop bothering us.
  7. No. I would have preferred to see protests and disruption outside the Town Hall and Transport Executives for their failures to invest in proper infrastructure for cyclists, proper investment in quick, efficient bus routes, off road transport systems like a proper fully off road and efficient tram network. It would have been nice to see protests in and out of the rail station to highlight the failures of our network and lack of investment outside the london region or the lack of investment in modern, efficient, clean rolling stock using alternative power other than diesel. What about protests and disruption outside car dealers and car factories to highlight their failures in investing and providing affordable alternative fuel vehicles or the dirty tricks such as the emissions scandal. How about some protest outside our discount stores and pound shops to highlight their exploitive cheap foreign labour work force in countries with some the worlds highest pollution levels with goods being transported thousands and thousands of miles which could be made just a few miles down the road if they were prepared to pay for it. That's just a few for a start. Why take the easy cop out and disrupt ordinary folk.
  8. Protests against who? I say again and again. What was the target supposed to be. Why didn't you protest and disrupt them instead of aggrivating ordinary people trying to get on with thier working day.
  9. Well actually according to the real-time air pollution index updated 1 hour ago it was Barnsley Road. But irrelevant of that, its still only at worst a "moderate" level as is the rest of the UK and most of Europe. The results show Good air quality for nearly all of the UK and Europe with a few patches of Moderate. We ARE aware of the issue of climate. We ARE doing things to tackle it already. We ARE as a society in this country making changes but cars wont disappear overnight and there is no sufficient alternatives redilly available yet. All this crap about bikes and buses simply does not work for everyone. I am one of those people. This is not central London. We dont have nice purpose built cycle infrastructure and cheap perfectly timed fully integrated, tracked and metro service timed public transport systems to all possible destinations. Yes clearly more needs to be done. Nobody is disputing that. But a bunch of silly stunts like this morning are not the way to go about it. TARGET THE PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE THE SIGNIFICANT CHANGES.
  10. Am I. Well tell you what dear, invent me a vehicle which completely avoids the necessity of any sort of polluting power either in its running or its manufacturing, get that vehicle on the road for less than say £15k and less than £50 a month running costs which can travel at least 200-300 miles continuously without needing an overnight recharge and then I may stop. Until that point, I need to get around for my job. My job doesn't accommodate cycling everywhere or using the public buses or trains without hours and hours of delays to my clients or great expense through repeated overnight accommodation. I think YOU are part of the problem for not coming up with some feesible vehicle alternative. Come on. Get on with it.... Yes of course is guess work. That's why I choose the word "doubt".
  11. I doubt it. Besides, got even less time now they have been stuck in a hold up for two hours. Said before and will say again. Target was completely innapropriate. Any awareness, any sympathy to the cause has been totally lost.
  12. A start at what?? You have said yourself that today's actions have done no good for indivuduals or the wider people or businesses. So what was the bloody point then. Talk about a missed target. Protest and cause disruption and the goverment organisations and companies who can actually do something about climate change. Protest and cause disruption at the places where it its at its worst levels and is being totatlly ignored. Protest and cause disruption in places and countries where it actually will have a clear visible affect at change. Angering, alienating and disrupting ordinary people trying to get to work is certainly NOT the way to achieve that. Whatever message was supposed to be delivered has now been lost and will now very likley be totally ignored by us ordinary people going forwards. By doing such a stupid stunt, this protest group has lost all credibility with the masses and no matter how important their cause or how relevant their messages are. they will merely now be known as nothing more than those [....chose a swear word...] who blocked traffic and made us all late for work.
  13. Errrm, I think you will find that there has never been a vote for leaving the uk WITH a deal either. It was a two choice referendum. Nobody was asking us how we would want to leave. That was nothing to do with us. Do you need a refresher... The question was very simple. "......Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union" That was it.
  14. More than likely yes - as would any leader. Its for that very reason, that despite all the bluster and hot air, none of the other cowards are prepared to step up to the plate and do the job themselves. Irrelevant of party politics you have to give some credit to her. She is attempting to sort out a mess dumped on her by her predecessor. She is trying to action a dramatic political change which half the electorate dont even want. One side of her own party is stabbing her in the front because its not hard enough. The other side is stabbing her in the back because its too hard. The opposition leader wants to agree it but has no balls to admit that in case he loses face with his party and the wider public The opposition's own plan is just as unpopular and open to all the same backstabbing. Then we have a room filled with smaller parties and independents who frankly dont care other than saying whatever makes them look good in front of the cameras and potential future voters. Who actually can succeed in this debacle. Should have never been put to the house. The vote was cast. One side won (albeit relatively marginally). The democratcially elected government in power should have been free to undertake the task without such interference and stirring the pot. This 24 months of muddying the waters, legal challenges and unwarranted and unhelpful gossip and speculation has turned an already very complex and difficult task into something bloody impossible.
  15. If almost anyone can stand how can the system be so called rigged? The problem here surely is us voters. As I said earlier, it would be a big help if people stopped with the tribal mentality and actually voted for their local candidates on merit rather than just what ribbon they choose to wear or not wear. That on its own would diversify the house. Unfortunately too many people focus on a party and PM rather than the reality of voting a single representative for their constituency. People are more than happy to whine and critique on here but how many are actually prepared to engage in the system themselves. The big majority of the voting electorate barely so much as watch any political debates on TV, let alone get involved in actual hands-on entry level politics in their local town halls or parishes. Are these is very same apathetic type of people who should be plonked in parliament to deal with high-level government matters day in day out?? I doubt that will solve many problems. Let's get real about what the elections are about.... If you don't like the party in active government then you vote for a different one. If you don't like any of the party affiliated candidates then you vote for an independent one. If you don't like any of the candidates at all then you need to nominate someone who you feel will represent you best to stand or man up and be prepared have a go at standing yourself. Without people engaging in these simple steps how else are things supposed to change. I see lots of talk on here about so-called "real people" should be sitting in government but the bigger question that needs answering is ..do these real people actually want it... Forcing people into it like mandatory jury service will simply fill the room with at least half who don't even want to be there. Hardly great for a conducive and cohesive government operation. If we take the other option of opening up to people who want to apply then that is the same as exactly what we have now. just because the house appears to be a majority of White collar backgrounds does not mean that working class people are debarred from applying. Questions may well need to be asked as to why people from manual industries or from a non university level education are seemingly avoiding politics. However an important follow up question is.... do these "real people" actually know what is involved in the job as opposed to merely what they assume and see in the papers... It's all far too easy to throw barbs from the sidelines. We can all say the immortal words "I could do that job better than them" while sat on the sofa - Very different to be actually doing it for real.
  16. Surely that will depend on whether a particular "independent" is any good. Its a bit of a broad statement to assume that they would be any better/worse than the party affiliated MPs or that it is even necesarry to have a "protest vote". Lets remember a basic fact. Despite what many people wrongly assume, in our system we dont vote for "parties". We dont even vote for a "Prime Minister". We simply vote for an MP to represent our respective constituancy. That is the only thing we have a say into. That local candidate is what matters. I did not personally vote for my current constituancy MP (who BTW is now officially an independant). However, despite my own feelings, they were the majority elected winner in this area and that's who I have to deal with until we get a choice once again. Simple democracy. There is no broad brush assumptions that can be realistically applied here. Until election time. Until the leaflets from our relevant and local MP candidates drop through our letterboxes. Until people have a chance to study the candidates and their proposals. Until people are ready to make an informed choice.... ....who can really give an opinon on such a question. Those who can concern me a great deal. They are just the type of people who blindly follow a party or blindly follow what their parents and grandparents did. I have no such loyalty. I choose on the merits of a candiate presented before me at the time. Nothing else. I really wish others would follow suit and we may have a more diverse house overall.
  17. You absolute racist and prejudicial pig. As a white and middle class person I am highly offended by such lazy generic catch all criricism against the white and moderately wealthy population. How dare you make such comments. You are nothing more than an ill informed provocative troll who is more than happy to dish it out but then runs away when challenged to give a solution to a problem.
  18. Where exactly are comic relief "exploiting workers" DO YOU ACTUALLY READ YOUR LINKS. Let me highlight a key paragraph for you..... Both said they had checked the ethical sourcing credentials of Represent, the online retailer commissioned by the Spice Girls to make the T-shirts, but it had subsequently changed manufacturer without their knowledge. Represent said it took “full responsibility” and would refund customers on request. So, CR and the Spice Girls find a company to manufacture and vet them. The company then change something without CR knowing and when the scandal comes out the manufacturer accept full responsibility The rest of the article is a load of generic waffle about supply chains, cheap foreign manufacturing and ethics of the fast fashion industry overall. So, I ask again where is the exploitation at the direct hands of CR???
  19. Yes it is. How many of the 54 countries have a majority of the population living below the poverty line? How many of the 54 countries have major overpopulation issues? How many of the 54 countries have malnutrition, food emergencies and famine? How many of the 54 countries have disease epedemics? How many of the 54 countries have a lack of basic healthcare and sanitation? How many of the 54 countries are part of ongoing conflicts through civil war and/or terrorism activity? How many of the 54 countries have corrupt and/or oppressive government regimes still in force? How many of the 54 countries still maintain a lack of basic human rights and equality for women and LGBT persons? How many of the 54 countries are still at the bottom of the league tables for education, employment and life expectancy? Just because some parts are improving does not mean we ignore the big part in the middle. That's what organisations like Comic Relief and 1001 other charities are trying to provide help with. Would you not agree that's a cause that should be raised? If so, what the hell is wrong with using a high profile person to draw our attention to it? Starving to death or being treated in an ill equiped and under resourced dirty hospital facility robs people of their dignity. What you laughingly think is "free holiday" for a celebrity filming an appeal is distrubed. Maybe if you looked over that massive chip on your shoulder every now and then you would see the bigger picture.
  20. Probably yes. But who cares. Self gratification is prime reason why any of us get involved with charity stuff. It makes us feel superior. It makes us look important. It brags to others that we care and they don't. It's the very reason why anyone who is doing something sponsored or is taking part in some challenge brags about it all over Facebook and other social media. It's exactly why companies spend millions of pounds a year on corporate social responsibility programmes so they can have their name splashed about the newspapers and sponsorship banners. The fact that Ms Dooley happens to be wearing designer boots is totally irrelevant. Her going out there will raise for more public awareness and bring more attention to the cause than some Joe Bloggs. THAT IS THE KEY ISSUE. Nobody would give toss about John Smith doing his campaign work for Africa except people who are related to John Smith. However get some well-known personality to do it and not only is there mass interest from the public there is also mass interest from the media. This is not a new trick. The royals have been doing it for decades, everybody's favourite Princess Diana was doing it, and the beautiful People and Hollywood starlets have been doing it since year dot. It's a simple fact about getting the highest profile you can. It's all about raising awareness. Lammy and the lefties like yourself can try and apply a load of racial connotation and inverse snobbery all you want but its plainly obvious to anyone with the brain that Africa is still an absolute heap that is far from being sorted out. It still needs help and there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting our attention by use of a famous face. Lammy may well have had some important message but his target aim was soooo off it's been completely and utterly lost. What he has done instead is put attention on himself and come across to the masses as a completely misguided reactionary bigot.
  21. I'm curious to know where did you park before when used to go regular? What has changed so dramatically over the years that now makes you stop?
  22. That's one way of looking at it. However many many others will interpret that as being a stubborn old mule who puts his personal 'principles' ahead of what the wider electoratoare (who he is supposed to represent) actually want. Far too focused on serving his sycophant cultish members and neglecting the mass appeal that the party has previously had. A failure who is dragging the party down. A liar, a hypocrite and incompetent dinosaur not fit for the job.
  23. The clue is in the word FORMER as in was one but now they are not. Besides they were just a candidate anyway not an elected official so it's irrelevant. In the real world that does make them just an ordinary member of the public who is just as entitled to be there as anyone else. Quite frankly if that is the reason for ditching the BBC it's rather ott and completely misguided.
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