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Everything posted by Hopman

  1. I used to use the photo lab back in the late 1970s. I think they ceased trading mid 1980s and their stocks and fittings were sold at auction on the premises.
  2. I think we need to look at the positive aspects of this. We now know how incompetent the organisers are. I just hope they are kept well away from the FA Cup Semi-Final next week (they'd probably forget to take a ball).
  3. I think it was 1974, shortly after she'd been the representative in the Eurovision Song Contest. It would not have been after Grease as that film was such a success, there would have been no need for her to tour to promote it.
  4. I never met John. My loss. I never had him as my local councillor. Again my loss. I only knew him on this forum where his contributions were always welcome. Some of his stories were to be found in the Writers' Group and I suppose that was where our paths crossed his thread about his cancer was one of the most inspirational threads I've ever come across. I shall miss him.
  5. There was a thread a few years ago regarding this area. Put "Cowlishaw" into the search box. A poster above mentioned the Cardwells - one of these was blown off a haystack in 1873 according to the thread
  6. I was in Rotherham last month and there's a temperance bar which sells Sarsparilla not that far from the main church.
  7. The distance to the horizon in miles is approximately the square root of the height in feet above sea level.
  8. Would they be interested at Sheffield Scene in this? Also the shop on the Hunter's Bar side of Barkly Precinct (whose name escapes me for the minute)
  9. To return to the original point of the thread... There's a swim Easter Saturday 4-30 to 6pm at Chapeltown Baths. NUS free with cards. BN £3 (£5 couples) £5 adults.
  10. This Sunday at 3-30 til 5pm. Prices as for January.
  11. Prices: Adult £5 (BN members £3 or £5 for BN couples) NUS free for January only.
  12. I remember looking in the local papers for news of this raid and found that owing to censorship at the time Sheffield was never mentioned by name, only as a Midland Town.
  13. Three more swims have been arranged (with a longer swim time) Sunday January 27 from 3-30 to 5-00 Sunday February 24 from 3-30 to 5-00 March is different. The last Sunday is Easter Sunday and the pool is closed. The previous week, the pool is being used by scuba divers. The solution is to hire the pool on Easter Saturday from 4-30 to 6-00pm. This is the fifth Saturday in the month, so it will not clash with Sleaford. I'm waiting for confirmation of admission prices, but I think BN members will pay a reduced amount.
  14. NUS cards will be required. It's not an event for spectators or swingers.
  15. Just for the benefit of those who saw the bit in the star and wondered when the event is, it's this coming Sunday (18th November).
  16. I received my first review on Amazon today: "It's a skilfully crafted story about lawyers..."
  17. BN is hoping to attract new members from in and around South Yorkshire and to do this we intend to hold regular swims together with saunas where possible. We are holding our first swim on Sunday 18 November at 4.30 pm; the venue is Chapeltown swimming baths. The first swim is to gain interest and feedback. It's free for BN members (so take your current membership card) and card carrying students. There will be a small fee for anyone else (£3) the swim is for an hour. accompanied under 18s are welcome. feedback will be welcome (like how often for the swim, ie monthly?) and we hope the swim shall be able to continue. Future swims will be all pay.
  18. Who buys $900 shoes? Someone well-heeled methinks.
  19. Bitterly ironic that the news breaks on here that a bookshop is closing on the day the supermarkets are swamped with the new J.K Rowling.
  20. Update: Published yesterday and starting to sell....
  21. Hi Gary, You can get it through Createspace which is the cheap option.
  22. On kindle: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Holding-Briefs-ebook/dp/B004N6371Q/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345211757&sr=8-1 In paperback: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Holding-Briefs-1-Andrew-Calow/dp/1478122757/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1345211757&sr=8-5 And since you ask, I did self publish. Since I published first on to kindle and only recently in paperback, there are two different entries. As for the content of the novels, the only difference is that the paperback includes the ISBN number inside, but this is omitted in the kindle version. One problem I did find was that going via kindle, my initial cover was an upright image with text superimposed. When i went to paperback, I used the Createspace Cover creator and needed a square image (approx 2" square). I also included the first few pages of a draft of the sequel (with a warning that this was taken from a draft and may not be exactly as in the final version).
  23. I'm in the middle of finalising Without Prejudice for Createspace and kindle. This is the sequel to Holding Briefs which came out on kindle last year.
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