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Everything posted by denlin

  1. Exactly what I said xx Hello. I am fine thanks, hope you are too. I couldn't face SF after Rossyrooney passed away, He had become a friend in real life. I still fondly remember you and the 12 days of Christmas. Dangling LOL
  2. Unless they are in a disabled bay and then it is YES
  3. You can also find the information online
  4. They say it is only for the use of the badge holder and should not be used to park by someone else to use it for shopping if the disabled person is not exiting the vehicle in which case the able bodied person can use a regular parking space.
  5. If in a disabled bay the disabled person DOES have to get out of the car.
  6. My comment originally was referring to disabled bays because it was suggested that disabled people can sit in the car IN A DISABLED BAY while the able bodied person goes in the shop. I am not daft enough to think they can't sit in the car in a normal parking space
  7. We are talking about disabled people sitting in the car in a disabled bay while an able bodied person goes in the shop
  8. But if they are not getting out of the car when they are in the disabled bay they won't need to walk on that occasion
  9. The point is that if the disabled person is sitting in the car and the able bodied person is going in the shop for whatever reason they should not use the limited number of disabled bays which are needed by disabled people who need to exit the vehicle.
  10. Sorry to hear this. Condolences from Den and Lin
  11. Hello Chris. How are you all? I have such lovely memories of your mum and dad. Hours spent eating cake and putting the world to rights. I was privileged to call them friends
  12. It's on Cowper Avenue which runs from Halifax road as you cross over from Deerlands Avenue. It needs completely gutting or better still pulling down and rebuilding. It used to be a good pub back in the 80s
  13. You couldn't have gone to Ecclesfield Secondary modern, it closed in July 1962 and most of the pupils transferred to Colley. Aedificamus was the motto of the Grammar school
  14. Could Alcoblog contact Denlin or clear your PMs ---------- Post added 09-07-2018 at 19:27 ---------- Hello Eminence, are you there?
  15. Personally I think any child deserves to be brought up by caring parents no matter what gender and the horrified should spend their obviously spare time defending the many neglected and abused children since they are so concerned with child welfare.
  16. I became a teenager in 1964. It was the best of times. Saw Hendrix and the Who at the city Hall (different times). The Move 3 times and Zappa in Manchester. What a time to be a teenager. What music. I am still going to City Hall to watch my absolute favourite singer Chris Farlowe and others from my teenage years - peace and love :love:
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