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Everything posted by ECCOnoob

  1. Waaaa media bias.... waaaaa its all just so unfair. waaaa Jeremy is treated so badly by the press. Goodness sake. Change the record Anna. Have you seen what Teresa May gets on a daily basis? You are aware that papers such as The Mirror and The Guardian exist right? NOT ENOUGH want Corbyn's Labour. That is the simple fact. IF they did they would have stormed in front at the last election. They didn't. They would be getting repeated polling figures showing a landslide over the tories. Guess what, they arn't. Corbyn is a marmite leader and despite your wild assertions and completely inaccurate statements its not all the doing of the press. Its simply because he is crap. His hypocracy, his childish tantrums, his decision making (or more accurate, dithering), his dubious connections and company, his history, his inexperience and his incompetence is out there for everyone to see with people perfectly capable of making their own minds irrelevant of what the press try to assert upon them. He is a failure. He has turned a successful party with mass appeal to the wider electorate to a rediculous and ever increasing personality cult who now barely can keep level in the polls with what those very same "media" are declaring the most shambolic tory government in history . You really think that kind of failed performace is a signal that Saint Jezza is the new Messiah just ready and waiting to be our PM of choice? I dont think so.
  2. Horse crap. Its backward thinking old fart "yorkies" still blaming Thatcher for anything and everything despite it being nearly 30 years after she left power who are dragging this area down to the bottom.
  3. So what? There was huge disruption to the "middle class" jobs centuries ago too. It is constant evolution - this is the whole point. The world changes and people adapt. The way you people are talking its as if we have reached the absolute finite of technological advancement. The way the hysterics are speaking you would believe there is nothing further forward in the future and we are all going to be unemployed and starving to death An obsolete species just lying back while the robots take over. Complete nonsense. These studies creep up every time there is something new advancements and every time it's always proven to be exaggerated. I think the fact that in the age of AI and robotics we still have high profile organisations in my own industry still slavishly using handwritten file notes, carbon paper and fax machines clearly demonstrates how slow progress is in the real world.
  4. No but you can pick up the phone or go online or even go to an open branch and speak to a human. Let's not try to make out that we are completely losing a human element to banking. It clearly still exists. Its just existing in a much more accessible form with, quite frankly better opening times. Doris behind the counter may well be nice for the pensioners to talk to and set up their bill payment but she ain't there after 4.30 on a friday is she. Meanwhile, the rest of us are more happy being able to do it whenever we like, even in the early hours of the morning by making a simple call or clicking a mouse.
  5. I feel that is quite a stereotype against the current generation of 'old people'. They are far more sophisticated then we think. The current generation of pensioners, including several pension age people I know, are much more computers savvy, they certainly do own mobile phones and are more than happy to use modern day online services. That includes pensions and benefits being paid directly into their accounts and their widespread and confident use of modern day banking features such as debit cards, electronic transfers and direct debit bill payment. The ye olde days of people queuing up to cash out their payments from the post office every week or fortnight are long gone for the majority. Its quite obvious that that is only going to keep increasing as the years go by and we get into the next generation of pensioners. Whilst I completely get the sentiment about loneliness and people to talk to - this is a bank we are talking about not a community centre. The cold hard facts are that branches and counter services are being used less and less. Ever increasing numbers of people are banking online, using electronic payments or simply using more convenient and easier ways of paying in money. Buildings and fixtures cost money. It's perfectly understandable why banks are closing branches.
  6. Why can't the 10 men go and find another job? why can't they retrain? Why can't they evolve and adapt to the changing world? We've heard all that doom mongering stuff before.... Right back to the day when the typewriter was invented and killed off all those clerks hunched over their books then the computer was invented and killed off all those huge rooms of typists rattling away then AI and voice recognition has been invented which according to some is going to kill off all of our office jobs. Somehow we are all still here.
  7. Yeah yeah... Its all media bias init. Its all so unfair. Its all the bad press. He would be PM by now if it wasn't for the 'establishnent' why can't they all stop picking on him. ....Blah blah blah. Yawn. God sake when are you Corbynites going to sober up and face facts. 30 years on the back benches doing sod all. A professional protester thrust into the top job by some cultish campaign group. A bully and a pig headed dinosaur who is a complete turn off to the wider electorate. A man who despite the so-called worst government ever is still only managing to scrape level at best. A hypocrite, a reactionary, a weak leader and an incompetent fool who chucks out the easy soundbites from the opposite bench but hides away when the heat is on himself. Enough already with the excuses. He's a failure and needs to go.
  8. Homeless people do get housed at our expense. There is a wealth of services, organisations and charities that provide for them. Whether or not they can or choose to engage with said services is another matter. Someone being on the streets is not a black and white issue and there may be 1001 other reasons beyond the simplistic position of "not having a home" In any event it has chuff all to do with the topic under discussion or even the right thread!
  9. Ahhhhhh right. Do you know what I thought it was? I thought it was a pathetic childish nickname used by ill-informed and reactionary right wingers against anyone who dares to disagree with them. I guess I have been educated.
  10. Yes. 1. Possession of something that may be used as a weapon is a wholly different crime and punishment to conducting a deliberate attack with a weapon. You cant lock people up on what they "might" do in the future. 2. That yob did not "walk away" he was given a 12 month sentence. It was suspended due to mitigating circumstances and involvement from a mental health nurse. That's the sort of thing that get considered by a court by people who know all the facts. 3. She had mitigating circumstances and appropriate punishment including suspended prison, supervision order and banning from locations was given by a suitably qualified Judge after hearing all the facts. Whether YOU like it or not. That is the law. Different crimes have different punishments. Charges and sentences are based on what a an offender HAS done not MAY do. A case is heard on each individual merit. Different cases have completley different mitigating circumstances. If there is a genuine legal reason that a Judge or Bench has made a mistake or misinterpreted then of course there are appeals processes for such things. After all, they are human beings and falible too. However, that is for the parties and the lawyers to take up - not ill informed and unqualified internet chatterboxes like us. Now, unless you have got several years of law school and experience in dealing with criminal law under your belt and have been sat in front of each and every single one of these hearings with knowledge of both sides of the arguments and sight of all relevant evidence what makes you think that the laws are incorrectly applied? As I have said before "I personal dont like it" does not automatically equal "its wrong".
  11. I doubt it. Teenagers may have some reasoned understanding and ability to freeform a statement but the toddlers and primary kids who I heard on the local news on Friday certainly did not. "Teaching" is one thing. Parents and teachers thrusting their own views and opinions through their kids is entirely another. I'm not some climate change denier. I know the importance of humans needing to change but let's not use children to falsely attract sympathy and interest. Who really are the protestors in this action? Who really is behind it existance? All about the kids my backside adult influence is all over this. Is their some junior edition of the socialist worker they all read eh? Do all those year 11s have an interest in " Tory's out". Do those kids from finger painting class reguarly quote Donald trump enough to put it on a placard.
  12. I am more concerned about clearly pushy parents thrusting their own views on their children. In fact I would go further and say that I was very disturbed by hearing a four year old on the radio delivering what sounded very much like a scripted and ROTE learned comment. Are we really supposed to believe a four year old child has on their own merit thought up a freeform comment including words such as "climate change". "my future" "prevention" and "next 30 years". God knows what yummy mummy and hipster daddy threatened to do to her toys to force her into saying that live on air. Disgusting behaviour. Using the kids to further their own self righteous agenda. As others have said better education on the effects and prevention is what is needed not a load of silly stunts and blatent using of your children to grab attention.
  13. For all those frothing at the mouth maybe have a read of something without media bais and glossy side adverts.. http://www.scotland-judiciary.org.uk/8/2121/PF-v-Christopher-Daniel I will pick out a few key words "...she would sit on his knee..." "... very young and immature ..." ".... complainer’s parents agreed not to contact the police at that time understanding that the accused was to obtain professional help ..." ".... inappropriate curiosity of an emotionally naive teenager rather than for the purpose of sexual gratification ..." ".... no attempt to escalate the nature of the offending ...." "... complainer’s family held no ill will against the accused’s family. They indicated in their evidence that they were not seeking any form of retribution...." As some else has pointed out several pages ago there are far far more to this than is being said in the papers. The trial was three days. That's three days of evidence, submissions, arguments, cross examination and deliberating to make an INFORMED JUDGMENT. That's what has happened and that's what Justice is supposed to be about. If they victim's family really are so distraught and angry as the press are making out then there are judicial processes available to them for that very purpose.
  14. What has that got to do with anything? Emotional reactions are irrelevant when determining an impartial judgment based on facts and evidence presented in a case.
  15. So based on a published article with absolutely no context you jump to the 'opinion' that the judge should be sacked and was naive. Hmmm, very rational. As for asking the parents - why would I ? What they think is totally irrelvant. They have a blindingly obvious partiality and thus will give no meaningful response. Justice is achieved with an impartial assessment of BOTH sides of the case. "I dont agree" and "I dont like" and "i'm upset" do not automatically deem a Judgment wrong. They can appeal and Im sure they will on advice of those who actually have knowledge of the circumstances not a load of reactionary keyboard warriors throwing around 1001 uninformed "opinions"
  16. What makes you such an expert on the matter? How the hell do you know anything about the mitigation that was even pleaded. I never understand reactionaries like you (and the multiple others). I know better. What I say is right. I can make a better Judgment. Call that Justice.. blah blah blah. Its pathetic Unless you were there in the court room observing every single piece of eveidence and hearing every single argument with the legal qualifications required to make an informed Judgment you have no basis to make such comments. The only people with any sway in whether it should be challenged and appealed will be the lawyers and parties actually involved in the case. Everyone else is just giving a load of hot air on whatever side of the story they choose to pick to suit their own agenda. Guess what, trial by emotional reactionary social media storms is not justice.
  17. Oh how I love threads like this. Thousands of people who know sod all about the facts of the case, evidence, witness testimony, submissions, cross examination arguments or mitigation all chitter chattering away and claiming to know better than a fully qualified Judge who was actually there hearing it as presented in front of him. Funny how those who bang on about "Justice" only seem to care when it favours their one specific side.
  18. Ironic really considering the former owner of said publications famously hated elitist snobbery and the whole concept of the British class system. Maybe Labourites need to face facts about why their party has lost its appeal and stop blaming every tom dick and harry for its failures. The world has moved on. We are not small backward mining communities all living under the great supreme being of the trade unions anymore. Labour need to drag themselves back into the 21st century.
  19. I would completely agree. In fact I find it quite shocking some of the judgemental attitudes shown on this small thread. The way some people talk it's as if the concept of high risk, high tariff credit facilities are some newfangled thing invented in the past decade. Paying for household goods on the never never has been a concept around since the black and white days. Even before that there was plenty of high interest lose your knee cap credit dealers wandering around in the horse and cart times. Even posh people with money in the bank use high interest credit facilities to get the things they want now. Life is short and people are becoming less and less patient. As someone else has pointed out, with the exception of the perceived snobbery and unnecessary finger pointing there is absolutely no difference between some ponce waving around their amex gold card with it's ridiculously high annual fee and it's 60% interest rate and some council house tenant desperately hoping they can scrape acceptance for a £500 provident cheque. Rolling consumer credit is the same no matter what colour the card. The lower classes and so-called thick people a sneered at for selling their jewellery to cash shops and pawnbrokers however when posh people do it the revered for their eco conscious attitude and it's suddenly called reselling. Some yummy mummy purchasing the latest washing machine with its specialist organic water filter and environmentally friendly waste disposal from John Lewis finance is just the same a so-called low life thicko buying a bog standard Creda from BrightHouse. HP is still HP whichever way you trying to spin it. Who the hell are all these people to judge.
  20. It is. Thousands of people are "buzzing" about the city centre everyday. People, work, shop, visit, do business, do leisure, do studies and dine out there all day long all year round. The streets are busy, the businesses are active and there are several major construction projects happening right now. Unless you are walking around blind or at 2am on a Sunday I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Ok, ok we are not as busy and important as Leeds or Manchester. Who gives a toss? We never have been and never will. They have more population in the greater regions and more income than South Yorkshire since year dot. To try and clutch at some desperate straw and make out that Sheffield city is some ghost town with an impossible to overcome road system is just rediculous.
  21. I honestly don't know how much more simple it needs to be. It's a city centre not some single street cosy village in the Cotswolds. The city has a major dual carriageway running all around the perimeter and two major trunk roads right through the centre which covers access to nearly every one of the primary shoppers car parks. As for walking distance I don't know how much closer people expect to get. If you want fargate there are two major car parks within few minutes walk away from either end. If you want the Moor there is a specifically named and signposted car park right alongside which leads directly on to the precinct. If you want John Lewis or Atkinsons the car parks are directly above the shop and you don't even need to go outside. Castlegate has its own dedicated and signposted car park as does the railway station, Victoria Quays and the universities. Even including the old skool council surface car parks - whilst they may be a little more off the beaten track to get to they are all still within within a few minutes walk to the major streets. A simple look at a map or a sat nav program will steer people into any of them very easily. You cannot seriously tell me that of all places, Leeds is somehow easier to get to and park than Central Sheffield - that's just nonsense. I have plenty of experience of that city and after navigating the city loop, repeated flyovers and underpasses, lane changes and one-way systems their car parks are certainly no better than Sheffield's offering. They are frequently more expensive too.
  22. Out of interest, Why specifcially do they prefer Barnsley? It certainly cannot be the choice and range shops as Sheffield quite obviously far excels Barnsley's offering.
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