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About northernboy

  • Birthday 03/12/1972

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  1. There are a lot of good points in the proposal, and a couple that are dubious. updating bus stops to include real time info and seats - good bus priority signalling - they tried this before, it didn’t work, they spent thousands removing it again! trying to address queueing into the retail park - might help replace the subway with a crossing - long overdue new signals for turning right onto Greenhill Avenue - definitely needed! reviewing right-turns into side streets - don’t see the point of this at all moving Binfield Road bus stop out of a lay-by onto main carriageway - why? several proposals for cycling I will be interested to see how much becomes reality.
  2. One of the proposed Stagecoach changes actually goes the other way, and renumbers the 43a to become 42 (no route change as far as I can tell).
  3. That’s good, and I hope you never have to. Particularly when I’m facing into the sun if it’s low in the sky, I sometimes confuse 25 and 75 until the bus gets closer. I just meant that it’s more important to me to be able to tell them apart at a glance, rather than exactly what colours they choose.
  4. My main requests for bus colours would be a - colours that are easy to spot from a distance when it’s approaching b - easy to distinguish between operators at a glance, rather than having to squint towards the number as it gets nearer Some of the current buses pass both of these easily, e.g. Stagecoach Gold.
  5. I hope it’s a success. They must be confident that it will attract plenty of customers, given the size of the food hall. Definitely not somewhere I would go to eat, but I wish them well.
  6. Demolition was considered as an option, but renovation was judged to have considerably less environmental impact - plus, a group decided to get the building listed, including the car park, making demolition significantly more difficult to get approved.
  7. It will take a significant length of time to get this building ready, no matter what company takes on the task. I think the plan is for the lower floors to be ready some time in 2027. But at least something is being done, and progress is being made.
  8. I’m surprised that any WH Smith branches outside stations and airports make any money to be honest, not sure why they keep them open.
  9. She’ll be sadly missed… shame she’s not going for about 18 months, but I expect their new-ish chief executive will be making most of the decisions in the meantime.
  10. The Monki logo means they are destined to always be called MONKL, a bit like the old Gwhat Shop - remember them? I think they were behind Debenhams roughly where the Light cinema is?
  11. Urban Splash then. Hope they make a success of it. https://sheffnews.com/news/cole-brothers-urban-splash-named-as-preferred-bidders-with-plans-to-create-exciting-mixed-use-space/
  12. This page hasn’t been updated since last September, but it does seem to show reliability getting worse each year https://travelsouthyorkshire.com/en-gb/newsupdates/bus-punctuality#Sheffield
  13. I bet someone still stood up and shut the window!
  14. The shelter at that location was demolished when a car crashed into it. I was hoping the pole was a temporary replacement until a new shelter could be installed, but it’s looking more like it will be permanent.
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