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  1. The mini series was an exceptionally good depiction of the case and true to the book it was based on called ‘The people vs O J Simpson’ by Jeffrey Toobin which is worth reading, the author concentrates on the facts, the DNA and witness statements to put Simpson at the murder scene. One piece of evidence at the original trial, the size 12 footprint in the blood at the murder scene proved to be crucial to establishing Simpson’s guilt at the subsequent civil trial. At the time of the first trial it couldn’t be established whether Simpson, who takes a size 12, owned this particular pair of shoes called Bruno Maglis - at the civil trial it was established that only 299 pairs had been sold in the USA. Simpson denied owning a pair, saying he wouldn’t wear an ugly shoe like that, the lawyer then showed him a photograph of Simpson wearing the shoes at a Buffalo Bills football game 9 months before the murder. ‘The image is fake, it’s been doctored to show a smoking gun’ said Simpson’s lawyers. 31 further images were sent in from the same game, ‘Are they all fake too?’ Asked the prosecutor. It’s a long time since I’ve read Toobin’s book but I recall they eventually tracked down a receipt for a pair of Bruno Maglis (size 12) that was linked to Simpson’s credit card. https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/oj-simpson-bruno-magli-guilty/
  2. https://ehq-production-europe.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/fcd33c9b64067ae33b758b7bae877b96405ada04/original/1672911775/a48548b8e028547bdad101dedb567cf8_2023_01_05_SP_Part_1_(170dpi).pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA4KKNQAKICO37GBEP%2F20240301%2Feu-west-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240301T130540Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=ef32c04c0f4bafcef5d67ce1f49e8e74a95119eb2a200d76013d709b1b63f2d1 Forumers may be interested in this document which gives a good overview of what is being proposed. For quick navigation, for NEEPSEND look up Character Area 1 (CA1), for Furnace Hill look up Character Area 2 (CA2) It looks like the council recognise potential problems with flooding on the Neepsend area sites and will be taking measures to mitigate them, ie, building at least 8m from the river, building up the river banks & incorporating building designs such as (“sacrificial”) garage space at low level with living space on top. The whole Penistone Road / Rutland Road area could do with a re-vamp to make the area useful again, there’s just been a huge pile of rubble on the site since they demolished the Osborn Mushet building in 2007.
  3. My father used to say they were the last organisation that actually knew what it was doing with the roads in Sheffield.
  4. Many thanks, Jack Grey. Much appreciated.
  5. Hi I am looking to buy a piece of woodland, ideally somewhere between Sheffield & Retford but it could be further away It would be used for woodland training and the occasional overnight 'camp out under the stars' - somewhere away from public footpaths if possible. Ideal size required approx. 4 acres but it could be larger or smaller, we're not too fussy. If anyone has some woodland for sale or you know a farmer that would sell a small parcel of woodland please get in touch with me. Thank you.
  6. You're not kidding about the long shot, I didn't find any book with 'life' in the title that matches your description, however by slicing and dicing subsets of information through different search engines I came up with a book called 'Safe' by Kate Hanney - and the front cover is a pretty good match as per your description, check it out. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Safe-Kate-Hanney/dp/0957481233
  7. I was one of the first people on the scene; I heard a massive bang so ran down to the junction to help before the emergency services arrived. I spoke to both drivers and to a witness who was driving behind the VW Passat when it was side swiped, she mentioned that the lights were on green for several seconds before they pulled into the junction so it looks like the Porsche driver was at fault. However the accident investigators can review the footage from the Passat’s journey recorder to determine what colour the lights were, the injured Passat driver told me it was fitted only two days previously and it caught everything. The front of the Porsche was almost destroyed, the driver was very lucky to only receive minor injuries and I have no doubt his life was saved by the deployment of the airbag. As usual the emergency services were fantastic when they got there and I hope all the parties involved make a full and speedy recovery.
  8. UPDATE 13-9-2015 9.00pm - Dog has now been reunited with her owner.
  9. It is definitely the Ski Village. Photos below. Ski Village fire 1 Ski Village fire 2 Ski Village fire 3 Ski Village fire 4
  10. Photos taken from the Penistone Road area at the height of the blaze, approx 9pm. Photo 1 Photo 2
  11. It used to be called Hobbies, 248 Shalesmoor, Sheffield S3 8UH Used to be a good little shop.
  12. Just found a few more pictures. Lizzie pulling a machine. Lizzie with some camels!
  13. You're welcome, there's a picture of 'Lizzie 'the elephant on THIS SITE plus some further information about Tommy Wards Elephant. on Flickr and the SHEFFIELD HISTORY CHAT "During the First World War, Thomas Ward's was heavily engaged in war activities. There was a shortage of horses which had been sent to the Front and in 1916 Ward leased an elephant (and a man to look after it) from a circus. Circuses had been stood down for the duration of the war. The firm had the elephant for a couple of years, stabling her near the factory and using her for hauling heavy loads of steel around Sheffield. The elephant's name was Lizzie and records exist that are full of anecdotes about her - eating a schoolboy's cap, putting her trunk through a kitchen window to help herself, and pushing over a traction engine. The bizarre sight of the elephant in the streets of Sheffield, led to the local saying of 'Done up like Tommy Ward's elephant', a term used to describe anyone laden down with heavy bags."
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