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Everything posted by Hopman

  1. It's a very moving experience going round the smaller place. Inside one of the barracks there is a map on the wall which shows just how large Birkenau was
  2. The strength of our legal system is that someone can commit a crime and be punished according to the law in force at the time. We may not agree with the decision, but we have to abide by the law. To bring back the death penalty and hang a murderer could only apply in the case of future murders. The law lays down specific tariffs for crimes. These are respected by the judiciary. We may not agree with the sentences handed down, but there are set guidelines. To suggest otherwise could send us down a dangerous path. The original decision, reached in a court of law, was that anonymity should be granted. Whether this is a good idea is immaterial, it's what the law dictated. It was lifetime anonymity, not anonymity for just thirty years. There is a danger that someone will see a picture circulating on the internet and jump to the conclusion that the picture is of a public enemy figure. You can send a postcard to Dennis Alan, but you might be in danger of sending it to someone who looks like him. [NOTE to Mods - Dennis Alan is NOT the new identity of Venables]
  3. Road works from the lower roundabout to the turn into Morrisons.
  4. John's page is at : https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JohnOfford He's now at 60% of his target.
  5. To stop a kid pinching his Dad's card and travelling to some distant part of the country?
  6. Are they going to be sponsored by Gaviscon now? That's what it looks like..
  7. At least in the car you've the benefit of mirrors.
  8. 1911 Census has a Harry Brodie aged 36 born in Sheffield with a wife Mary aged 34, Children Annie (10) Herbert (6) ,Willie (4) , Albert (1). Harry was a file cutter. "England and Wales Census, 1911," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XWKW-T4X : 2 August 2017), Harry Brodie, Ecclesall, Sheffield, Yorkshire (West Riding), England; from "1911 England and Wales census," database and images, findmypast (http://www.findmypast.com : n.d.); citing PRO RG 14, The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Surrey.
  9. This is an important part of Sheffield's Heritage and should be protected. I see that the target is getting closer. It would be outrageous for the graveyard to become a car park when one of those buried there has done so much towards the Abolitionist movement.
  10. It was designed by the London-based architect E. W. Mountford and constructed over a seven-year period from 1890 to 1897, opening on 21 May 1897.
  11. Does anyone know the minimum size for a QR code to be readable please. I'm wanting to put one on an A5 flyer.
  12. Good to hear from you even if it's hardly good news. It seems to have been a bad year for losing parents. Two friends lost a parent as well this year. I understand what you've been going through losing someone.
  13. One incident near Greystones Road can be called Ecclesall Road, but the other near Ringinglow Road is Ecclesall Road South. However both the Star and the BBC are inaccurate in their use of images. One has a picture of rural Ringinglow Road; the other shows Ecclesall Road near Berkely Precinct (and looking the other way!)
  14. It's a good few years since one TV Channel showed 2001 in letterbox format with black bands at the top and bottom of the screen. on which they superimposed artificial stars. Then when anything appeared, it seemed to come out of nowhere.
  15. They start out by holding up a ouija board. Someone mentioned going to non-league matches. You'd certainly get the impression they'd be pleased to see you there.
  16. ....And the Angel cake of the lard came down and said unto the Shepherds' pie, "Let there be peas on Earth."
  17. If all this thread refers to just one driving school, they offer an intensive crash course available on request. - For those who need to learn to drive quickly. That's what it says!
  18. Today's breaking news story is at http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/shopper-left-fuming-after-sheffield-store-gives-her-two-old-1-coins-in-change-1-8815512 As soon as I saw the mention of the story, I could imagine the photo they'd use. No doubt in some 60 years or so, some research student will unearth the article and tell the world that they've found a picture of someone's outstretched arm. Has anyone thought to tweet the news to POTUS? Or even Mrs May?
  19. There was one at the top of Church Street near the corner with Leopold Street. With Sheffield Newspapers moving across the road, this might be a good site.
  20. Was Fairthorn Children's Home around at that time?
  21. As found online on the Daily Mail website: Probably a good idea to read a recipe before slavishly following what it says 8. EGGS You can even poach an egg in the microwave. Crack one in a microwave-safe container with 3tbsp of water and cook on high for 45 seconds after gently piercing the yolk with a fork so it doesn't explode. Turn the dish and cook for another 45 seconds. For scrambled eggs, you can grease a mug with oil, add eggs and a splash of milk before beating them together until blended. Then microwave on high for 45 seconds, before stirring and microwaving again for another 45 minutes. You can even make a fried egg. Just pre-heat a plate in the microwave, before cracking an egg onto it, piercing the yolk with a fork. Then heat for 45 seconds on high. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/food/article-4811916/The-foods-NEVER-knew-cook-microwave.html#ixzz4qTsN5gQ2 Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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