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Bargepole23 last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. What's there now, a free to use MUGA, and pay to play tennis courts. What will be there after, exactly the same. And if both parties profit, and the public are no better or worse off, then what's the problem? The work of the Friends group, whilst very admirable, doesn't mean they own the park. It could well be that some noses have been put out of joint, because someone else is doing something in "their" park
  2. Nope, was working online from home during initial part of first lockdown of Covid, then back on sites, and travelling to sites, where we were asked to work not close to each other, adopt basic handwashing procedures, limit the number of people in canteens and the like. None of it was very challenging to do. Like most people, I thought it wasn't too much of a hassle to do those things, especially if it got us back to a normal state. At no time did I come across anyone and think, "Who's this hypocritical virtue signalling authoritarian, telling me what to do?" Maybe I was too thick skinned to sense it. I don't know anybody in real life who uses that phrase, or any part of it. All my mates are more concerned with enjoying their family and social life, going out boozing, playing football, watching football, working, making money etc etc. I also have never met anyone, ever, in any country, and I've been to dozens of them, who has been in the slightest bit concerned about temporary traffic lights, or roundabouts v t-junctions, or taking videos of their kids at school events, or any of the other things you seem massively over-sensitive to. They might think at the time, "This is a pain in the a***" but I doubt they dwell on it the way you seem to do.
  3. To be fair, it looks fine in the flesh, with the surrounding buildings. It doesn't look a pretty picture in that picture though.
  4. Agree with this. Seems like a lot of time and money is being spent, and a lot of development held up, just to expose a few bits of wall, that won't form any sort of visitor attraction. Just record where they are, bury them in a way that doesn't destroy them and redevelop the site. Or sell the site and get private companies to do the redevelopment.
  5. Another shout for Butterworths, or Wilson Cycles on City Road, or Langsetts on Infirmary Road. £30 doesn't sound unreasonable.
  6. What utter rubbish. What trouble have you got into by questioning and complaining on this forum? A bit of jibing and pointed discussion from others on the forum, me included. It's just a forum, who gives a f*** what gets said on here. What if the things said to you on this forum were said to you in real life, would you care? I know I wouldn't. Where are these "hypocritical virtue signalling authoritarians" active, cos I don't come across them in my life in Sheffield and my work travels outside of it. I just see people going about their lives as they have done for years.
  7. The existing courts in that location are not free to use though, are they? £5 per hour - https://tennissheffield.com/book/courts/hillsborough-park And from the article I linked to, one of the new facilities will be - "A resurfaced and redesigned, free to use, multi-use games area with basketball and football markings as well as floodlighting." Where does it say anywhere in that article that the council are selling off the land to a private company? Did you actually read the article?
  8. Shame that it wasn't at least kept in a serviceable and weathertight condition by the owners (SCC I think) and then refurbished and incorporated into the current plans for the site behind it. Now it's knackered and needs demolishing, agreed, but a pity it has got to that point.. The incorporation of older buildings/facades into new schemes (Pinstone/Cambridge St for example) adds to those new schemes in my opinion.
  9. https://sheffnews.com/news/demolition-to-begin-on-unsafe-former-sheffield-pub?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email This is a shame, used to be a nice looking building and a decent boozer.
  10. https://sheffnews.com/news/planning-permission-submitted-for-hillsborough-park-multi-activity-hub This all sounds good.
  11. https://www.insidermedia.com/news/yorkshire/stadium-plans-for-worlds-oldest-football-club-move-forward
  12. https://www.insidermedia.com/news/yorkshire/new-heart-of-the-city-office-building-handed-over
  13. Cost me 7 quid for an Uber from town to Endcliffe last night, just under 3 miles, so £26.25 for 4.7 miles from Handsworth last night does seem expensive.
  14. I walked across it last week in the rain, not in the least bit slippy. And it looks great, as you say.
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