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Everything posted by Hopman

  1. Might one be Roney's on the corner of Hickmott Road?
  2. At that time of day with the light fading and there's always the chance of a child running out between the parked cars... What's the slogan? "Kill your speed, not a child"
  3. Make sure the police are aware your plates have been stolen.
  4. The important point is that any new venue must replicate the facilities already at the Central Library. As long as the facilities are retained, then the loss of a building is no big matter. We need the new library to contain a new Library Theatre for community use. I wonder if the Victoria Hall would sell their site for a new modern library building?
  5. He also wrote a very entertaining radio play "The Revenge" which lasted 15 minutes or so and had no dialogue. It was all sounds recorded binaurally. He was originally from Berlin and came as a refugee to escape the Nazis.
  6. This is all about Linux, right?
  7. Poppies are political? But national flags are not. National colours are not. National Anthems are not (even those including reference to Napoleon or crushing rebellious Scots) ??????
  8. If that freezes overnight it could be dangerous.
  9. If their software is so sophisticated that they can not only find a problem PC and the owner's phone number, then it should be possible for them to tell you which of your two (!) computers is at fault and what operating system it uses. One wonders why, if all these Microsoft PCs are showing these faults, there have been no patches to sort it out and why consumers are only able to get the problem sorted after a phone call. Personally, the best solution is to tell the caller that you use a different operating system. The Zorki 4 has had no problems of this sort.
  10. If it goes ahead, a better option (and probably a bit cheaper) would be to reach Leeds via Manchester, ignoring Sheffield completely. Almost as soon as the planned line hits South Yorkshire, it runs over old colliery workings. An engineer at Sheffield Council had said that the approach to Meadowhall from London passes over badly faulted grounds. The current line from Leeds to Sheffield is also undermined and this restricts speed.
  11. Or take her to Mayfield Alpacas at Ringinglow. You can buy bags of feed for them in the cafe.
  12. How old would the boy be? My first made to measure suit coincided with my sudden growth spurt and the trousers were soon too short.
  13. I understand some supermarkets have cctv as well, so keep the speed down with those trolleys.
  14. Krk looks a nice place and is easy to spell which will encourage them to develop the skill. Llanfair PG might be a challenging alternative
  15. I used Business Supplies Direct last year 301XL Black for £16-19 http://www.bs.direct.co.uk
  16. Putting the HS2 station in the centre of Sheffield will mean tunnelling under built up areas which will add to the cost and give us a load of subsoil/rock to dispose of.
  17. What's that got to do with buses? Unless he's going to become a coach.
  18. Transport Club at Meadowhead I'm sure someone from there used to be on the forum, but I don't remember the name.
  19. There's been an economy drive and they had to turn down the power. It has absolutely nothing to do with Boris or Dave.
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