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Everything posted by denlin

  1. There is a crossing bang opposite the 99p shop
  2. That was indeed what Tony Martin had said in court and how would you like to be in the middle of nowhere and be the target of burglars. It wasn't the first time Fearon had been there and he was well known where he lived and I know because we had a caravan not far from where he lives for 7 years
  3. Had Brendan Fearon called an ambulance instead of scarpering to save his own skin the young boy would not have bled to death - blame him
  4. He shot in the pitch black not intending to hit anyone after being targeted before. If you want to apportion blame try blaming the MAN (I use the term loosely) who took a 16 year old boy to burgle somebodies house and then, knowing the boy had been shot, left him there to bleed to death. What would you do, shake their hand and ask them not to be naughty
  5. While I agree that Tony Martin was perfectly in the right to protect his property and did not shoot to kill and had his conviction quashed I believe. I must correct you while Fearon is still at large he took a 16 year old boy to his death and left him there to bleed to death.
  6. That was Brendan Fearon. He tried to sue Tony Martin claiming he was left disabled till the Sun produced photos of him cycling
  7. I agree with you and Brendan Fearon should have been held responsible for leaving a 16 year old boy to bleed to death and Tony Martin should never have been sent down. An out of character reaction when under threat for your life is not the same as a man with 13 convictions for violence.
  8. You are having a laugh. I paid full tax and full everything else for 46 years to be allowed free travel and you think it's reasonable that this should now be denied me after it has already been more restricted by taking the right to travel free on trains taken away altogether. It is indeed unreasonable and I am quite miffed by your remark
  9. Exactly when do you draw the line? This is not the first, or even second time IT'S THE THIRTEENTH
  10. It could well be Bobby Mk II in disguise, the son of the poor bird who met his demise in the helicopter fiasco, I heard he'd mutated after a forage into the marmite mines
  11. Go to pug parts in Rotherham, a diagnostic is about £25 and they only deal with Peugeots
  12. If they made the mistake you would not be driving without insurance as they will have to rectify the matter and deal internally the agent who made the mistake. They do not have to tell you the outcome of their internal investigation merely that they have ensured to the best if their ability that it won't happen again
  13. OK Dave - added Davegas Big Sexy Doug Alan? Den Lin Don 4001 Kevin Dave Graham Graham plus 1 Graham plus 2 Graham plus 3 Mr Hinks Hobbo Brian P Liam Steve H Chris412 Scottgas Dave Weightman Brad Croft Daz Woodhead Logan Hutchinson Ian
  14. Well complain to their customer services or don't have breakfast there
  15. If you weren't happy you should have mentioned it to Customer Services and asked for a refund. The word you were looking for is disgusting BTW
  16. There are traffic lights and a pelican crossing at the Herries Road entrance. Are you sure you don't mean Barnsley Road because that certainly does
  17. There are a few on the A57 or transport cafes on A1
  18. Tortoises do not live in tanks, those are turtles or terrapins. It is illegal to sell tortoises in this country as they are an endangered species. You will need a registered breeder if you want one over here. Pet shops don't sell them
  19. So what is road tax used for then? and what do the government use as revenue to repair, or not as the case maybe, to repair the roads? ---------- Post added 19-02-2015 at 08:15 ---------- Why have they done the road before the footpath? Also if you knew they were due at some point common sense should have told you to move it. BTW it is illegal to park on a footpath
  20. Was listening to this earlier http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCMQyCkwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGirGnewo4KE&ei=OvTkVO6pFqjQ7AbSqYGoCw&usg=AFQjCNEpqw9QYBGAK7m4Xs-Mj9m709XSIw&bvm=bv.85970519,d.ZGU ---------- Post added 18-02-2015 at 20:25 ---------- and this http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCEQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DbpO0lsTQSs0&ei=M_XkVOK9EYbn7gai74GQDA&usg=AFQjCNG2cn7zl1dSbs0OIsa99fDSo0cFmQ&bvm=bv.85970519,d.ZGU
  21. For the price you pay for 25 'W' clips at places like B & Q you can get 100 from greenhouse warehouse
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